John Spitzner Memorial Truck and Tractor Pull St. James Mn Thursday July 18 2024 July 10, 2024 03:38AM
I will have more info in the next day or two. It has been a busy summer, and we are finishing up a few small details with classes and payouts.
It is on Thursday this year due to leap year and sled scheduling.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/10/2024 04:47AM by Oly.
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Re: John Spitzner Memorial Truck and Tractor Pull St. James Mn Thursday July 18 2024 July 11, 2024 02:50AM
Here is the 2024 class list. We have the same two sleds coming as in the past. The vault and the red sled.
Hope to see everyone in 1 week at the fair. Once again due to scheduling with sleds the pull has been moved to Thursday night this year, Thanks!!
Please visit the Watonwan County fair website for rules.
Start time is 6 PM
Pit pass is $20 and covers the first hook, second hook is $20.

Pulling order per sled and class list

1)Street Diesel 4x4-9,500lbs
2)Out of the Field-12,500lbs
3)Improved Stock 410 RPM-9,500lbs
4)Out of the Field-16,500lbs
5)Open Farm Stock-9,700lbs- Great plains 3000 RPM 3lm 466 class Rules
6)Out of the Field-13,000lbs- NO MPH, tractor must be legal for pace out of the field class
7)Hot Farm 466 RPM-10,500lbs
8)Super/Pro Farm-9,500lbs Will split class if enough tractors show up
9)Out of the field-19,500lbs
10)Hot Farm 13,000lbs
11)Modified Diesel 4x4-8,500lbs
12)Street Semi-20,000lbs
13)MFWD class

1)Hobby Stock-5,500lbs
2)Improved Stock-5,500lbs
3)Hobby Stock-6,500lbs
4)Improved Stock-6,500lbs
5)Hobby Stock-7,500lbs
6)Out of the Filed-9,500lbs
7)Super Stock Gas 4x4-6,200lbs
8)Out of the Field-10,500lbs
9)King of the Hill-6,500 lbs

Re: John Spitzner Memorial Truck and Tractor Pull St. James Mn Thursday July 18 2024 July 15, 2024 02:28AM
We are just a few short days away! Looks to be a beautiful evening for pulling!!

Registration is open at 3 p.m. and closes at 7p.m.

Pull starts at 6 p.m.

$20 dollars per hook, 2 hooks per vehicle

Pit fee of $20 to get in and that covers your first hook also

We will be pulling north to south like we did last year, and registration will be moved to the north end by the starting line!

Thanks to all our volunteers and sponsors!!! Hope to see everyone this Thursday July 18th!!!

Re: John Spitzner Memorial Truck and Tractor Pull St. James Mn Thursday July 18 2024 July 17, 2024 02:54AM
Well, tomorrow is the day!!

Registration is from 3-7 pm

Pit meeting at 5:40

Pull at 6 pm

We have decided to split the Pro Farm/ Super Farm class, they will run together but payout will be separate!!

9,500 Pro Farm will run NTPA/UPM/TRI STATE Rules.

9,500 Super Farm will run NTPA/UPM/ TRI STATE Rules

Payout for each class is:


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