ih 360 information December 08, 2014 10:04AM
I'm interested in building a ih. 560 with a dt 360 what size turbo, pump c.c., and injectors would be a good place to start? I intend to fire ring and cut the compression. Thanks for the input

Re: ih 360 information December 08, 2014 11:53AM
You have to give a touch more info to get better discussion going. We need to know class. Rpm limit- pump restrictions- mph limits, etc. What group would you run with, or what part of the country are you from?

Re: ih 360 information December 08, 2014 12:04PM
I'm in texas there is no class for me to run in, except with the hwh antiques, which is fine to run with. Just curious where to go with it for a start on a class, without a lot of unnecessary expense.

Re: ih 360 information December 08, 2014 12:16PM
How big of turbo would say a 466 injector from a truck push?

Re: ih 360 information December 08, 2014 04:52PM
I am running a 3-LM 466 charger on my 312 in a 666. 13mm model 100 pump, lines injectors etc. I have to launch well over 3000rpm to keep the charger spooled. A lot will depend on what rpm you are turning and your pump and injectors. I assume if you wanted to keep cost down you could start with the T-04 that came on the engine.

Re: ih 360 information December 08, 2014 11:13PM
I have a t04 as well as a 3lm, also have either a stock A pump or a model 100, first thing I need is a sfi clutch, so rpm is optional. Thanks for the input, all opinions are welcome.

Re: ih 360 information December 09, 2014 12:05AM
There is th option of putting a truck motor in it has a inline pump and turbo to start with.

Re: ih 360 information December 09, 2014 12:10AM
Is there a option of a dt466 truck motor, if you are going threw ll the work.

Re: ih 360 information December 09, 2014 12:27AM
The idea in mind is to keep it light as possible, while affordable, maybe allow 5.9 cummins also, with 18.4 ag tires. Thanks for the input.

Re: ih 360 information December 09, 2014 04:45AM
If you have a dt 360 in hat is one thing, you can buy a roller dt 466 out of a bus or truck for about 1500 dollars and that might be the whole engine and chassis. the wieght is not that much diff when you talk a truck motor, a 5.9 is going to be alot lighter than any dt . dt360s are little power houses when you look at what you have to work with on the low end a dt360 will walk with a dt466 but when you get to the higher side they start to run a little short.

Re: ih 360 information December 09, 2014 05:13AM
Do you have a have a hp in mind, what weight class are thinking of running.

Re: ih 360 information December 09, 2014 05:28AM
I'm not sure what the hp would be, I was wondering what a 360 with a box 3lm would produce at 3000 rpm? How much interest is there in a starter class?

Re: ih 360 information December 09, 2014 06:10AM
360... Look at the rules for the LLSS classes.. There are a couple in TX right now.. a few would like to see the class started.. I know its a ways from where you are talking about going, but at least some rules to shoot for..

Re: ih 360 information December 09, 2014 07:00AM
I think the llss class would be great, down the road, I feel Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, which hasn't had a lot of sanctioned pulling ,since the late 80s could really kick off with a starter class. Texas ,unlike the Northern states really is lacking for performance diesel shops.

Re: ih 360 information December 09, 2014 07:51AM
Thanks for the info on the class, any one else have a similar idea?

Re: ih 360 information December 09, 2014 07:42AM
If you are looking at a light, small cube economical (?). Go to illianapullers.com. Check the rules for Outlaw tractors. (May be some Outlaw video as well) They mix unlimited cube N/A and small cube w/small turbo with rpm limits in a class. So far very competitive and a growing class.

They have one turbo'd 360 IH and a couple of 5.9 powered tractors.

At least give you an idea of what a class like that could look like.

Based on the gear, track speed, etc., I would say the 360 powered machine is making north of 600 on the dyno.

Re: ih 360 information December 09, 2014 11:10AM
What we are wanting is a tractor with the same chassis as a LLSS. Just with 18.4 38 Ag tires and a budget friendly engine. That could jump up to LLSS easily.

Re: ih 360 information December 09, 2014 12:26PM
360, What we see up north is to bring a tractor to a pull and they will not turn you away and if there is at least four tractors out there they will start a class . We had similar issue, we wanted to start a class for small six cylinder diesel 360 and 404 with out butting heads with the bigger cube tractors the class is built for ih806 jd 4010 ect. the weight is set low enough that a 1066 or a 4440 can not get low enough to be competitive 7000lbs to 8000lbs . My sugestion is to contact some of your pull promoters.

Re: ih 360 information December 09, 2014 12:42PM
Anyone have an approximate weight of a 560 with a 360 engine?

Re: ih 360 information December 10, 2014 04:50AM
In TX.. I know there are hand ful of tractors that are close...
The guys out of Lindsay have 2 that are true LLSS tractors.. One is Acky.. not sure about other.
Jeff's Twin Turboed 3.9L Cummins Farmall M
1 5.9L cummins Farmal M (more of a 3000 rpm tractor)
1 5.9L Cummins D17/19 (more a 3000 rpm tractor)
I know there are a couple of more that I'm missing

Re: ih 360 information December 09, 2014 12:31PM
check out mstpa.com or mmttpa .com they have a 360 cube class called 5900 pro field. lots of dif colors tractors or you can see this class at gordyville

Re: ih 360 information December 09, 2014 12:53PM
I like the mstpa 5900# looks good and simple thanks for the information

560 with 360 December 10, 2014 05:04PM
I have llss 560 with a 360 weight is about 5300#

Re: 560 with 360 December 12, 2014 12:40PM
We have looked at Mstpa. And Iamo rules they look good we just have old rules. Anything we can do to make it more competitive with different brands? We want to keep it light and reasonably affordable thanks

Re: 560 with 360 December 13, 2014 01:15AM
I'm thinking if you want to keep it affordable you might want to consider putting in your rules a turbo limit like a non-modified out of the box 3lm-466 or S300 turbo to help control cost for the class. MSTPA and MMTTPA (pro-field 5900) is a good class that doesn't run a turbo limit, easy to police, ect, but you can and will need to spend a fairly good amount of funds to be competitive. Not as economical a class as it first appears. Just mt 2 cents for what it's worth.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/13/2014 01:16AM by farmall puller.

Re: 560 with 360 December 13, 2014 02:09AM
Which turbo would push harder, and anyone have an idea what size injectors would work?

Re: 560 with 360 December 13, 2014 05:10AM
only 1 easy way to contain cost: speed limit. 12mph is popular.

Re: 560 with 360 December 13, 2014 03:34PM
at the light wt and with limited cubes and turbo 15 would be much more fun, if cost is your directive make it a box turbo class. There will be some that complain about the limited ingenuity but that is available in a plethora of other classes has no place in a "cheap" class. If you really want to limit the amount of cash spent, put a 500.00 pump rule in and every once in awhile someone plunk down the money now that will change a heart and mind when the billfold gets affected.


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