Light Pro Stock July 10, 2023 06:29AM
Heard a rumor NTPA is going to a 4.6” intake turbo limit for next year. Heard a puller sent out a questionnaire about another turbo limit. Is this true and are current light pro pullers in favor of this 4.6” limit? Or even a limit at all? What is the need?

Side Note: why does ntpa need 4 turbo limited classes?

Re: Light Pro Stock July 10, 2023 10:35PM
What’s funny is…. The same people that are pushing this are running 4.8 or bigger. This is why I won’t build for this class. Every time something good gets started. Someone wants to make rules for the good of the class. In the end hurting the numbers. 99% of the class are already buy it. Fuel supply and cubes will limit it. The 4.5 exhaust will only drive so much. Leave it alone. Worry about how we can get more payout or different venues. Rule making is not the answer.

Re: Light Pro Stock July 11, 2023 01:53AM
They should all go Component with a 4.5 ex limit and a 4.8 smooth intake limit components are much easier to work on even with a 4.8 turbo limit, they will still gain some more horsepower on the Dyno someway somehow and that’s too much on ag rears and transmissions but keeps it right around the 2800 to 3000hp mark and that is plenty and components will be cheaper in the long run and maintenance is better. I love the class but silver series needs to go to a 4.8 turbo limit also all across-the-board all across United States and 16 mm pump limit. No p8600 ether the class is awesome and we need to keep it awesome

Re: Light Pro Stock July 11, 2023 04:00AM
Obviously we dont have enough classes to keep everyone happy. We need to start several new classes to avoid conflicts like this. (*******)

Re: Light Pro Stock July 11, 2023 07:26AM
Yes let’s go component that’s a good idea what a bunch of dummy’s. If you build a tractor from modern day parts available instead of running an old junker from 30 years ago maybe they’d hold up. I hope NTPA does make that rule!!

Re: Light Pro Stock July 11, 2023 08:03AM
What’s the difference in a ag chassis when you put the same profab you use in a component? You have to cut a bunch of @#$%& off the housings for weight and you’re gonna run the latest a greatest rear emd parts anyway? So why not change component? It’s the same thing you have in a ag chassis just no housings??

Re: Light Pro Stock July 11, 2023 08:09AM
Have you priced a component chassis at all? Call up Ace chassis and ask him what it would cost!

Re: Light Pro Stock July 11, 2023 08:18AM
Yeah Mike said there isn’t munch difference this was 2-3 months ago do tell what the price difference is?

The State of Light Pro Stock July 11, 2023 08:50AM
The root of this big push to go backwards is towards the introduction of components this spring. I can understand why people aren't crazy about it and at first, I hated it to the core as well that pandoras box was opened and they couldnt be put back in. As time has progressed and allowed myself to do some thinking I've realized that it may be one of the better things for class if the higher powers and pullers handle it correctly. Forward should be the thinking instead of wanting to go backward cus "components are bad". There are easy ways make sure components aren't needed to compete, while also being allowed. So I'll get right to the chase on if it were up to me (it clearly isn't folks, relax), how the future would look.

1. Components 8200lbs, Ags 8700 lbs

What absolutely cannot happen is pullers with ag chassis feeling like what they have is junk and stay home. Give ags more movable weight and a 500lb advantage. Maybe it'll be too much, maybe it'll be too little. Hopefully we can find out. Also Right now you cannot get a new component in a minimum of almost 2 years now unless you build yourself and anyone with a used one for sale will know what they're worth. The class cannot afford to just wait until more components come out while the ags stay home. I'll agree the costs of both are almost the same now If one wants to get crazy. But if someone can still get an ag chassis in reasonable time and knows they can compete, why should they hesitate. Components should be an option out of WANT instead of need for competition in our class. And how would you like to have your new ag chassis ready and it all be for nothing when you culda just built a component. We all know if someone started fresh they would take the component because of a little better durabilty and ease to work on. So for right now the appeasement needs to go to ag chassis while they occupy 90% of the class at this time and the components filter in. Another thing that hasn't been done yet is a healthy class that has both chassis competing well against eachother on a daily basis nationwide. This is the oppurtunity to try it and make it happen.

2. A 5" inlet by 4.5" outlet turbo, P7100 pumps

As stated before most tractors are above 4.6s already. We had to take off turbos already once in 2019. Let's not do that again. This would allow 95% of us to keep on what we have while the power increases are marginal from here on out. The fuel delivery also has to stay where it's at. Sigma style and larger housing pumps would add another level to power increases that just aren't needed. Also an area of my concern is what would differentiate us from the 4.1 limited pros then if we go backwards? We have an abundance of 4.1s in my area so why would a promoter book us when the 4.1s have the numbers? You might as well run a 9000 combo class in NTPA. The class needs to remain special.

All in all, this is an awesome class and I'm proud to be apart of it. I wanna see it grow, not split. Hopefully my fellow class members can see my post and think about this with an open mind and not get all triggered. I am not pro or anti component, I am simply pro-light pro stock. Those that wanna discuss this privately, I'd love nothing more than to hear other view points. Im easy to get ahold of. Thanks!

Collin Birkholz


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