ppl tractor August 19, 2017 08:49AM
rumer has it that the ppl tractor that won today had ice in his cooler. The rules in ntpa says no ice on anything in super farm!

Re: ppl tractor August 19, 2017 10:24AM
So your sayin the techs didnt verify the cooler was unhooked and no one saw the cooler being loaded with ice?????? Wow!

Re: ppl tractor August 19, 2017 04:36PM
I just happened to be in the tech building when the winner went thru the line. The cooler was unhooked and the tractor passed thru tech inspection with flying colors. Sounds to me like someone is a sore loser. Pretty sure the tractor wouldn't have almost snuffed out with the intercooler still hooked up.

Re: ppl tractor August 19, 2017 04:40PM
they were putting ice in the cooler on the scale

Re: ppl tractor August 19, 2017 03:16PM
Why they were kicked out of ITPA for a year and 10 days several years back... Once a..... always a......

Re: ppl tractor August 19, 2017 03:44PM
Hahaha I love it! Whether he was cheating or not I don't care. If he ran the cooler and tech officials didn't catch it then he is legal! Be interesting where this story goes....

Re: ppl tractor August 19, 2017 03:56PM
True story.... Took $500 to prove it back then. Loose lips sink ships though.

Re: ppl tractor August 20, 2017 03:10AM
If they were seen putting ice in and everyone was so concerned about it, why wasn't a protest done? Why didn't someone find a tech official and tell them what was going on? Why wasn't a post pull protest done? Seems NTPA has some sore losers and bashing a PPL member on social media is a way to help with their pain.

Re: ppl tractor August 20, 2017 03:16AM
It was brought to tech official In pits. Heard official was going to check it out - never heard after that.

Re: ppl tractor August 20, 2017 09:26AM
Not splitting hairs or trying to start anything AND I don't pull but I was at BG. Being that the post was started on Saturday at 8:49 am, the OP was talking about the class on Friday night (I think). So the win was 319.3', second was 303.2, and the one you are saying was 'complaner' was 10th at 282.6'. Saturday nights class was 312.6, second was 310.6, 'complainer' was 30th at 290.0. Again, not trying to start anything, just putting things in perspective. Also, how do you know who 'complainer' is?

Re: ppl tractor August 20, 2017 01:30AM
What a bunch of Cry Babies ..Sore Losers there are in this sport..Your pissed because a PPL SF won by 2 ft .... Obviously you don't know much about them either...He would have won by more than 2 ft if the cooler was hooked up .....I seen it was still on buy it was unhooked....Why can't you just take it like Aman and move on

Re: ppl tractor August 20, 2017 02:31AM
Well if they can run Ice in PPL maybe it was a habit filling it with ice ...And it WAS unhooked ..Get over it ...Or call him and ask for a rematch then he can Spank you again. he had a better run end of story you missed your setup ..Maybe air in Ohio is different than your state out west?

Re: ppl tractor August 20, 2017 02:33AM
It's illegal to run ice in ntpa super farm. ILLEGAL. end of story.

Re: ppl tractor August 20, 2017 05:12AM
If the cooler wasn't hooked up then ice in the cooler gives no competitive advantage. So why did he do it? Well, maybe he just did it to rub you guys a little bit. And if his goal was to get under your skin he has done very well at that. Get over yourselves.

Re: ppl tractor August 20, 2017 06:45AM
Right on!!! I always put ice in my cooler for my beer of course. I find it hard to believe there would be any cheatin in racing

Re: ppl tractor August 20, 2017 09:48AM
So....I've looked at little more at this and not sure where some of this crap comes from. Follow along:

Post was started at 8:49 am on Saturday. That means that the only super farm class that had run would have been session 3 (Friday, 6:30 pm) which Deere Processor won. I looked on the ppl standings/results and don't see anything about that tractor. On the NTPA site, the tractor is listed 8th in Region 2 standings

The tractor that won in session 4 (which started at 11 am) is listed as 3rd in the ppl champions tour series...

So....someone what to try and explain this?. I'm thinking that the OP is full of crap or he has delorean that can go 88 mph

Re: ppl tractor August 20, 2017 11:26AM
Don't start bringing logic into this, that will throw the whole topic off.

Re: ppl tractor August 20, 2017 11:58AM
I think maybe....every one needs to quit being sore losers and sh@t disturbers
Maybe find something else to occupy your time instead of causing trouble.

Re: ppl tractor August 20, 2017 12:35PM
Yea I know....

Re: ppl tractor August 20, 2017 01:43PM
its simple. If ntpa says no ice any where on super farm. Should be a D Q

Re: ppl tractor August 20, 2017 06:04PM
And you super farm folks wonder why NO ONE takes you seriously?
Bunch of crybaby, whiney, LOSERS!!!!!!!!!
The bunch that have stayed in SF, have done the LPS and light LPS class members a favor !
SF needs kicked the heck out of NTPA,PPL,Outlaws!!!! Go back to antique pulling where this childish B.S. came from!

Re: ppl tractor August 21, 2017 06:04AM
At the end of the day, any ice in a SF is illegal for NTPA- it may have been a habit and he did ask the scale crew which should have been the tech official but o well. Every dog has his day and Checkin Out had a great pass. I do know that the fear deere tractor runs strong and has also won numerous titles in the past, top 10 first night and a 2nd just before BG. always passed tech and gets along with everyone.

NTPA is a very close knit group, I'm sure they have enough troubles with rules with the folks in their association and they just want everyone to play fair which unfortunately doesn't always happen.

Congrats to all pullers

Re: ppl tractor August 20, 2017 01:51PM
In this day and age with EVERYONE carrying a camera no one took a picture of the ice seems suspicious.

Re: ppl tractor August 20, 2017 03:37PM
So if this ppl tractor runs ice at a pull and puts 50 to 80 lbs in ice tank dont you think maybe he needed it up front to weight down the front end like it is at every other pull he pulls at in the year ??? I mean 50 lbs on the front can make a big diffrance .....it could have been used for nothing but weight!!!!

Re: ppl tractor August 20, 2017 11:06PM
So ppl you can add weight after the scale?

Re: ppl tractor August 21, 2017 12:19AM
Have you never seen them weigh their ice when they weigh in? Done all the time.

Re: ppl tractor August 21, 2017 01:34AM
I'm trying to figure out what tractor was supposedly cheating....little help maybe?

Re: ppl tractor August 21, 2017 04:33AM
I assume its Checkin' Out, currently 3rd in ppl SF. Post seems out of line, if you have accusations you should also have some proof.

Re: ppl tractor August 21, 2017 04:56AM
Maybee the complainer doesn't have the good stuff? This one will be on the Tech. Congrats to the Andersons!

Re: ppl tractor August 21, 2017 10:48AM
I was assuming that too but based on my previous comments, how did they know he was going to win......?

Re: ppl tractor August 21, 2017 01:41PM
It wasn't a prediction, it was simply an issue with the website timezone offset. I'm not sure if it's solved since I can't travel to other time zones to check it.

Re: ppl tractor August 21, 2017 06:28AM
Deck boys were ones tht complained to pullers n tech official. Mad that the DO tractor got 2nd.

Re: ppl tractor August 21, 2017 06:54AM
Jealous. Nobody likes a winner. Especially when they get beat. End of story.
Congrats to the winner.

Re: ppl tractor August 22, 2017 02:06PM
When did the Deck boys learn how to read a rulebook?

Re: ppl tractor August 22, 2017 03:53PM
to "bad apple" now that some funny @#$%& the deck boys never cheat lol

Re: ppl tractor August 23, 2017 08:31AM
I think we call all agree the Decks cheat Spinning

Re: ppl tractor August 23, 2017 04:22PM
Page 57,
A. Engines

f. No CO2 or any other means of cooling the air in the piping or manifold. No ice filled, or ice cooled devices onboard tractor of any kind.
All engine air must enter the inlet of the turbo at ambient air temp and humidity.
Inlet air may not be drawn thru or across any type of cooling device.

Re: ppl tractor August 24, 2017 02:49AM
Hmmm. So no water injection nozzle at the inlet of the turbo. Is this section for all classes or just SF?

Re: ppl tractor August 25, 2017 04:53AM
Maybe it doesn't even matter who did what?? Tech apparently let it fly, no one had the thought to do anything more than get on here and play keyboard warrior, so ice or not, intercooler or not, crying or not, he wins. end of story. Its done, move on with your lives. Hot

Re: ppl tractor August 21, 2017 12:34PM
This is some good stuff but plain and simple if the guy was running ice and the rules say No its CHEATING it don't matter if the guy who gets last place every night is doing the complaining or or the guy who got second Cheaters never Win it just looks like it But if all of this was seen why didn't who ever that saw it lay down in front of the tractor and not let it hook to the sled until it was checked

Re: ppl tractor August 23, 2017 08:30AM
Here is a thought..... They did unhook the intercooler but the reason they still put the ice in the box is because they understand the balance of the tractor. Keeping the ice out and putting the added weight father up front might upset the way the tractor goes down the track. Maybe they have done there homework.... Again just a Thought

Re: ppl tractor August 23, 2017 08:46AM
Here is a thought..... They did unhook the intercooler but the reason they still put the ice in the box is because they understand the balance of the tractor. Keeping the ice out and putting the added weight father up front might upset the way the tractor goes down the track. Maybe they have done there homework.... Again just a Thought

Not taking sides but just asking : Does the NTPA rule book say specifically No Ice, or just that the intercooler must be unhooked? If the former, whether it was hooked up or not, it should have bern a DQ whether it had any effect or not.

If the latter, then the puller found an area not addressed and should not be DQ'ed if the ice was only for weight. What is the exact wording of the rule?

Re: ppl tractor August 24, 2017 01:13AM
Or maybe they already had beer up there to celebrate with at the end of the track. Got to keep it cold

Re: ppl tractor August 28, 2017 12:32PM
Illinois boys kicked their ass and they are soar losers



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