A new years tradition December 31, 2022 04:18PM
So.....who fired off a few rounds at 12 midnight ......and what did ya use ?
I let off 6 rounds of 357 and 4 rds. of 12ga. 00 .

Come on, don't be shy !

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/31/2022 04:22PM by JDpowershift.

Re: A new years tradition January 01, 2023 07:57AM

1. Limit alcohol consumption.

2. Shoot slugs instead of bird shot. Slugs are single projectiles and there is a less likely chance of striking someone compared to hundreds of pellets from a bird shot round.

3. Shoot hollow points as they are less aerodynamic than full metal jacket rounds and don't travel as far.

4. Shoot above double wide trailers as their roofs are twice as likely to block bullets compared to single wides.

5. Aim towards poor areas as they contain more abandoned buildings than financially stable areas.

6. Guns are safer to shoot than fireworks as fireworks are more of a fire hazard than bullets.

Re: A new years tradition January 01, 2023 11:09AM
Fireworks are colorful and entertaining. Guns are not - all they do is promote (more) violence.

Re: A new years tradition January 01, 2023 12:05PM
Fireworks are colorful and entertaining. Guns are not - all they do is promote (more) violence.

The heck they aren't entertaining.

I've attended many shooting events in my day and have seen many gun owners that are a lot more proficient and knowledgeable than I.
And if your willing to be educated, guns don't promote violence, people do.

Re: A new years tradition January 01, 2023 12:09PM
We let a bunch 12ga rounds go and some "left over" 4th of July tubes go up. was fun as heck!!! And, Yes, Beer was present.......!!!!!

Re: A new years tradition January 02, 2023 01:45PM
Well, excuse me, that I did state the whole sentence. So to please you and to educate yourself, JD P..., here it is:
It takes a person to utilize a gun to promote (more) violence.
I hope this makes you happy.

Re: A new years tradition January 02, 2023 01:58PM
Well, excuse me, that I did state the whole sentence. So to please you and to educate yourself, JD P..., here it is:
It takes a person to utilize a gun to promote (more) violence.
I hope this makes you happy.

One can promote violence with just about anything, like say a ball bat, hammer or a vehicle.
So, again, it's not really about an inanimate object, it's people who promote it, not the object.
A person can utilize about any kind of object to promote (more) violence.
If one thinks guns are bad because people may use them to commit evil acts, the truth is going over their head.
Blaming an object instead of the person is just plain ignorant.

Did you know people use guns to promote safety and self defense "more" than people use them to commit violence ?

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 01/02/2023 02:36PM by JDpowershift.

Re: A new years tradition January 02, 2023 03:03PM
Well said, guns save countless lives (seldom does our media highlight that). Guns provide food for countless people. Guns also provide entertainment and sport for countless people. Guns are simply a tool.

As JDpowershift said, yes some evil people use guns for evil purposes. Some evil people use knives. Some evil people use cars. Evil people use all sorts of things for evil. Look at the data: feet, fists, and hands kill lots of people. Guns are not evil. Guns do not promote anything (let alone violence). Guns are a tool. How people use or misuse that tool is not the fault of the tool.

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated.

Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal.

The truth January 03, 2023 12:17AM
Exactly !

The tool has nothing to do with it as I pointed out above.
Vehicles have been used to kill people. Does that make them evil. Maybe we should ban "them" because somebody might use one sometime in the unforseeable future to kill .
Kind of stupid, isn't it, but this is where this kind of logic takes us.

Now, lets move on to the question I asked !

I see a new tradition! January 06, 2023 06:09PM
What a way to send out the old and bring in the New Year! I see me making this a new tradition for me and my family! Enjoy firing responsibly!! Lol
I love lt! We got some new neighbors moving in sometime possibly this year, what a way to welcome them to the country life!!! I hope they are not moving here from the city to avoid all the "Guns going off in the middle of the night"!!!! LOL!!


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