Freeport WI PPL/BSTP pull July 14, 2010 11:08PM
Is the pull still on? Coming from WI and we got hammered with rain last night? Wondering if Freeport was mmissed or how much rain came there way. Any help would be appreciated.


Re: Freeport WI PPL/BSTP pull July 14, 2010 11:14PM
Pull is always on untill it pours during the show. Very light shower in spots last night. Radar looks good for the rest of the day. Bring em to the line!

Re: Freeport WI PPL/BSTP pull July 15, 2010 01:35AM
WE were spared all of the rain that fell to north. just enough to settle the dust. Overcast right now-8:30, should be clearing out by noon, and be in for a great couple of days of pulling!! Not so hot today either! Had local news do a live remote on tv this morn. ..Good Press.. Hope to see lots of you fans and pullers there!!!


Re: Freeport WI PPL/BSTP pull July 15, 2010 05:15PM
We had a beautiful day for pulling. The committee was pleased at the turnout both by tractors and by the fans. Very impressive runs all day. Results to be posted soon. I got a little overwhelmed with all those little details that arise during a pull and didn't get the results posted as they happened, as I had intended, and for the fans that were looking forward to that, I apologize. A huge thank you to the fans that supported the 50/50 Raffle for local youth charities.

Jeff, the crew and I will be out tomorrow morning bright and early starting to rebuild the track for tomorrow.

Classes for tomorrow are:

Noon session: 466 Hot Farm Badger State
640 Pro Farm Badger State
Super Farm Badger State

6 PM session: Heavy Unlimited Super Stock PPL
Super Modified PPL
Pro Stock PPL

Noon session is just $5 and the 6 PM is $10 with a $5 gate fee to get on grounds.

There will be more 50/50 Raffles, so come enjoy the pull, buy a ticket or more and maybe you'll be as lucky as tonight's winner that took home $445.

Check our Facebook Fan Page (just search for Midwset Summer Nationals) for the latest pull info, I can keep that updated much more easily from my Blackberry.

Hope to see you there in the stands!

Kimberly Meier
Midwest Summer Nationals Committee

One word of caution for those of you coming to the pulls July 15, 2010 06:14PM
Do NOT buy tickets for the Stephenson County Fair in Freeport, IL anywhere but AT the fairgrounds.... There is someone out there making and selling counterfeit passes... they are distinct counterfeits & our gate staff will NOT honor them... if you are approached by anyone off the fairgrounds about purchasing tickets, please call the authorities....

Just wanted to get that out there so no one else gets burned like some have already.

See you at the pulls!


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