Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 28, 2017 07:45AM
We are looking to add the LLSS to the 2018 Outlaw schedule.

This all depends on rules and puller support. If it is warranted, we are thinking of possibly having a meeting somewhere this off season if enough people want to get together and discuss options for next yr. If we have 6-8 pullers wanting to support this class we will sell this class to promoters and start booking.

Feel free to share rule ideas. These pulls would be in the IA, Nebraska, MO areas to start if that helps.

If anyone wants to talk directly about these ideas, here is my contact info. Adam Vaske (seven one two) 887 11151, adamvaske at gmail dot com.





Schaeffer Oil Representative


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/28/2017 07:52AM by AV.

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 28, 2017 08:52AM
Glad you are starting the class. In my talking with Doug when he first announced this class was coming I am glad he decided to make it for the small frame tractors with reasonable cubic inch limits. If done right this class will get a lot of support and grow like the Light Limited Pro Stock class did for Outlaws.

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 28, 2017 08:53AM
I think in order to draw more tractors in, the rules should be similar to what's already out there in the LLSS classes around the area and country.

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 28, 2017 09:33AM
I understand wanting to run the same rules as everyone else, but I feel the weight needs to be scaled back. 5700 would be a good starting point, you already have light superstocks running at 6000lb with 400 pounds worth of turbochargers on. Honestly though if the outlaws did adopt the national rules, how many guys from out east would travel to their events?

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 28, 2017 10:46AM
what exactly are the purposed rules for outlaw LLSS?

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 28, 2017 10:54AM
Nothing against other associations have some kind of set of rules which is mainly back east. But why should one of the lowest horsepower classes with little engines and a single small turbo be worried about being a national class. With a lot of the associations this is the main tractor class, outlaws already has a light Super at 6200 and unlimited super class at 6200 with large frame tractors so dang sure didn't need a large frame tractor class limited light super class at 6200. Doug had the right rules for this class that made since. I know some of the rules from earlier discussions and thought he posted them on here.

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 28, 2017 11:01AM
I did a search to try and find and came up empty. If someone knows what they were I would be interested in reading them.




Schaeffer Oil Representative


Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 28, 2017 11:19AM
he wanted component rear ends,so thats the weight difference right there... so he better figure the handicap for oem rear ends weight

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 28, 2017 11:25AM
For sure I remember Doug didn't want component rear ends. He wanted small frame tractors and at that weight of 5800 it would work. I do remember he said his 4010 back in the 70's pulled the 5500 Super Stock with 3 turbos but no roll cage with 200 lbs moveable weight in NTPA.

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 28, 2017 12:22PM
The BIG catch to all this is Doug DOESNT run the show anymore!!! So it really doesn't matter what he wanted. Make this class either the same as or as near to the most popular rules across the country. We DONT need another class that is isolated to JUST Outlaws and nowhere else. National rules DOESNT mean "who's gonna load up and drive across the USA to pull an Outlaw event" it simply means anyone close can jump in and try their luck. Or are you "locals" afraid a badger may come in the gen house hahahahahahaha

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 28, 2017 11:29PM
Honestly though if the outlaws did adopt the national rules, how many guys from out east would travel to their events?

If history is a guide, very few will come out to support any events. Maybe a couple early in the year. Maybe Wisner. Back when pro stock had similar rules, Kevin Masterson came out west once. Bobby Sarver once. I'm sure I'm leaving people out, but the point is seldom did people come out from far away. What you do get is some people who live in or close to "Outlaw country" who run other organizations and then pull at select Outlaw events when they can. But I don't think you will get that in this class. LLSS is not a Grand National class.

I agree with the uniform rules argument in theory, but it may be more beneficial to change rules a bit in this case. Maybe call it something else. How about Classic Light Super Stock?

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 29, 2017 02:26AM
And turbo shouldn't cost 5k thats not a starter class. Few years ago supper farm had a low cost gt42 turbo now they have a 5k dollar one and average person in stand can't tell difference.
Also same scenario on injection pump should be Max 13mm p pump. Many classes could be cheaper but they are not because someone always wants to go faster or build more hp without stepping up to the next class. In my opinion thats what is ruining tractor pulling.

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 28, 2017 12:03PM
6250-6500 if you don't want tractors all hacked up .if you have better than avg tracks they will need that movable weight , we have ran it here forc9 yrs and has grown every year ! If you allow 466 to compete which most do now then you need a little heavier if your keeping them out then a little lighter is easier to achieve. Just a Pullers individual perspective ! Build rules to your area as far as weight , individuals can build for weight as to their preference to go and pull elsewhere! Stick to base engine and turbo rules as it adds value to tractors and keeps door open for outsiders to attend your events if an opportunity presents it's self !

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 28, 2017 01:05PM
5700 is a little steep i like 6000 its seems to equalize the field ,370 alky-diesel 410 slotted charger 3x4 w/ intercooler ,diesel 470 3x4 slotted no intercooler

Re: Outlaw LLSS Rules 2018 August 28, 2017 02:19PM
I don't live there and won't ever be pulling there, but there is no such thing as hacked up junk trying to make 6000 or 5700 lbs. That's bull of an argument, when to you guys it's a new class...that means nobody has one! There are real D21s, 4020s, and 970 Cases pulling at 6000 lbs. Surely no one is STUPID enough to want to hack up a 5488 for the class! The best advise would be is don't let the checkbook ruin the class before it ever gets started. A box HX60 for $1200 runs great on these tractors, or you can let the $7000 ones come; you can allow a $10,000 set of tires in or a $2500 set of aggs. The numbers are dropping in the areas that's had this class for a while because of the expense. Weight is a big equalizer. The more weight you give the big money class killer spenders, the farther your ass gets beat by; you will have them if you don't have good rules to keep some of it out . This is not to make anyone mad, but this IS a been there and done that, listening to everyone in my area who wishes things hadn't been let go. Now if you want to pull a JD don't try to start with a 4640 to get in a light class. There is a rear end for every brand that will make the weight. There are $100,000 tractors in this that were meant to be a starter class; I've worked on a few of them and that's ridiculous. Facts are with the rules we have, the class is dying. Don't fall into a trap of building a class for the want-to-be super stock guys that couldn't cut it.

Re: Outlaw LLSS Rules 2018 August 28, 2017 02:45PM
At the last couple BOB events there has been over 15 llss tractors in the class. Early in the year some pullers hadn't made it out yet (farming/waiting on parts) so there were some nights when numbers were below 10…But I'm pretty sure if you went to a stock Box HX60 rule 90% of the tractors out there would have to change there charger. There are some high dollar rides in the class but they are not running away from anyone…you should also look around at the price of used puller tires…you can get a pretty good set for much less then 10 grand…the class has came a long way in the last few years, no need to re live the past…I'm sure there is a nice farm stock class that would welcome you with open arms lewis…but believe it or not…thats not cheap either!

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 29, 2017 02:49AM
In my opinion 6000 would be plenty heavy...I know of a 180 Allis thats 4900 lbs bare and can carry plenty of front weight..It wont hold up at 6500..

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 29, 2017 03:50AM
Wow! That is pretty awesome that it weighs that light for sure. But if it won't hold up by weighing 1600 pounds more, it's not very well built, and hence the comments concerning "carving the crap out of one". At 6250 - 6500 everyone can make a durable and safe competition vehicle. What is the problem with that?

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 29, 2017 06:00AM
I go back to the days when a true Light Super was 5000 to 5500 lbs....To me any thing over 6000 lbs isnt a LLSS...If you allow big engines and 6500 then all it is a contest to see whom \can spend the most money..

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 29, 2017 06:23AM
You said it right there......back in the day. When there was little safety equipment and no roll cage. This is 2017.

While I understand (to a degree) everyone's desire to stay light, you are fooling yourself if you think you are keeping the "big" engines out. In the case of a Deere the 404 and 466 are the same basic block. Some use the 300 series engine but the head is a turd so why fight it. In the case of an IH, there are 3 significant levels - the old C series (264/291/301), the 312/360, and then the 400 series. If you have an Allis, only two real choices 301/426. Ford is a 401.......other than IH and Allis, I'm not sure what you mean by "big" engine.

As far as money, good luck again. If the right person with money is motivated, you can't stop them from becoming dominant if they do the right work. That's evolution, some have, some don't. Happens in every class.

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 29, 2017 10:55AM
Your forgetting the best engine ever made for this class361/407

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 29, 2017 11:01PM
Yep, you're right. I forgot that one. Block is a tad on the heavy side, but a good option.

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 29, 2017 06:51AM
You can have all the money in the world but it gives a more even playing field if you have rules that limit. Say a box turbo, not a 5k box turbo eirher, how about only ag tires? No need to spend 6k plus on tires.
Ppl will always push the limit but certain rules will help ppl just trying to have fun or on a less budgeted compete imo...

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 29, 2017 07:06AM
I agree 100% on the box turbo rule. That will level out alot of the problem right there. As for tires, I disagree on AG only, they are not that easy to find in all areas. I would say no Puller 2000's or Pro Pullers though. Plenty of old Firestone Pullers out there for good money.

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 29, 2017 07:16AM
Check out the 2000 Outlaw points standings for the 5700 light superstock:

6 Different brands in the top 10 in points and all had the same safety equipment we have today with the exception of the front end skids which may weigh 50 pounds?

So why do we need to take turbochargers off of these tractors and tack on another 500 pounds?

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 29, 2017 08:46AM
I would very interested in ideas on how to do box turbo rule with a multiple turbo option within the rules like other associations run?

Serious question that has come up.




Schaeffer Oil Representative


Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 29, 2017 07:05AM
My 460 weighs 4200 bare, so there is an allis and a IH that can make 5500 easily with all this new safety equipment.

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 29, 2017 11:55AM
My 460 weighs 4200 bare, so there is an allis and a IH that can make 5500 easily with all this new safety equipment.

A 460 won't handle any power or torque

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 29, 2017 01:12PM
5500 lb and it will live a long time.

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 29, 2017 03:10PM
5500 lb and it will live a long time.

we'll agree to disagree

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 29, 2017 03:17PM
They'll live ran one for yrs,Farmer parts hold up good,i won qualifying pull at gordyville in 2007 weighing 6700lbs,use to run at 6000lbs all summer,never had any issues an ran hard.

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 29, 2017 11:05PM
"......i won qualifying pull at gordyville in 2007 weighing 6700lbs,use to run at 6000lbs all summer,never had any issues an ran hard."

There's the proof right there that 6250-6500 will not break the "little" tractors as some have indicated.

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 30, 2017 02:12AM
I wouldn't want to run that heavy all the time,5700 to 6000 is plenty in llss,axle housings will break on the little rearends.

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 30, 2017 03:39AM
Maybe outlaws need to start looking at doing things differently. Obviously what they were doing hasn't been working since the association is in debt.
I dont understand why a box precision turbo is over 5k yet any precision drag car turbo is almost half the price...
Go back to using a real box turbo like a Holset or such...
And i agree with Chris there are already LLSS tractors in the area in other associations so why not go with the rules they use? Seems kinda dumb not to. Or someome explain a reason not to...

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 29, 2017 09:12PM
a 656-686 will live

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 28, 2017 03:38PM
The meeting needs to be darn soon after the season ends, or maybe even beforehand! (Spencer pull?)
If you are going to SELL the class, you need to know before the fair association meetings!

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 28, 2017 04:11PM
Association of Iowa Fairs is Dec. 8-10

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 29, 2017 12:43AM
Adam - it was good to talk with you last night. I do hope that the Outlaws can setup a meeting for early this winter to get this decided. As I said on the phone, Doug's idea has some validity but many feel that the name of the class should be changed if those rules were put into place. I do feel that if the class were to be added with the National LLSS Rules it would provide access to a lot more iron right away. Between the MATTPAin the I29 corridor, Heartland out West, ECI out in Eastern IA and possibly the Xcaliber and MSTPA crews to the South in MO. While I have never liked some of the Outlaw charger rules I do see that at times they have helped with class numbers and durability. If a charger is mandated for this class I hope people are practical since.

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 29, 2017 01:17AM
I agree with Chris. Depending how far east into lowa you come the other groups might have tractors come , maybe a few Badger State guy might venture that way as well. If you run the 410 rule with intercooler , allow about 150# for the extra weight. Most can easily run 6250

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 29, 2017 01:43AM
Right now it seems these are the items that people have different views on.

I have a few that want it 5800 lbs or max 6000.

Some want up to 6250.

Not sure what the right answer is but to keep this class from being a HP only class, calls for the lower end of the weight scale.

And another debate between guys is big frame big motor tractors being allowed. I have no idea what the right call is there either as we need to see where and who the support would come from for the first year.

These seem to be the 2 rule sets (with more info still coming in) that pullers are falling into.

A classic super stock type class:

diesel 410 3x4 turbo
alky 370 3x4 turbo
5800 lbs
no coolers



470 single turbo
410 single w/ cooler
360 twin turbo no cooler
315 twin w/ cooler


370 single turbo no cooler

6000 lbs (some want 6250)

24.5s or 30.5s allowed

This is still wide open, just giving some of the feedback I am seeing.

I agree with a lot of ideas being shared. Especially ones that keep this class from needing a $100k tractor to win the class. So turbos, tires, and weight will be a big focus when this is finalized. This class if done right will definitely have support and could be a fun class to watch grow.




Schaeffer Oil Representative


Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 29, 2017 03:06AM
If you are going to add this class I would consider keeping the rules similar to other organizations for the reasons stated earlier, and it would be easier for someone to get parts or a complete tractor to join the Outlaws. If you have a new set of rules and engine combinations you will have at least a year or two of people trying to get the engines to run good and your class will not be wanted by promoters.

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 29, 2017 10:39AM
Its nice to se weve had 15 tractors at a few of our pulls but 3 years ago weve had up to 27 show up and as for the 15 that show up every now and then theres 15 setting in the sheds that's tired of the money game so NUMBERS in two more years give us another report And in six or seven I will say I told you so when were trying to come up with a new name fore the class and start it over with a new set of rules to get the parked tractors back on the track .And agg tires are more than plentiful I would be more than glad to gather up 40 or 50 sets and capitalize on being the tire supplier of the class with free shipping on a two set purchase and yes out of the 15 tractors 10 percent would have to change turbos but when they scatter one they wouldn't have to order a 7000 dollar one from Harts or Columbus they could just order a new 1200 dollar hx60 from Area diesel wich will make around 60psi of boost and will make enough power to run a 22 to 1 gear if anyone would like any ideas of how to make a good affordable fun class that will pick up and grow my number is 270 566 2901 I will try to help I was at the first pull this class made here in ky and one of six that got it started and watched it grow and now watching it dwindle

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 29, 2017 11:50AM
Hey Lewis, 7000 for a hx60? FVP in Wisconsin , you can get one for around 4500

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 29, 2017 12:03PM
Why spend 4500 when you can buy one for under $1200? Buy a billet wheel and put in still way cheaper than 4500
I mean if ppl want to waste money ill set up a go fund me account...lol

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 29, 2017 12:05PM
Guys try not to get caught up in the details of if it was a 6K charger or a 7K charger. I think the point Lewis is trying to make is that there are a lot more affordable chargers out there. A basic HX60 or an HT60 for that matter. Keeps everyone on a more level playing field.

With regard to tires, I agree with Scott 24.5 or 30.5 ags or old style Pullers. I see no need for new HPs or ProPullers for this class.

Honestly I am shocked that nobody has brought up the heritage rules for engines.

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 29, 2017 01:36PM
David the hx 60 is becoming old school here the better runners don't run them anymore I just mentioned it for a good out of the box bullet proof turbo but I didn't mention an HT60 can be bought new for 600 which will give you the same performance if its a box turbo its just reversed the reason its not used no one makes high performance billet wheels left handed SORRY for any confusion Harts and Columbus also do them for around that price but they will soon dust colectors for anyone that wants to play the money game and keep up

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 29, 2017 11:00AM
How about 6000lbs p pump any turbo 410 cubes and no decubing.

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 29, 2017 02:00PM
Criss the old heritage rules was that the old ntpa rules were the crank had to swing in the block stuff The no decubing would have been a good idea but from what ive seen its really made no difference here 370 or 470 how ever you get it its all the same by the old NTPA rules befor the aluminum heads a 570 cockshutt was the best tractor to build Hercules engine with the only crossflow head with spark plugs in a tractor I won battle of the Battle of the bluegrass points and Orvtpa points bothe in the same year with one

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 30, 2017 02:05AM
Lewis you won the points in BOB and ORVTPA in the same year ? What year was that ?

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 30, 2017 09:14AM
Ask Tom he announces it every time I pull

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 30, 2017 09:32AM
If there was a mis understanding that was Modified Stock which was before this class the first year of this class I got second the second year my tractor got first and later 3rd three years in a row is that better

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 29, 2017 04:09PM
While all the off the wall suggestion with weights, tires and turbos are nice, they make no sense. If you truly want this class to take off then you have to make the rules similar to what's already out there.

Weight 65-6700 lbs

Cu. in. 470 max
410 diesel gets to run cooler
360 alky
Everybody gets to run the Precision Outlaw branded 3x3.25 charger. And to the guy who is gonna bitch about it being to expensive, don't worry the market is about to be flooded with them so you be able to pick one up for $25-$3000 depending on if you want a good one or one that's 65hp behind.
24.5 tires 2000s and pp allowed

Imo no 30.5s or twin chargers, outlaws already have a class for them in the cast lss class

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 29, 2017 11:27PM
Your missing the point.....if everone is required to run the same turbo who cares how much hp it makes?? So why not make it an affordable one? I've never been on a dyno don't plan to, I enjoy building something myself and enjoy the challenge. Not everyone can just right a check and have a tractor built....whats the fun in that anyway..

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 30, 2017 01:38AM
Because Oitlaws run box turbos and Precision writes them a sponsorship check every year.

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 30, 2017 02:00AM
So Brandon, from your idea I take it that your tractor can get down to 6500?

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 30, 2017 02:16AM
Or we could just run alcohol motors or smaller cubed cooler motors in the light limited pro class.

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 30, 2017 02:44AM
If we don't need 30.5s and twin turbos since "outlaws already have a class for them in the cast lss class." It would stand to reason we don't need 466 diesels since you already have the LLP correct?

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 30, 2017 02:58AM
I have no interest in joining the class I simply looked at the neighboring associations that have this class currently and stated my opinion. That is what Adam asked for. If you want numbers in the class then you can't have an off the wall set of rules and make everyone build for that class with one association. Also I'm not saying I agree with a box charger, but I'm not stupid either look at the outlaw format. Every class that can have a box charger has one. If they could figure out a way to have box chargers in the ss classes I think it would happen. Also we carry 1400lbs of weight at 8200 so no 6500 not happening.

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 30, 2017 03:22AM
What associations did you look at? We (MATTPA) use basically the National Rules (will probably switch fully to them once everything shakes out) (we had 2-3 at each pull this year and 2-3 more in the works for next year). The Heartland group switched to the National Rules last year (they should be at 5-7 next year). I hear that ECI is looking to add Alky's in the next year or so (not sure if they would consider going to the National Rules or not) (They had 4-8 this year). MSTPA would be able to work into National Rules if they wanted to hook and had 4-8 this season. Xcaliber could work into the national rules with little changes (they had 6-9 this year). The ones that I mentioned could work are mostly because of weight and/or they don't run the big diesels or alky burners.

Just curious because if there are others in the area I would like to look them up.

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 30, 2017 09:06AM
I wish they would use standard rules like WTPA so I can come play with them when they are close to home. in my opinion that is the only way for the class to grow.

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 30, 2017 11:02AM
So why does Outlaws need to add this class? They have a LSS Cast class now that is two Classes with in it's self. 5-6 Good runner's then the rest. Why not draw the line and change your cast class you have now and make the top hard runners move to Heavy Super or the Light Akly class. Most of the hard runners are past what a Cast Chassis can take now. Just bring your rules down in the existing class. This would also help move Pullers into the other two Classes.

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 30, 2017 01:17PM
I love this time of the year during the summer when pullings at its prime this sight gets pretty dulL but when the cool North breeze starts blowing it gets fun on here rules for every class makes the highlights the Outlaws just need to set rules to fit there own area the cast SS class was just mention with the rules every one else that has the llss class is running the price to go llss or Outlaw SS would be whatever 2 more turbos cost so really why make another class it cost the same for gears, engine parts, Tires Fuel systems .Data Loggers Machine Work Spare engines everything there cost the same except for a couple more Turbos a new 100.000 dollar class from the start wont grow some people make fun of me but I believe myself and Dougs on the same page to bad he didn't stay in ky

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 30, 2017 11:16PM
Trying to keep the cost of building a tractor down are long gone. Pullers want to win and some will spend whatever it takes. And now a days some don't even do there own work, so your 100000 dollar tractor becomes possible

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 31, 2017 12:47AM

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 31, 2017 03:47AM
For the guys who actually still build there own tractor, building one can be half or less of that 100k and still be very competitive. And certain rules can even a playing field between unlimited funds puller and one who doesn't. It isn't always the high spenders that win, it makes it easier yes but in my opinion knowledge and hard work will overcome money. And to some people winning isn't everything, getting a chance to have fun and meet good people is what I enjoy the most about are sport.

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 31, 2017 05:45AM
Them expensive tractors got some attention drawn and look where the class is today..

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 31, 2017 10:17AM
Yes I agree its sad to se the class going down hill because of those expensive tractors drawing so much attention a discouraging so many potential pullers off

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 31, 2017 10:34AM
The real pullers are pulling and the junk is parked. Nobody is scared off...

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 31, 2017 01:09PM
That was a perfect example right there of a Mamas boy spending Daddys money and young enough to be put on time out instead of getting an old fashioned Ass whooping

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 31, 2017 01:14PM
That was a perfect example right there of a Mamas boy spending Daddys money and young enough to be put on time out instead of getting an old fashioned Ass whooping

Nah that's the truth. Just hard for some to accept is all

tire size? September 01, 2017 02:37AM
What is the thought on tire size, 30.5 or 24.5?

What are the other associations doing?

Re: tire size? September 01, 2017 02:56AM
From the info I am gathering run either with a max of 30.5s and ag style or old pullers only.




Schaeffer Oil Representative


Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 31, 2017 07:03AM
On the bright side, we've already got our first thread for 2018 about an outlaw SS class. Should only be about 30 more before next season actually starts.

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 August 31, 2017 03:03PM
I think this would be a fun class. I am a IH guy . So say 5700 pounds 656 rearend with 360 single turbo or 312 with two turbos. On 24.5 . Make it a fun economical class so a working person like me can go pulling. I'd like to know what the other colors have say on cubic inches

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 September 01, 2017 03:46AM
Some times the money comes from " knowledge and hard work"
So some have money and knowledge and hard work.

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 September 01, 2017 04:44AM
Just because a person is a hard worker and knowledgeable doesnt mean he has a bottomless account.
And on tires no HP or propuller. Basically old style pullers or ag tires be my suggestion

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 September 01, 2017 05:28AM
360 cubes sounds good if a guy could run a 5.9 Cummins in an Oliver or Allis. Agco did use the Cummins motor in some of their tractors. Any chance of that being allowed?

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 September 04, 2017 12:08PM
I'm with Lewis this class needs a turbo rule if it's going to live and grow are it will be just like super farm.

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 September 04, 2017 01:30PM
It would be save to say if KTPA would put a few rules on the class such as turbos and tires theres enough parked tractors and ones that are just going close to home to make a good class and let the others run bluegrass here in KY .Theres more people out threre that can spend 25 or 30 thousand than 60 for a toy All these different classes we have like the llss, limited pro, super farm, light pro Pro farm and many others were started from one of the base classes that got to expensive and priced itself out go back 3 or 4 years in the pulloff archives a se me bragging about 30 to 40 tractors hear in ky now whats happened to them Yes now someone will correct me with all the progress bullshitt but theyre to stupid watching the numbers drop to understand why

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 September 04, 2017 02:09PM
I agree with you. Recast or billet heads, high dollar turbos, pumps larger than 13mm. All these things have no place in a LLSS. Shouldn't be in alot of other classes either in my opinion...

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 September 04, 2017 02:17PM
I agree. I can't afford 45k or plus on a pulling tractor. Wish I could. My wife and I enjoy tractor pulling just wish they would leave one class so the common working man and woman can afford to go pulling. I am not wealthy but I do dream of hitting the powerball and calling Brent Long lol

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 September 04, 2017 02:45PM
There is no deference in running a 24.5 in a puller 2000 or a pro puller than a tractor using a 30.5 puller or ag. tire

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 September 04, 2017 02:57PM
What do you mean no difference? Therse a difference its usually about $4k or more.....

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 October 23, 2017 01:36AM
Is there going to be a class in 2018

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 October 23, 2017 02:36AM
Yes, Contact Adam Vaske for more information. Rules are posted on the outlaw website.

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 October 23, 2017 02:39AM
Proposed rules are on Outlaw website.


These rules will be discussed and finalized at the banquet Nov 17 and 18.

# of hooks will depend on the number of tractors wanting to support those hooks in 2018. So far we have had good feedback and pullers wanting to hook in 2018. The more memberships we can present to promoters the better the schedule will be.




Schaeffer Oil Representative


Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 October 23, 2017 05:20AM
I gotta say, that is a nice job of keeping it simple. The right ci limits, the right turbo choice, and most of all a weight that makes sense (not all Kentuckified)!!! Also think no Puller 2000's or Pro Pullers is a good thing also.

I hope this class goes well for Outlaws.Congrats Adam.

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 September 04, 2017 03:02PM
You guys have no need for a llss class since you have the Cast SS class if you go by our rules you would only save the price of two more turbos the rest cost the same IF the guy that has so much money and the knowledge as someone said cut the money off and just se whos got the knowledge and do the pulling apples to apples on a level playing field Now Tell me if Donald Trump was a broke ass farmer if he would be president or have his young first lady

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 September 04, 2017 11:21PM
Can't speak for Ktpa but the numbers don't look too bad for a BOB. And the numbers you're Talking about a few years ago Lewis doesn't necessarily mean quality. I rather watch a good ones then 16 tractors where half of them don't even run

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 September 05, 2017 11:59AM
Lewis I have a new tractor about ready and I have a new set of puller 2000. 24.5 can I run them or do I have to run junk 30.5

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 September 05, 2017 12:05PM
You can run them.

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 September 05, 2017 02:15PM
I knew that stuff was coming yes you can run anything you want new pullers ,precision turbos ,Harts or whatever you want make sure you do the roller cams, custom rods,and pistons and yes a 5000 dollar head is a must and if you want the truth not Fake news Bobs numbers suck yes theres been some pulls with some good numbers but not like it used to be KTPA.s numbers are real Bad Numbers keeps the class going without numbers nobody pulls if you guys no so much use your name then your input mite mean something I got this class started here in ky so just maybe I no a little something and I no why it was started SS was to expensive a lot of people wanted an alternative the alternative is blowing away in 2025 look back at this thread

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 September 06, 2017 04:15PM
You tell them Lewis.i say let's put a 750.00 dollar claimer rule on turbos.if they got that much money they want mind losing some of it

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 September 06, 2017 11:03PM
Claim Rule......stupidest idea ever. Nothing like creating a rule for people who can't figure it out for themselves.

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 September 07, 2017 07:50AM
A claim would be good but 750 may be a little high after all you would be claiming a used turbo ,Really if a box turbo was used a claim would be good a lot of raceing has claimers

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 September 07, 2017 09:22AM
Lewis, I think you need to start a new class called poor farmer cheap LLS. you buy and old 560 IH missmatched tires on back snow tires on front old feed sack for seat pad, good muffler we do not want to much sound , so fans can hear the pa system good.
then you draw numbers and every body pulls same tractor, now you will not be out spent or out engineered. But we must becareful not to get to good of a transport truck and trailer.
.Buying good parts will save you money in the end and have way less work to keep it running on the track. all motor sports cost money and will continue to cost more every year no matter what rules you make. The ones up front now will be up front with any new rules you make

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 September 07, 2017 01:48PM
Bms that sounds like a kool class ive had 3 llss and sold all three and have ran with about every body from Wisconsin to Tennessee and built a couple of engines that's in Missouri and Illinios that's holding there own Ive always faired well working with a budget theres a lot more people out there that could help you get your new class started if it started out a little more budget friendly as I said befor you have a cast SS class the price of two more turbos and make that class even bigger that will be the only added cost between our LLSS and your SS class ive done posted to many stupid things on this post when to me it don't mean crap .I wish you guys good luck if I pissed anybody off that just tells me I was doing my job because that's what I set out to do LOL

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 October 23, 2017 03:36AM
If you want component light weight, here you go!!! Add your LLSS engine to this.

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 October 23, 2017 03:38AM
here again

Re: Outlaw LLSS rules 2018 October 24, 2017 05:12AM
We are doing basically that. Ultra light weight component tractors.


1. 360 Cubic inch - 1% tolerance will be given on cubic inch limitations to allow for normal engine wear.


1. Turbocharger shall not exceed 2.66” inlet.


1. This class is for stock appearing tractors with full hood, grill and side panels. Must be recognizable as an actual production tractor. Engine must be covered by hood and/or side shields

2. Maximum length 9 feet from center of rear axle to forward most point. Excluding tow hook.

3. Maximum wheelbase - 84"


1. 18.4-16.1


1. 4000 lbs


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