POLICE DEFUNDING November 12, 2020 02:46PM
I want to mention something else that is going to be affected in OUR daily lives if the Democrats get in the White House. I've been a proud police officer for the past 33 years and the thought of what they will do if in power really scares me and should scare every American. It was bad during the Obama time, but we haven't seen anything yet. I'm blessed to live and work in a Republican state because money couldn't pay me to be a police officer in a democratic run state. Please pray for our law enforcement we need it.

Re: POLICE DEFUNDING November 13, 2020 06:24AM
Ya-- I hear you, I was an officer for several yrs, -- A VERY THANKLESS JOB FOR SURE. Who are they going to call when we start fighting back,

Re: POLICE DEFUNDING November 13, 2020 07:33AM
And then you have the issue of "bad" cops that are anti gun as far as the general public owning and carrying guns.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti cop, but in my area we have a bunch of LE that we can't count on to be on the publics side if they started trying to confiscate guns.
If the dems ever get control and start trying to enforce registration and then confiscation, the local LE will either be our friends in this , or our enemies, and if they decide to enforce anti gun laws , I will have no trouble killing a cop.
Again, LE will have to decide if they are on the side of the public and the constitution , or they are enemies of the people and the constitution....PERIOD.

Re: POLICE DEFUNDING November 13, 2020 04:22PM
Wow, I couldn't be more sorry, one that you live in an area where this is actually true and two that you actually believe it to be true. Law Enforcement is no different from any other profession there will always be bad apples in the bunch. I've worked in three departments in the same county here on the Mississippi coast and I can assure you I've worked with my share of bad apples, or officers that should not have been in law enforcement to begin with. I have to believe though no matter where you live the good and ethical police officers greatly out number the bad ones. I believe that my profession is full of COP's (Christian's On Patrol). I have been one and I believe your area has them too.

We are living in real scary times and the future is uncertain so this is when I have to rely on my Christ to get us through these times. We might have to walk in the wilderness a little, but His word says He won't forsake us and His word never lies. When we get closer to His coming again these times will only get worse. I don't have hope in the republican's and I certainly don't have hope in the democrat's, but my hope is in Jesus Christ.

Re: POLICE DEFUNDING November 23, 2020 01:01PM
In grade school we were taught if ever pulled over or confronted by a police officer show full cooperation and do not run and if a officer said halt 3 times they had the rite to shoot this black lives matter stuff is a bunch of bull .Something needs to be taught in school now to protect the police or better yet taught at home with a switch instead of a candy ass time out there may be a few bad cops out there but all the cases thats been on the news looked like the cops done what the had to do black or white the just dont show the instances thats happened to the white guys

Re: POLICE DEFUNDING December 29, 2020 03:57PM
Yes, right. Sitting here watching news as one of these wonderful tough public servants in Dallas man handle & handcuff a woman watching her child ice skate. Not for being maskless, but for not fitting it properly. Almost as impressive as the one who arrested the woman in Ohio sitting outside far from any other human watching her middle schooler play football. Who showed up to arrest & confiscate the St.Louis couple's guns for the henous crime of not wanting their dog killed & house burned? As a matter of fact every time you see some buissness owner arrested or harassed for the sin of defying these unconstitional shutdowns & orders who's there doing the government's bidding ? That's right, these same government agents who want the public to support & respect them. Sorry pal, it don't work that way. I've a few relatives in different areas of the country who are police. Some I like, some not so much. But one thing virtually all of them has in common is they adamently believe the public should not be armed. Our nation is heading into very dark times & I for one am not expecting any help from these guys.

Re: POLICE DEFUNDING January 02, 2021 05:11PM
Regarding what was stated above.......
There are to many LE that "think" they are better than the rest of us, and as long as LE refuse to "police themselves", and drop the attitude far to many of them have, you can't trust them in general.
The internet is far to full of bad encounters with LE where they have grossly overstepped their authority, and one only needs to visit "PoliceCrimes.com to see the problems involved with LE.
The "fact" that some think we citizens shouldn't be carrying guns, speaks volumes about some of them.

Re: POLICE DEFUNDING January 03, 2021 04:37AM
For all of you who has never done any LE with all you free minded people on the loose, don't judge until you have walked the walk, stood in front of drugged up strung out criminals with no sanity, no ethics, no morals and see how long your goodie twoshoes attitude protects you, it is a shiity SHIITY job with hardly any rewards most days and weeks, Most civilians do not have the training, savoy, mental capacity and or demeanor to carry a weapon, let alone have the needed poise and responsibility to pull it, use it and or kill someone, if you do, you will be under the same scrutiny as those of which you criticize now, It is a mindset and judgement call in a split second, when there is a confrontation in the street,alley, bar or park, home or car, highway or store, parking lot, with today's world of evil, there are not many safe places,I imagine most big mouth posters on here have family, loved ones, a spouse and or more, - if you don;t want to come back in a vegetative state or body bag, just think about whom needs to react, shoot and or run away first,or the people back home ain't got no hubby left. With all you know it alls freedom, rights to do say and be anything you choose now days, public service is no fun, cause everyone one is a lawyer, peaceful demonstrators and kind person, NOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: POLICE DEFUNDING January 03, 2021 11:26AM
As long as there are those in LE that shouldn't be in LE, and they are not removed , I stand behind my comments
There is a reason for not wanting a "police state" type of presence.
Another thing, LE need to "know AND understand" the laws that they supposed to enforce, (everyone else is expected to know the law).

Re: POLICE DEFUNDING January 03, 2021 04:52AM
Some cops are just Aholes, Most are not, small town cops get carried away sometimes I think. Its a shitty job, But it pays well and benefits are and most can retire before 50 then take another govt job and make a ton of money. No one ever gets fired from a govt job. Big city cops, Its got to suck dealing with thugs and dirtbags everyday.

Re: POLICE DEFUNDING January 03, 2021 04:58AM
Some citizens and supposed nice people are A**holes, so when two of them meet, guess which one tries harder to go home in one piece, cops are no different than any person in a position of power, so as humans - sometimes @#$%& happens at warp speed, and no one likes it much..

Re: POLICE DEFUNDING January 03, 2021 05:45PM
Try it's post pretty well sums up what our so called public servants in government all too often think of the common folk. We lack the savvy , mental capacity, demeanor, & poise, to exercise the constitutional right to protect ourselves & our family, or much of anything else for that matter. We apparently also have too many freedoms & rights to question anything they do. It was called government of the people by the people when I was in school , but that was a long time ago. There are many countries throughout the world who's form of government looks at their population just as "try it" suggests. It's just disheartening to hear an American citizen advocate it.

Re: POLICE DEFUNDING January 04, 2021 10:44AM
I think all you people need to think about your individual rights and then think REALLY HARD if you want your millennium neighborhood kid, that knows only a key board, or electronic device, - having your back in a real Life bad action issue where you needed that weapon you think you can use, to help you survive? THINK REAL HARD.Having the right to carry permit means very little for most average Americans, DOES NOT MEAN THAT THEY ARE CAPABLE OF ANY MEANINGFUL ACTION IN real time where Life changing decisions are made, you can not take the billet back, Having the right is one thing, - having the ABILITY IS something very different. I think TRY IT is right on many statements, Principles are one thing, facts and reality of how Life plays out is not How the average Joe American could cope in a threatening situation. Political correctness has ruined common sense ---- PERIOD. No discussion needed.

Re: POLICE DEFUNDING January 04, 2021 12:24PM
I just took a CCW course a month ago and it was scary to think about the 40 people there mostly couples and mostly wearing there pajamas packing a gun I mean if you don’t have the ambition to get dressed you have no business carring a weapon
And the course was a joke just take your $50 give you a certificate

Re: POLICE DEFUNDING January 04, 2021 12:36PM
I "want" to agree that the "pajama wearing crowd" bothers me somewhat, as I think ones appearance in public, says something about that person, BUT, the constitution doesn't say we have a right to own / carry a gun, depending on how we dress.

Re: POLICE DEFUNDING January 04, 2021 12:29PM
I guess the average ordinary joe who may not have the training a cop might (?) have, who encounters a drugged up strung out criminal with no sanity , ethics or morals , (ie: a very dangerous person), should be unarmed ?????.....ya, riiiiight !
Any LEO who thinks that way , must really think their special.....lol.....hurry for "me" , but the heck with "thee" attitude.

Re: POLICE DEFUNDING January 04, 2021 05:08PM
I do believe we still have enough freedoms left that you are all free to surrender any rights & freedoms you so choose to the government. If you are more comfortable relying 100 % on the government to protect you & yours, by all means do so. However if one of these strung out, doped up , thugs, whom incidentally the cops can take out anytime with no complaints from me, decides to break my door down looking for their next high, I reserve the right to put the odds as much as possible in my & my family's favor. In my humble "untrained " opinion chances would be slim that said "dangerous person" is likely to wait while I place a request for assistance to the government , keyboard millennial, or panjama wearing neighbor. I am not naive enough to say it guarantees success, & I certainly hope such situation never comes to pass, I just see it as the best chance of securing my family's safety & be damned if I let anybody take that away.

Re: POLICE DEFUNDING January 05, 2021 02:58AM
From what I understand and have seen from cities and communities that have "defunded" the police it does not mean get rid of Law Enforcement and it does not mean replace them with social workers and crisis workers. It means to abolish the current establishment and rebuild a force by eliminating those that are the bad apples. Its no different when a corporation doesn't like a certain employee and simply eliminates their position or makes their position redundant. In 6-12 months they move someone into that position or decide they need the position again.

Many of the police unions have made it difficult to fire those that are the bad apples. By defunding the police department they can abolish the unions. In cities that have done this they re-hire 85-90% of the force. I used to work in a mechanics union and it was virtually impossible to be fired because they always found a loop hole: I wasn't trained properly, no one told me I couldn't do that, I wasn't properly supervised....etc. In the end defunding the police is about regaining trust by eliminating the bad apples in any way possible.

Re: POLICE DEFUNDING January 05, 2021 12:33AM
Greetings all, to address the issue of defunding the police, I believe that would be a terrible thing to do. We need good LE to help keep the peace, and help protect our communities around the world. If there were no or limited police presence, lawlessness would be even more widespread and out of control than it is already. So to defund them would be a great mistake.
As for JDpowershift, and others who want to criticize the men and women who get paid, in my opinion peanuts for what they do each day to serve the public. Why are you so critical of these people? Yes I understand that there are some bad apples, however there are many bad apples as civilians. I know many police officers in the city of Columbus Ohio and other places who are incredibly good people just doing their best to make a positive contribution to society. I have encountered many of them while on duty, as Ohio law requires, I inform them when I come in contact with them that I am armed with a loaded weapon on my person. And I have yet had any of them ask to see it, ask me to leave the area or scene, or even raise an eyebrow out of concern that I am armed. If the truth be known, I believe most officers are glad that there are many responsible ccw permitted people out there who would have the officers back in the event that they are put in a life threatening situation where such a person could potentially save ones life. By the way this has happened, where armed civilians have saved officers lives while on duty, and most likely off duty as well. So to all the LE out there, I tip my hat and pray for you all that you all can go home to your family at the end of the day. And to those who want to be critical of LE, I pray that you never have to be in a situation where you wish there were officers there to save you! Please support Law and Order, because without that support we will become a lawless society. May God Bless us all!

Re: POLICE DEFUNDING January 05, 2021 02:19AM
Ohio governor yesterday reluctantly signed a signed a stand your ground law for Ohio making it harder to prosecute citizens defending themselves & family from attackers. The change was adamantly opposed by the prosecuting attornies association & the police dept of every major city in the state. Why ?

Re: POLICE DEFUNDING January 05, 2021 02:54AM
Many of the organizations that you are talking about are in Democratic run cities and are police unions which are typically liberal minded. However that doesn't fall in line with the beliefs of many officers and deputies that I know.

Re: POLICE DEFUNDING January 05, 2021 02:39PM
Let me clarify things a bit in regards to what I've been trying to say.
First , and I'm repeating my self, I'm NOT anti police or LE. generally. But I AM against cops that have the wrong attitude to be in those uniforms. I have good friends that are officers that are on the civilians side in regards to gun rights and they understand what I mean when I make statements like the ones I've made above like defending myself, (and you can take that anyway you want to), against ANY LEO that tries to enforce gun confiscation, (and it's coming), because they will refuse to do it, (insert "good cop" here). And I've had a sheriff's deputy yrs ago encourage me to get a lic to carry back when our concealed carry law in Ohio was past back in '04 and have had officers ask why I wasn't carrying when they knew I had lic., (I was going somewhere , where I couldn't have a gun on the property), so yes there are a good many officers who are truly pro-gun.

As for critisizing LE , If I came across as critisizing "all" LE, that was not my intent, I have had , for the most part, good interactions with them, but there have been a few that I've had to deal with that were IDIOTS w/ an attitude.....PERIOD. I've been threatened with arrest twice in the past and I wasn't at fault, (both times it was deputy's from the Stark Co. sheriffs dept. in Oh.). and I had to go to some one over them to get them to acknowledge that their deputies were wrong and never once got an apology from any of those deputies regarding their attitude and threatening ways....(guess their badges got in the way of that).

I want to make it clear that I don't lump all LE in the same box, anymore than I lump all gun owners in the same box. There are some really rotten apples in both barrels.

As stated above, unions are a LARGE part of the problem in this country, and many times , the reason bad LEO's remain in uniform. All one has to do is google Officer Daniel Harless in Ohio and you will see what I mean, or again, visit Police Crimes.com. A badge, huge head and a rude, arrogant attitude don't mix well. To anyone whose never been on the receiving end of the stick with an officer like this, YOU HAVE NO IDEA !

I am also a coordinator with Ohioans For Concealed Carry , and get an inside look at all the negativity from the three major law enforcement orgs. in Oh. at the Statehouse when gun rights legislation is introduced , (Ohio State Highway Patrol, Fraternal Order of Police Chiefs, and The Buckeye States Sheriff's Assoc,), which the average person isn't aware of and doesn't see. These organizations fight against our gun rights in OH. every chance they get , and would have all of us unarmed and unable to defend ourselves if they ever got that chance.

This is why I can NOT tip my hat to ALL law enforcement.

I'm done with this conversation.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/05/2021 02:52PM by JDpowershift.

Re: POLICE DEFUNDING January 05, 2021 07:43PM
What exactly is it with Stark County Ohio ? Good ole agent Harmless Harless. As I recall he was rewarded with $40,000 of tax payer generosity plus an early retirement after being caught on video threatening to blow citizens private parts off with his weapon for henous crimes such as improper lane changes. 15-20 ? Such complaints filed. Plus he was allowed to keep his gun despite claiming mental issues as a defense! Just a bad apple ? Is anyone going to seriously argue that this gem of a public servant wasn't well known to his co workers & supervisors ? Makes them bad apples too for remaining silent. Another proud example of Stark County's finest was the great service a woman named Hope Steffy or Steffi. ( forget exact spelling )received when she went to report an assault. Her assistance involved spending several hours naked in a jail cell. Her crime ? Possessing her deceased sister's old drivers license which she kept as a keepsake & refusing to surrender it. That was reason enough for these highly trained professionals to decide she was suicidal & thus needed to be naked. At least that was the stated reason after denying it happened at all. But a Cleveland television station got their hands on the tape from one of those pesky security cameras. I could only describe it as a gang rape on film. After denying she was suicidal & declining to get naked voluntarily 6 of the county' s finest, some male, some female wrestled her to the floor & stripped her 100% naked & put her in a cell for several hours. Then the bad news. Turns out having her dead sister's license was 100% legal, & standing up for her rights was looking pretty shaky as grounds for a suicide diagnosis. So they circled the wagons, dusted off the old tried & true of making a "bad split second decision." Apparently her lawyers didn't buy a drivers license being enough of a threat to require a split second decision, nor the suicide b.s. & the evening of indiscretion cost the taxpayers of Stark County $475,000 plus legal fees. The sheriff tried to keep that from the public too, but it got out. But no sexual assault charges filed, no one went to jail. I don't mean this as a blanket indightment of the entire profession. I have a cousin & ex brother in law in law enforcement who I'd stake my life would not only never conduct themselves like that nor would they remain silent if aware of it. But when you have abusive nut jobs out there with a badge & then add the many others who are aware of it & cover for them the numbers start getting to unacceptable levels for my comfort. I continue to reserve the right to protect myself & family.

Re: POLICE DEFUNDING January 06, 2021 12:46AM
Agent- 1 it;s called people issues,not just LE !!!!!Get a clue, what about clergy, judges, lawyers, doctors,accountants,counsellors, and ect. that abuse position, make poor choices and cause eyebrows to be raised.

Re: POLICE DEFUNDING January 06, 2021 07:00AM
What about em ? Am I suggesting giving them a pass ? No. Thread was about policing. That's all.


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