NTPA national classes November 29, 2024 09:36AM
Of the 13 NTPA national classes in orders what year did they become recognized as a national classe? And what classes did they drop from the their national series?

Dick Morgan

Independent Pulling News

Re: NTPA national classes November 29, 2024 11:46AM
SS and mods have always been classes, but condensed from 4 weights to 1. Minis added in 74 or even earlier. FWD added in 1976. PS 80 or 81. SMFWD 81 or 82. TWD 83. Semis pulled at Indy Super Pull in 1980s but I never saw them in points standings. SF late 90'? SS split late 90s.

Re: NTPA national classes December 02, 2024 08:34AM
I think the class that the ntpa dropped was the fwd blower class. I think all the trucks were from Ohio

Re: NTPA national classes December 03, 2024 04:56AM
I believe the SMFWD class is still recognized by NTPA the class just never gets booked? I may be wrong, but I believe the rules are still in the NTPA rule book? I know as of a couple years ago it was.

Re: NTPA national classes December 04, 2024 04:42AM
I enjoyed the blown ostpa trucks too.faster,louder,and spin the tires in hard.
The fpp class is interesting too,but again do handicaps really even the field ?

History of SMFWD and NTPA December 03, 2024 05:31AM
Old timer
I think the class that the ntpa dropped was the fwd blower class. I think all the trucks were from Ohio

In the first version of the class around 1980/81, the trucks had extended wheelbases still seen in Kentucky.

It was not an Ohio-centric class. Temnessee (David Belew, Sonny Mc Mahon among others), Indiana (Joe Plummer, Jim Mowery and others), Kansas (Gary Shue, Dennis Butler), and Ohio (Ralph Musick, Plil Carlton and others), and KY, but I don't recall KY trucks that ran NTPA. There may have also been a few scattered in Wisconsin (Jaske) and Missouri (Bentley?) and other places. That class only lasted a few years.

In the more modern shorter wheelbase version, it was Ohio and Mid South with an occasional cameo by Billy Loftice and Tom Tormoehlen. Once Ohio went PPL, that was that for NTPA.

If anyone has additional context, please fill in.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 12/03/2024 05:33AM by The Original Michael.

Re: History of SMFWD and NTPA December 03, 2024 08:06AM
There was more to it than “Ohio state going PPL”. It was quite a bit more colorful than that. The PPL thing hadn’t happened yet. Mike laribee and all of his cronies wanted things a certain way with NTPA. More or less threatened it was “X, Y and Z or we aren’t coming”. So somewhere in the midst of things NTPA and Ohio had the falling out. The SMFWD class was no longer sold and thereafter the PPL thing happened.

Re: History of SMFWD and NTPA December 03, 2024 08:21AM
So, whatever happened to Laribee?
the super mod 4x4 class could be a fun entertaining class if more was to jump aboard if NTPA ever offered it again.

Re: History of SMFWD and NTPA December 03, 2024 09:32AM
Ronald Stiver
So, whatever happened to Laribee?
the super mod 4x4 class could be a fun entertaining class if more was to jump aboard if NTPA ever offered it again.

Imo, the way to go is not add a blown truck class by itself; it's take the Full Pull Productions Run What You Brung class which is the real Pro Modified class in pulling (not what PPL calls their n/a FWD mod class).

RWYB has blown trucks, n/a mountain motor trucks, SSD FWD, PSD FWD, and even a nitrous truck. The rules allow any combo to be competitive and any one could win on a given night. I'd take the FPP model, call it Pro Mod FWD, and let the folks enjoy.

NTPA has good #s with their SSD FWDs, so maybe carve out that from the legal combos, but it would be great to see blown fwds, 3.6 PSD FWD, and >650 ci fwds have a place they could hook in NTPA competition.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/03/2024 09:33AM by The Original Michael.

Re: History of SMFWD and NTPA December 04, 2024 12:59AM
I have proposed that many times, but each segment would not consider compromise to, I think, make the truck class really exciting...Ford v Chevy v Dodge; smoke v alcohol; NA v blower v nitrous. I am all in favor of a mixed tractor class, too.

Re: History of SMFWD and NTPA December 04, 2024 04:32AM
I have proposed that many times, but each segment would not consider compromise to, I think, make the truck class really exciting...Ford v Chevy v Dodge; smoke v alcohol; NA v blower v nitrous. I am all in favor of a mixed tractor class, too.

Bandit496, do you remember when HSTPA had a mixed open class? I know a SS beat the mods occassionally, but don't remember the weight breaks. This was back when there was SS, Mod, and PS (either at the beginning when NTPA added or whatever the HSTPA ","stock" rules were that was the immediate forerunner of the PS class).

Re: History of SMFWD and NTPA December 05, 2024 01:17AM
are you talking about a 12000 open class.

Re: History of SMFWD and NTPA December 05, 2024 02:08AM
are you talking about a 12000 open class.

Not exactly. HSTPA had a mixed open class but at a lower weight. Pro Stocks may have hooked in it also. I don't recall if mods weighed 7200, 9200, or somewhere in between.

Re: History of SMFWD and NTPA December 05, 2024 02:54AM
The rules for the mixed open changed a lot depending on who complained at the drivers meeting.

The 2wd and 4wd trucks usually got a sizeable head start 50-100 feet. Until they quit running the class.

The class was between the Mods and SS mainly.


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