20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 07, 2017 04:25AM
We are proud to announce our 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Full Pull Tire has started production. Here is a photo of the tire mounted from the factory. The first tires will be arriving in the coming weeks and then tested out on the track. After testing is finished, they will be in full blown production and available through Pro Puller Tires, or any cutter of your choice. Feel free to contact me with any questions at 402-840-0244.

Aaron Docter
Pro Puller Tires

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/07/2017 11:34AM by ProPullerTires.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 07, 2017 11:46AM
How wide do these measure. They look wide. Also look really tall. What's the roll out?

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 07, 2017 03:47PM
These Pro Puller 20.8R38 10plies will have approximately a 10" larger circumference than the current Deep Tread Radials that are on the market, and will measure approximately 225" (inflated circumference). This will be just under the BFGoodrich Powersaver Radial HT 20.8R38's which can measure up to 228".

These are the same casing width as the 20.8R38 Radial Deep Tread's on the market today, but the cool feature is that ALL the bars are to the outside edge of the tire, unlike any 20.8R38 tire that has ever hit the track. This will result in approximately 20% more footprint than any double cut tire on the market!

The other HUGE benefit is that there are no lugs to cut off the tire. We are not saying this is "track ready' from the factory, but the cost for a pair of these with the cutting will provide a significant savings to the pocket book over other new tire options.

Can you use a taller tire for more TRACK SPEED?

Can you use approximately 20% MORE FOOTPRINT because ALL of the bars are to the shoulder of the tire?

Can you use these benefits at a LOWER COST than other tire options on the market?

See us at the Keystone Nationals this weekend. See the tires IN ACTION at Lincoln Nebraska in March at the Cornhusker Classic.

Feel free to call us, visit our website (ProPullerTires.com) or contact your favorite cutter for more details.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 08, 2017 08:19AM
When will you make 18.4x38?

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 08, 2017 12:54PM
We are wanting to make sure we have the 20.8 done first, and then we start production on the 18.4-38.

The 18.4 mold is ready to start producing tires, so once we get the 20.8R38 here (the first of next week), we will cut, and get them on a tractor for the Cornhusker Pull in 2 weeks, and if all goes well at that pull, we will start full production on that 20.8 tire, and then do the same on the 18.4-38's.

Thanks for the interest!

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 08, 2017 10:19PM
They are a good looking tire.....but what kind of price range are the 20.8s and 18.4s going to be in? Im sure they WILL sell but in my opinion you should or would want to stay competitive with the price of having a set of regular tires cut?

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 08, 2017 11:56PM
The 20.8R38 will be $4,400 for a pair.

We are not sure quite yet on the 18.4's, but we are thinking they will be in the $3500 range for a pair.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 09, 2017 03:59AM
With several organizations have a limit on rollout at 220 are you concerned that these tires won't be allowed to run?

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 09, 2017 05:22AM
MY thoughts exactly! A lot of organizations rules stat 220 inch.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 09, 2017 01:54PM
A bar cut Firestone radial all traction is around 224" and a BFG Power saver can get up to 230" so those would be illegal to.Brandon they are made in China and the 24.5 and the 30.5 are made in India.(For now)that will change.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 09, 2017 05:25AM
Yah, seems tall,wouldn't even fit under my fenders

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 09, 2017 03:03PM
The Pro Puller 20.8R38 225" circumference tire will measure 71.6" tall.

If you have a 220" circumference tire now, it will measure 70.0" tall

You will have to divide the 1.6" height difference by 2, since 1/2 of that amount is above the axle, and 1/2 will be below the axle, so it will raise your axle by approximately .75", and be closer to your fender by .75".

Our intent was to design a 20.8 tire that is taller than the currently built Radial Deep Treads, and yet shorter than the BFGoodrich Powersaver Radial HT's that a ton of tractors are running.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 10, 2017 01:03AM
if tires are taller than the brand x with a larger footprint they have to have a larger circumference, I don't see how this will make sales if the tires aren't legal
im sure there are several right at the tire size limit already

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 10, 2017 03:33AM
The overall circumference of the Pro Puller 20.8R38 tire is in the 225" range, under the BFGoodrich Powersaver Radial HT (which is between 227"-230"). The BFG is an approved tire to run in most leagues, so we are providing a tire that is not the tallest tire on the market. The Deep Tread Radials on the market today are running with an average of 214" circumference, so the Pro Puller tire will give an advantage over that tire by putting a longer footprint on the gound.

The tread width on the New Pro Puller 20.8R38 is the same as the Deep Tread Radials that are on the market, which is an approved tire in most leagues..

Where the advantage comes in on this new Pro Puller tire, is that every other double cut tire is really a long/short bar design, where as the Pro Puller tire has all long bars so each and every bar comes all the way to the outside edge of the tire instead of all of the other tires on the market that has every other bar to the outside edge.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 10, 2017 07:47AM
The circumference figures you're giving are somewhat deceiving. You're comparing apples to oranges. These figures you're giving for Firestone and BFG are new uncut tires. Cut a 227" tire to get a bar design like what you're tires offer, and you're down under 220". Cut any production tire to a comparable bar to what you're tires have and yours will have a larger circumference. That's what will make your tire dominant.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 10, 2017 08:56AM
sfd823 We have top cut 20.8 BFG and had 228" in circumference.To be exact those tires were on Bill Smiths High Maintenace tractor.A Firestone Radial bar cut with a 1/2" cut have came out at 224" so he is giving the right measurements

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 09, 2017 04:08AM
Whose tractor will they be on in Lincoln

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 10, 2017 05:12PM
Lincoln, As far as your question "who is going to be running the very first pair in Lincoln?", I will find out from the cutter, and let you know.


Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 13, 2017 12:36AM
Casey Asmus will be running them on Deere Cruiser

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 09, 2017 07:43AM
Where are these tires being made? Looks like China from the pictures. Thought they were being made in India.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 09, 2017 03:29PM
Thanks for your interest!

We are currently building the 24.5X32 and 30.5X32's in India. We have made a ton of changes to the original Parkes Puller Tire's that were being built there, and are pretty pleased with the changes that have taken place.

We own molds in China in a factory that has been building tires for us for a number of years. We felt more comfortable with building the 38" tires there, and we are coming out with a 24.5X32 and a new 30.5X32 that will also be built there.

We have had a ton of orders for the current 24.5X32's, and are selling more than we can produce at this time. So, we are going to start building 24.5X32's in China in addition to the ones we are building in India. We have also signed a contract to start having them built Stateside, so we will be offering 3 different 24.5X32's by the end of Summer.

The 30.5X32 10 plies that we are currently producing are a long/short bar design, and in 2 weeks we should have the same tire in an 8ply. We will be rolling out a 30.5X32 "all long bar" tire that should be ready by mid Summer.

Lastly, we are building a Pro Puller pickup tire in 3 sizes that we will also debut this Summer.

We are excited about the Pulling sport, and are aiming to offer some options when the need arises.

Feel free to call or email us, or contact your cutter.

Thanks again for the interest!

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 11, 2017 04:44PM
The are pretty standard 220 on 20.8's and I have seen and heard the 24.5s are as big as 214 are they going to allowed? 210 has been the standard for years.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 12, 2017 12:36AM
Thanks for the comment.

On the 20.8's we are going to build them at 220 to make sure they are legal. We don't want anyone getting DQ'd.

Our thought was that since the BFGoodrich Powersaver Radial has been allowed for all these years, that we would build a tire that was a little shorter than that tire to make sure we are under an already approved tire, but since they are enforcing the 220" rule, all of the BFG Powersaver Radials will now be banned since they are all over the 220" measurement. That's unfortunate for the hundreds of pullers that have had that tire on their tractor for years.

Are they going to put in writing that the Powersaver Radial HT is banned? Or is their going to be an exception to the rule for one brand? Just Curious.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 09, 2017 11:14AM
Just made brush pulling more expensive. Yay.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 09, 2017 03:36PM
We don't deal in used tires (there are plenty listed in the "for sale" section, or at your local cutter).

Our goal is to offer low cost alternatives to the new tires that are on the market, and actually lower the cost of pulling, not make it more expensive.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 09, 2017 09:02PM
Side note here but, I hope Donald taxes you so bad on that china stuff so they all have to be made in the us.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 09, 2017 09:39PM
That's dumb. If the u.s. supplier could meet demand and do it at a reasonable cost you know anyone with a brain would go that route. If they are all built here then get ready to pay a lot more and be on a waiting list a mile long. I'm guessing you're not actually buying a set though so it's easy to hold that opinion when it doesn't effect you.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 10, 2017 03:49AM
The taxes, or tariffs that you speak of are a rotating door. Someone is always mad at someone and they find that imposing a tax is the best way to "get even".

It's always easy to say let's tax everything to death so they can't afford to bring product into the USA, and that makes you feel good, but how do we feel when they put a 50% tax or tariff on the grain that we want to sell them? That takes $7 corn down to $3 in a hurry. How's that feel?

We are in a global economy, whether we like it or not. We at Pro Puller Tires are doing the same thing that almost every manufacture is doing, diversifying the manufacturing plants locations to play the currency game and keep costs down as far as we can.

We're going to be offering tires from several plants and there may be different prices from those different plants. We will at least have choices that you can make as far as "what country do I want to buy my tires from?".

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 09, 2017 10:34PM
If you are offering a 20.8 38 that has a 10 inch larger rolling circumference and a flatter footprint, it's most likely going to be dominant over any cut farm tire. Thus making your tires needed to compete vs the free-$500 wore out takeoffs with a $1000 cut job.

Don't get me wrong. they're a impressive piece. I myself am wondering if I could get away with them in classes that specify "no cut tires allowed" These aren't cut, they're made this way. LOL

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/10/2017 01:13AM by sfd823.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 10, 2017 12:28AM
Our class allows top cut tires only! Can I have these top cut and get away with it?

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 10, 2017 03:26AM
Here is an additional picture of the side of the tire.

As Bruce has mentioned, it is not our intention to make the sport more expensive but give another option. As good used tires become harder to find, we hope this tire will make the cutting easier for everyone and try to remain at a competitive price compared to new tires. We will be offering many options in the next few years to ensure price competitiveness and maintain availability. As always call me with any questions at 402-840-0244, or email me at aaron@propullertires.com.

Aaron Docter
Pro Puller Tires

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 10, 2017 08:06AM
But you are making it more expensive. If someone cant afford them and everyone else gets them your already at a disadvantage. I can see people on a tighter budget losing interest or going back to brush pulling over anything else. I hope the organizations that say 220 circumference sticks to it. no one has to go buy brand new deep treads to win I got my radials for free and had them cut cheap easy. Its a choice to buy new and a choice to buy these and that choice will run the budgeted pullers out of the organizations . just my 2 cents

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 10, 2017 01:58PM
If he didn't do it someone else would. It was just a matter of time. Can't blame him because he was first. No way to avoid technology it takes over one way or another eventually.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 13, 2017 12:57PM
Why does a roll out matter? It just changes your gearing. Number one rule of tractor pulling, change is always the enemy regardless if it's for the good or not. Where is Doug Roberts? We need a box tire class before it's tool late.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 12, 2017 01:56AM
some basic knowledge of the current exchange rate of 1US dollar = .14 in China tells me at 4400/set you're making a killing. probably getting the set made for $500.. transportation between china and the us is surprisingly cheap.... soooo, there is a lot of money to be made

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 12, 2017 03:50AM
Don't let existing BFG tires influence the rules. Look how well that's worked out for cubic inches. If you make rules to accommodate the odd 10%, it basically screws the other 90%.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 12, 2017 05:36AM
Even the Sudden Impact monster truck team had their tires made in China as well. The tires sold for $2000 each. Not only did a bunch of privateer teams use them, but almost the entire Feld/ Monster Jam fleet used them until a few years ago.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 12, 2017 10:06AM

WOW! That's funny! Your "Basic Knowledge" is hilariously lacking.

Ask Bob Parkes how much money there is to be made.

Thanks for the chuckle.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 13, 2017 03:35AM
If there was a "killing" to be made, someone would have done this long ago. While profit margins may be high (or not, I don't know), there's NO TELLING how much it cost them to get this set up and started. There's no doubt they've got their necks stuck way out on this. I've been in business and around enough businesses to know that no one is making as much as everyone thinks they are. There's a ton of expenses involved that no one realizes until they've been there and done it.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 13, 2017 11:54AM

I applaud your "Basic Knowledge". If we weren't funding this through our other businesses, we wouldn't take the risk.

We love the sport and it's our way to get in the game in the best way we know how.

Thanks for you input and knowledge.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 10, 2017 05:23AM
"Can these be top cut and qualify as a top cut tire?"
That is a great question, but one you will have to ask a cutter.
My guess is yes, but I'm sure there will be discussion among the ranks.
Thanks for the question.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 11, 2017 03:56AM
If these are 'Top Quality', what radial farm tire are they based on (ie. whats the name on the tire)? The current tires being used are from BFG or Firestone or other quality manufactures that have been in business over a significant time. BFG has been out of farm tire business for awhile and their tires are still being used today on pulling tractors probably after they already spent a lifetime in farming application.
How long will the Chinese tires last?

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 12, 2017 11:56AM
"Top Quality",

Those are great questions. This 20.8R38 is a brand new tire that will hit the track for the first time ever at the Lincoln Nebraska pull in March.

We can't tell you how they will perform, but we will be there to find out. We are more nervous than anyone (as you can imagine). If they do well, fantastic!, but with any new tire, there will most certainly need to have changes made.

One we know of already is the circumference. The BFG Powersaver Radial HT measures in the 227-230" range, and has been allowed to compete for years. We developed this Pro Puller 20.8R38 tire to be 225" so that it was under the circumference of an approved tire. Now the 220" rule that some leagues have had, but not enforced, will be enforced. So, we know that we have to make the change from a 225" circumference tire to a 220" tire. That may cause other changes to be made, but we are willing to evolve the tire until we get it right.

At this point, we are considering this first pair of tires as an experimental set. We are not sure of what we need on the ply rating, cord angle, tread compound, etc etc.
Our primary goal is to produce a new tire that will work, at a reduced cost for the puller.

As far as "How long will it last?", this first set will last one pull. We are using a builder that we have used for years, so the quality once we get it "right" will be very good.

Thanks again for the comment and questions.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 10, 2017 04:02AM
If you are in a class that does not allow cut tires, then here are some non cut tires to try.

After working with the cutters that we do throughout the country, I would have to say that if a cut tire is allowed, these cutters understand how to make a tire perform, and I would highly recommend working with these cutters. They are well worth the price they charge.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 10, 2017 09:22AM
So are these 20.8's radial or bias? I don't know of any manufacturer rating radials with a ply rating any more. I believe there's some LI number or something... Bias are still referred to with a ply

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 10, 2017 05:07PM
The radial tire load system has evolved from Plies to Ply Rating, from Ply Rating to Star Rating, from Star Rating to Load and Speed Index (on "farm use" tires).

The load rating on this tire is different than on a tractor tire since these are labeled "For Competition Use Only", and are not intended for use on a "farm use" tractor.

The "farm use" tire's speed rating is between 0-31 mph. Most all pulling tires are spun over the 31 mph rating, and some of these puller tires are spinning over 100 mph.

Thus the "load and speed index" rating system that you mention being used on a "farm use" tire is useless in a pulling application.

We're still not sure (until we get the tire on the track), what the correct ply rating will need to be. We are starting with a 10 ply rating, and we can increase or decrease the ply rating until we get the tire to perform the way it needs to. We may find that we need to have a 10 ply and a 6 ply depending on the class of tractor we are fitting. if need be, we will do that.

We will be begging for feedback from the pullers and cutters alike. We are not afraid to try anything that the pulling world wants us to try, within the rules of most classes.

Thanks for the comments.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 11, 2017 01:09AM
If the sanctioned organizations have a 220 or 210 rollout rule why don't you make your tires fit this. You keep mentioning the BF Goodrich tires the only place I've seen those is in non sanctioned pulls.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 11, 2017 10:32AM
I'm having a hard time finding leagues that have a 210 or 220 roll out rule on the 20.8's, but there may be some out there.
In that case, these won't work, but neither will a lot of other tires that are being ran.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 11, 2017 02:48AM
On a 18.4 what will the lug count be compared to a Firestone?

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 11, 2017 09:54AM
Thanks for the question.

As far as the lug count, the Pro Puller 20.8 R 38 has 52 lugs, same as the Firestone Deep Tread.

The Pro Puller 18.4's will have the same number of lugs as a SAT or RAT Firestone 18.4R38.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 11, 2017 11:44AM
Ntpa profarm is 220

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 11, 2017 11:52AM
I have heard that PPL and IPL will have 220 rule before the season starts.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 11, 2017 01:04PM
Oly, Hot Farm, Over Drawn Binder,

That will make the BFGoodrich Powersaver Radial HT, as well as many other farm tires instantly illegal. How will that go over?

We will comply with the ruling. When you order a set of 20.8R38 Pro Pullers, they will be legal and still be the only tire on the track with an "all long bar" tread design.

Thanks for the info.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 13, 2017 05:22AM
No one uses BF tires cause there obviously illegal do to the 220 rule, everyone's running firestone tires.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 13, 2017 08:45AM
you better go to some hot farm pulls and look around still a lot of BFG's on tractors

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 13, 2017 12:05PM
Ol George if u paid attention, we run ntpa so obviously thats what I ment that no one runs bfs there

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/13/2017 12:18PM by Oly.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 13, 2017 01:32PM
I don't know u from john henry, I haven't been able to run outside of local for several years. Just been keeping up thru this confounded device, so I can understand where u are coming from but there are many orgs outside of Ntpa.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 14, 2017 02:00AM
Maybe you can't read well, the 220 rule is enforced in ntpa and going to be in ppl this year therefore you CANT run bfs and no one does in ntpa already

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 14, 2017 02:15AM
You all are just butt hurt because you blew your wad on a set of deep treads and something new came out thata lot of us can't afford with farming profit margins being so narrow. We tried outlawing cut tires in Eci's too hot to farm to try and stop the spending but after a close vote the cut tire rule was maintained so we better not discriminate one set of exspensive tires, and even if they are made overseas, they are atleast locally and privately owned by an entrepreneur(s) and not a corporation.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 13, 2017 09:03AM
Tires are shipped and will be delivered soon! Everything is on schedule for testing at the Cornhusker Classic Pull next weekend. Until then, we'll be keeping things "under wraps". As for the sizing, we will fully comply with all rules and regulations on the tires to remain legal and give a competitive edge.

Contact me with any questions! 402-840-0244 or email me at aaron@propullertires.com.

Aaron Docter
Pro Puller Tires

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 13, 2017 10:02AM
not sure why such a huge size increase,many pullers worry about an inch in circumference.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 13, 2017 12:22PM
No one should be concerned about an inch "circumference" difference. An inch "height" difference is another matter.

If you have a 20.8R38 tire that has a 220" circumference, dividing that by Pi (3.1416) gives you a tire that is 70" tall.

A tire that has a 214" circumference (which a ton of the Deep Treads are), gives you a tire that is 68.1" tall. A 2" taller tire will make a difference in traction.

I'm sure someone with way more knowledge than I will be able to figure out at what point you need to change a gear on a taller tire.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 13, 2017 12:17PM
So your saying after the testing your going to make a 220 or smaller mold for a new tire so NTPA, PPL and IPL can run this tire?

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 13, 2017 12:37PM
Overdrawn Binder,

The 220" rule has not been enforced before (obvious by all of the 227"-230" BFG Powersaver Radial HT's that are allowed to run), but now that rule is being enforced.

When we designed the new 20.8R38 Pro Puller tire, we purposely set the specs at a 225" circumference (which is between 2-5" smaller than the BFG), but with the 220" rule now being enforced, we have changed the specs to comply with the rule.

The very first set that is going to be on a tractor in Lincoln in March will not meet specs, so hopefully we can at least get them on a tractor and do some test runs.
(hopefully all the tractors that have the BFG's on, will have another set that they can run to comply)

We have made changes to all future tires, and all will now comply with the 220" rule.

Anyone want a set of 225" circumference 20.8R38's that won't comply?

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 13, 2017 09:02PM
Send them to Europe...

Floating Finish - the German Tractor Pulling Web Show and EU Live Streams: [www.youtube.com]

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 14, 2017 02:02AM
The 220 rule has been enforced were we pull for years no one runs bfs here other people have said the same thing like Oly with the ntpa they are 220 no one runs them at the sanctioned events ur point is Invalid for my area and apparently olys,nsome places may not have it but we do

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/14/2017 02:05AM by overdrawnbinder.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 14, 2017 03:11AM
The 18.4s are going to be set at 208"
The radial double cut in an 8 ply or metric style run around 206 to 209 1/2.The deep tread is around 204-205.Not sure what the BFG is but we do have a set we can measure.

The argument of the BFG I can see both sides.NTPA,PPL and Badger,no one runs that tire except for a couple pro farms.They might be the ones getting screwed.BUT....there are some Firestone bar cuts that are 222" to 224".They still make this tire and they would be forced to go with a double cut to be legal.To us it doesn't matter but its going to be a bad deal if some one comes in with a ag tire and gets kicked out because its over 220.

A lot of these guys making the rules don't know what all different tires size up at.They are just trying to keep manufactures from pressing the limit.
Hawthorn Tire 608-558-2316

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 14, 2017 05:34AM
You going to get stuck with a bunch of deep treads?

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 14, 2017 06:38AM
No Corry the Deep Treads are all shorter no matter what cut is on it.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 14, 2017 08:10AM
Who's going to want them any more?

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 14, 2017 08:28AM
They have to prove to work first.I do believe they will but if they start to dominate I guess there will be many deep treads for sale out there.I did hear from a NTPA board member that they put in an "AG" tire only rule for 20.8s.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 14, 2017 06:28AM
So when Firestone first engineered the 30.5L32 P2K and the circumference was 218" they were told the tire must be 210" when it leaves the factory. The reason being was that the larger tire generated more centrifical force and the roll cage was designed only for a max tire circ. of 210". Firestone changed the design of their tire to meet the (newly enforced) rule. I don't see how this is any different. Concerning the new manufacturer 30.5's and 24.5's. I'd sure like to see the circ data from the factory.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 14, 2017 10:25AM
Hey mark H, Was curious were the ag tire only rule for ntpa Profarms is. I didn't see it in the book and haven't heard. Just curious thankyou

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/14/2017 10:27AM by Oly.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 14, 2017 10:59AM
I was told by a WPI board member that this was going to be a rule.Dont know what regions.I didn't ask.The person that told me has been part of WTPA for many years so if its a rumor sorry.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 15, 2017 02:37AM
No need to be sorry, profarm is ntpa region class it's available as a region class but runs state I'd like to see it be a ag tire class but that's my opinion so I hope it's true

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 14, 2017 02:44AM
What will the circumference of the 18.4 be? What is it on a deep tread and a BFG? Does any org. have rules on the circumference of an 18.4 ?

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 14, 2017 05:53AM
Read the entire topic before asking questions that have been answered 6 times people

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 14, 2017 07:18AM

Mark H. has posted the dimensions for the 18.4 on the other brands.

We are going to build the Pro Puller 18.4R38 at 208". Please let us know if we have any rules that state what can, and can't be ran before we go to production.
These will be on tractors this summer.

Thanks for the interest!

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 14, 2017 08:08AM
Whats the hardness of the rubber going to be?

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 14, 2017 10:50AM
We are specifying a durometer reading of 82 in the tread.
We will get the first tires in on Thursday afternoon and see how they measure.


Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 15, 2017 07:12AM
We can build any circumference, but it has been suggested to be at 208".

I'm not aware of any circumference rules on the 18.4X38, but if someone knows there is, let us know.


Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 15, 2017 07:47AM
Make them bigger. Mark H said above that Firestone radials 8 ply can be up to 209 1/2. Some bar cut Firestone at 222-224. I don't know of anyone limiting 18.4's. Make them at least 212.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 15, 2017 10:25AM
I think that what we will do is contact the pulling entities and get their opinions so that we have a product that will work on more than just one or two organizations.
We want to make sure that things are as fair as possible.

Thanks for the input.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 15, 2017 01:36PM
Big firestone are out there, I have a set of double cut 10 plys that are 221 1/2". The tires bill smith ran on his high maintenance 6030 (bstp profarm) looked taller then ours. I'd say if you want it to be an 'ag' tire class you shouldn't have a 220" rule, otherwise go with 220" and let pullers run.

Re: 20.8 R 38 Pro Puller Tire Photos March 15, 2017 11:25PM

A 220" rule for 20.8R38 Pullers or open height on a farm tire in the same class.

That sounds fair, and may be something to run by your local leagues.

We have been flooded with orders, we just want to make sure they are fair to run in as many league's as possible.

As stated before, our goal has been to produce a new tire that will compete, at a price that is less than other new tire options.

We are never going to be able to be less than a used tire, but with no new tractors coming out with new 20.8R38's, the used market will dry up soon.

The same theory has taken shape in the 15" car tire market. There are millions of implements and grain augers out there with a 15" car tire on them, but with no cars coming out with a 15" tire that's any bigger than a temporary spare, we are forced to buy new wheels and go to a 16" tire, that's also getting hard to find.

How many of us used to take our pickup tires off and move them to their livestock trailer, and now find that all the new pickups have either 17,18 or 20" tires that will no longer work on the trailer.

It's a matter of time before the 20.8's are dried up in a farm tire. We are trying to move into the future now and provide a tire that will cost less than a new farm tire that is going to have a ton of work done at a high price to the puller.

Exactly! 10 ply RATS are big! March 15, 2017 03:07PM
I got a set sitting in the shed that I won't part with because they are hard to come by. When I had them on the thriller they measured a hair over 70 inches high and that was on 23 inch rims.

Re: Exactly! 10 ply RATS are big! March 17, 2017 09:29AM
So how tall are 10 ply 18.4s? My 8 ply double cut radials are only 64" tall.

Re: Exactly! 10 ply RATS are big! March 17, 2017 10:43AM

To figure your circunference, take your 64" overall diameter X 3.1416(Pi) = 201" circumference.

What are the rules for circumference on an 18.4X38 in all the leagues?

Test Tires Have Arrived, More Pictures On Website March 16, 2017 12:36PM
Tires finally landed and will be going to get cut tomorrow morning! Visit our website for more photos of the tires. Call me at 402-840-0244, email me at aaron@propullertires.com for any more information!

Aaron Docter
Pro Puller Tires


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