Farm show livestream
Does anyone know if the farm show pulls will be live streamed this year? I have looked but can’t find anything about it. Thanks |
Re: Farm show livestream
Posts: 1,223 | Brent Yaron Hooked Up Pulling Productions |
Re: Farm show livestream
Once ordered,can I watch it later as well? |
Re: Farm show livestream
You really wanna grow the sport??? Make the live stream free. |
Re: Farm show livestream
Posts: 1,223 |
How do they make money then when everyone decides to stay home and watch for free? Brent Yaron Hooked Up Pulling Productions |
Re: Farm show livestream
Figure it out. |
Re: Farm show livestream
You really wanna grow the sport??? Offer solutions other than "figure it out". |
Re: Farm show livestream
Registered: 03/27/2008 Posts: 1,171 |
We changed to free live streams during last season.
We had 10k to 25k views on the streams (beating the numbers of some "more prestigious" racing series that put their races out for free) - that is something you can sell to sponsors. I have worked with promoters who have spent upwards of 30k to have a screen and filming crew on site, because they could sell the ads on the screen (and to make people watch the screen on site, put replays on there). Pushing it out on YT more than doubled their audience on the ads... That was more money than we ever made on doing it pay per view. Others have been doing free live streams for like 4 or 5 years now. They don't know where to put the crowd anymore. Another factor: A live stream on YT, once YT figures people don't switch off during ads, will be pushed HEAVILY to people YT considers "potentially interested". So you get pulling out to a pre selected group of people that usually watch stuff that is related to tractors / motorsports. You want cheap advertisement to your target audience? That's one way... [] Floating Finish - the German Tractor Pulling Web Show and EU Live Streams: [] Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/21/2024 11:00AM by Sascha. |
Re: Farm show livestream
Registered: 08/16/2021 Posts: 361 |
Free doesn't work. However, the livestream this year cost more than a ticket to attend the session in person. Have went for years but can't be there this year. But no chance I'm paying $40 to watch saturday night on tv. There will be plenty of video posted by others that won't cost me anything. Wont be live but I'll still get to see it. $40 per session to live stream this event is a great way to ensure low viewership numbers. I wouldn't normally consider myself to be a cheap person either and I'm definitely a big fan of the sport. Shout out to Brent and other for making the livesteam for the pullers championship $25 which I believe to be a bit more realistic for a live steam. Consider this, a ticket to actually be in Broadbent if purchased directly from the farm show and not resale is less than $40. A ticket to BG is $5 to sit and I think a ticket to get into the grounds is $25. Theres no logical reason for a livesteam to be $40....... |
Re: Farm show livestream
Registered: 08/16/2021 Posts: 361 |
A floracing subscription for example is $12.50/MONTH to watch all previous videos and anything live happening that MONTH.
I'm not interested in racing but wanted to look into this for comparison sake. |
Re: Farm show livestream
Registered: 03/25/2008 Posts: 2,560 |
I absolutely love this motorsport. I'm excited to see the pull in-person in a couple of days. I don't take for granted that I have one of the best seats in the house and I get to sit with some of the best people, people I look forward to talking with and hanging out with. I look forward to this pull every year. I'm in the upper tier of loyal fans of the sport.
Also, I'm not against spending money on this sport for entertainment. I've lost a dumb amount of money running this website for the past 27 years. I don't want to calculate it or think about it because it would probably make me mad if I knew how much money I've spent on this site (and sport) over the years. I'm not against losing money at this motorsport (I'm actually pretty good at it!). All that said, there's no way I'd spend $40 to watch a session of the NFMS on TV if I couldn't make the show. None. I'd do the exact same thing you mentioned... wait a day or two and watch free clips on Youtube. I just don't think $40 is a reasonable price. I completely understand all the points Bryan Lively made and they are all valid points and I completely agree that it's best in-person. But $40 is just too much in my opinion. Jake Morgan Owner, PULLOFF.COM Independent Pulling News This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated. Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal. |
Re: Farm show livestream
As someone who has been many times but don't get to go anymore due to work/family circumstances I was excited when they first announced the live stream a few years ago. But now at $40 I won't be buying it. That's just too much. I don't really think making the live stream cheaper (let's say $25 like some of the others) is going to convince people to stay home instead of making the trip. This is one of those shows/pulls that if you're going you're going and the availability of a live stream doesn't really have any effect on that. I'd love to buy the live stream but it's hard to justify. Like others said I'll wait for the videos to be posted all over social media and look at the results when the pull ends. |
Re: Farm show livestream
I will be trying the live stream for the 1st time ever. $40 seems like alot, but if you get all 5 sessions for $150, its not terrible. Just wish they had another mod class and mini`s. |
Re: Farm show livestream
Registered: 02/18/2018 Posts: 251 |
you can watch it anytime from when it airs until next year's Farm Show Pull |
Re: Farm show livestream
IH 5488
I will have to agree on a couple things. Now I cannot get away from the farm to come during the week not because I don’t want to. I just can’t get away that much. Next, I don’t see any reason that live streaming an event needs to be as much as what the ticket would be if you were going to attend in person if the ticket price is $40 I think there is a lot of money to be made if you charge $20, if the event is sold out like Saturday night, anything you are getting from the live stream is extra gravy that you would not get if you didn’t have the live stream. I don’t buy this argument that it cost that much to produce the live stream I think that a live stream should be about half as much as whatever the ticket price is to get in the door , that seems like a fair amount . |
Re: Farm show livestream
I have not been to the NFMS show for awhile now. The 40$ to live stream is a very interesting situation. I would assume you can get a ticket to the live show for 10 - 20 dollars per session ? ? On that same note what would 3 beers and a hot dog or hamburger cost me at the pull?? |
Re: Farm show livestream
Registered: 07/09/2008 Posts: 138 |
Pretty sure you're close to 35 bucks for that combo. |
Re: Farm show livestream
Shoe on other foot
So if you sell your product off the farm and exceed your projected profit, you going to give the next guy that buys your product a great deal all because you have already made your profit? I think not |
Everything can't be five cents, Charlie Brown...
Registered: 07/09/2008 Posts: 138 |
For those of you who cry that it's too spendy, here's a few things to consider.
1. Does the NTPA have to pay royalties to the Farm Show (and/or the Kentucky Expo Center) to broadcast the show? I don't know, but I know enough about exhibiting at the Farm Show to know that absolutely NOTHING is free. Not a carpet square, not an electrical hookup, not even an extension cord. If I had to guess, everybody gets a cut; the Farm Show and the Expo Center. 2. They're not live-streaming the show using iPhone 12s with battery packs. They're using quality equipment, and quality equipment is expensive. Heck, I'm a one man show and I only shoot still photography, but you couldn't replace the two lenses and one camera body that I use for less than about $8K....and some of that gear is going on 7 years old! (That's equivalent to the difference between an 8410 and an 8R in camera years...) 3. They're skilled operators. Most of you who'll read this post could not do what they do because you don't have the experience or skill. Experience and skill cost money, just like they do in the horsepower game. Furthermore, their job doesn't start when driver intros do, and it's not over when the mics get shut off for the night. They're putting in some LONG hours. 4. Travel costs add up. Nobody rides a magic carpet to and from their home to get to Louisville. Those of you who come to Louisville know how expensive it is to be here for the week. Cut 'em a little slack. Go together with a coupla buddies and split the cost, enjoy the cheap beer prices, and quit yer whining! |
Re: Everything can't be five cents, Charlie Brown...
Could not agree more I was trying to say that but did not want rock the boat! Actually I live in northwest iowa and between the gas to drive and the motel rooms and tickets and food and beer etc etc thats an easy 2000$ get away for a few days! 40$ per session I am good with that!! For @#$%& sakes people tickets are going for 1000$ to watch caitlin clark play!!!! |
Re: Everything can't be five cents, Charlie Brown...
IH 5488
I am sorry people but give me a friggin break charging people a high price just because you can is getting ridiculous. Everything on the the farm equipment side whether it is parts or equipment has gone through the roof. Seed corn went up 15 percent why because they can. You can’t tell me that there is no profit charging $15 less a session and selling more subscriptions. I was born but wasn’t born yesterday at some point people are going to push back because there is a limit to what people can pay or will now I promise you a tipping point is coming. |
Re: Everything can't be five cents, Charlie Brown...
Registered: 07/09/2008 Posts: 138 |
So if “everything” has gone up, why should a live stream be exempt from that? I mean, by all means, push back if the $40 is a bridge too far. That’s your right and you’re right - if enough people push back, they may well drop the price in the future. Just know that this stuff isn’t cheap to produce. Lots of moving parts, and lots of people and organizations that need to get paid. (I mean, look at Ticketmaster’s service fees…it’s not like all the money goes to the band.) |
Re: Everything can't be five cents, Charlie Brown...
I can tell you have never been around live production. Just for the right to broadcast live or record from the venue you may have to pay a broadcast fee to the arena which could be up to 10,000 dollars or more. Then if this is a union venue every production person you bring in will have to have a shadow. Which means you pay a person to sit in the corner and watch you work. Just to get your gear to the spot might take teamsters, IBEW and IATSE. Then you have to have an Electrician, Video person to watch you or do the work. On a show right now that went to a union building that I can't even push a case across a room. The clients bill went up almost a million dollars from last year. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/14/2024 09:47PM by mh49. |
Re: Everything can't be five cents, Charlie Brown...
Posts: 364 |
$40 a session for live stream seems like enough.
The argument about royalties and everyone in the chain taking a cut....that is entirely possible, I don't know. The argument about camera and equipment cost to allow a livestream...... I will simply say this - they have been filming this pull for many years (on screens in the building, replays, DVD sales), cameras being present isn't anything new, I'd be surprised if they bring in special cameras just to stream with, but anything is possible. The announcers are also already part of the show. So, I'm having trouble with the fact that the live stream would cost a large amount to implement - might be completely wrong though who really knows? Like most retail items, you would likely sell beyond more than double if the cost was half. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/12/2024 11:48PM by FarmersFun. |
Re: Farm show livestream
Registered: 03/25/2008 Posts: 2,560 |
I completely agree. The livestream is simply what's been shown on the jumbotron for a few decades now. The only difference is they stream the exact same feed to the internet. The added cost of that is minimal. As for everyone having their hand in the jar... sure... it's a state run event everyone has to get a cut.
The truth is the market for the livestream is very, very small and those loyal people will probably still pay. The powers that be see $40 as the optimum cost that won't cross that tipping point of value. To me it's way too much, to others it seems like a good value. I honestly can't think of ANYTHING I'd spend that much money on to watch on TV, but that's' just me. Jake Morgan Owner, PULLOFF.COM Independent Pulling News This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated. Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal. |
Re: Farm show livestream
It's a lot less stress for them to sell 500 subscriptions at $40 than it is 1000 at $20. |
Re: Farm show livestream
Buy it or don’t, we all have opinions. I like to be entertained occasionally, and pulling is a thing I like. We all have choices |
Re: Farm show livestream
I got all 5 sessions and so far it`s been great!!! If you can`t be there, this the way to go!!! Highly recommeded!!! |
Re: Farm show livestream
I can tell you for a fact that a hardline internet line will run $2,500 to 5,000 a day. And it will be limited to 10 or 15 gig. This past month and up coming the internet bills for are shows run that much per line. WiFi can run $25,000 to $100,000 per day for a show of tenth of the size of the NFMS. I bet the internet bill for the week of the show is easily in the millions per day. |
Re: Farm show livestream
Posts: 1,223 |
How are you figuring these numbers? Brent Yaron Hooked Up Pulling Productions |
Re: Farm show livestream
KyleC where do you figure those kinds of numbers from?? I as well as many others would say your higher than giraffe nuts and talking out your rear. |
Re: Farm show livestream
Its the truth. Couple of examples. Have a show here in a couple weeks and the client wants to do a simple live stream to thier facebook page. The only way that is allowed is they forst have to pay a 3,600 dollar fee for rebroadcast/filming rights. This venue only hold 3,000 people. Then you have to have thier camera people run/setup/run the camera. You can direct them but its thier people. So they are not doing it.
Just finished another week long show at a huge hotel that was a union held hotel. The labot from last year to this year went up almost 300,000 dollars. We paid people to sit in the lunch all day. They would show up go to the room and never leave. Also wasn't allowed to touch anyhting. Could not push a case out of my way. To just get the show out and loaded to 5 different unions. Venues make thier money on fees. Its why ticket prices are so high and have so many of them from the venue. Plus you add in this is a goverment owned building and that add a while different layer of cost in. |
Re: Farm show livestream
Registered: 03/27/2008 Posts: 1,171 |
And I thought our unions would be bad... Floating Finish - the German Tractor Pulling Web Show and EU Live Streams: [] |
Re: Farm show livestream
Registered: 03/27/2008 Posts: 1,171 |
There is no need for hard wired line to do a live stream?
Bonding, SRT or Ardent streaming protocols with a short delay for buffering, Starlink mixed with just some weak cell signal and you're all set. I have streamed this with a single 5G router and without Starlink. [] A HD stream on H.265 will look crystal clear on 5000 kbs/s upload speed. Floating Finish - the German Tractor Pulling Web Show and EU Live Streams: [] Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/21/2024 10:56AM by Sascha. |
Re: Farm show livestream
I bet you don't charge $40 per event either. |
Re: Farm show livestream
Registered: 03/27/2008 Posts: 1,171 |
As written further up - we put events on YT, free to watch.
Can't charge, when the pro stuff is 5.99 a month and the Nürburgring puts out everything for free. We want people to follow pulling, not Porsches, so they come to see our events and not theirs. Floating Finish - the German Tractor Pulling Web Show and EU Live Streams: [] Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/22/2024 01:10AM by Sascha. |
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