Ntpa banquet September 20, 2023 10:50AM
Is the NTPA banquet even worth attending for a regional tractor? I hate to make a long trip for nothing. We won our points this year. When is the banquet?

Re: Ntpa banquet September 20, 2023 01:55PM
Why do you believe it is "for nothing'? Yeah, with that kind of attitude, you might as well stay home, as obviously no one will miss you. Saturday December 2.

Re: Ntpa banquet September 20, 2023 02:32PM
I hear they are having the banquet in their new (to them) office/auction/antique emporium/ band arena.

Re: Ntpa banquet September 20, 2023 06:59PM
If you won the points, try the banquet, if you don't get much out of it, you don't have to go next time.

Re: Ntpa banquet September 21, 2023 11:12PM
We attended the first year we started in 2018, we had a great time and met a ton of good people. Don't expect much focus on Regional folks as all the attention is focused on GN. We do plan on going back this year but don't expect much change lol.



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