biden state of the union=pack of lies February 07, 2023 01:40PM
Watching the speech, what a lying dog biden is, 12 million new jobs my ass!!!

Re: biden state of the union=pack of lies February 08, 2023 08:31AM
So, what's the number than? 12M seems high.

The BLS says unemployment went from 6.3% to 3.5% and about 10.3M more people were employed over that time.

Why do we even have a State of the Union anymore anyways? It's just a way to show how uncivil the "leaders" of the country are. No wonder why nothing gets done.

Re: biden state of the union=pack of lies February 08, 2023 09:40AM
I’m just glad we need oil & gas for 10 more years. Omg…..

Re: biden state of the union=pack of lies February 09, 2023 02:19AM
Saying he created 12 million jobs is rather misleading. How many of those jobs existed before the fake pandemic that the dems took the job away by closing down businesses? Then when things opened up they counted it as a new job for the Biden Administration? I'd guess at least half of the 12 million fall under this category.

Re: biden state of the union=pack of lies February 09, 2023 11:31AM
So, what's the number than? 12M seems high.

The BLS says unemployment went from 6.3% to 3.5% and about 10.3M more people were employed over that time.

Why do we even have a State of the Union anymore anyways? It's just a way to show how uncivil the "leaders" of the country are. No wonder why nothing gets done.

Defeating Marxism will be uncivil, the left has become a corrupt third world looney camp. Nothing gets done???? laws get passed all the time, too many damn laws.

Re: biden state of the union=pack of lies February 09, 2023 10:12AM
The real number is like 2 million.

Re: biden state of the union=pack of lies February 16, 2023 04:48AM
Well, at least according to that blonde bitch who shouted at him. We used to have well mannered adults in Congress. Not anymore.

Re: biden state of the union=pack of lies February 16, 2023 08:58AM
And God fearing presidents, but as you said - not anymore !!!

Re: biden state of the union=pack of lies February 17, 2023 05:03AM
And God fearing presidents, but as you said - not anymore !!!

I've never understood god fearing when it comes to politics. Do you mean you have to believe in god to be a good president? You have to fear them to be a good president? You have to use fear to control people's actions? There's been a lot of presidents that have done "ungodly" things (pretty much every president I can think of) yet people of all types of political affiliation think they were good leaders.

It's not intended to be a snarky question but a genuine interest in that point of view. I am asking not to criticize but to understand.

Re: biden state of the union=pack of lies February 17, 2023 05:48AM
I believe it to mean that you answer to a higher power. That despite being the leader of the free world you're still beholden to something much bigger than yourself. With that much power it's difficult to stay grounded and having a true belief in a higher power should be a constant reminder that your not omnipotent. If you truly believe in God it should help maintain some level of humility.

Men pretend to become gods when they don't have a belief in God.

I'll also say that just because men profess a belief in God it doesn't mean they truly believe it in their heart.... While I don't know anyone's heart other than my own, I believe that many people of great power profess without any real faith.

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

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Re: biden state of the union=pack of lies February 17, 2023 07:31AM
Thanks Jake, we'll spoken and broken down to be understood, that's exactly what I was implying.

Re: biden state of the union=pack of lies February 19, 2023 11:06AM
Jake Morgan
I believe it to mean that you answer to a higher power. That despite being the leader of the free world you're still beholden to something much bigger than yourself. With that much power it's difficult to stay grounded and having a true belief in a higher power should be a constant reminder that your not omnipotent. If you truly believe in God it should help maintain some level of humility.

Men pretend to become gods when they don't have a belief in God.

I'll also say that just because men profess a belief in God it doesn't mean they truly believe it in their heart.... While I don't know anyone's heart other than my own, I believe that many people of great power profess without any real faith.
Well said Jake! Well said!!Thumbs Up

Re: biden state of the union=pack of lies February 18, 2023 02:49AM
Face in crowd
Well, at least according to that blonde bitch who shouted at him. We used to have well mannered adults in Congress. Not anymore.

So she cant defend herself from false accusations and lies???? Sine when???? Well mannered means the pathological liar with dementia should keep the lies to himself in front of the nation.

Re: biden state of the union=pack of lies February 18, 2023 05:33AM
I would prefer that "blonde b!tch" over any demonrat in our gubmint! She is a tell it how it is type of person, and that is what we need in those positions! These spineless politically correct idiots are not fit to run anything!


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