pull in western kentucky April 22, 2009 02:48PM
would anybody be interested in coming to a pull 15 miles south of Owensboro Ky on may 23? plan on havin a non turbo class, some 12 mph farmstock classes, and some open farm classes. Thanks for any info

Re: pull in western kentucky April 22, 2009 03:00PM
What organization is looking to put it on?????

Re: pull in western kentucky April 22, 2009 11:52PM
mid kentucky pullers Plan on runnin the profield 1 too.

Re: pull in western kentucky April 23, 2009 04:36AM
Yes deereman, would be very much interested in the non-turbo classes. Lot,s of 4020,s, 706's, 656's, 756,s, and orange ones too.
What's the starting time?

Re: pull in western kentucky April 23, 2009 06:57AM
What kind of open classes are you talking about? It's a long ways from home but if it pays good and there's a class I aint apposed. Classes are getting a little slim around home.

Re: pull in western kentucky April 23, 2009 07:06AM
Any superfarm?

Re: pull in western kentucky April 23, 2009 12:30PM
we will be there if you run pro feild one rules. dixie.

Re: need to add hot farm class April 23, 2009 03:47PM
you need to add a open rpm, 20.8 cut tire, water injected, 510max cube class.. 8500 or 9500 #.

More Questions April 24, 2009 03:39AM
When will this be set in stone?
Do you have a list of classes that will pull? Or do you know about how many you plan to have?
1 Sled or 2?
What is payout?
What track?
What rules do you run?

I run farm stock and profield. Would love to come. But I need more details please.

Re: pull in western kentucky April 24, 2009 02:01PM
We should have rules and classes and all other info by Monday. We have gotten a sled and track picked out already just need to pick the classes. Thanks for your patience,

Re: pull in western kentucky April 26, 2009 01:52PM
make a hot farm 510 20.8 cut , open rpm, water, 3x4 all safety stuff... a good class..

Re: pull in western kentucky April 26, 2009 03:07PM
why only 510? a class like that needs some color

Re: pull in western kentucky April 26, 2009 09:17PM
what do you want 680 so it will be full of 6030s? 510 catches all small blocks and the 504 case tractors. lots of color.

Re: pull in western kentucky April 27, 2009 01:51PM
Hey. this is Julie Hayden..Matts daughter. So far i have around 13 guys call or text me planning on coming from Central KY. I go to UK and the guys are fellow classmates. Deereman..Are you one of the Glenn Boys..??

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/27/2009 02:22PM by jhayde1.

Rules and Classes for Western KY Pull April 27, 2009 03:38PM
The tractor pull will be held on Saturday, May 23rd. It will be located at Myer Creek Park in Calhoun, Ky. We will begin weigh in at 4pm and the pull will start promptly at 5pm (central time). We will have the Fastline Express sled from Central KY.

The classes are as follows:

• 7500NA 6 mph
• 9500NA 6 mph
• 10500NA 8 mph
• 12500 Farm Stock 10 mph
• 14500 Farm Stock 8 mph
• 11500 Pro Field 1
• 11500 Pro Field 2
• 13000 Pro Field 1 & 2 Combination
• 16000 Farm Stock

The rules for the classes are as follows:

7500, 9500, 10500NA Classes:
o 18.4X38 Max tire size
o 3000 RPM limit
o 20” draw bar height
o No curved stacks allowed

12500, 14500, 16000 Farm Stock Classes:
o 20.8X38 Max tire size
o 3000 RPM limit
o 20” draw bar height
o No curved stacks

Pro Field 1 Class:
o 20.8X38 Max tire size
o 3000 RPM limit (no overage on RPMs – No Exceptions)
o 20” draw bar height
o 470 cubic inches limit
o 2 ½” Max on inlet of turbo
o Must have wheelie bars
o Must have air shut off
o Must have RPM sensor
o No curved stacks
o Water injection allowed
o Would like for tractor to have roll bar/roll cage (not mandatory)
o A Pumps and larger chargers are allowed but must run 2800 RPMs

Pro Field 2 Class:
o 20.8X38 Max tire size
o 3000 RPM limit (no overage on RPMs – No Exceptions)
o 20” draw bar height
o 470 cubic inches and up
o 3” Max on inlet of turbo
o Must have wheelie bars
o Must have air shut off
o Must have RPM sensor
o No curved stacks
o Water injection allowed
o Would like for tractor to have roll bar/roll cage (not mandatory)

Pro Field 1 & 2 Combination Class:
o 20.8X38 Max tire size
o 3000 RPM limit on 470 cubic inches and up (no overage on RPMs – No Exceptions)
o 3500 RPM limit on 470 cubic inches and lower (no overage on RPMs –No Exceptions)
o The top small block tractor will receive a $100.00 bonus
o 20” draw bar height
o 3” Max on inlet of turbo
o Must have wheelie bars
o Must have air shut off
o Must have RPM sensor
o No curved stacks
o Water injection allowed
o Would like for tractor to have roll bar/roll cage (not mandatory)

There will be 100% Payback and added money.

If you have any questions please call:
Matt Glenn 270-316-8198
Brandon Glenn 270-316-1588
Barry Sandefur 270-929-4638 (Pro Field 1)
Matt Hayden 270-499-2794

Re: Rules and Classes for Western KY Pull April 28, 2009 11:16AM
Brandon, you need to run mid ky pullers rules for the pro field 1 class. must run type of pump that came on tractor. a-pumps only if it came on tractor. no cut tires. 2.5 charger ,3000 rpm, 470 cubes. DIXIE

Re: Rules and Classes for Western KY Pull April 29, 2009 12:07AM
lanny barry sandefur is taking care of the "modified" profield class
270 929 4638

Re: Rules and Classes for Western KY Pull April 30, 2009 05:22AM
Take it easy on them down there buck wild! n o more of this 30 ft bull @#$%&

Re: Rules and Classes for Western KY Pull April 30, 2009 10:16AM
why are people stuck on this stupid stock appearing pump rule? nobody with a green tractor is telling you red guys that your not allowed an inline pump. so y not bolt one on that binder? if u have a stock pump rule u should have stock cubes,stock turbo,stock rpms,stock horsepower and stock tire size! oooo, i forgot, that wouldnt be any fun then- now would it! how many 10 and 1466 came out with 13mm pumps? how am i supossed to get 4- 500 cc's of fuel out of a roosa master pump? i run an inline pump for the same reason u guys run the big model 100's- more horsepower!

Re: Rules and Classes for Western KY Pull April 30, 2009 11:00AM
Very simple, if the red guys put on a a-pump then the green guys wont have the advantage.Its a pretty close class here in mid ky with the rules they have.some of these guys little rotorys dont do to bad. just ask Robert Mobley or Kenny Webb. If it works dont fix it.

Re: Rules and Classes for Western KY Pull April 30, 2009 12:27PM
It's pretty sad when things get to the point that people are fussing and griping a month before the pull even takes place. Do any of you realize that maybe that is why places to pull are so scarce anymore. It has gotten to be quite a pain in the butt to put on a pull. Nobody wants to hear all the complaining. I have read the rules that Mid-Kentucky Pullers use and they seem fair to me. It is my understanding that the members of this organization voted on these rules. So be it! Just thought I'd put that out there for you to think about!

Re: Rules and Classes for Western KY Pull April 30, 2009 01:56PM
You could could not have said it better. dixie

Re: Rules and Classes for Western KY Pull April 30, 2009 03:23PM
Looks like their just tryin to make it fair for everybody. The rules look good to me. I say quit your whining and run or sit on the side lines and watch because a promoter cant make everybody happy. GOODLUCK GUYS

Need Answers April 30, 2009 10:15PM
Well, I have just been informed that the Mid-Kentucky Pullers rules DO NOT apply for this pull.....??!!
Is this true?
Is this put on by Mid-Kentucky or not?
Is this just another pull being put on by a few guys who want to make money and they are doing it under Mid-Kentucky name for what purpose?
Is that it? That's the only thing that makes sense.
Well, my opinion is that if this organization has pullers who regularly pull with them under these rules, and they are allowing others to pull in pulls under their name for the purpose of being insured, that is wrong!
I wondered why it said the Mid-Kentucky was putting it on, but Ricky Heath was not listed as a contact.
Something does not add up.
If I am correct, and this is happening, shame on you Ricky Heath!
Why would you sell out?
Why allow others to use your organizations name, but not follow your organizations rules.
What this boils down to, if it is true......... your own pullers will not be able to pull in a pull that they have helped to pay the insurance on!
You do not pay the insurance out of your pocket! If you break it all down, the pullers pay the insurance!
If this is true, it is just NOT RIGHT!
Why would you do this? MONEY?
Someone please explain!

Re: Need Answers May 01, 2009 12:30AM
i like what berry and the glen boys are doing here! maybe they are changing the rules around in the pro field 1 class to get more than 5 tractors to show up for that class! i just hope that the rpm box is working that weekend! their rules for that class seem to be really fair for that weekend! maybe mid kentucky pullers should adopt these rules to get more of a turn out in that class! and i am pretty certain that no one is putting this pull on to make money in their pocket! they just want to have fun and tractor pull! that is one aspect of tractor pulling that some of you guys have lost- FUN!

Re: Need Answers May 01, 2009 03:52AM
Look the rules and weight classes have been posted, look, if you don't like don't come. Put on your pull and make your own rules and weight claases. They don't have the time or energy to put with the BULL CRAP.

Re: Need Answers May 01, 2009 11:04AM
Who carries the insurance for this pull?
That is my question.
Why no answer?
You say it's crap that you don't have time or energy for. I would agree. It is. But why should we, (the ones that regularly pull with Heath), have to hear him whining about insurance and then have him carry you guys when we have been faithful to him.
To me, it is a matter of loyalty!
Simple as that!
And as for me, I will not be there.
As for the rest of Ricky's pulls, I will not be there.
As for you guys, if I had not been taught right from wrong, maybe I would also ride on coat tails!
Have fun!

Re: Need Answers May 01, 2009 11:09AM
Dont look like heath is gonna be missin much with you not there.

red man????????? May 01, 2009 02:17PM
Redman, if your not going to pull with Ricky any more, than why don't you post your name? Let everyone know who is whining.You don't mind bashing Ricky's name. We're all just trying to have a good time and allow the local guys to get a chance of pulling their own tractor. The pull is not to make money or to make anybody mad but you can't please everyone. There is always a bad apple in the bunch.

Re: red man????????? May 03, 2009 11:13AM
Just to set the record straight,mid ky pullers did not set the rules for pro field 1. The pullers themselves got togather and agreed on this set of rules,and by the way the bluegrass pulling series is going to run our class and our rules.Speaking for myself I would love to come down and hook with you folks,but it needs to be on a level playing field. I hate to miss your pull,but if I drive that far I would like to be competitive. Still undecided. Dixie.

Re: red man????????? May 12, 2009 01:26PM
I dont know what the fuss is about . The pro field tractors need to stay a more of a budget tractor . I understand m100 is behind times but if people keep changing the pump rules and chargers your going to take out the people wanting to start pulling. if you want to run big pumps and charger its called 8500 pro farm the step up from pro field . Let me break it down farm stock kindergarten, pro field middle school, pro farm high school, super farm college graduate.

Re: red man????????? May 12, 2009 04:50PM
this is verry true. if every one just keeps spending mo money on the m100 it will ruin this class, insted of spending 6grand at hyper and running a gernade, get a good p pump and sf turbo and get off the play ground and go to the football feild, , spending 10k + for a fuel system for this class is stupid get a life. give some of that money to your kids collige fund or just get on up in PROFARM where you belong!

Re: red man????????? May 13, 2009 12:42PM
Who is spending that kind of money ????

Re: red man????????? May 13, 2009 06:39PM
i didnt post my name so i wont post theres, hes on this post though. im just saying i think its knocking people out of building for this class, the stork apereing pump rule has alot of loop holes and as soon as some other people catch on they will all be going to cds and spending more money then everyone just plays catch up,,,,.

Re: red man????????? May 14, 2009 02:15PM
If ten thousand dollars is being spent on a m100 pump, then that just shows that the person Is a True IH MAN!!! If everyone in that class would get smart, and let everyone run P Pumps, and keep a small charger, and 3000 RPM'S, then it would still be a eco friendly class, and level playing field on fuel, don't that make people who tryed to conserve money feel stupid for stock looking pumps, just a thought!!!

Re: red man????????? May 14, 2009 03:20PM
but if you allowed p pumps wouldnt it just be easier to run profarm then?

Re: red man????????? May 14, 2009 04:20PM
If you think its that easy to go pro farm,go out and start pricing the sh$# to go that way.I allmost bought a pro farm a few months ago but backed out ,now i find out these guys are going to spend 30,000 on a new engine to stay competive. its all about money.i dont care what class youre in, if youre going to be competive its going to be very costly.

Re: red man????????? May 13, 2009 02:08AM
When pro-farm (high school) and pro-field (middle school) run farm stock (kindergarten), does that mean they got held back a grade or two?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/13/2009 03:57AM by smokin4250.

Re: Rules and Classes for Western KY Pull May 04, 2009 08:32AM
The 16000 lb farmstock class will also be 8 mph. we look forward to seeing everybody there.


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