IH rods in jd March 11, 2023 01:32AM
I’ve heard about guys running IH rods in Deere motors, what’s the purpose and what all has to be done to do it. Also whats the average breaking point for stock Dt rods.

Re: IH rods in jd March 11, 2023 12:20PM
Also curious on the matter

Re: IH rods in jd March 11, 2023 12:48PM
I have heard of guys running JD rods in 400 series engines. The one I know of makes over 1400 hp.

Re: IH rods in jd March 11, 2023 01:12PM
It’s all about rod length. Stroked JD generally use a slightly shorter rod to get a favorable pin height on the piston.
Popular thing with the 400 series IH is to run hardened DT407 rods. But DT407 rods are getting harder to find so only options are billet or Deere. Deere is the same length so all that is needed is to modify the big end to fit the narrower IH journal.
DT414, 436, 466 rod is 8.44”
Dt407 and JD404/466 is 8.75”

Re: IH rods in jd March 11, 2023 03:30PM
I think it was pretty common to use a ih rod in a Deere when you stroked the crank 3/4” to make a 585. Not sure which part number or application ih rod it was

Re: IH rods in jd March 11, 2023 03:53PM
Is it even worth putting stock dt rods in a tractor that’s prolly gonna be close to 1700

Re: IH rods in jd March 12, 2023 03:23AM
As long as they are hardened. They will handle it.


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