Money from betting October 20, 2024 06:50AM
Does any body know how much money went to the ntpa and pullers and fans

Re: Money from betting October 22, 2024 09:10AM
Shhhh, the IRS has eyes and ears everywhere. Lets not talk numbers on a public forum. Its best for everyone.

Re: Money from betting October 22, 2024 09:43AM
anyone that won $600 or more should be getting a 1099 by law

Re: Money from betting October 22, 2024 09:12PM
Agreed completely about the IRS, but what he asking is how much if any profits from betting made it back to the NTPA/pullers. I think we all know the answer to that question.

Gordon Cox

For The Love Of Pulling



Re: Money from betting October 23, 2024 04:34AM
I don't. Please enlighten me, seems you know but wont tell? Thanks.

Re: Money from betting October 23, 2024 05:23AM
A big fat zero.

Gordon Cox

For The Love Of Pulling



Re: Money from betting October 24, 2024 01:25AM
For what it's worth I sent a text to the hotline for the No Practice Podcast with 3 questions for them to answer on air. They answered two of them and ignored the one where I asked how Full Pull Bets benefited the pullers in 2024.

Do with that as you may. I will ask the same question again in two weeks and see if I can get Chase to answer it. I personally don't care about the answer but thought I'd give him the chance to quiet folks here.

Re: Money from betting October 26, 2024 12:56AM
I started asking several questions when it was first rolled out, I guess that they are still working on their response, Crickets. I remember the intro at the Farm Show and all the great things that it was going to do to support pullers, promoters, organizations and yes the thousands of betting fans. Maybe at the NTPA Banquet there will checks to pullers promoters and the NTPA. Time will tell. So here's the bottom line, is it working or is it all smoke and mirrors, or is a little of both? This post doesn't take away the good things that the No Practice Pod Cast. Totally separate.

Dick Morgan
Independent Pulling News

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/26/2024 01:22AM by Dick Morgan.

Re: Money from betting October 26, 2024 01:46AM
We all know that this is the only thing put forth in the last five years that could totally change the payout for the sport. If someone has a different idea please bring it to the top three organizations like Chase did, but everyone has to be patient ,starting a new business, especially, one like this takes a lot of startup money and sometimes take more time than we want because of regulations with state governments ,getting everything approved. Trust me Chase is a standup guy. They are moving in the right direction and eventually pullers and organizations will benefit ,but like any start up business? They have invested a lot of money,how about letting them get some of that back before they start giving it all out. Do you want the business to fail and And then there’s no opportunity for any of us to make more money or can we all just be patient let them get their approval in all the states ,recover some of their startup money, and look back on this 5 to 10 years from now and realize how good it has been for the sport Come on people you’ve run businesses or some of you have,and you know what it takes to get a business off the ground especially when it’s a brand new idea ,so let’s be patient. Let’s support them. Chase and his group deserved our support for even coming up with this idea for investing all their own money and time to try to make it happen ,quit hoping they fail and support them because when they succeeded, everyone will benefit

Re: Money from betting October 26, 2024 04:30AM
I understand about giving the betting opportunity time to mature, however this was rolled at the 2023 NFMS. Seems like plenty of time to get this up and running. And I still don't see how this is going to benefit pulling as it's been projected. I, like everyone else would love to see pulling grow, however for the life of me I don't see this huge payback that it will bring to the sport. What business small ( or large ) starts with no product to sell. Never over sell and under deliver. Still I wish Chase and Co. nothing but success.

Dick Morgan
Independent Pulling News

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/26/2024 05:53AM by Dick Morgan.

Re: Money from betting October 26, 2024 07:25AM
I agree 100% kurt except 1 thing. It's not the only thing put forth in the past 5 years to increase payouts. What Simons are trying is the ultimate awnser, in my opinion.

Re: Money from betting October 27, 2024 01:13AM
I agree, I like what the Simon's are doing. This approach will bring instant results for the pullers, add another level of excitement and intrigue to the sport. I realize that not every event is able to do this, but it's certainly another way to promote the sport. There is no "one" magic pill that is going grow pulling, rather it takes several changes/improvements to keep the sport healthy.

Dick Morgan
Independent Pulling News

Re: Money from betting October 27, 2024 01:23AM
Explain to me why pullers paiying more entry fee to pay their own purse is better than outside money coming in from gambling, Fourth place and below you are a contributor, you are taking home less money than you paid to enter. How is that better than money coming from the outside of the sport?

Re: Money from betting October 27, 2024 03:16AM
How does money come into the sport through betting? Betting is not the savior of the sport. Yes it can play an important part of the sport but tell HOW does it work, how does it bring big bucks in? I never get an answer just how this works. Most gambling sites work on a very small margin after the winners are paid off. And we have this misconception that's there's thousands of people just waiting to bet on pulling, 90% of the betting community has no idea what pulling is, how are they ever going to figure it out? I do applaud Chase and Co. for taking a risk and thinking outside the box, pulling needs more of that approach, however once again it will take many moving parts. One of the biggest obstacles is the leaderships reluctance to take control of the sport.

Dick Morgan
Independent Pulling News

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/27/2024 03:38AM by Dick Morgan.

Re: Money from betting October 27, 2024 04:44AM
It doesn't but i believe it will. Heres what I mean. In order to get the payouts higher we need a butt load of money dumped into this sport from sponsors. In order to get sponsors you need a butt load of exposure, everything from in person fans, tv, radio, streaming services, you name it. In order to get that you need to start doing something big that gets peoples attention and create a following nation wide for fans to be connected. Right now we have a watered down product with several associations and rules and lots of fighting amongst ourselves over whos right and whats better. You put on some national events like Simon's are trying and I believe if done right you can build what is needed to bring in the fans and exposure that will lead to sponsors and outside money. It atleast needs to be tried and I have the upmost respect for the Simon's for trying to start somthing. If it dont work all you naysayers will get what you want but nothing will change without trying new things. I don't respect anyones opinion of negativity without putting forth their own plan thats better. Just talking things down helps nobody in this sport.

Re: Money from betting October 27, 2024 04:59AM
You make it sound like nobody has tired those things. The day of TV, big sponsorship is gone. The NTPA and other organizations have beat the bushes year after year to no avail. Once again you love the sport so you think everyone else will. If they only go to one pull they'll be fans. There are so many things working that getting new fan is all most impossible, none stop sports on TV, the shrinking people involved in agriculture, young people don't care about HP and motorsports. Look at NASCAR, they are removing seats, not adding them. I do agree that the sport has become watered down in lots of ways. National organizations that just want to go their own way, to many classes, to many events that overlap with other shows, terrible rules, the list is endless.

Dick Morgan
Independent Pulling News

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/27/2024 05:05AM by Dick Morgan.

Re: Money from betting October 28, 2024 02:52PM
Dick Morgan
You make it sound like nobody has tired those things. The day of TV, big sponsorship is gone. The NTPA and other organizations have beat the bushes year after year to no avail. Once again you love the sport so you think everyone else will. If they only go to one pull they'll be fans. There are so many things working that getting new fan is all most impossible, none stop sports on TV, the shrinking people involved in agriculture, young people don't care about HP and motorsports. Look at NASCAR, they are removing seats, not adding them. I do agree that the sport has become watered down in lots of ways. National organizations that just want to go their own way, to many classes, to many events that overlap with other shows, terrible rules, the list is endless.

Dick, you said a mouthful there and I agree with most of it. My question for you and everyone else is how do we get those that are still involved in agriculture to be interested in the sport? I'm just asking because I really don't know.

Re: Money from betting October 28, 2024 08:10PM
Simple answer is you don’t for most, not many (my age) 18-35 wanna bust there ass 6-7 days a week to afford to live a pull. It takes a special person that’s been around it growing up an is hooked on pulling to wanna do this. I have friends that have pulled a since quit or stepped down from building to the next level simply because they didn’t wanna spend the money to compete. Everyone knows nothings getting cheaper, but no one try’s to cap things in classes to keep it within reason to afford. Not many can afford to drop 40k or motor for a comeptive pro farm or hot farm engine. It’s just not appealing to the younger crowd.

Re: Money from betting October 28, 2024 10:19PM
Dick, i have to disagree:
Young people can be interested in pulling, even if they have no affiliation with agriculture.
I have been to plenty of pulls this year, where the majority of a jam packed crowd was mostly in their 20-30s.
It's a matter of how you present the pull (yes, they like music - and louder than the old farts like us, who won't be there anymore in 20 years) and how accessible it is for young people to compete (and bring their friends).
Let the atmosphere sink in for a few minutes:

Floating Finish - the German Tractor Pulling Web Show and EU Live Streams: []

Re: Money from betting October 28, 2024 11:29PM
I don't want to argue with you and this is your sand box you let the rest of us play in. But just because you think someone or some association has tried before is not an excuse to stop trying. My outlook on life in general is to always strive to get better everyday, every week, every year, regardless of past failures. Just because something has been tried in the past is not an excuse to just be complacent and not keep working towards a more prosperous future.

Re: Money from betting December 08, 2024 11:24AM
Does anyone know how much money was passed out to the NTPA and the pullers this year

Re: Money from betting December 08, 2024 11:37AM
Way to go, Mr. Wondering beat that dead horse beat it good.

Re: Money from betting December 08, 2024 12:45PM
I've never bet on anything ever,and I'm kinda curious too.

Re: Money from betting December 09, 2024 04:39AM
Dead Horse
Way to go, Mr. Wondering beat that dead horse beat it good.

Dear Dead horse... we were told this would benefit the pullers. Now I'm fine if they say no money was given out this year. I'm a capitalist and I understand that there are tons of moving parts with any business. I'm fine if they say they have a 5-10 plan because they are trying to recoup their initial investment. That's a completely legitimate answer. My hope is there will be some transparency since big promises were made. If you take money and make a promise you either have to follow-through or tell us how you plan to follow-through.

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated.

Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/09/2024 04:59AM by Jake Morgan.


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