BG Tickets March 01, 2024 04:37AM
Been trying all morning to get a hold of the BG ticket office all I get is a busy signal. Is there something going on with their phone or is it that flooded with calls that just I can’t get in called close to 40 times just this morning, anyone else experiencing this issue?

Re: BG Tickets March 01, 2024 05:06AM
When I've been there in person the phones do not stop ringing

Re: BG Tickets March 01, 2024 08:32AM
BG is a big deal — saw where some locals had even camped out so they could be there first thing in the morning. In regards to phone orders: from my understanding, only two people handle all of the calls. I could see how the lines could be busy most of the day.

John Murray
Two-time Pedal Pull World Champion

Let's Go Pulling, covering the sport of pulling in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Alabama.
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Re: BG Tickets March 08, 2024 01:46PM
Last year the phone company registered nearly 33,000 phone call attempts on March 1st alone. I wouldn’t doubt this year was any different. People that camp out to be first aren’t only locals. There are usually people from other states too.

Re: BG Tickets March 10, 2024 08:27AM
Looks like the new rules haven't affected sales


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