YOUR U.S. Gov't Beaurocrats at work. Will this affect pulling? December 24, 2010 03:39AM
EPA moving unilaterally to limit greenhouse gases

When people start seeing their costs of living skyrocket over the next few years, that will sure help Obama's re-election chances.

Regardless of your political beliefs, this is an example of unelected beaurocrats making decisions that will wind up costing every man, woman, and child lots of $.

I hope Texas sticks to their guns. I wonder when the EPA will make some new regulation that will outlaw pulling (or make it so expensive as to be impossible to afford..... not that it isn't getting close already).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/24/2010 03:40AM by The Original Michael.

Re: YOUR U.S. Gov't Beaurocrats at work. Will this affect pulling? December 24, 2010 06:24AM
Well the oil companies stuck tons of money into this last election. They got their way. Fuel will be over $4 this summer for pulling. How about that for just in time for spring planting.

Re: YOUR U.S. Gov't Beaurocrats at work. Will this affect pulling? December 24, 2010 08:56AM

Re: YOUR U.S. Gov't Beaurocrats at work. Will this affect pulling? December 24, 2010 09:15AM
Ya OBAMA is the problem. In 2 years he made everything so bad for you. No he just couldn't make everthing better from the last guys reighn of terror. Wow farmers are the first one to complain they can't get health insurance or the wife has to work to get it. Somebody tries to make it so everybody gets it and he is evil. The health care was not going to get fixed all at once but it was a start. So only you should be able to get insurance? I voted for Obama and would again. I don't like him and alot of what he does. I know the alternative would have been worse. I have not had to go to the doctor much in my life. I will soon be at the age when I will have too. Will I loose everything I have to pay doctor or insurance bills. That is what worries me. Pre exsisting conditions and so forth. Cancer and you can never buy insurance again.

Re: YOUR U.S. Gov't Beaurocrats at work. Will this affect pulling? December 24, 2010 10:06AM
wow move to ontario canada were everyone thinks we have free health care. think again.nothing is free.we pay very high taxes to cover our FREE health care and our gas is 1.15 per litre you do the math 4.5 liters in a gallon you think you have it so bad in the states the states dictates the price of oil so pay up wow

Re: YOUR U.S. Gov't Beaurocrats at work. Will this affect pulling? December 24, 2010 08:44PM
3.785 liters per gallon so your price per gallon is not quite as bad, but it certainly isn't good!

Re: YOUR U.S. Gov't Beaurocrats at work. Will this affect pulling? December 24, 2010 10:11AM
No not every farmer or tractor puller is a brain dead republicain. Sure most are republicains. The reason why is because they are taken care of and doing better than the average working person. That is a fact. I am saying most not all. I know wich side my bread is buttered on and I guess you do to. I have it no where near as bad as many people. I give money to charity knowing some of it is going to people I don't want to get it, but some is going to worthy people in bad times that need it. I guess the word greed just comes with farming. Not in the past, but sure with all the spoiled farm kids of today. If you are over 40 for sure you should be worried about health care and if you will be able to get insurance or be able to pay for it. There is no republican in the world that would ever help poorer people with health care. I wish we had national health care. I know it would be worse than I have now, but we would all be treated the same. Now the people that have health insurance pay higher rates to provide for the people that do not have it and so on. I don't think I am special and I don't think anybody else is either.

Re: YOUR U.S. Gov't Beaurocrats at work. Will this affect pulling? December 24, 2010 11:58AM
the U.S uses 10 times more oil than they produce. So, until you get your oil problem solved, your country will not get out of its economic "low". If you can manage to think outside of the box, and look at the bigger picture, youd see that the U.S has alot more problem then its Health Care System. ie, Iraq. How much is the U.S debt at, any one think they could tell me? i dont think they teach numbers that high in school. the amount of money spent on Iraq and your war of "terrorism" is in the billions. thats alot of X-rays and surgery's that would have been payed for. It might be in your countrie's best interest to bring the U.S soldiers home. I think they have been through enough as it is, yet alone having to pay for shrinks and medical bills when they get home with no health care, and no help from the governement that sent them there.

Lets all enjoy the Christmas season!!!!!!! December 24, 2010 12:54PM
It's Christmas ...Lets enjoy the season!

Re: Lets all enjoy the Christmas season!!!!!!! December 24, 2010 02:25PM
Merry Christmas to All !!!!!!!! And I do mean "EVERYONE" !!!!!!

Re: Lets all enjoy the Christmas season!!!!!!! December 24, 2010 09:47PM
merry christmas to all

must i dissagree with some of what should stop
we must stop the name calling and insults but we must never stop debateing what is best for this country.

first let me say for those that want gov. health care are not thinking it through. lets look at some simple facts to help these people think about it.

1. we have the best healh care in the world. if you dont know why find out. you cant buy the best for nothing.

2. private sector does everything better then our gov. no bissness would ever make it if it wasted money like our gov. so you think the cost of our health is high now just wate tell the gov. gets ahold of it. look at private schools vs public schools. sence our gov started the department of edu. they have spent a ton of money and are schools have just got worse.

3. i will make i strong point with this one and keep my list short
if you have a pre 1964 quarter you can still buy a gallon of gas with it because it contains 1/4 oz of silver making it worth around $4.00. so the price of many things have not gone up are gov. is killing are dollar, if they would of left are money system the way it was we would be much better off. if you look deep into our goverment history you will see that what they are best at is f-ing things up. so yea i my self might get cancer some day it runs in my familey, and their for i want our gov. to have nothing to do with heal care. i would rather live broke then be dead rich.

so please tell me one thing are gov does a good job of running.

Thanks for reading and have a happy new year as well.

Re: Lets all enjoy the Christmas season!!!!!!! December 25, 2010 04:14AM
I would say the private sector can't run anything better than the government. The money all ends up with the people on top getting it all. If the private sector did such a good job why would they always be running to the government to get money. Farms subsidies. Manufacturing tax free zones. No taxes to get manufacturing to move from one state to another. And so on and so on. The private sector could do a good job just like the government could. Nobody is ever held accountable on top. Anybody on here from Montana? I belive years ago they had very cheap electricity then the state gave it away to the private sector and now they pay through the nose. The government is not anymore your enemy than the private sector. If you work for a living and don't just swindle people one is as bad as the other. The private sector is not going to save us either. It is their way to take more and give less. We have good health care. I am sure there are countries with better than us. What is the future of health care? What has happened in the last even 20 years. At that rate we have little time left with good health care. Who will be able to afford health care in the future at this rate? Will you be able to buy insurance? If you can't afford health insurance then what? Will you be treated? How will you be treated. Everyday health care gets worse. Not that it got worse and then flattened out. No worse everyday with no end in sight. Will you be able to buy any pills you need? Maybe if you are 50+ you will sqeek buy. What about somebody that is 20 now? What will health care cost him at 50? In the last 20 years me buying my health insurance went from 7% of my income to 32%. Have a bunch of kids and see what you pay. Have a kid with autism. Many insurance companies claim that is not a real condition and cover nothing. Just wait until something bad happens to you. The private sector does not care about that.

Re: Lets all enjoy the Christmas season!!!!!!! December 25, 2010 10:00AM
Something to think about

A look at the health care system in Germany how it was a few years ago, before the socialized screwed it up, that had a bit of both.

Point 1: you must have health insurance
Point 2: government sets a "minimum standard" of what the insurance has to cover (basically define what is nonsense and what isn't, what is neccesary and what isn't)

Point 3: there are hundreds of private health insurance companies to choose from, that actually vary very little in their offers... one may pay for akkupunktur, others may not.

They don't compete with absolute prices, but "percentage" of your income. So one insurance is 11.5% another is 13%, but there is a minimum amount as well as a maximum amount you have to pay

If you want to get out of the system, you are free to do that and get your own insurance (which usually only makes sense for self employed or rather rich people)
If you think the "minimum standard" is not sufficient, you can get an add on insurance - e.g. For special glasses, single bed room instead of two or three bed room,...

Floating Finish - the German Tractor Pulling Web Show and EU Live Streams: []

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/25/2010 10:01AM by Sascha.

Re: YOUR U.S. Gov't Beaurocrats at work. Will this affect pulling? December 25, 2010 04:08AM
Wall Street speculation is the driving force behind high oil prices....I remember in early 2008 when Goldman Sucks predicted $150 oil...Well they got it driven up to $147 before things collapsed with $4 gas and $4.50 diesel.

Guess what.Just recently Goldman Sucks said oil will hit $120 this year and it seems to be on its way.GS is evil and has far more power than any oil company.They are all enjoying their million dollar bonus checks this year.GS has both political parties in their hip pocket.

Re: YOUR U.S. Gov't Beaurocrats at work. Will this affect pulling? December 25, 2010 04:56AM
About the oil prices. Watch the news and be conditioned to what is going to happen. Rember 9/11 when tower 7 was said to have collapsed on the news before it went down?

Re: YOUR U.S. Gov't Beaurocrats at work. Will this affect pulling? December 25, 2010 05:45AM
As a Canadian, i know that my country and the U.S are very closely tied together politically and economically, so i hope you fix the economic problem in the U.S. just as much as you do. Id also like too add that maybe the U.S. should stop pissing off the rest of the entire world and look after their own problems ( because you have a boat load, not to say we dont either ) and stop worrying about foreign affairs. do you honestly believe that Iraq was responsible for 9/11. If so you should know that the terrorists came from Saudi Arabia, one of your biggest oil suppliers. Fighting in Iraq isnt going to bring the price of oil down, so theres one way to help reduce the cost. And perhaps the U.S. government should have a "chat" with the Saudi's becsause if you ask me the 9/11 attack sounds like a master plan from the Saudi's that has conned you into buying more and more oil. well it worked. it started a war. With regards to the health care, I 100% agree that the private sector is just as bad as the government, if not worse then they are. Atleast you can elect a new governement that will be benifical to the country, you cant exactly elect a new private sector now can you? In my personal opinion, the U.S needs a major overhaul in regards to it's priorites. who knows, maybe if you leave Iraq and stop spending millions on the military and buying so much oil, the U.S. might have money for health care.

Re: YOUR U.S. Gov't Beaurocrats at work. Will this affect pulling? December 25, 2010 09:20AM
I was in Ontario a bunch of times a few years back. All the people were very nice to us Americans. Seemed like they would do anything for you. It was in the george bush days. All the Canadians thought he was such a jerk and what he was doing to America and the rest of the world. The Canadians seemed in no way to blame us for anything as Americans, just gwb. I myself hate him with a passion. The Gremans I met at that time seemed to feel the same way the Canadians did. Oh well it won't be long until the US takes over Canada anyway. Just kidding. You would get your hand guns back for a while anyway. Just being a smart A. The first stuff was a true story though.

Re: YOUR U.S. Gov't Beaurocrats at work. Will this affect pulling? December 25, 2010 09:50AM
what is it going to take to get the united states back on track finacially and pollitcally. and will it ever happen?

Re: YOUR U.S. Gov't Beaurocrats at work. Will this affect pulling? December 25, 2010 11:13AM
Get rid of obama for starters, Then de-fund the EPA and the energy dept, shut them down. They are both loose cannons that answer to no one!!! More TEA party folks in washington and and the state houses will help a ton.!!!!
The libs and serria club goofballs need to be taken down a notch or two!!!!

Re: YOUR U.S. Gov't Beaurocrats at work. Will this affect pulling? December 26, 2010 02:34AM
perry for president

there is a lot of people out there that have no idea how much the government actually wastes is private companies wasted a 1/4 as much there would be no more any one who is saying private companies are no better is one whom works for one and is jealous what the owners have or do I know the minute an owner has more than the emplyee hes or shes is a greedy jerk

Re: YOUR U.S. Gov't Beaurocrats at work. Will this affect pulling? December 26, 2010 04:10AM
Those dang people getting welfare! But Dont touch my ethonal subsidy you left wing kooks. I may not be able to pay my Hypermax bill! What a bunch of hyprocrites. Wait till you have someone you love unable to get health care insurance.

Re: YOUR U.S. Gov't Beaurocrats at work. Will this affect pulling? December 26, 2010 04:44AM
Get rid of the the Tea baggers and the rest of the ring wing wackos, get rid of the far left liberals radicials and work from the center and we could get something done in this country. The health care system is not being taken over by the government like the tea baggers have insisted it is. The governement is requiring that most Americans have health insurance bought through the private sector not the government like the right has you idiots brainwashed to believe. Now everyone is bitching because the middle class will have to pay to help the poor get healthcare, well I hate to tell you we have always had to do that. Who do you think pays the bill when someone shows up at the emergency room and has no insurance and no money? We do. 20 percent of your premium goes to pay for those that are not covered but show up at the emergency room.
Why do you think the price of health insurance has skyrocketed in the last 10 years? Its because as the good paying manufacturing jobs leave this country that had healthcare coverage is being replaced with low paying retail jobs that don't have any health insurance it puts more burden on those of us that still have healthcare.

Re: YOUR U.S. Gov't Beaurocrats at work. Will this affect pulling? December 26, 2010 08:25AM
Yes you are a dumd farmer. You lowlife freeloader. Do you belong to any farm orginization? Have you ever belonged to a credit union? Have you ever contracted a crop? Wow what a sheltered selfish life you live.. How are unions a downfall you scum bag? They bargin a price for their work just like you do for your crop. Obama gave us our debt? Yes but not in the ball park of what gwb did. Farmers price themselves out of a job too. Why can't you make it without any kind of aid. What you don't think we can buy food from another country? You farmers sure think you are special driving around in new pickups and exspensive pulling tractors. What is your income a year vs. a car maker? He makes 50k in Detroit with a high cost of living. Do you think you should make more than him. I don't belittle a farmer a good living or a janitor, teacher, factory worker until somebody thinks they are special and derserve a fair living and nobody else does. I guess you think everybody should work for nothing except you. I would like you to tell me what fair pay for an auto worker is. Then tell me what fair pay for you is. No mater what you do for a living you people need to get over yourselves and stop thinking you are special. There are trade offs for any type of job. I can assure you not many farmers would enjoy being an autoworker. You would go nuts being caged inside all day and having to do what somebody tells you to do. Don't ever give me that ant-union crap. You understand nothing about it. Oh yah we do not live in a capitolistic system. I am guessing you did not do well in school. Just chant what the party bandwagon is. In capitalism you have checks and balances not monopolies. You sure do not have a federal resurve that is a private company. A central bank is bad enough but a private one selling us our money is wrong.

Re: YOUR U.S. Gov't Beaurocrats at work. Will this affect pulling? December 26, 2010 11:04AM
Not being a union man I'm sure I'm not as bright as you but, I think you need to do some research on a couple of you comments. #1 I haven't seen any farmer that can go into a co-op etc and demand a price for thier corn, beans, etc.. If I recall the price is set by the market not the farmers. If the farmers could set the prices I think it would be more than $4-$6 per bu. #2 the war that GWB you say started ( I say the terrorist started it we just answered back. After all what were we supposed to do say after 9-11 "wow that was a good shot we never seen it comeing" has cost cost about $850B. Obama spent $900B on his 1st simulus that didn't work, 1T to take over the healthcare system, 160B and counting on Fannie and Freddy. $30B to keep your buddies working in Detroit and the list goes on. The SEIU,AFL-CIO,Autoworkers union, teachers union,etc is what's killing us more than anything. They need to go. And the fereral reserve is a privrate entity read the top of any bill, why do you think no one can check their books.

Re: YOUR U.S. Gov't Beaurocrats at work. Will this affect pulling? December 26, 2010 11:32AM
Yes you are a dummy. Most of the time you sell a crop on a contract a year ahead or whatever. Pick price and lock in. A farmer can sell any time they want at what price they can get. Or not sell at all if they don't want to. So come on tell me. How is a teacher or autoworker killing us. Tell me. Do they all live in mantions? Do they get two new cars a year. What makes you think they are living so high on the hog. You don't have a clue. Do you realy think they make more than the average farmer? Ok no more unions. Then no more farmer orginizations. In no way can a farmers put their money together and lobby congress. No more subsidies for bad years. No more coops to buy supplies cheaper. Make contacting commodities against the law. You talk like a fool. Now here is another fact. Congress has mad "free trade" deals to benifit farmers that in turn made it so companies can move manufacturing out of the US. The farm orginizations are screeming now to let the mexican trucks back into the us so the mexicans will back off on agriculteral terrifs. So do you think it is fair to full your pockets as a farmer and hurt the American truckers? All the trucking companies will license their trucks in mexico and all the states will loose that money. The mexican trucks are not as safe either. How many accidents will the cause and kill people. You realy do think farmers are the only people in the US that matter. Only 11% of workers in the US are union so they are not killing us more than anything. If the teachers have it so good whay are you not teaching? All it would have taken was 4 years of school and you could have been on that gravy train. I am guessing you feel that farming is easier, or more rewarding money wise or that you make a living doing something you enjoy. Being a teacher is not out of anybody's reach.

Re: YOUR U.S. Gov't Beaurocrats at work. Will this affect pulling? December 26, 2010 02:49PM
So are you trying to tell me the farmer can demand his price when it comes to sell his corn weather it be by contract or other means? I don't think it works that way. I would think if a farmer goes to sign a contract and they tell him $4 per bushel for 2 yrs he can't counter offer and say $8 per bushel or no deal. I have a feeling he'll be sitting on a whole bunch of cornif he did.
As far teachers, how long do you think the taxpayer can keep funding their pensions, healthcare etc. Also add to that public workers, police and firemen. Answer is they can't. Except for a handful of states, states are already broke. As far as they auto workers maybe you can tell me why when they filled for bankruptcy why did the union get 90 cent on the dollar and all the other crediters got 25? The union helped kill that industry. GM and Chrysler should have been forced to file for bankruptcy with all parties getting 25-30 cent on the dollar before any money was handed out to try and put them back together.

Re: YOUR U.S. Gov't Beaurocrats at work. Will this affect pulling? December 27, 2010 07:23AM
I don't know where you you get that an autoworker is so rich. It is a better job than some and no better than others. You still did not tell me what is a fair wage for an autoworker and what is fair for you. Then an autoworker can tell us if you are in the correct range of what they get paid. I don't think you have any idea of what they get paid. When they give an example on tv it is always the top paid skilled trades guy like an electrician or toolmaker. When any company goes under union or not workers get their money owed first. That is the law. You keep talking about that terrible union. What is the union? It is tax paying working Americans. Paying taxes for your farm subsidies. No I don't think we should not have subsidies either. Your customers buying your product. Do you think every autoworker sits around saying if only farmers worked for free and had nothing this contry would be in so much better shape. No. They want you to make a decent living so you can buy a new car and truck that they make from time to time. You just don't know what a union is. It is people workers just like a farmer. A union worker say pays $500 a year for dues. That money goes to help negotiate a contract, help with insurance problems and yes workers rights. I know you think only farmers should have rights. They also do community service stuff at the local level. Scholarships and so on. Then the rest of the money goes to the national level. They spent most of that on political things. They lobby congress just like the farm brureau. They go for workers rights and family issues and health care things. So what is so bad about that. They lobby for all workers and families. Not just for union workers. You don't see the farm brureau doing that. So greedy farmers killed your industry. Everybody has to get bigger. So you think if you can't make it farming without government aid you should just go under? Everything with you is a double standard. You should have everything and somebody else should have nothing. You are worthy of a decent living and an autoworker is not. I am still guessing your net income is higher than theirs. Why is it so bad for anybody other than a farmer union or not to make a decent living. You don't hear a autoworker say I had to buy this $100,000 piece of equipment or I would have had to give that money to uncle sam. They just pay their taxes and do their job.

Re: YOUR U.S. Gov't Beaurocrats at work. Will this affect pulling? December 26, 2010 02:50PM
Dear Union Leader : You think you can act all tough because your protected by your "union" who fights for your workers rights and all that jazz. But im pretty sure youd the the first one to whine and complain when you got home from your nice comfy unionized job like teaching, and didnt have any food to eat. Subsidies are what ( for many farmers ) keeps us in business during bad crop years. If there was as much income as output we wouldnt need subsidies, but its a little hard to make money when you crash your grain in and the money from that cant even buy enough seed for the next year. So if you want to can subsidies, your playing with fire because it will put alot of farmers out of business. Im sick of people who show no respect towards farmers when we break our backs with endless hours of farm work to feed people like you.

Re: YOUR U.S. Gov't Beaurocrats at work. Will this affect pulling? December 26, 2010 04:33PM
So you say its ok for farmers to take a handout but no one else should? Thats the problem with this country everyone looks after themselves and they don't care if its good or bad for the country just so its good for them.

Re: to just a dummy and union leader December 27, 2010 08:58AM
I don't beleive I even mentioned wages it's the benefits that are killing most companies and the government. Take GM you get laid off and still get 90% of your wages.WTF Company funded pensions, worker cry likes babies if they are asked to contribute even 10%, every holiday under the sun off, paid shutdowns. Hate to pop your bubble but companies, the federal, state and local governments can not afford it any more. I'm sure you think things are just dandy and why not Obama went went out of his way for the unions. It's people like you and the ones in the white house that are destoying this country one step at a time. Being the big Obama fan you are maybe you can tell us how you feel about the end of life panels that are going to be set up. Unions and progressives are killing this country. I for one do not like the direction this country is headed and my vote ( being one of many ) back in Nov showed that many people feel the same way.

Re: to just a dummy and union leader December 27, 2010 09:42AM
I am not a big Obama fan. I did not want to vote for him. He was my best option so I can't complain and have to take the good and the bad with him. You still think 11% of the workers are the ones causing all the problems. How can that be? Most union workers have the 7-9 holidays. Something wrong with that? Sure some have 11 or 14 but not many. That 90% of your pay was based on how long you were there. It was a good bennifit. Howerver it was not there because they did not want to work it was there so the companies worked hard to not lay people off. So the fact is we have too many farmers in the US should you only work the years we need food from you? Take away and aid for your lean years. Should you be forced to stop farming? Everything you say is about you and there should be nothing for anybody else. So if anybody does ever go out of their way for a union has anybody ever gone out of their way for a farmer? That is ok right because you are more important or worthy? As far as the pensions go unions wanted safe penions long ago. They gave up other things like pay raises. So if you want them to pay even the 10% are you going to back pay them the raises from 20-50 years ago. Nobody can afford to pay workers as you say, but we can afford to pay farmers? Are farmers Americans and factory workers and teachers are not?

Re: to just a dummy and union leader December 27, 2010 10:51AM
Well all I can say is, I'm glad your happy living in fanantsy land. I hope the damage done so far by Obama, Jumpin Jack Flash Harry and The Scarecrow Nancy can be reversed before it's to late. Good day to you. I hope you have a happy life, subject closed. and by the way I'm not in the farming business just someone that cares about his country

Re: to just a dummy and union leader December 27, 2010 02:52PM
Union leader, yes, it is nice, that way I don't have to listen to you wine and complain like other union people and other farmers wanting a handout. I'll do it myself and leave you in the dark. you are an idiot and lazy like alot of other farmers are.

Re: YOUR U.S. Gov't Beaurocrats at work. Will this affect pulling? December 26, 2010 11:38AM
the federal reserve's responsibility as I see it is to somehow keep your dollar worth a dollar but at the same time control run away inflation,but after the wild spending behavior of your last number of administrations I suspect your dollar will continue to decline on it's own!I think after watching this video,at least some of you will be laughing

Re: YOUR U.S. Gov't Beaurocrats at work. Will this affect pulling? December 26, 2010 11:58PM

Re: YOUR U.S. Gov't Beaurocrats at work. Will this affect pulling? December 27, 2010 07:29AM
No one should have any thing but me. Im a farmer i work harder and dammit I deserve it! How am I going to survive without Goverment Help. Give me a break! I farm plus I also have a small business. Guess which one I work hardest at with lower profits. Look how fewer farms there is. Like the rest of society it is becoming two class . Try to start farming from scratch. A lot of silver spoons out there. Lots of people work hard.

Re: YOUR U.S. Gov't Beaurocrats at work. Will this affect pulling? December 27, 2010 08:42AM
True we farmers may make alot of money, but we spend alot of money. We may make $5,000 to $10,000 a week compared to the people in town making $500 to 1,000 a week, but when it is all said and done we don't have anymore money at the end of the day than they do.

Re: YOUR U.S. Gov't Beaurocrats at work. Will this affect pulling? December 27, 2010 09:26AM
You have more than some and less than others. You make a decent living. Nothing wrong with that and you deserve that for your work. You earned it.


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