EPA April 04, 2016 03:05AM
I'm not sure if this has been talked about on here or not I did a quick search and didn't find it so I thought I would bring this up. Our friends at EPA through their Clean Air Act are trying to prevent the modifications of vehicles to race (competition) applications. So we need to collectively ban together to stop EPA overreach and support the RPM Act. You can go to summit racing web site and read about it they have a link I think its voter voice.net if they (our gov) can get away with this it would only be a matter of time before pulling would be A distant memory.

Re: EPA April 04, 2016 08:35AM
Leave it to the epa to ruin everyone s fun

Re: EPA April 05, 2016 12:57AM
I been wondering how long it would be before EPA would start getting involved in the motor sports and folks we have no common group to work on stopping this so we need to start letting our Senators and Reps know it needs to be stopped. EPA has its own way and it's hard to stop them but our Reps and Senators can help a lot on this. Time to start is NOW.

Re: EPA April 05, 2016 01:08AM
I think sema and the epa have got together and came up with the rpm act? Correct me if im wrong.

Re: EPA April 06, 2016 06:52AM
I don't want to come off with any sort of political slant here because I go to this page to avoid that kind of stuff....but....there seems to be a certain segment of the population, a truly fringe element, that wants to make us as miserable as they are. Gun rights, animal rights, and other issues like this-environmentalism-are subjects many of us are faced with. Those things we find to be fun and recreational they loave. I started reading about this deal the day it surfaced some month or so back and I'm still quite confused as to what's realistic and what's political rhetoric.

Nevertheless, it seems that it may be very important going forward, regardless of the outcome of this language hidden in a 1200 page document, that we all get a little more educated and engaged in the ability to enjoy motorsports. Based on what my pea-brain can analyze, I'm thinking if its an on-road vehicle thats been modded it's at issue, so any truck that has a body with a VIN is suspect, and thats a broad swath of the sport.

Motorsports is a huge part of our lives, those of us who dwell on this page, attend pulls, drag races, whatever, we can't sit on the sidelines any longer. It may very well take calls, letters, emails to Representatives and Senators to keep this language to a minimum in any regulations going forward.

Re: EPA April 05, 2016 03:52AM
Street trucks doing DPF and EGR deletes and signing off road waivers didn't help this situation.

Since not every state has emissions testing, the EPA figured cut the dragons head off all together.

It's a shame what we are being force fed in the name of pollution but India and China (1/3 of the worlds population) can pollute to whatever standards they like.

Some is needed but it is definitely getting out of hand and the cost associated is a real burden on the middle class and small business.




Schaeffer Oil Representative


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/05/2016 03:53AM by AV.

Re: EPA April 05, 2016 04:51AM

It's a shame what we are being force fed in the name of pollution but India and China (1/3 of the worlds population) can pollute to whatever standards they like.

That is such a TRUE statement AV!!!!!!

Re: EPA April 05, 2016 06:37AM
Very,very true statement !!

Re: EPA April 05, 2016 07:44AM
Don't get me wrong, I have been hot rodding diesel engines for years. But the group of young idiots that block out the sun at every stop sign with a modded street pickup are our biggest enemy right now.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/06/2016 01:32AM by Jake Morgan.

Re: EPA April 05, 2016 11:36PM
There is no reason to "thumbs down" that post unless you are one of the idiots described. Even then, it's still not a good reason.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/06/2016 01:32AM by Jake Morgan.

Re: EPA April 06, 2016 02:12AM
I agree with gonzo 1066, but I did edit your posts and change a-hats to idiots.

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated.

Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal.

Re: EPA April 06, 2016 03:17AM
Come on guys, don't you know those wanna-be's are cool? Apparently these jokers are encouraged around here. Our local pull offered a dyno service for these over fueled street trucks last year. It was awesome. They were set up right in the middle of the pits instead of across the street where they wouldn't be in everyone's way. I don't know how many passes the guy logged on his dyno in an afternoon, but I know there was probably 25-30 trucks parked around it that had absolutely no business being there.

Re: EPA April 06, 2016 10:09AM
The sport of truck and tractor pulling needs to be promoted more now then ever before. Pulling is what draws most people to a country fair and country fairs is what brings city to the country and there is no time more important then now to teach and show our city folk how there food is grown,how livestock is well cared for,and how that food we as farmers produce is prepared into great meals they can eat at the fair. Fairs do a great job of displaying different grains,home baking,livestock shows etc etc. The city folk need to see it first hand to believe it then farmers might start to get creditably again from them. Pulling is part of this chain. Back off epa !!

Re: EPA April 06, 2016 05:01AM
gonzo 1066
Don't get me wrong, I have been hot rodding diesel engines for years. But the group of young idiots that block out the sun at every stop sign with a modded street pickup are our biggest enemy right now.

You mean like this? Wisconsin Coal Rollers

Re: EPA April 06, 2016 05:04AM
500 SSD putting down 30 passes a season all combined generates les "Pollution" than one 747 taking off at LAX

Come on EPA ... get your priorities in order...

2 poor 2 pull :-(

Re: EPA April 06, 2016 05:19AM
Here is a link to the SEMA website with the summary info about the bills and how to email or write your represenative


Re: EPA April 06, 2016 06:35AM
Are there emission restrictions on farm vehicles, tractors, combines, etc..?

Re: EPA April 06, 2016 06:57AM
Big time. At least Tier 4.

Re: EPA April 06, 2016 08:34AM
This game of epa/carb regulations that we are having shoved down our throats must stop and I wish someone would step up and do it!!! Whether you are a farmer , truck driver or whatever, these regulations are too much. My old 1999 dodge truck with a 5.9 cummins got 20 mpg and then I bought a 2010 that has a 6.7 with the dpf system, guess what... 14 mpg. So I sold it. So is it better in the epa/carb eyes to burn more fuel than you were before? I am now regulated on how many miles that I can run my semi in California because I have an old truck. Only 1000 mles per year. That stinks. The new model vehicles and trucks and farm equiptment are less dependable now and they cause more downtime because of the polution stuff that is crammed under them. I know some of you may not have had any trouble with your new stuff and you may not agree with me but my trucks not a smoker and Im just mad about being put out of making a good living!!! And no I do not want a new model semi truck!!! They arent as cool as my old 1978 kenworth!!

Re: EPA April 06, 2016 08:46AM
where.s Ohio's congressman jim Traficant when ya need him,he'd of been perfect to fight this......

Re: EPA April 06, 2016 04:30PM
Big time. At least Tier 4.

It's been illegal to tamper with fuel and exhaust systems for as long as I can remember. In the past pump shops would not go over factory settings and seal up the pump, for highway use.

Maybe the Donald is going to Make America Great again by hiring thousands of inspectors per state to bust all those illegal vehicles on the open highways. The laws have always been in place, most states don't have the manpower to enforce them.

Re: EPA April 07, 2016 08:41AM
Mighty White
Are there emission restrictions on farm vehicles, tractors, combines, etc..?

They were given authority over all on road and off road vehicles, except racing. But EPA believes they authority over racing vehicles, they just haven't enforced it. But the real reason they are going after it is to get the on road vehicles bypassing emissions. Racing is going to get hit, most likely in the form of registering your race vehicle. I hope it doesn't happen, but it is leading to that.

EPA? don't you mean DEP April 06, 2016 09:49AM
“Department of Environmental, I mean the DEP, is killing us environmentally. It’s just killing our businesses,” Trump told Sean Hannity during a Fox News town hall Monday. I'll elimnate the DEP and we can all roll coal on main street. Make America Great Again!

Trump Just Invented A New Federal Department

Re: EPA? don't you mean DEP April 06, 2016 02:01PM
Yes these rules have ruined the trucks we drive on the road, The worst enemy is the california air resourses board (carb). They come up with a bunch of malarkey about emissions and then they impliment it for their state, the farm equiptment shouldnt have this garbage on them either. Heres the deal , I drive a truck whos engine has a tag on it that says this vehicle meets all epa standards for its model year, now why does california have the right to stop me from coming to work? They have stopped all semi trucks that are older than 2010 (only one thousand miles a year) from coming out there unless they have a diesel particulate filter installed on them, these aftermarket systems are 15-20 thousand dollars!! That is a bunch of poopoo! Its like paying 600$ for a coke! These older engines were not designed for this! The regs are just too much!!!! Someone needs to stop them before it goes to far across the country.

Re: EPA April 06, 2016 11:35AM
I repair vehicles for a living and pull tractors as a hobby. These EPA stage 2 emissions rules have me concerned also. It sounds like it has always been illegal to alter or tamper with emission control systems. Ok we all have to live here, but @ what cost. EPA laws have turned really good diesel trucks to rolling baskets of trouble. I can understand some sort of regulation on street vehicles but competition vehicles (solely for competition) should be exempt. The RPM act would clarify that, but it hasn't past law makers yet. Onallcylinders.com is a link to tell your law makers about this.

Re: EPA April 06, 2016 11:51AM
These laws have ruined the trucks we drive on the roadAngry

Re: EPA April 06, 2016 02:49PM
After the warranty is expired has anyone did a full delete on the new tractors or heard of anyone doin this yet?? I sure hope someone has, I grew up with straight pipes on all our tractors and love the sound and smoke!!!

Re: EPA April 06, 2016 04:40PM
farmallh puller
These laws have ruined the trucks we drive on the roadAngry

Ruined what trucks?

I doubt that's referring to class 8 trucks, and as far as personal diesel vehicles.....The Europeans have already put laws in place to remove them from their cities and highways.

It makes little difference whether the engine is under warranty at all. The emission ratings and restrictions were placed on the engines for life.

Re: EPA April 06, 2016 10:01PM
I hope your not stateing your for these regulations, and that they improve the life of the engine

Re: EPA April 08, 2016 08:02AM
As a small business owner ourselves in central Wisconsin we feel that these strict changes to the Law is not needed. Our business is to provide parts to ranchers, farmers, truckers,equipment operators and those in motorsports. The economy is barely picking up in many sectors and now another blow to businesses like us and those we serve.

Yes, we need to protect our air and natural resources, but until all the other countries at least start catching up to where the USA is at it is pointless to create such strict laws. It is no wonder that companies have products made overseas. It is because they don't have to worry about " Big Brother" telling them that they can't do something. It is getting to the point that only businesses that can make it these days are large ones, as they have the lobby groups in their pockets. This is sad, as I read all the posts of farmers, truckers, mechanics and those that merely are invloved in motorsports as a hobby.

Motorsports as a whole makes billions of dollars for many large companies that advertise and such. It those of us that start out at those " Brush Pulls" , County Fairs, and smaller circuits that help keep this sport alive. Probably in another fifty years this sport will be something of the past with all the rules and such. But until then we need to speak up!

The very foundation of this nation was created by those that were able to design and build great things in this nation. Not in China, Iran, Syria or some other nation. I have been over to the Middle East several times serving this country. And I can tell you first had that air quality their sucks,there is days that the smog and haze in the air is 100 times worse then any motorsports event I have attended.

But it is a election year and everyone is worried about who is the new prez, meanwhile up on capitol hill our congress, house and current prez work to pass changes that will affect everyone regardless who wins. I plead with everyone to write your senators and tell them that this law is not needed!!

Below is computer generated form letter I received.

On February 10, a petition you signed reached 100,000 signatures, the threshold for receiving a White House response. The petition contends that proposed Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards would prohibit the conversion of motor vehicles into racecars, and asks the Administration to remove this provision.

We understand that you and many other Americans are passionate about motorsports. Car racing is an exciting American tradition, whether you’re behind the wheel, in the seats, or watching on TV.

Under the Clean Air Act, EPA has the important responsibility to protect Americans from dangerous air pollutants. EPA’s proposed standards for medium- and heavy-duty engines and vehicles aim to ensure that vehicles emit less pollution and go further on each gallon of fuel. The standards are a key part of the President’s commitment to increase fuel economy, while reducing greenhouse gas and other air pollution in the United States.

EPA is carefully considering the many public comments it received on the proposed standards. That includes the input it has received from you and others about recreational racing vehicles.

We look forward to updating you when there is more to report following the release of the final standards. Thank you for your participation in the We the People platform -- we¹ll talk again soon. More information can be read on this topic at following:


-- The We the People Team

Re: EPA April 07, 2016 09:17AM
That guy must like driving trucks with expensive def and bad mpg and less power

Re: EPA April 07, 2016 09:37AM

Re: EPA April 07, 2016 10:56AM
I work on the max force international Diesel engines they are a nightmare to work on,very unreliable as they get a few years age on them. Egr coolers cost about 4500 in parts and about 6 hours labor to change. These tier 4 diesels are very cantankerous to work on , you need expensive software and specialized equipment to troubleshoot. I have a 93 model 4900 with a dt 466 with over 12000 hours on it and hve only changed a water pump and clutch fan on it, our most reliable truck. The 09 max force has been down at least half a dozen times with over 25000 in parts, in fact it's been down for a week now with a bad ecm. I work for a state agency I couldn't imagine having to make a living withe this truck.

Re: EPA April 07, 2016 11:17AM
So to the Re guy thats for these regulations a couple post up. How would you feel as a human, to take the gas you put out and have to injest it again?

Re: EPA April 07, 2016 01:52PM
U must be a democrat if these people had to feed there family they wouldn't even know where to start

Re: EPA April 07, 2016 01:54PM
Vote for Hillary or berinie and we can go a couple more billion in debt nobody else's banker would let it happen

Re: EPA April 07, 2016 01:56PM
I bet if u put all the democrats in a cardboard box they wouldn't be able to figure out how to get out

Re: EPA April 07, 2016 02:07PM
U think they test the emisions on Air Force 1

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/07/2016 02:09PM by everspumping.

Re: EPA April 08, 2016 02:40PM
I spent 3 weeks in southern India. Georgraphically, a beautiful region. Be even more so if man would be more responsible to clean up after self. EPA, DOT, FDA would have a golden heyday there.
My brother has been in several third world countries fixing the huge Cat engines. He, too, am glad to get back home to U.S. with our clean environment. But, we both agree, overregulation is also expensive. So the real question is, at what point is overregulation on any issue?
Neither of us like government involvment. But sometimes that is what it takes to make offenders commit to obeying the law. We understand why the government is after the rolling coal burners.
Personally, I agree because I cannot hack their pollution as that is a number one allergy of mine to have to breath. I just really love it when it unexpectedly and immediately ends up in my vehicle because some stupid idiot who thinks he's so smart and cool stomps on the throttle to show off. Go get those jerks, law enforcement people.
Unfortunately, it only takes one bad apple to ruin a container of such. And unfortuantely, we have a lot of bad apples driving around this country ruining it for a lot of well intentioned and law abiding citizens and who want to breath clean air.
And before you assume I'm a great Democrat, you better reverse your thinking because I definitely am not and a 180 degrees to their ideology.

Re: EPA April 08, 2016 03:32PM
I seriously doubt these juveniles making all the sophomoric accusations were even born when the snow in Chicago was black, having to use your headlights during the day in Cleveland or when the Cuyahoga river caught fire in the flats. Probably did not hear of the breathing issues our Olympians had in China. Spending a day in the Mahoning Valley or the Flats in Cleveland was about as bad as sticking your head into the exhaust of a smoke machine. If smoke is so great, why even use a smoke machine at indoor pulls?

Best way to deal with those coal rollers is a boosted DI gas burner. They really look silly when a smokeless truck blows their doors off. And it can get twice the mileage.

Re: EPA April 10, 2016 01:51PM
It is hypocritical to bad mouth the young coal rollers. We ( tractor pullers) are who they are trying to imitate.

Re: EPA April 10, 2016 02:20PM
Not at all we blow smoke on a track in a competition you can't compare what we do to spoiled little kids with diesel trucks that feel it necessary to annoy the general public and instigate law makers into action to lump all diesels together and go from 1 extreme to the other. Believe me nobody is trying to imitate punks that roll coal on public roads.

Re: EPA April 11, 2016 12:38AM
Wish you had that meaningless thumbs up or down option on your post. I would give you a "thumbs up" or a "like" or "share."

Re: EPA April 11, 2016 12:22AM
It is hypocritical to bad mouth the young coal rollers. We ( tractor pullers) are who they are trying to imitate.

Then it's the tractor pullers who should take take the bull by the horns and publicly state every chance they get, that rolling coal on the public highways is not cool. . Every other motorsport has done this, with regards to street racing. Time pulling did too. Just like the BS street racers, the NHRA had a fit over these corn cobs on TV with the association signage. That one show has destroyed decades of a lot of people's attitudes about drag racing.

Your image is what people remember. The bikers, road racers, drag racers, and on , and on, have worked damned hard to clean up their image.then a bunch of children come along and before you know it you all are going to attract unfavorable attention. None of these laws are anything new. The have been on the books for ever. You are all a bit late about blaming the government.These coal rollers actually think the state and federal laws don't apply to them.

Re: EPA April 11, 2016 01:49AM
It is hypocritical to bad mouth the young coal rollers. We ( tractor pullers) are who they are trying to imitate.

Then it's the tractor pullers who should take take the bull by the horns and publicly state every chance they get, that rolling coal on the public highways is not cool. . Every other motorsport has done this, with regards to street racing. Time pulling did too. Just like the BS street racers, the NHRA had a fit over these corn cobs on TV with the association signage. That one show has destroyed decades of a lot of people's attitudes about drag racing.

Your image is what people remember. The bikers, road racers, drag racers, and on , and on, have worked damned hard to clean up their image.then a bunch of children come along and before you know it you all are going to attract unfavorable attention. None of these laws are anything new. The have been on the books for ever. You are all a bit late about blaming the government.These coal rollers actually think the state and federal laws don't apply to them.

Its not the coal roller that we need to be worried that the EPA is pursuing. They already have laws in place to do that, and I have no beef about it. It is racing on the track that is the problem with this new regulation. Essentially they are trying to eliminate your ability to take a street driven vehicle, or even a ag tractor, and turn it into something that can be raced. Yes it is because people take there deleted trucks, and semi race cars on the street, but there is no need to police a race vehicle on the track. Basically every entry level race vehicle would be illegal with the new regulations. Intresting enough it would eliminate a lot of super farm type tractors. That why this is bad. Its over regulation. Right now they can take care of what they need to with out adding anything. They just need to enforce the current regulations more. As a manufacture for racing it pisses me off to see idiots wrecking it for everybody.

Re: EPA April 11, 2016 02:24AM
Have you ever seen anything the EPA, ect get involved in that didn't get all screwed up and overregulated.

Re: EPA April 11, 2016 10:06AM
If this is a free country then the epa needs to stay out of my business

Re: EPA April 15, 2016 02:33PM

Nice to see that common sense might have actually won for once.

Re: EPA April 18, 2016 12:10AM
Right up the road from me there is a Champ Racing Truck Shop, I don,t know if any of You guys has seen them yet, But there is 4 Single Axle Semi Trucks based out of there when they are running the East Coast, Last Summer I stopped up there and they was pulling all of the Cummins out of them, It Seems that Cummins wouldn't give them the Software to over ride the Rpm and Speed Sensors, They was afraid that somehow it would end up getting out and used to over ride Computers on Over the road trucks, And a big fine would find it,s way back to them, But, Detroit gave them all new motors, plus everything to make them run,
So Big Brother is coming, making there way into Racing, Tractor Pulling is on there list, all because of the Do-rights, It will jus be a matter of time,



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