Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
Fort Recovery Ambassador Park NTPA pull has instituted a ban on all carry in beverages into the seating area during the NTPA pull, including water. It has had a ban on carry in alcohol for some time because of state law according to them, but this is the first year for a ban on pop, water, coffee, and other liquids. Website states empty coolers only, will allow ice. I perceive this as a money grab and I believe they are shooting their self in the foot again, just as the pull has been improving the last two years since prior bad decisions which has hurt the pull. It would be just as fine to watch the pull on the internet live either at home or in the camper in the air conditioning in my easy chair with my own drinks. I could also see setting a tv at our camper and have our group watch the pull from there with us not paying to get into the seating area. Maybe I’m making a big deal out of nothing but everyday we seem to lose a little more of our freedoms. My response will be to avoid doing business with any of their sponsors and inform them of my displeasure. What does others think? |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
Posts: 523 |
Kip, I would recommend that you become a promoter and show them how it is done with no beer or beverage sales. --- |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
Pulloff needs a like button! Well said Ryan! |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
Mn fan
If the food and beverage sales are in any way some type of a fundraiser for a non-profit such as a Lions club, church group , youth sports etc. I don't have a problem buying my beer at a pull. If you feel the need to consume so much beer at a pull that you cannot afford to purchase said beer, maybe you need some help. Please contact you local AA. |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
Registered: 03/14/2010 Posts: 77 |
Bold, with this, you have never been to a pull at the Fort. ![]() |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
One thing about the Fort, There beverage prices are reasonable! |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
get over it.
get over it. if you can't afford the concessions, I think you should consider just staying home period. it appears you may have bigger financial problems to worry about than going to the local tractor pull. OR, as stated above, if you're that desperate for so much beer you'll bankrupt your family. you need help. Going to these pulls is a luxury. When I go to a local brush pull, I take a couple hundred dollars with me just so I can buy t-shirts, my wife a funnel cake and lemonade so she's quiet the rest of the night, or whatever. We know these pulls are happening roughly the same date every year. Plan for it. as stated above. until you make the investment the pullers have for absolutely nothing in return other than putting a smile on fans faces at their expense. it is what it is. |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
"My response will be to avoid doing business with any of their sponsors and inform them of my displeasure. What does others think?"
Impressive mountain you've made out of this molehill. |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
It truly amazes me that this doesn’t bother anybody else. You are better people than I am. It seems we lose more privileges and freedoms every day and no one cares. Being a diabetic my beverage of choice is sugarless ice tea which they haven’t offered before but water will be ok. We have a few young couples in our group which have young children. Usually they will bring in a zip lock bag with chips, pretzels, watermelon squares, dry cereal, and such for the kids to snack on. I always thought of pulling being a family sport but it seems they are passing rules that discourage a family with small children. What would be their reason for this rule? They say they want to reduce the number of drunks. How does restricting non alcoholic beverages help this? The only conclusion I can figure is a money grab. Why not raise tickets a dollar or two and give us back one of our freedoms. I also wonder if the town of Fort Recovery and the mayor are in favor of a policy that discriminates against families with small children. I’ve always been in favor of the less rules the better. Just my opinion. |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
Interesting take by KIP ? I t sounds like you want to buy a ticket to an event and bring your own food and drink! I hate to say it but in the real world that sh$$ don't fly!! For example is that allowed at a movie theatre HELL NO!! Is it allowed at our local county fairs HELL NO! And by the way they gave you plenty of notice so if your that concerned save up a little extra money if you want to go in person, if not do like you said and watch on tv! Also my wife and kids went to a movie tonight tickets and snack was 55$ that is for 3 people the movie was 90 minutes long !! Going to a tractor pull is still a great value for what your getting! |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
Registered: 04/04/2008 Posts: 1,629 |
Being an t1d(insulin dependant diabetic) food and drink is very important to me,carbohydrates are our worst enemy.ill use the biggest pull as an ex,there is not 1 food item for sale on the grounds that I'm aware of ( in my going for 50 years) that's friendly to the diabetic lifestyle.when I was young my parents always carried food for me,and I continue to everywhere I go,it's extremely important for us to know how many carbs and sugar is in our food.i take enough bread,lunch meat,and cheese,I know exactly how much insulin to take based on my future activities,even tho my cgm and pump are great we shouldn't make life harder than it needs to be,which this does.i could walk back to the truck a few times I suppose to eat/snack,that can be tough sometimes drink of choice is sugar free tea,or 0 carb smirnoffs,which neither are for sale at any facility...I would stay home a d stream this event now based on this decision,it's not a big deal,I'm still enjoying the pull in comfort at a watch party at my garage or the local bar...I do realize there's 100s of millions of non diabetics,and there's 10s of millions of us,youde be surprised how many t1ds I see at bg,easy to spot wearing cgms and pumps...I'll have a watch party instead of our "group" going ,I'm the fort loses on my 8-12 people gate admission,but gains 1 livestream sale....
I am completely aware this isn't a normal situation,but it's my view/opinion |
Interesting post about insulin dependent fan.
Moderator Registered: 03/25/2008 Posts: 1,625 |
My daughter ( Jake's sister)Kassidy was type 1 and I just looked up the ADA rules for complying with the law. There are several rules that they need to follow to comply with the ADA pertaining to events open to the public.Very interesting and detailed information. Google " ADA food at events ". Not everything is "cut and dried " as one would think. Dick Morgan Independent Pulling News Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/25/2024 03:04AM by Dick Morgan. |
Re: Interesting post about insulin dependent fan.
Great point about ADA. Juvenille diabetes is another concern for kidos with very restrictive diets or severe food alergies., and even kids who are extremely picky eaters. This post was originally about how this stressed families with kids, and has somehow morphed into we are all crazy, cheap drunks and should either put up as much money as a puller/promoter or shut up. Again, the clarification I received was that kids snacks, milk juice and sippy cups etc.... would be allowed with common sense being used. The idea that we don't spend any money other than on tickets is a far fetch. Specific to the FORT we spend a small fortune on food(my kids love ther chicken tenders and fries), t-shirts, sometimes toys, 50/50, and always try to hit a local restaurant on our way into or out of town. One my wife and I want to take the kids to this year is Wendel's BBQ, highlighted on the Ambasoadors FB as a sponsor. We really want to take the kids to the Ambasador pool as well. I can count on 1 hand how many beers I have had at pulls over the years, just doesn't interest me to get plastered at an event with my kids, my high is on the track. Yes I would love to own a pulling vehicle, hauler and all that Jaz, but reality is many in the crowd will never be able to afford it. And yes I have seen it posted a thousand time when topics like this come up "just stay home" ... well I don't plan on it, because with this particular case the clarification for kid friendly items is what was key and originally what the post was about. Again, only been to a handful of concerts in my life, don't go to NFL games probably never will or anything else so highly priced in that category and for the first time this past winter we attended Monster Jam and it will be a long time before we go back. I have never been to NASCAR either but my assumption is they have priced many of their fans out, but truly can't speak to that with out knowing more. The FORT is our families favorite destination pull we go to and have convinced 2 other families to bring their campers and kids this year because it is so much fun. (We try to go to about 10 pulls a year.) With all the talk about alcohol it is my interpretation that the new rule is to limit or eliminate the carry in of it... to me a simple fix would be to just throw the alcohol out at the gate or tell them to take it back to their vehicle (I know that takes more man power, but I have stood at Arcola several times in line and watch a staff member and county sheriff tell a guy to throw out the alcohol or take it back to the truck) Instead, the rule felt like a punishment to families and individuals who follow the rules, but as I am saying for the third time now I did get clarification on kids items... and my wife and I are planing to spend a little more on food and drinks for us this year. My kids literally ask every other day when we leave for FORT RECOVERY! The excitement for pulling in my family is strong, but I will say that if pulling events were to ban any and all food or drink items for kids much like a Monster Jam then I would probably limit the number of event we go to especially when it's 4 to 6 hours of pulling on a real hot day. |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
I agree with Kip on this. Having 3 kids ages 7 and under can be a bear to plan for snacks, juice, bottles etc... I did get clarification and kids water bottles, juice, sippy cups and obviously formula will all be allowed. Quote, "common sense will be used" for these items. I believe it to be a money grab as well, which is sad........ there is a reason why I take my family to about 10 pulls a year and not the movies, Monster Jam or many of ther other events that have these rules. The higher powers have always said, "it's a family event and that's what its really about"... but I don't see how this move is about, or for a large portion of they spectators, families. We have been camping for 5 years now and will continue to. Had 3 other families planning to come with us this year with their campers and kids, but one has decided not to because of this new rule. We will plan accordingly and still have a great time, but I feel for those who this will stress enough to keep away. To me tractor pulling is one of the best gems of entertainment because it is still affordable to go and watch multiple times a year. I just hope other pulls don't continue this as the standard or some of us might get priced out. One last note, I wonder how many people who have been going there for 30 plus years will either have one heck of a surprise at the gate when they get there or won't come at all. |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
Hidden Username
And this is why Pulling is in the shape it is in. Y'all's are some of the most cheap, tightwad fans on the planet. Apparently the entertainment value is not worthwhile for you to have to support local youth groups, churches, small businesses, etc. that are all willing to help this event even be possible.
You won't go because you can't take in your own beer, yet you will overpay for the livestream that everyone complains about.... Seems reasonable... |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
Registered: 04/04/2016 Posts: 122 |
These are the same folks who go see Jelly Roll or some other crap on legs for Hundreds of dollars and buy $12 Beers and talk half the day Monday at their job about how great a time it was! Good don't go, until you have promoted an Event your opinions mean ZERO! Most events let Kids 10 and under in free or something similar. Or how bout this become a Competitor, and lets see, last overhaul on Blown Hemi we did with upgrades was near $15K. Have a $500K Hauler that gets 4.5 MPG going to events, ++++++, so you wining about buying drinks at events or Promoters should actually Lose money unless its for Charity doesn't even show on my Radar!
BB |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
Registered: 03/14/2010 Posts: 77 |
When you promote an event, what percentage of concessions sales goes to the promoter? |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
Registered: 11/24/2019 Posts: 282 |
Most vendors pay a flat fee for their space, sometimes based on frontage used, some by square footage, some vary by products being sold (food vs. merchandise). Would be tough to do on a % basis since most of the sales are cash, and it would be relying on the honesty of the vendor to be accurate. |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
Registered: 03/14/2010 Posts: 77 |
Percentage was the wrong terminology, my fault. Charging a commercial vendor a fee I can understand that, but charging the local 4h/ffa/school org/church/scout troop/whatever, Is that really ''supporting the community'' as long as the promoter gets their cut ? Even in the small dirt farmer pull I help with, when the local ffa did the concessions they were charged a fee. (I was't part of those decisions, but when I heard about it, I voiced my opinion to no avail.) |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
Registered: 04/06/2016 Posts: 138 |
I will jump in. I have 5 kids. I have spent several dollars on shirts, hoodies, food, tickets rides, and so on. The cooler with watermelon, pineapple, water, juice boxes, crackers, chips, and on and on. Let that happen.
I currently watch the pulls on tv., at home. I have 3 kids that would pull a tractor, mini, or truck. So far they have not commented to help, pay for it, or drive to and from. Every dollar counts. Especially with fuel prices. Food prices. I have went to BG the last few years and when I go I plan on spending $1000 when I leave the hose. Camping/ hotel, food, fuel, tickets, and whatever. I am 2 and a half hours away without Cincinnati traffic. Every dime adds up. The time I pulled there was the least money I spent in the last 30 years. |
Registered: 04/04/2016 Posts: 122 |
I can only speak to the Event I was involved with. 0% came to the Promoter Group at Springfield, the Fairboard ran the concessions and captured all the sales on that. We were allowed to bring in certain vendors and sell them space, but Fairboard had right of refusal. We did run the Beer sales and got all of the proceeds off that, which is a great deal for a Promoter, but much work running and watching over that making sure you didn't get your pockets picked by the vendors. Plus we are in the Bible Belt, so every Karen had to be sure and tell us how sinful we were being to sale Beer at our Event, even though it was a Charity Event and we donated umpteen Thousands of dollars to Charities.Our Focus was to raise as much Sponsor money as possible, and without it we would have been Bust! Our Event all in was $70K plus for one night and we could at best break even on Gate sales. It is a Year round job running an Event, and my experience was just a One Night Champions Tour Event, I cannot imagine what it takes to do BG or Hillsboro Wi or Tomah. Thats why I say go volunteer and help these Promoters, especially before getting on Social media bad mouthing their Event, you will have a way different point of view.
BB |
Ambassadors at Ft Recovery
Registered: 01/07/2022 Posts: 130 |
They have some of the most fair prices anywhere. I’ve seen people go to country music concerts like Buckeye Country Superfest here in Columbus, Ohio and drop $12 a beer and $8 for a bottled water like they had just won the lottery. Pulling fans have been spoiled for a long time. Most county fairs where we run you can get in for $10 or less, $20 a head if you include pit pass. Not very many places left you can go see the type of equipment guys are putting on the track even at the regional level for that price. I don’t see the harm in a promoter tightening the reigns on their event. |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
Registered: 03/14/2010 Posts: 77 |
Pulling ain't "in the shape it's in" because of the fans... That's the second most sillyist thing I've seen posted on here. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/25/2024 07:34AM by top row fan. |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
Face in crowd
What do I think? I think your freedoms reference shows that you don’t understand that concept. Your freedom is not being limited because you never had the freedom to prance around from event to event bringing in whatever you wish to begin with. Don’t mistake someone letting you bring in food and drink with you having some sort of constitutional right. Get off your ass and buy a couple waters. Support the pullers or stay home and bitch. |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
Am I the only one wondering where all these pulls are that allow carry ins?
None in my area do including the antique events. There are even 2 events on our schedule that don't even allow pullers to bring in coolers, get caught with one and they make you leave. Be grateful for the time you had where you could carry in and realize everyone is in the same boat. It may be a "money grab" but things are also more expensive for all the non profits and promoters just as they are for us. They can't keep charging prices from the 80's when were in the 20's and everything they pay for to make the event go has raised in price like they have for us. Take it out on the sponsors (craziest idea I have heard in a while) and the promoters and soon there won't be a pull because they won't have the money to put it on. Or your $20 ticket is now going to be $100 to make up the money they lost from the sponsors. But like Stormy says I bet your willing to pay to see some performer or better yet go to that NFL football game and pay out the nose for tickets, beer (try to find a $5 beer at a NFL stadium), and food just so we can pay someone to catch a ball. Good luck getting your kids in free. But your willing to take it out on a church, 4-H, or FFA group? |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
I wonder if they would allow me to take in two cans of sugar free ice tea and some sugar free snacks. That’s all I want. I’ll buy my water from them, that’s not a problem. I sent an email asking but they never responded. Only reason I want to carry in is because they don’t sell these items. |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
If you have FB or Someone who can direct message them, that is how I got my questions answered. |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
Lots of good discussion here. Fort Recovery has allowed carry in items before I was born and with this being abused greatly over the years, a decision was made. And it was not an easy one. It was known there would be a lot of opinions (mostly negative as that is most popular thing to do). I truly appreciate the positive and looking at the big picture from many of you on here.
However, if you bring a cooler, yes it needs to be empty. You can carry in your hands drinks, food... If you have a baby, all those items will be allowed. If you have any needs,...TI or T2 diabetic...or other needs, that will be allowed in a SMALL COOLER. We are not mean people. We all have families, kids, and deal with the same things everyone else does when it comes to going to entertainment events. It takes more money now than it ever has. The ticket prices to get in have increased $5 in the last five years. Concession prices are still the best around. We are trying to keep prices reasonable. Sandwiches -$6 and under. Brat-$4, Hot Dog-$3. Beer: 6pk-$12, 12pk-$24 Water-$2, Gatorade/Pop-$3 And if you don't like it, I am sorry you feel that way. Do what you have to but don't try to get a angry mob formed. Have some respect for others and the job they are doing for zero pay. For the rest of ya pull fans... I hope to see you July 26 & 27 for 3 Sessions of pulling !!!! |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
Registered: 02/23/2012 Posts: 574 |
Well said Mr.Barga |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
Registered: 04/04/2008 Posts: 1,629 |
Thanks derek,a playmate will run me all day at a event |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
Moderator Registered: 03/25/2008 Posts: 1,625 |
D. Barga, thanks for your clarification on the rules pertaining to fans that have special needs. I'm not sure what size constitutes a small cooler, however I'm confident that it will be large enough to enable a fan to carry the food and drink that they will need. As you said you guys want to accommodate fans that have special needs. On a side note unfortunately Diabetes and Celiacthe and other related food issues is on the rise. Dick Morgan Independent Pulling News |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
Yes this is great clarification on all accounts... My kids will be thrilled that their favorite snacks will make the cut and we appreciate that. Also, my brother being a T2 Diabet was thrilled to read this as well. See you all soon! |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
Mn fan
You can't beat those prices, especially for the beer. I would have to go back 25 years to see those prices at an event in my area. |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
Face in crowd
No joke. Some people have no idea how good they have it. Come on out to a certain pull in Nebraska and see how far you get with your coolers! Oh and bring plenty of cash. |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
Registered: 07/09/2008 Posts: 138 |
Good grief, Derek, at least make it worth your while! $3 apiece is still dirt cheap beer. .:-) |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
Thank you for an official answer and a very reasonable policy. |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
Just another example of a long thread here bashing an event, there sponsors, and a organization when a phone call or email to them would have answered your questions. Now they have to come on here and clean up the mess and defend themselves. We want to make pulling grow and get better but were willing to come here and bash a sponsor or promoter at the drop of a hat over something silly. |
Re: I guess I don't see the problem with posting a question.
Moderator Registered: 03/25/2008 Posts: 1,625 |
I just love the post that says '' just call them'' so one person calls them and one person get their question answered, sounds real efficient to me. I'm sure that any promoter would love to get 50 phone calls on every issue. And the guys with type 1 diabetes or celiac or any number of food related issues still doesn't have a clue on what he or she can bring in to the pull. And Mr. Barga coming on the page to clarify the question ended further discussion ,and I don't believe he was ''cleaning'' up the mess. Granted the original post was asking a question and then some of the responses started to go down a rabbit hole, this happens on almost every post. Some one will come on the page and post a particular question and about 5 threads down some one will talking about a topic that is no way related the original post, LLSS or his grandfather Farmall M or what ever is on their mind at that moment, it is what it is. I realize that we can never post any question or problems that some people think will KILL the sport, never . If pulling is so fragile that a post on this page or any other media platform is going to keep fans away is laughable. Pulling lives or dies on the product on the track, everything else is window dressing. Dick Morgan Independent Pulling News Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/01/2024 08:05AM by Dick Morgan. |
Re: I guess I don't see the problem with posting a question.
Issue wasn't with the question. Issues in this thread were with how he posed the question and threatened the promoter and there sponsors before talking to the promoter about it. You know how hard it is to get sponsor money these days, you want to make it harder because you now have to pay for your beer or burger? Lets be better people than our society says we should be and do our homework before we go online and complain about someone. Then share the info on here that we find instead of threatening people because we don't like it, don't agree, or they don't accommodate my food allergy before giving them a chance. Most don't accommodate my food allergy but I don't threaten to not attend or go and harass there sponsors because of it, I eat before or after I go and don't complain about a great show because of what food or drink they offer. |
Re: I guess I don't see the problem with posting a question.
Moderator Registered: 03/25/2008 Posts: 1,625 |
Thanks, I do agree that overreacting before you get all the information is probably not the way to go. And yes the promoters already have a lot to deal with. Also I'm sure it's not just fans that fall under the category. Everyone wants it " their way ", that's our new society. Just like everything else people get to hid with their computer and say anything they want, however face to face it's a different story. I use my name on my posts so that you know who you are chatting with. However none of this will ever change my mind on the " just call them" posts. Post a question and get an answer, easy enough. Dick Morgan Independent Pulling News Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/02/2024 02:32AM by Dick Morgan. |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
I did send an email to them 2 to 3 weeks ago and they still haven’t answered that email. |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
This is a copy of the email I sent to on 6/21/24 and got no response. So I made a post with the threat and now I got a response. My threat may have cleared up the issue and made them more lenient and better for all. Making a threat to get a reaction is different from following through with it. Go ahead and bash away, I can take it.
Sent from my iPad The web page says “Empty coolers only” and “ No carry in alcoholic beverages”. Is it alright to bring in pop or water or snacks as long as they are not in the cooler? |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
I don't know about the email. If you have FB, message the page. Your threat was over the top. I was notified that a thread had started on here about the 'Empty Cooler'. Nothing has changed from the day we announced 'Empty Coolers Only'. It has been 'No carry in alcoholic beverages' for a long, long time. Yes, you can carry in small items like drink and snack because its not in a cooler. |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
"So I made a post with the threat and now I got a response. My threat may have cleared up the issue and made them more lenient and better for all. Making a threat to get a reaction is different from following through with it. Go ahead and bash away, I can take it."
My point made. Were going the way of society. It is all about me, all it takes is 1 person to wreck it for all of us. Keep making threats and eventually the promoters will say it is not worth it or the sponsors will question why they are supporting an event where people are making threats that could involve them and walk away. By the way this entire mess is because someone has to buy a beer and a sandwich. Dick, Mr. Barga's last response supports my comment about them having to come on here to clean up the mess and defend themselves that you disagreed with. Not to mention he had to hear it from someone else. My name shouldn't matter, I am not on here bashing anyone, or talking bad about anyone other then defending an organization or promoter occasionally. Plus you wouldn't know who I was anyway, we never met, our paths never crossed, I am just a small local puller and fan that like you wants to see our sport grow and not fall apart. Mr. Barga, I have never been to the Fort but it is on my bucket list. I wish you luck with your pull and hope you guys have a successful event! |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
Thank you Badgerfan. |
Re: Ban on all carry in beverages at Fort Recovery Pull in seating area.
First Mr.
Barga did a great job of explaining. But evidently NONE of the people that complain have been to ANY other type of event. I have nearly 40 years in event promotions, event management and sanctioning body experience and I can say that pulling events have always been great value for the dollar. Fort Recovery probably leads the nation in food/bev value. You can't find lower prices. Again the volume and the quality are two items that the Fort has ALWAYS been known for and is still the standard bearer. How many beers can you you take into any public event? Coolers..they might be limited to a certain size. Glass bottles DONT even think about it. II spend my winter months at Convention Centers and large Venues and the biggest complain is how much everything costs/ Get ready pulling fans for the cashless events. Bringing in your own adult beverage for most pulling fans is not a problem. But leave it to the select few who are drunk and cause medical of security problems. Events that sell beer usually have trained servers who know how to identify and cut off the folks who have had too much. OVER SERVED is a bad thing in the event biz. It may all ready be happening. When venues have credit/debit machines located next to prepaid VISA machines you know that is the way of the future. Not for greed, but it cuts down on "theft" and controls costs. Every show/event is different. In the NTPA world many events are considered features of the Fair. They are paying you to set up event and perform. So no food/bev/BEER cut happens. Fairs and Expo are mostly charitable events that raise money. 4H, FFA, city/county funds are raised by the fair. A trend in the past is that MOST Fairs don't have the staff they had 20 years ago. there might be a Fair Manager and full time Maintenence/groundskeeper. Probably a part time secretary. Almost everything else is outsourced for the "best" price available. Overhead costs versus the ablity to stage events and turn a profit. Some events you might be charged to enter the grounds AND an entry fee to compete. Pullers are the show! Yep, but my guess is the fair manager isnt raking in a 100k salary. Few are the events that the promoter/producer "owns" like NTPA Grand/Super Nationals.. Promoters may rent the grounds and keep the money from food/bev and beer. Beer makes events money, however, increased security, medical and crowd management can chip away at the profits. These big events continue to thrive because of their history and keeping Ticket prices VERY reasonable. I work with one promoter who should be charging at least $50, but holds steady at $25. "People plan on that price, we provide a source of entertainment at MORE THAN A REASONALBE value. At ever event special dietary needs are given an exception. (The person who anwers the phone may not have the answer. But someone at the point of entry will usually use common sense.) Some people will try anything to safe a buck. Bringing water into an event is usually ok. I've been to events where security spends a good 30 seconds examining a water bottle. Why? Go on line and search FILLING a WATER BOTTLE with Vodka.... Pulling is a great value and a true American pastime. It takes everyone to make the event work. Please don't be the KAREN who spouts LAW RULES and cause a scene. Don't care how far you came, how much you spent how much you KNOW about being a Sovereign citizen. Pay your money, and enjoy the pull and know you did make a positive contribution to the event. AND "F'ing" recyle and use a trash can. Yep it takes money to stock the tp and pay to haul YOUR garbage away/ Enjoy the rest of the pulling season and be safe. |
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