wake up and pay attention / Biden's nominee for Comptroller of Currency November 18, 2021 01:01PM
Communist born nominee.

Supports ending private banking and having your personal bank accounts transferred over to the Federal Reserve.

Also, she was arrested for shop lifting in a TJ Maxx store in the 1990s

You can't make this stuff up Eye Rolling


Re: wake up and pay attention / Biden's nominee for Comptroller of Currency November 18, 2021 01:12PM
yet another one:

This nominee has recently stated that "she wants oil and energy companies to go bankrupt to solve the climate change issue"Eye Rolling


Re: wake up and pay attention / Biden's nominee for Comptroller of Currency November 18, 2021 01:21PM
kevin h
Communist born nominee.

Supports ending private banking and having your personal bank accounts transferred over to the Federal Reserve.

Also, she was arrested for shop lifting in a TJ Maxx store in the 1990s

You can't make this stuff up Eye Rolling



Re: wake up and pay attention / Biden's nominee for Comptroller of Currency November 18, 2021 08:04PM
We're you born this ignorant, or did it take years to hone your skills?

This woman's family literally fled the Soviet Union to come to America.

You don't like her because she's brown and she talks funny.

For people who aren't sheep you guys share an awful lot of YouTube videos with regurgitated alt-right talking points.

Lolz November 18, 2021 09:37PM
We're you born this ignorant, or did it take years to hone your skills?

This woman's family literally fled the Soviet Union to come to America.

You don't like her because she's brown and she talks funny.

For people who aren't sheep you guys share an awful lot of YouTube videos with regurgitated alt-right talking points.

Just because you legally immigrate here to the USA doesn't mean you should try to change the USA to a socialist country. People come to the USA for a reason; it's called FREEDOM!

I did not mention skin color or accent (that was your comments). Race baiting comments are all on you. I know people of all races and interact with them daily and we get along just fine.

Lolz, do you think the current President, Vice President and their handlers like (Soros, Pelosi, Clinton, Obama, and Schumer) are doing a great job of trying to change the USA to something different? I'll be waiting to hear from you to educate me. I'm open to learning something new each day.Smiling

Re: Lolz November 19, 2021 12:57AM
kevin h

We're you born this ignorant, or did it take years to hone your skills?

This woman's family literally fled the Soviet Union to come to America.

You don't like her because she's brown and she talks funny.

For people who aren't sheep you guys share an awful lot of YouTube videos with regurgitated alt-right talking points.

Just because you legally immigrate here to the USA doesn't mean you should try to change the USA to a socialist country. People come to the USA for a reason; it's called FREEDOM!

I did not mention skin color or accent (that was your comments). Race baiting comments are all on you. I know people of all races and interact with them daily and we get along just fine

Lolz, do you think the current President, Vice President and their handlers like (Soros, Pelosi, Clinton, Obama, and Schumer) are doing a great job of trying to change the USA to something different? I'll be waiting to hear from you to educate me. I'm open to learning something new each day.Smiling

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/19/2021 12:59AM by JDpowershift.

Re: Lolz November 19, 2021 01:01AM

We're you born this ignorant, or did it take years to hone your skills?

This woman's family literally fled the Soviet Union to come to America.

You don't like her because she's brown and she talks funny.

For people who aren't sheep you guys share an awful lot of YouTube videos with regurgitated alt-right talking points.

Just because you legally immigrate here to the USA doesn't mean you should try to change the USA to a socialist country. People come to the USA for a reason; it's called FREEDOM!

I did not mention skin color or accent (that was your comments). Race baiting comments are all on you. I know people of all races and interact with them daily and we get along just fine

Lolz, do you think the current President, Vice President and their handlers like (Soros, Pelosi, Clinton, Obama, and Schumer) are doing a great job of trying to change the USA to something different? I'll be waiting to hear from you to educate me. I'm open to learning something new each day.Smiling

Kevin, I like how you think ! !
I have no problem with people coming to this country, (legally), but they have no right to push their crap on us here.

Re: Lolz November 19, 2021 11:05AM
While most of what you said there is fear mongering gobbledygook, I'm not going to respond to that.

However, here's an article not written in a manner to scare you. https://www.npr.org/2021/11/18/1056252505/saule-omarova-occ-treasury-nomination-confirmation-hearing-criticism][/url]

Re: wake up and pay attention / Biden's nominee for Comptroller of Currency November 19, 2021 01:09AM
We're you born this ignorant, or did it take years to hone your skills?

This woman's family literally fled the Soviet Union to come to America.

You don't like her because she's brown and she talks funny.

For people who aren't sheep you guys share an awful lot of YouTube videos with regurgitated alt-right talking points.

I don't like her because of the stupid, communist policies she believes should be implemented.
Do you have any idea what she has proposed?
Do you think her policies would be good for the country?
If so, then you need to be referred to as comrade. And I don't think you would need to be calling someone else ignorant if you agree with her policy ideas, you could look in the mirror and see plenty of ignorance.

Re: wake up and pay attention / Biden's nominee for Comptroller of Currency November 19, 2021 05:55AM
She believes in community banking,how stupid can a person be

Re: wake up and pay attention / Biden's nominee for Comptroller of Currency November 19, 2021 12:42PM
MGC changed his name to LOIZ any body from a country that named there kid something like that dont need to be here

Re: wake up and pay attention / Biden's nominee for Comptroller of Currency November 22, 2021 11:04AM
We're you born this ignorant, or did it take years to hone your skills?

This woman's family literally fled the Soviet Union to come to America.

You don't like her because she's brown and she talks funny.

For people who aren't sheep you guys share an awful lot of YouTube videos with regurgitated alt-right talking points.

Did you vote for a dementia patient with a bad 40 yr track record as a Senator and a Vice President who offers nothing but ill timed cringe worthy laughs???

What is alt left, ball less commies???? Is Loiz your rank in ANTIFA, like a general or something???



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