Longtime GN Pullers February 08, 2010 02:32PM
I have been wondering this for a while now, so I thought I'd ask the experts.

On a consistent basis, who has been pulling on the Grand National level the longest? Individual or family.

Names like Lustik's, Al Koch, and Neil Gettinger come to mind. What do you all think?

Re: Longtime GN Pullers February 08, 2010 03:13PM
How bout the Holman brothers?

Re: Longtime GN Pullers February 08, 2010 03:44PM
lehn,and van dorpe have been active since early 80's.van dorpe pulled a lt super back then.vories had a slight break in time between the ps-ss days and the mod dident he.linders have been around for a long time also.

Re: Longtime GN Pullers February 08, 2010 06:09PM
prosock guys bill miller, larry shope ,

Re: Longtime GN Pullers February 08, 2010 11:03PM
3 bears,seems like they have been running that truck forever

Re: Longtime GN Pullers February 08, 2010 11:18PM
If you are talking family on the GN.....Neil Gettenger's dad Phil pulled back in the late 60"s and was pulling with NTPA from the start I believe.

Re: Longtime GN Pullers February 09, 2010 01:30AM
how long has esdon been pulling the circuit

Re: Longtime GN Pullers February 09, 2010 01:55AM
Esdon Started in 1977.

Re: Longtime GN Pullers February 11, 2010 09:49AM
Anyone know when Rich Lustik started?


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