glenwood city pull July 21, 2010 08:29AM
anybody going to be teching tractors at this pull? other than just looking at it and saying it's ok

Re: glenwood city pull July 21, 2010 11:57PM
Boy I hope so. Test the fuel, water if equipped, cubes, turbo etc. Seems like yrs ago there was only a problem with the farmstock. Now theres a problem with imp and hotfarm. I want to see how big the motors are on beckers and delanders tractors them things run

Re: glenwood city pull July 22, 2010 03:56AM
I was told the Limited Pro Stock class will be inspected for sure!

Re: glenwood city pull July 22, 2010 04:59AM
I heard...Beckers is around 640.

Re: glenwood city pull July 22, 2010 05:36AM
The hotfarm class limit is 600 3x3. WTF???

Re: glenwood city pull July 22, 2010 12:12PM
The rumor is Larry hired Nut Ball Lubicth. So I'm willing to say he will look at your tractor tell you what your doing then tell you what you should do and he still will have no clue what he looking at or talking about. If your lucky he might shut up long enough so you can pull.

Re: glenwood city pull July 22, 2010 12:46PM
Well nutsy or whoever?? Someone needs to actually stand up and start teching these tractors, right to the book. If its illegal they are not pulling. Sorry to say but someone is going to have to start being a hard &*(*. And if nutsy is going to be that guy. I respect that. Weekend rumor?? Do you know what they will be checking or will they just be looking thru the tin with laser eyes and passing the pullers on?? Hopefully they will be checking cubes for sure. It might take some time but thats one thing I think needs to be done.

Re: glenwood city pull July 22, 2010 02:53PM
Yes . They will be checking turbo size in the pro stock class.

Re: glenwood city pull July 23, 2010 04:56AM
Maybe they should be checking turbos in ALL classes!!!

Re: glenwood city pull July 23, 2010 06:23AM
What, or who are you suggesting?

Re: glenwood city pull July 23, 2010 07:26AM
anyone that blows smoke or makes noise.

Re: glenwood city pull July 23, 2010 08:28PM
larry you did an awesome job with the pull liked the way you split the classes

Re: glenwood city pull July 24, 2010 01:49AM
Think maybe we could get more econo mods, Glenwood is close to Kadingers.. A good farmstocker can beat some of that crap. Do ya really need 25 classes ? Been hearing this club call everone cheaters, finally some tech inspecting last night, and wow, everyone still ppulled where they used to be. Nice to see some superfarms taking a crack at the lim pros, and even winning one. Where was Schults? Nice to see Milkmaid stick it out there. Had to leave, did Winks and Magees have a cage match at the end?

Re: glenwood city pull July 24, 2010 02:41AM
That track was great. It was nice and smooth. No ruts in the track.

Re: glenwood city pull July 24, 2010 03:40AM
you must be joking

Re: glenwood city pull July 24, 2010 12:27PM
i agree that has to be a joke cuz i got a good laugh out of it it was a complete cluster out there. everytime cps goes somewhere you would think they would have it down to a science and its like everytime its there first pull.

Re: glenwood city pull July 24, 2010 01:41PM
would you guys all quit whining. it was a good pull with a ton of good tractors and quite a few awesome hooks. its not like we haven't had any rain lately. if every one of the cps pulls is so bad why do you all keep showing up? riddle me that please.

Re: glenwood city pull July 24, 2010 01:40PM
is that what he did to you rich?

Re: glenwood city pull July 24, 2010 02:01PM
CPS- Get rid the darn TRUCKS........ POINT. There was eight trucks in line to pull last night, blocking the scale and waiting on the scale. It was my understanding that only one truck could pull at one time. Then, why in HECK was there that many trucks blocking the scale and tractors trying to get the other track. STUPID... When the fair board first starting having PULLS,,,, it was a tractor pull, do you get it? NOT TRUCKS!! Have the trucks another date. That is why you where screwing around until early AM.....The next thing that will result out of this is that City leaders will get complaints about noise going on that late. Please reply, this is gonna be great....

Re: glenwood city pull July 24, 2010 02:13PM
they are probably thinking the same bout us darn tractor pullers. Well all I can say to you is have a beer and quit your BITC$$$$.

Re: glenwood city pull July 24, 2010 03:05PM
Quit your whining or you guys are going to wreck a nother perfectly good pulling club. GOOD SHOW

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/24/2010 03:06PM by jeremyroff.

Re: glenwood city pull July 24, 2010 06:27PM
Perfectly good? seriously!!!!! that club is a long way from perfect and they don't seem to be improving

Re: glenwood city pull July 25, 2010 02:54AM
I say bring back the old Indianhead days. You people thought they were bad??? Look bck and remember when they had over 50 members, people helping, lots of friends and good times. Larrys outfit?? notta!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: glenwood city pull July 25, 2010 03:23AM
Now you are starting to understand.......... CPS wake up or move on,,, learn from other people...... Spinning

Re: glenwood city pull July 25, 2010 05:31AM
They got a results page some where? I didnt see it on the website

Re: glenwood city pull July 25, 2010 05:42AM
Bring back indidnhead and get your 30 dollars you paid to pull back for first place. This club is way ahead of that and doing very well. If you guys are so good start your own club and see how well it works out. Untell then Thanks Larry and crew for a great night of pulling We all really enjoy it!!! Another great pull done by CPS!!! End quit whinning about everybody elses class or they might drop yours! And sign your name If your going to complain you act like a bunch of wimps! Get off moms teet boys and grow a set!!!!!!!!!

Re: glenwood city pull July 24, 2010 06:35PM
No matter how the pull went I think there was nothing better than listening to over 3/4 of the crowd cheer when becker got his a$$ kicked. Thats Hillarious. I never laughed so hard. 640 still aint enough AL. Cheat some more and maybe you will git em.

Re: glenwood city pull July 25, 2010 08:53AM
Where were thay?

Re: glenwood city pull July 25, 2010 09:40AM
no bi@@@ ,, they could go away ,,,,,, bet they would not be missedddddddddd????????????????????????????????????

Re: glenwood city pull July 25, 2010 12:40PM
the hot farm cab tractor was there pulling in the after chore class that thing sure runs. Question, should they allow water in that class? cause he had his on.

Re: glenwood city pull July 25, 2010 02:45PM
i didnt think that was even the same 4440??

cps had problems in hastings July 25, 2010 11:34PM
i went to my first cps pull in hastings. im just a fan i dont have a tractor. i understand they pay a little better for pullers and having organized pulling is always good. however from a fans perspective they have got a few issues. they had 2 sleds at the pull, which is great, but they didnt use the 2 sleds like they should be used. u would think when one tractor goes down the tract the other would get hooked up and be ready. not the case in hastings. it appeared there was a commication problem between the pullers and who ever was running the pull. seemed like the announcer was also confused. i understand the pits were along way off from the track so it was hard to hear out there. but its a tractor pull. at 4 30 u know its going to start be ready to pull. dont get me wrong i thought there was a good variety of tractors and trucks and it was good to watch once they figured out it was time to pull that was about after 9 pm. Im not bitching about it. but if u noticed the crowd thined out in a hurry. it just appeared it wasnt run like pulling professional's should be. i guess im spoiled having good quality county fairs in my area run their own pulls. Just trying to offer some constructive critsizem to help make it a better pull next time. thanks.Grinning

Re: cps had problems in hastings July 26, 2010 08:34AM
I was pulling there came 2 hours from home they may of had some problems, put they did a really good job keeping it moveing I thing there was alot of tractors and i didnot see the crowd thining out .... you must of been in beer tent to long , Great job cps

Re: cps had problems in hastings July 26, 2010 08:46AM
just my opinion im not saying they are bad people or anything i just been to pulls that move faster with one sled. only my opinion not trying to bash people. i drove 2 hours also. like i said after 9 pm things went a heck of alot better. hope u did well there.Grinning

Re: cps had problems in hastings July 26, 2010 12:01PM
well mister farmall i guess you should have just stayed home larry does one hell of a job running these pulls and doesnt need people pissin and moanin about s#$t like this.

Re: cps had problems in hastings July 26, 2010 01:29PM
IMHO CPS will remain a 3rd rate bush leage club as long as they have 20 different classes. stock, after chore, hobby, hot farm, super farm, light super, light limited super, lmt pro, econo mod, open mod.....and everyone can pull twice....and there are 3 or 4 tractors in every class. this club is ok but not going to be anything different then what has been around here for years. And anybody that can, will pull NTPA instead, fpr many reasons, partly beccause of all this BS on the net. ITS STUPID.

Re: cps had problems in hastings July 26, 2010 03:31PM
LIKE! Cool

Re: cps had problems in hastings July 26, 2010 11:13PM
A lot of the problems here are not because of the way CPS runs a pull. For example at Hastings, it got on to a slow start because the track was so wet from the rains we been having. Takes longer to smooth out the track between pulls. Second, everyone and there fricken brother thinks they need to come up to the scale and preweigh umteen hours before they pull!!! Thats bull @#$%&!! Know ur tractor's or truck's weight so you don't have to look like its ur first time to a damn pull. Usually the scale is only a 100# off anyway. All this clogging of the scale made the pull slow in the beginning because the people that needed to weigh that were up next to pull couldn't!! Bottom Line (for everyone), wait ur damn turn until ur class is on deck!!

Re: cps had problems in hastings July 27, 2010 12:11AM
I couldn't agree more! People in this area are accustomed to getting on the internet and complaining. They have ruined 3 clubs now.

Re: cps had problems in hastings July 26, 2010 11:19PM
who is pissen and monen. not me if u would read my post carefully u would understand im not saying it was terrible i was just offering a fan's perspective. i would love nothing more to see all organizations succeed. if u want to see more money for payouts maybe keeping an open mind and apprication for fan's and pullers opinions alike. its an opinion nothing more nothing less. Grinning

Re: cps had problems in hastings July 27, 2010 05:06AM
You are just a fan in the stand. You sure put on alot of miles to watch a bunch of swamp land pulls. You sound more like a whinny puller to me.

Re: glenwood city pull July 28, 2010 11:02AM
Delanders did not have any of the two hot farm tractors there.

great pull lot of good tractors.. yes it went a long time but two sleds and alot of tractors.. what can you do maybe start at 430 or 5???

Love to see the CHEATERS as people call them get beat makes it more interesting for the next weekend to see who will win.


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