What is the Champions take for winning NTPA,PPL,Outlaws? February 13, 2011 06:30AM
What are the end of year points funds for the big series?

Re: What is the Champions take for winning NTPA,PPL,Outlaws? February 13, 2011 07:16AM
Not sure on NTPA but i know the prostocks for PPL get $10,000 and prostocks for outlaw get $2500

Re: What is the Champions take for winning NTPA,PPL,Outlaws? February 13, 2011 03:52PM
It's all about the day money with outlaws, region ntpa same thing, ppl champ tour you're fighten 20-25 precommits for that yearend check!

Re: What is the Champions take for winning NTPA,PPL,Outlaws? February 14, 2011 04:01AM
you are frighten 20-25 precommits? What? Also PPL has 16 "precommits" And what is day money? PPL pays more to win at each pull than outlaws or NTPA.

Re: What is the Champions take for winning NTPA,PPL,Outlaws? February 14, 2011 08:23AM
We were talking about the end of year championship purse. What about the Trucks?



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