Election fraud February 05, 2021 08:32AM
Mike Lindell on OAN.NOW

Re: Election fraud February 05, 2021 11:38AM
It's weird, you still can't talk about election fraud on social media (even though the inauguration is over and there no Constitutional way to overturn the election so we're stuck with Joe until they wear out his pen and then we're stuck with Kamala). It's kinda a done deal. The mere mention of fraud gets every post/video/comment removed. In fact the video was posted on Mike Lindell's own website but vimeo just deleted the embedded video. You can get on social media and talk about the Earth being flat, the Moon landing being faked, Russian collusion or any other topic that people think are frauds but the election is totally off limits. We can't question ANY aspect of it. We can't question illegal election law changes that states made (some on election day or worse yet, after the election). We can't even question who is supposed to make election law in a state according to the states own Constitution. Those are discussions with indisputable facts. There's no gray area there but we still can't talk about them. We also can talk about the hugely unsettling amount of anomalies that all went Joe's way. We can't discuss clear/accepted statistical analysis that shows that the dataset were not naturally occurring. We can't discuss how Dominion violated election law by having their machines connected to the internet during the election which is in clear violation of election law. Those things are completely out of bounds. (for the record, I think the Earth is round, the Moon landing happened, and Russian collusion was an absolute joke).

There's no proof... https://hereistheevidence.com/. It's an interesting list even to those who don't believe that fraud happened.

I haven't watched Mike Lindells Absolute Proof video yet so I can't comment on it, but I'm sure it will echo many of the anomalies you can easily find if you take a few minutes and do a little digging.

Side note: 47% of likely US voters believe that some fraud occurred. Thirty-nine percent believe in unprecedented voter fraud in this election. Those are not insignificant numbers and it's not just some fringe belief. Continuing to censor posts/videos/comments/audio about fraud doesn't make it go away, it only pours gas on the fire.

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated.

Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal.

Re: Election fraud February 07, 2021 05:07AM
Courts refusing to hear it & all discussion forbidden kind of tells you what the answer is. Both about the election & the new country we now live in.

Re: Election fraud February 07, 2021 09:27AM
typical republican type waco

Re: Election fraud February 08, 2021 04:29AM
no one cares about truth anymore, we are in a state of sad disrepair,

Re: Election fraud February 08, 2021 11:51PM
pillow guy is a loon. if theres fraud why hasnt trump won any court cases in all the courts he packed?

Re: Election fraud February 09, 2021 12:31AM
Because of the liberal courts in the liberal states where the fraud was committed won't do what is right. And the federal Supreme Court don't want to step on anyone's toes! That's why! Corruption at the highest levels! The people who control all the money in the world have already gave their orders to the peasants and the peasants are doing as they were told to do before Trump dumps the whole cart! Thats why. Too much power at stake, and their greed for power is too much to control.

Re: Election fraud February 09, 2021 03:29AM
Because, you are 100% correct, all of them that are supposed to see judice are corrupt, we have no checks and balances anymore,The Lord says that man will destroy the Earth, and Greed is the first place it happens

Re: Election fraud February 09, 2021 04:19AM
I hate it when we don't have any judice, justice yes, judice no, or was it suppose to be judas? Anyway we aint got none!

Re: Election fraud February 09, 2021 06:44AM
Pillow man believes in honesty and a cause, not many willing to take an honest stand anymore because of the crap fake people chastise you with. Used to be ethics and morality in public office positions, pride and self esteem, not so much at all anymore.With about half the people believing the election was a fraud, and controlled outcome and nothing is being done to correct said fiasco we have a real problem, more to come, wait for "THE REST OF THE STORY", that was already forecast long ago. We have been told by several intelligent people that what is happening would, History does repeat itself. All the facts and truth are covered up by the folks that are supposed to check and review, but they are all in on the scam.

Re: Election fraud February 10, 2021 07:40AM

This was done by time magazine

Re: Election fraud February 11, 2021 09:53PM
I simply wish the people in this country would wake up . Look at all the other governments around the world that fell to communism . All the things we are seeing are opening the door to it . The dems / liberals are falling for it hook line and sinker. All this bullshit of racism , gender equality and climate change is all just churned up to make us take our eye off the ball . You would think in a democracy people would hold fair/ real elections. The schools and universities have been infiltrated by so many communists . Just look at what happened in Russia with Lenin , Italy with Mussolini and Germany with Hitler . There are many more that have the same things in common that we are seeing here in our country.

Re: Election fraud February 13, 2021 04:03AM
We are waking up. Here are the words of Mitch McConnell:

“The voters, the courts, and the states have all spoken. They’ve all spoken. If we overrule them, it would damage our Republic forever."

The election fraud "big lie" was a story that came out literally in real time. How in the hell could everyone have all of this evidence instantly unless it was made up? And then the story about an electronic voting service that took away Trump votes in a bunch of swing states WHEN IT WAS NEVER USED IN THOSE STATES. There are some big lawsuits over that one.

Re: Election fraud February 13, 2021 06:54AM
Pllfn if you believe that there wasn't any corruption and fraud involved in this past election, then you are either blind or are one of the supporters of the radical far left agenda.

Re: Election fraud February 13, 2021 08:39AM
Pullfn you are crazy in the head if you don't think the election was rigged. Was way to obvious the night of the election when magically creepy Joe got a whole bunch of votes sometime around 3am and Trump didn't get any. Get your head out of the sand. And use your brain. Creepy Joe's cabinet are all about themselves not the American people. Wake up!!!

Re: Election fraud February 13, 2021 08:57AM
This election fraud thing is a story in search of actual fraud to be committed. It's weird that whomever posted above thinks that anyone who doesn't believe this whopper of a story is a far left extremist or crazy in the head. There is no evidence. Trump's appointed judges threw out the cases. There is a reason that Trump's own lawyers quit on him rather than go to court with this nonsense. William Barr even said it was crap. The wacko who represented him is being sued for slander. I'm a conservative Republican who doesn't believe wierd sh*t conspiracy theories and it takes intelligent reasoning to convince me of anything let along something this far fetched.

Re: Election fraud February 13, 2021 10:00AM
So if you're a Republican you voted for trump right??? But your telling us that Biden won fair and square. Doesn't make much sense to me how you think everything was done on the up and up. But everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

Re: Election fraud February 15, 2021 03:41AM
I'm a Republican who voted for Trump, but I'm not a huge Trump fan. And I just don't get that people cannot wrap their minds around the fact that their candidate can actually lose an election. It's happened before and it will happen again. That's how democracy works. However, it won't work if a losing candidate convinces his followers that the system was rigged. Pretty soon, we won't have a democracy. Think of it logically, how in the hell could Trump know about all of those problems that popped up in each state AS THEY WERE HAPPENING? He was making sh*t up on the fly. He lost every single court case too. So this conspiracy was undetected, no evidence exists, and various states and the courts were all in on it? Very far fetched.

I won't vote for Trump after all of this crap. And by calling all of those Q followers and homosexual extremist Proud Boys to Washington on the 6th. Then saying what he said and doing nothing to help until hours later. Come on. What was the goal of all of that?

Re: Election fraud February 15, 2021 04:23AM
Pullnfn. I get what you are saying about all of this goofy crap. Because all politicians are all for themselves. Trump didn't get where he is by doing everything by the book either. But yet he is exposing a bunch of things that are WAY out of control and had our country rolling in about every way. I too wouldn't be Trump's best friend but I do like his business mans way of doing things. because running the United States Of America is a BUSINESS not a cartoon fairy tale that the politicians make it out to be. He should have kept his mouth shut alot more and kept his nose to the grindstone and kept on getting our country rolling like it should be. And he probably would still be the president. but too many fluffy people didn't like him calling a spade a spade.

Re: Election fraud February 13, 2021 10:09AM
I agree with Bonestock. Pllnfn has his head buried in the sand. The reason no one supported Trump when crap started to get real was because the big dogs controlling all of the money of the world and the governments of the world sent down the orders to all the pawns that they better end this mess that Trump created. The mess im speaking of is the exposure of all the corruption that Trump was executing. Pllnfn, dont you think it odd how all this just all of the sudden just went away? The mainstream media got their orders too, thats why they don't cover any of it. Why do you think There was an assassination attempt on Trump? Yes there was an assassination attempt on Trump, just look it up. Oh wait a minute you can't look it up because the cyberworld and msm got their orders to keep this hidden. If you or anyone believes that the big players the worlds wealthiest elites are not in control of the world governments then again you have your head in the sand. After the Trump Presidency this is more evident than ever, due to the exposure of all the corruption. Ill start another thread regarding the attempt on President Trump with a link if they haven't removed it yet. Just give them time they'll get it removed. I have great confidence in them. Wake up folks!

Re: Election fraud February 13, 2021 02:13PM
It's a sad day in America that we're even debating the possibility. But if you were falsely accused of something, wouldn't you naturally want to counter the argument. Point by point by point ? I want to hear the counterarguments, not just oh, it,'s a conspiracy. Maybe all the video we saw of poll watchers being bullied, thrown out, kept far away from the ballots they were supposed to be watching is fake. Maybe the tarps & cardboard hung over windows to block observers view wasn't real or there is some explanation. If so, I as an american citizen want to know. Maybe there is some reason there was no report of a water line break in Atlanta, nor a work order to repair it despite media reports vote counting had to be stopped because of it. If so what is it ? Maybe those workers caught on surveillance video hauling ballots out from under tables & scanning them, some more than once, have an explanation. I want to know their names, why they were there & what they have to say for themselves. Perhaps there is a reason a truck load of ballots were hauled from new York to Pennsylvania & the trailer then went missing. Maybe there really wasn't more mail in ballots counted in some jurisdictions than were sent out. If so, say so. Perhaps there is a reason why the historical rejection rate of 5% for absentee ballots dropped to near zero despite being several times more of them. Explain it to us please. But DO NOT say there is no evidence, when in fact there are mountains of it. Evidence is not proof. It is to be considered, debated. If 80 million people truly turned out to vote for a corrupt career swamp rat in obvious mental decline who didn't campaign, then so be it.

Re: Election fraud February 14, 2021 08:45AM
I agree with rerun.

Also, no more mail in votes. There's the problem.

Re: Election fraud February 13, 2021 02:42PM
I totally agree with Rerun. With all the talk and blame about the capital and none of the dems even care to question why everyone is so upset . If there was no fraud then they should just simply prove it wrong . Has anyone seen any efforts by the dems to prove they are correct ? Nope just cancel anyone that questions.

Re: Election fraud February 14, 2021 01:56AM
The person making the claim of voter fraud has the burden of proof. Thats how things work. No one has to prove something didn't happen. That's not how the burden of proof works. This is 1st grade logic folks. Let's do better

Re: Election fraud February 14, 2021 05:00AM
They sure were trying to keep it covered up thou, leaving certain people to count the votes and sending everyone else home, oh no thats not suspicious !!!

Re: Election fraud February 14, 2021 06:22AM

Re: Election fraud February 14, 2021 06:49AM
Have any of these accusations of voter fraud ever been proven true? I don't mean the "suspicious" activity that people are talking about but real actual proof?

I've seen "proof" of Biden all the sudden getting a ton of votes and Trump none at 3am in the morning but then when you look into the accusation you find out that it was a misquoted number and the state corrected the totals by the morning giving Trump thousands of more votes.

I've seen "proof" of a poll worker doctoring a ballot but when you look into it would find out the poll worker was signing their initials to validate the ballot like they are supposed to.

I've seen "proof" that a truck driver claims he drove hundreds of thousand of ballots from NY to PA but he's also known to see ghosts and convinced that several places are haunted.

I've listened to the "proof" that Mike Lindell has. The same guy that claims his pillows cure MS and CP. The guy who's been shut down by the FDA and fined millions of dollars and lost several lawsuits due to false claims.

I've listened to "proof" that no one they know voted for Biden so it must be fraud, yet over half the people I know voted for Biden and there are more registered democrats in the US than republicans.

I've heard "proof" that democratic controlled states rigged the election in their state. Well, wouldn't it seem to make sense if a state is democratically controlled that's because the majority of people in that state vote democratic?

I've seen people accuse dominion voting machines as being faulty and as soon as they are confronted by dominion to provide evidence they fold.

I've seen "proof" that an Italian man pleaded guilty in court to messing with the Dominion voting machines and that he confessed in a letter to the Italian court. A letter written not in Italian but in English.....If you anything about law in foreign countries you already know this isn't possible.

I've heard "proof" that the Nashville bombing was because that's where they hold all the data from the Dominion voting machines yet the guy that is accused of the act had no idea of that and was only buying into the conspiracy theory that AT&T 5G was an issue

I'm not saying some fraud didn't occur on both sides. In fact people have confessed that they went out of their way to defraud the system but there's been no actual proof to show there is widespread fraud. For the folks in this thread it would be interesting to know where you got your information from? Was it social media or was it the news or did you see widespread fraud yourself and you can provide evidence?

If there is indeed actual proof than I certainly think we should investigate but I've yet to see anything but conjecture and conspiracy theories fueled by social media, Trump and some of his supporters.

Re: Election fraud February 14, 2021 12:46PM
This election fraud thing is a story in search of actual fraud to be committed.... There is no evidence. Trump's appointed judges threw out the cases....it takes intelligent reasoning to convince me of anything let along something this far fetched.

Voter fraud is not far fetched, it’s been happening for decades. The question is has it ramped up to warrant further investigation and discussion. Has it become prevalent enough to impact the outcome of this election… or worse yet, changed the outcome of this election? I think most rational humans are aware that fraud occurs, the discussion should now focus to what that level of fraud occurred rather than simply continuing to turn a blind eye to it, censoring people for discussing it, and constantly restating that it wasn’t “widespread” so we should just ignore it. The government and the media should both be looking into it and instead they are turning a blind eye to it. Every single article and news story seems to utter the same term… “widespread” as if we’re searching for a single magic bullet and without one there’s no use in even entertaining the discussion let alone actually looking it the numerous accusations.

Have any of these accusations of voter fraud ever been proven true?

I guess it depends on how you define proof. Do you mean proof as in admissible in a court of law? Or do you mean proof regarding an official legal ruling/court case? AKA have any court cases been won. How are you defining proof?

O.J. Simpson was not proven to kill Nicole. A court didn’t convict because the lawyers didn’t prove the case. Does that mean O.J. didn't do it? Does that make O.J. is innocent? It’s not that clear cut is it? According to our law he’s innocent until proven guilty, but that doesn’t mean he’s innocent or not guilty of actually committing the act of murder. It just means they didn’t convict. You saying “proof” and “proven” are tricky to figure what standard you're taking about. Do you believe O.J. did it… and are you consistent with the same standards with regards to election fraud? What’s your standard of proof on both accounts?

One last comment to TripleAlphaProcess, I don't want to address each of your statements because this post is already too long, but I'd be more than happy too if you'd like, but I will address one, as for Mike Lindell’s data (presented in the first 10ish minutes), or even Trump’s data that he referenced during his Capitol speech, your spending to much time focusing on the message carrier and not actually addressing the message. Did you look at the source data that they referenced? Have you looked into any of the data? Much of the data referenced is directly from the state websites. Sure Mike Lindell has issues and sure he’s a goofy guy, but I care more about the data than the guy presenting it. Much/most of that data can be verified with a little research. One note, it doesn’t tell you how those votes were divided among candidates but it does raise some serious concerns as to why those votes are even being included in the tally.

I posted this above.. but I’ll do it again...here's a list of evidence that is admissible in court: [hereistheevidence.com]. All of the things could/may be used in a court case. Lots of evidence.

Many are sworn legal affidavits (which if the person signing perjures themselves they can be arrested). There is also growing video evidence that now supports many of the claims that were made on election night and in the sworn affidavits. Evidence of ballot drops that were previously denied and now video evidence has surfaced to verify some of those claims. So we have eyewitness reports, video evidence, statistical analysis that shows that the data sets are not naturally occurring, we have audits of counties that show significant anomalies (look up Antrim County MI), we have verified instances of election laws that were broken when the election laws were changed on election day, and even after the election in many cases... and in many of these cases the laws were even changed by the wrong branch of government which is in direct violation to state constitutions. We have evidence that voting machines were connected to the internet when state and federal laws clearly state that they cannot be connected while in use. We have numerous audits of some election machines the show a 5-6% voting error rate that always removed votes from Republicans. Votes being counted after the deadline, votes being counted with no legitimate legal chain of custody, votes being counted that are clearly illegal (non-resident, under age, not registered to vote, voted multiple times, etc…) We actually have mountains and mountains and mountains of evidence and it doesn't take much digging to find them.

What we don't have is a media with integrity to actually look into the claims. What we don't have is a legal system that is willing to hear many of these cases based on their merits. What we don’t know is how extensive the fraud was because people are being canceled for even mentioning it. We know some of it happened, we just don’t’ know how much and we can’t even reference it on Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Youtube etc...

Here is a list of all the election courts cases thus far and there outcomes:
As a side note: Trump and the GOP haven't lost all the cases, infact they won 2/3 that have been decided on merit and there are many pending cases still to be decided.

If you look at most of the cases they were dismissed for procedural reasons... similar to when a murdered gets set free because of a technicality even though he was guilty of the actual crime... these cases were dismissed because of a technicality, not lack of merit.

My brother-in-law who’s a PhD mathematician who hates Trump downloaded datasets from several states and counties to try and disprove some of the things he was reading and hearing. He ran numerous statistical analysis on datasets. Although I didn’t understand half of what he was talking about (I’m not a PhD in number theory) it was pretty clear to me that he was very concerned with how most of the data didn’t conform to any randomly generated/naturally occurring datasets as an election should. His quest to disprove data anomalies instead changed his opinion and he is now strongly in the camp of a stolen election even though he still loathes Trump. Astonishingly, (sarcasm) the more he looked the more anomalies he found.

As for me, I’m not a Trump supporter (feel like I’ve made that clear…) but I’m also not a Trump hater and I’ve stated numerous times I preferred him to both Hillary and Joe but I still didn’t like him. I’m also not on social media and I don’t get any of my news from there (In fact, you can’t get election fraud news from social media… it’s not allowed. The more I looked into fraud the more I’m convinced that something isn’t right with this election. I’ve researched, I’ve looked at data, video, audio hollow explanations, I’ve read independent audits and it’s only strengthened my stance that something seriously wrong happened on November 3rd.

For those who don’t believe that serious (not “widespread”) fraud occurred, have you really looked into it? Have you looked at alternate news sites? Have you done the research yourself or have you just let media deliver it to you?

When there are so many anomalies it should give serious concern and it should cause investigation. It's not proof, but it raises red flags that should make us pause and dig deeper to ascertain truth.

I can’t say with 100% certainty that if you don’t look for fraud you’ll never find it.

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated.

Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal.

Re: Election fraud February 15, 2021 02:28AM
Jake-Based on my previous posts I would think you'd know I always look into both sides of the story. I always look at fact and not conjecture or conspiracy. One thing I've learned in my career is when you hear hoof steps its way more likely to be a common horse and not a zebra.

I'm not saying that there's not a need to investigate. What I'm saying is that there's been no proof that a widespread fraud has been perpetrated on behalf of the democratic party. Certainly there are several anomalies in this election due to a record amount of voting and the number that were absentee ballots. Are every single one of those anomalous votes for Biden? I guess I'm not sure but even if they were that's about 2MM votes from the review of the website you sent. That still leaves about a 5MM vote advantage for Biden. I understand if they were all strategically placed that could sway the election.

I understand your brother in laws point as well but I bet if you ask him from a statistical point of the view the more you slice and rearrange the data the more patterns emerge and the more likely those patterns are random versus any real conclusions.

Again, I certainly think that any cases of fraud should be investigated but what I've seen so far is nothing has been proven to be widespread fraud.

I really appreciate the discussion and the civil exchange because that's what I think we all need is a honest view of what's happening in the world and an open mind to different possibilities.

Re: Election fraud February 17, 2021 01:15PM
Sorry for taking so long to respond, life has been very busy these last couple of days. I completely agree about the civil exchange, it's been very enjoyable. I think the lack of civil discussion on one of my biggest problems/concerns with society lately. I’d rather have a meaningful discussion, even heated at times, than to live in an echo chamber or a society where we aren’t free to discuss. Thanks for being willing to have a dialog.

First, a quick tangent: Why does the fraud need to "widespread"? Why not do fraud in a more surgical fashion? "Widespread" fraud is easy to find and root out. Death by 1000 paper cuts is a much more effective and much more elusive way to perpetrate/and or hide fraud. Why is "widespread" the metric to use? Why is it the only type of fraud that will sway many?

I agree that definitive proof of fraud is elusive, especially when the media and government refuse to take and unbiased approach to looking into it. In many cases counties and state are completely stonewalling and not allowing any transparency. Without access to ballots proof will remain elusive and statistical analysis of limited data and other forms of evidence is all we have to guide us.

I wrote a super long response the other day and then didn’t have time to proof read and post it and I thought maybe we should try to narrow our discussion a bit (even though I' still long-winded:

Many viewed mail-in ballots as a form of election fraud (some might even say widespread), or at the very least an easily exploitable avenue to perpetrate fraud. I’d love to hear your take on some of these questions.
  1. Do you feel that the illegal election law changes that were not done by state legislatures should have been allowed? Some states violated their own Constitutions and used the pandemic as their justification. It was the basis for the Texas lawsuit and it was thrown out of court for lack of standing, not lack of merit.
  2. Can election law be ignored and still be deemed a fair election?
  3. If election law can be ignored who get to pick and choose which laws can be circumvented?
  4. Can we ignore election law in the future too?
  5. Some of these election law changes moved deadlines on election day, some allowed for ballots to be accepted after deadlines, some even allowed for non postmarked ballots to be counted. Should this be allowed?
  6. Should we allow this in the future too?
  7. What about the counting of mail-in ballots that were clearly illegal for various other reasons (chain of custody issues, duplicate ballots, illegal immigrants voting, underage voters, non-state resident voting, no address given, the address of the post office or of a vacant lot given as a home address, etc…) (some of these also happen in person, but lets stick to mail-in for now)... should those ballots have been counted?
  8. Should these ballots be counted in the future?
  9. What about the mail-in ballots that were received back into state custody a day before they were mailed out? If they were mailed on the 10th and received back on the 9th through some spacetime bending mail service should they be accepted?
  10. Similar to chain of custody, what about some states having mail-in ballots that once removed from the envelop there’s no way to identify where the ballot came from? Should that be allowed?
  11. What about the numerous affidavits that people signed where they scanned mail-in ballots with no creases in them. No fold marks? Should that give us cause for concern and should they be counted?
  12. In PA (a few other swings states are similar) In the most populated Biden leaning counties a total of 450 ballots were rejected out of about 1.3 million mail-in ballots received in those counties.  That is a rejection rate of 0.0003% (For reference the usual rate is about 1.2% which is a HUGE difference, and this year there were more first time mail-in ballots so one could expect a higher rate of error simply due to the fact of inexperience.) The rejection rate is not proof of fraud, but should it give us cause for concern since they won't allow access to the ballots?

I’m not implying that ALL mail-in ballots were fraud… but I believe that illegal mail-in ballots and the unconstitutional law changes around them made up a portion of the fraud.

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated.

Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal.

Re: Election fraud February 14, 2021 08:00AM
Rerun is dead on !!!

Re: Election fraud February 15, 2021 03:47AM
Mike Lindell told everyone on his YouTube feed that the Trump supporters were peaceful and that the terrorists who stormed the capitol were all Antifa. And he said it minutes after it occurred and his evidence was "my niece was at the rally". Lindell is one weird ass crazy dude.

Re: Election fraud February 15, 2021 05:24AM
The people who stormed the capital were not peaceful. Those who marched outside were . pretty simple. Those who stormed inside were criminals & those among them who were Trump supporters were useful idiots. As it once again made sure no election irregularities saw any open discussion, plus it was akin to handing someone shooting at you more ammunition. Livin Orange point is well taken, but another way to look at is these people are in theory at least, public employees.ie:: they work for us. Say I'm a hardware store clerk or bank teller. At the end of my shift my drawer does not add up. My boss finds out that I have not followed the protocols put in place to insure accountability. ( election laws, signature verification, ballot chain of custody, etc.etc.) In addition surveillance camera footage is found that appears to show me taking money out of the drawer. ( ballots pulled from tables, cell phone video of poll watchers forced behind cardboard covered windows) Then several co workers sign sworn statements of having seen me not following procedures to insure accountability. My boss may not be able to send me to jail on that alone, but my bet is such actions get me fired or suspended pending further investigation. What I bet does not happen is big tech oligarchs & corporate media rush in & say this subject can not & will not be discussed under any circumstance. Sorry, best analagoy I could think of. To Triple Alpha's last sentence. Here/here. Ain't it pathetic that both sides of an issue get a better & more civil debate on a tractor pulling web site than in the national media & halls of congress ? Just sayin.

Re: Election fraud February 15, 2021 06:15AM

That pretty well sums it up. Hopefully something behind the scene is happening. When the big money battle this is what happens.

Re: Election fraud February 15, 2021 10:09AM
NOO, - this is what happens when the people in charge of checking ,did the misdeeds in the first place,when they can change horsepower settings,unlock car doors, diagnose issues in the vehicle from afar, run planes and drones by remote 8k miles away, any device electronically on the internet can be "ADJUSTED ACCORDING TO WILL". There are no questions of evidence when you ask the Fox to guard the chicken house and then be surprised in the morning when the chickens are dead and chewed up. DUH !!!!!!!! WE ARE WAY PAST 1950 AND SELF ESTEEM AND PRIDE, - THE NEW WAY IS DECEITFUL AND UNDERHANDED,WITH MOST IN ON THE LIES.

Re: Election fraud February 28, 2021 02:46AM
Mike Lindell told everyone on his YouTube feed that the Trump supporters were peaceful and that the terrorists who stormed the capitol were all Antifa. And he said it minutes after it occurred and his evidence was "my niece was at the rally". Lindell is one weird ass crazy dude.

Truth... several people arrested are ANTIFA and BLM members or supporters.



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