Stupid Numbers April 27, 2023 02:28AM
Cost of parts are stupid crazy. Gasket kit $600

Re: Stupid Numbers April 29, 2023 12:29PM
You mean Price. Cost is what it takes to make it and sell it. Price is set by the seller. It's usually as much as they can extract from you. There has been a lot of that going on since Covid because sellers have found out they can get away with it.

Re: Stupid Numbers April 30, 2023 02:14AM
You mean Price. Cost is what it takes to make it and sell it. Price is set by the seller. It's usually as much as they can extract from you. There has been a lot of that going on since Covid because sellers have found out they can get away with it.

Its called inflation! This happens when the Government prints too much money, then gives it away, forces business's to pay 15.00 minimum wage, all this devalues the dollar backed up by absolutely nothing.

Re: Stupid Numbers April 30, 2023 03:41AM
So it's the government's fault that John Deere earned over $7 billion in profit last year?

Re: Stupid Numbers April 30, 2023 04:07AM
GM reported $14.5 billion
Exxon reported $55 billion

Re: Stupid Numbers May 06, 2023 03:34AM
GM reported $14.5 billion
Exxon reported $55 billion

As far as profits for the oil companies Joe Xiden and several demoncrats have stated on record they WANT high prices to force the use of electric cars. They gave the oil companies the green light for gouging us, now the dementia patient is selling the strategic reserve to our enemy China making matters worse.

Re: Stupid Numbers May 06, 2023 03:37AM
GM reported $14.5 billion
Exxon reported $55 billion

Since inflation has destroyed the value of the dollar, these amounts are not that high at all, I bet you are happy Obama bailed out GM for a huge taxpayer loss???

Re: Stupid Numbers May 06, 2023 03:20AM
So it's the government's fault that John Deere earned over $7 billion in profit last year?

Inflation has affected every thing , especially food prices. You sound jealous, the point of a business is to make money for their stockholders, dont buy green.

Envy is a sin, get over it.

Re: Stupid Numbers May 06, 2023 11:48AM
Your 3 posts makes zero sense dude.

Re: Stupid Numbers May 07, 2023 12:39AM
Kind of like the price for a college education. They convinced everyone they need one and then jacked the price to the moon multiple times the rate of inflation.

Re: Stupid Numbers May 09, 2023 04:56AM
Deere Puller
Kind of like the price for a college education. They convinced everyone they need one and then jacked the price to the moon multiple times the rate of inflation.

One thing I'd say about college education is the experience is very different today than say even 20 years ago. Part of the reason college is so expensive is look at the facilities these kids have today, look at the dorm rooms, look at the dining halls, look at the student gyms. They are almost staying at luxury resorts compared to when I went to school. Obviously not every campus is like that but the majority are. If it was really about getting an education and broadening your horizons the cost wouldn't have risen nearly as fast.

Re: Stupid Numbers May 09, 2023 01:24PM
The cost of college went through the roof when the federal government took over the student loan programs. Schools knew they were going to get their money, so they spent like drunken sailors and raised the price. New buildings, pay raises for everybody, nothing was deemed unreasonable when it came to spending.

Re: Stupid Numbers May 09, 2023 11:19PM
Well said... you could also insert "health care" instead of "college". EVERY time the government gets involved it becomes more expense and less efficient.

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated.

Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal.

Re: Stupid Numbers May 12, 2023 05:28AM
Jake Morgan
Well said... you could also insert "health care" instead of "college". EVERY time the government gets involved it becomes more expense and less efficient.

Except now government payments for Healthcare services has slowly been declining over the last several years and private insurance is the one that is increasing. Overall spend is up but the cost per service has decreased.

It's interesting because the one thing that has not matched inflation is the CMS reimbursement rates so healthcare is getting squeezed and profitability in HC is down.

Re: Stupid Numbers May 12, 2023 12:56PM
so healthcare is getting squeezed and profitability in HC is down.

I'm going to really struggle to shed any tears for the healthcare industry. First... they were consistently wrong on pretty much EVERYTHING related to COVID... I've lost an amazing amount of respect for the healthcare industry. In fact, many hospitals are still doing masking and social distancing... it's not 2020, we've learned a few things since then and those measure are pointless. Sadly healthcare has become mindless anti-science sheep. Second... tons of major cities like Buffalo, NY, Rochester, NY, Cleveland, OH seem to be having a construction boom in one industry. Take a guess which one. Those cities aren't alone. All the cranes and construction equipment seem to be building new hospitals, medical facilities, urgent care centers, etc... Sorry if I don't believe the hype that HC is getting squeezed. The only thing they seem to be struggling with is finding land to put new facilities. Sorry, not buying the HC hard luck story.

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated.

Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal.

Re: Stupid Numbers May 13, 2023 04:27AM
Jake Morgan
Sorry if I don't believe the hype that HC is getting squeezed. The only thing they seem to be struggling with is finding land to put new facilities. Sorry, not buying the HC hard luck story.

Pretty sure I said HC spending was up but profitability was down....But you don't have to believe me just look at the number of HC companies laying people off left and right (up 65% year over year) and the earnings reports.

Re: Stupid Numbers May 13, 2023 06:10AM

Sorry if I don't believe the hype that HC is getting squeezed. The only thing they seem to be struggling with is finding land to put new facilities. Sorry, not buying the HC hard luck story.

Pretty sure I said HC spending was up but profitability was down....But you don't have to believe me just look at the number of HC companies laying people off left and right (up 65% year over year) and the earnings reports.

If that is what you said, you did it very poorly.

Re: Stupid Numbers May 15, 2023 04:30AM

Sorry if I don't believe the hype that HC is getting squeezed. The only thing they seem to be struggling with is finding land to put new facilities. Sorry, not buying the HC hard luck story.

Pretty sure I said HC spending was up but profitability was down....But you don't have to believe me just look at the number of HC companies laying people off left and right (up 65% year over year) and the earnings reports.

If that is what you said, you did it very poorly.

This was really that hard to understand?

"Overall spend is up but the cost per service has decreased.

It's interesting because the one thing that has not matched inflation is the CMS reimbursement rates so healthcare is getting squeezed and profitability in HC is down."

C'mon. Spend up, profit that better?

Re: Stupid Numbers May 15, 2023 04:35AM
Guess we could say the same thing about farmers? I see them buying new equipment all the time but complaining about profit going down, while food prices go up, exponentially plus the low interest loans, federal assistance....etc.

(obviously, this isn't how I really feel about farmers, growing up on one myself but it's the same logic)

Re: Stupid Numbers May 13, 2023 11:58AM
You saying profitability is down is like main stream media saying “mostly peaceful protest". My eyes keep telling me that the narrative and the observation don’t seem to align. Maybe profitability is down because expenditures are up due to all the building and expansion. Heck, I don’t know, I’m not an economist. What I do know is the HC industry is doing just fine. Any overall difficulty they face will be fabricated to bring about more public-private partnership opportunities. More government involvement and it will equal less efficiency and a lower quality of care. You can keep buying the BS their selling, not me.

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated.

Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/14/2023 12:22PM by Jake Morgan.

Re: Stupid Numbers May 14, 2023 03:02AM
The local "non-profit" hospital seems to build another $20M expansion every 5-7 years. They keep their non-profit status by overbilling for Medicare and Medicaid, then writing off the percentage they don't get reimbursed as charity. Common scam run by all the non-profit hospitals.


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