Takes A Lickin' July 27, 2010 05:49AM
I was wondering if anybody knows why Takes A Lickin' didn't pull in the 7700 modified class in Highland last night?

Re: Takes A Lickin' July 27, 2010 06:13AM
For some of the same reasons he probably won't be at Waterloo Smiling

Re: Takes A Lickin' July 27, 2010 09:27AM
so is he broke or a secret

Re: Takes A Lickin' July 27, 2010 11:53AM
Puller540 has no idea what he's talking about. For whatever reason anytime me or Insanityreigns post something about our hometown pull he post something negative. We would love to meet him in person, but keyboard bullies never show their face. Fact: Texas Bullwhip and the Joker have both said they are coming to Waterloo.

Re: Takes A Lickin' July 27, 2010 12:31PM
they should have as many mods as they did at Highland.

We're getting Joker and Texas Bullwhip for sure. July 27, 2010 05:44PM
I would think Predator will join also if he wants ITPA points, could be another surprise also but we'll have to wait and see.

Re: We're getting Joker and Texas Bullwhip for sure. July 28, 2010 09:38AM
Joker will be there

Re: Takes A Lickin' July 28, 2010 03:13AM
Were they at Charleston last night?

Re: Takes A Lickin' - Charleston Results July 28, 2010 05:46AM
Just the basic results from the Charleston Times Courier.

1. Jami Austin (Predator) 318.40
2. Wayne Bunnage (Takes A Lickin') 281.95
3. Blake Stewart (Down & Dirty) 254.38
4. Shannon Leischner (Dirtslinger) 205.22

So what are the reasons? July 27, 2010 05:40PM
So what are the reasons that Takes a Lickin' has stopped pulling ITPA?

Re: So what are the reasons? July 27, 2010 08:48PM
They ran ITPA in Peoria this year

They ran the first 3 ITPA hooks. July 28, 2010 01:39AM
That is why I am asking for a reason why now he skipped Highland and puller540 says the same reason he'll skip Waterloo.
It would be nice to have an explanation, is he broke or saving his engines for ppl, any information would be great. He has been
so loyal to ITPA, puller540 needs to add some information to his negativity.

What vehicle do you pull puller540? July 27, 2010 06:01PM
What vehicle do you pull puller540, you seem to be ready to criticize very fast like you know the lowdown on all the
circuits. I also noticed anytime you post it seems to be negative, is your vehicle not performing up to par or is your
fair inadequate so you are negative towards anybody promoting their fair. Maybe you are just an angry person or maybe
you drive Takes a Lickin' or on and on, just curious.

here's the reason July 28, 2010 08:26AM
Wayne and Steve's uncle died while they were at macon and had visitation on monday night and funeral on tuesday. Thats why they missed highland. If all goes well, they will be at waterloo and and all the remaining itpa hooks.

Re: here's the reason July 28, 2010 09:08AM
I dont keep up on Bunnages class but i just met his semi about an hour ago going West not too far from his farm so i'd say he was heading somewhere to pull.

Thanks for all the great input. July 28, 2010 04:48PM
Sorry to hear about the death in the Bunnages family, great to know what the situation was. Also thanks for pointing out that they
were in Charleston, see people can discuss tractor pulling without negativity.


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