Roe V Wade overturned June 24, 2022 03:06AM
A great ruling for our nation.

Now, just as the long process to overturn the 1973 ruling bears fruit, another long process to chip away at legalized killing of humans in blue states that permit abortion begins.

Re: Roe V Wade overturned June 25, 2022 08:45AM
Since Row v Wade. was deemed unconstitutional, another law should have immediately gone into effect.

The father should be required to pay 2/3rds of his income. 1/3 for the maintenance of the child from birth and 1/3 for the child’s education post high school. If the man refuses to work then he goes to prison while doing public service- sweep the streets, paint the school, trim trees, etc. the man is paid minimum wage and all goes to the mother and child as above.

We can use ex military and LE to hunt down those that do not comply and even offer bounties on them.

You play you pay.

If this doesn't happen then in about 18 to 20 years from now we will have an unprecedented crime wave.

Re: Roe V Wade overturned June 25, 2022 11:49AM
Dale RPM
Since Row v Wade. was deemed unconstitutional, another law should have immediately gone into effect.

The father should be required to pay 2/3rds of his income. 1/3 for the maintenance of the child from birth and 1/3 for the child’s education post high school. If the man refuses to work then he goes to prison while doing public service- sweep the streets, paint the school, trim trees, etc. the man is paid minimum wage and all goes to the mother and child as above.

We can use ex military and LE to hunt down those that do not comply and even offer bounties on them.

You play you pay.

If this doesn't happen then in about 18 to 20 years from now we will have an unprecedented crime wave.

Not that simple..... Men have rights to. My story is to long to tell here but anyone in central Illinois that is around Mclean county do not vote for Judge Amy Mcfarland. She is not what she says she is and is completely against mens rights. I have personally witnessed this.

Re: Roe V Wade overturned June 26, 2022 02:54AM
The Original Michael
A great ruling for our nation.

But only for white people?


Re: Roe V Wade overturned June 26, 2022 03:34AM

A great ruling for our nation.

But only for white people?


Nice distraction... NOT.

Re: Roe V Wade overturned June 26, 2022 09:32AM

A great ruling for our nation.

But only for white people?


Nice distraction... NOT.

Typical leftist.... Yes she misspoke... Get the facts on this woman and you will know that's not how she feels. TAP is a leftist, he keeps proving that he is while claiming he is not.

No, I do not care which multi tractor team owner he is.

Re: Roe V Wade overturned June 26, 2022 09:51AM
It was a joke.Spinning Easy folks. Time to try decaf.....

I'm not a leftist (or a rightist for that matter)...I am a realist but you can continue to call me names if that lets you sleep better at night. Smiling

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/26/2022 09:54AM by TripleAlphaProcess.

Re: Roe V Wade overturned June 26, 2022 10:54AM
It was a joke.Spinning Easy folks. Time to try decaf.....

I'm not a leftist (or a rightist for that matter)...I am a realist but you can continue to call me names if that lets you sleep better at night. Smiling

I don't drink coffee... It stunts your growth lol

That's a joke...

Your a lefty... Embrace it

Re: Roe V Wade overturned June 27, 2022 09:44AM

It was a joke.Spinning Easy folks. Time to try decaf.....

I'm not a leftist (or a rightist for that matter)...I am a realist but you can continue to call me names if that lets you sleep better at night. Smiling

I don't drink coffee... It stunts your growth lol

That's a joke...

Your a lefty... Embrace it

That was no joke. He is a lefty, they cant meme, have zero sense of humor. Smokey free crack pipe with your lefty friends???

Re: Roe V Wade overturned June 28, 2022 12:45AM
Theoretical question..... I'm from Ohio, we've already done the right thing and gotten rid of abortions. Somebody here has to be from New York or California, maybe Illinois. In the 3 states I just listed would it ever be possible for the country folk like those of us here on the site to gain enough power in CA, NY, or IL to ban abortions there? Or do the large cities in your state hold all the power and you are all just stuck dealing with the terrible laws that the purple haired, pronoun using goobers in the cities come up with?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/28/2022 12:46AM by BrandonA.

Re: Roe V Wade overturned June 28, 2022 01:50AM
Sadly NY and CA are probably going to be abortion sanctuary states forever. I believe both states are already talking about using tax payer dollars to fund housing and travel for people to come to those states to have an abortion. They're going to treat it like a tourism industry. There's a mass exodus of conservatives and libertarian leaning people from NY to red states so I don't see the balance of power tipping in the other direction anytime soon. If NY or CA were to ever elect a republican governor they would probably be RINO's and the democrats have super majorities in their legislatures so nothing would change. I do have some hope for IL because Chicago's mayor is so terrible that she has potential to move the needle in the opposite direction.

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

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Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal.

Re: Roe V Wade overturned June 28, 2022 03:07AM
It's kind of sad when that people like yourself, Jake, are subjected to following the laws, and suffering the consequences of terrible economic and social decisions, of liberal elites in large cities. The state of New York, in your case, is made up of more than just New York City.

Re: Roe V Wade overturned June 28, 2022 01:03PM
Illinois will never be a great state again this century.

Re: Roe V Wade overturned June 28, 2022 04:16PM
Illinois will never be a great state again this century.

It would be if we just get rid of Chicago!!!! Now with that said, did you know that our current pot head gov. is thinking about running for President of our Country?

Re: Roe V Wade overturned June 29, 2022 12:04AM
New York would probably be a good state to if they could get rid of New York City -- at least the parts ive been in were ok.

Re: Roe V Wade overturned June 29, 2022 12:09AM

Illinois will never be a great state again this century.

It would be if we just get rid of Chicago!!!! Now with that said, did you know that our current pot head gov. is thinking about running for President of our Country?

I'm all for getting rid of Chicago (Fudge the Bears...LOL). I actually despise Chicago, especially when I have to drive through it.

Chicago does produce almost 80% (77.4% to be exact) of the entire state's economic output so, I guess the question is are Illinois residents willing to give up ~80% of their economic output and how would they replace that money for supporting the rest of the state? I'm not sure if it's the same in IL but in MN the state taxes are shared amongst the entire state and losing 80% of the economic output would be catastrophic for the more rural communities.

Re: Roe V Wade overturned June 29, 2022 01:34AM
I guess my question in Illinois would be, how does one city control your entire state legislature? Shouldn't there be enough representatives from outside Chicago that Chicago's opinion on the state level aren't taken into account?

Re: Roe V Wade overturned June 29, 2022 01:38AM
Unless of course the district maps for your representatives looks like this. My lord

Re: Roe V Wade overturned June 29, 2022 11:00AM
I guess my question in Illinois would be, how does one city control your entire state legislature? Shouldn't there be enough representatives from outside Chicago that Chicago's opinion on the state level aren't taken into account?

It's always a highly debated topic but I believe that most states have a senate and house to do just that. The number of house seats is supposed to be based on population in the districts and the number of senate seat is supposed to be based on number of districts. However, drawing those district lines is always fraught with debate and corruption, IMO.

Re: Roe V Wade overturned June 29, 2022 02:39PM

Illinois will never be a great state again this century.

It would be if we just get rid of Chicago!!!! Now with that said, did you know that our current pot head gov. is thinking about running for President of our Country?
Clark, when I mentioned that Chicago needed "burn down" to make Illinois a great state again, Facebook put me in jail for a week. I doubt that Jake or Dick are quite that harsh.

Re: Roe V Wade overturned June 29, 2022 04:24PM
Richard Warren

Illinois will never be a great state again this century.

It would be if we just get rid of Chicago!!!! Now with that said, did you know that our current pot head gov. is thinking about running for President of our Country?Clark, when I mentioned that Chicago needed "burn down" to make Illinois a great state again, Facebook put me in jail for a week. I doubt that Jake or Dick are quite that harsh.

Ok now I gotcha. Sorry that I really had to get to the field when you messaged me that.

Re: Roe V Wade overturned June 29, 2022 08:38AM
The expense of Chicago outways it's income. Downstate would be just fine without it. No tractor pulls in Chicago lol

Democratic Gerrymandering at its finest.



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