One thing many of you are missing. April 01, 2018 10:18AM
Lot of discussion below on limitations. However there is one thing that is absent from the discussion. Who will carry the torch when the Bret Bergs , the Esdon Lehns etc retire from pulling. Do you see many guys under the age of 50 sitting in the seat of the NTPA classes. The cost is astromical for
all NTPA classes. How many 25- 30 year kids can afford to build one today? Maybe thats the nature of the sport with limited sponsorships, not sure how future growth can occur
or even current status remain.
The herd gets thinner and thinner in the big classes.
Not sure I have the answer, maybe it has to come back to the states to keep pulling alive.
Lack of forward thinking when the rules were developed led to some of high cost we see today. Did superfarm really need 640, did pro stock need 680 cu in?
Well anyway I have no skin in the game today, just an outsider looking in.

Re: One thing many of you are missing. April 01, 2018 11:37AM
Alls kids want to do is stare into their phones these days, that will take care of all of our motorsports eventually!
If they are the future, what then?

Re: One thing many of you are missing. April 01, 2018 11:55AM
Sad but true. Not sure how to reverse the trend. Different times I guess. I was a teenager during the Koch, Klug, Dean , era, great times.
I guess a kid can't even dirt track race on the weekends without spending a boatload of money.
Kinda curious what pulling will look like in a ten years.
Any thought of limiting the fuel in some of the diesel classes?
Maybe by plunger size. Be hassle to check however

Re: One thing many of you are missing. April 01, 2018 01:14PM
Tractor pulling will soon be a thing of the past ive said several times befor tractor pulling is a rural area sport, Rural areas are about gone, and all the above post is dead on my son would pick a 1200 dollar I phone over a pulling tractor now My soon to be a thing of the past dont mean the next two or three years 50 could be soon and its possible some virtual reality video game could take its place all together

Re: One thing many of you are missing. April 01, 2018 01:26PM
The way I see it is of all those 50 year old drivers of national level tractors a fraction of them build them overnight most have build them over many years. Yes it does cost a lot of money still but not all at once. I for one am in my thirties can't afford to build one for national level but maybe someday it will be there its called progression. I'm a firm believer in run what you brung in and hope its enough. Limiting classes only drives cost up and it shouldn't the newest turbo cost no more to build then the last newest turbo so why does it cost us more then the last one. The builders of all these performance parts are what's killing pulling not the rule makers. And when there's nobody left that can afford these parts then maybe you'll see prices come down if not it will be the end of tractor pulling as we know it. Time will reset and it will be back to farm stock pulling at local fairs with stockish tractor not 700-800hp in farm stock till progression get us right back to where we are today.

Re: One thing many of you are missing. April 01, 2018 01:06PM
It’s gotten so far out of hand. $100k + single charger 466 tractors? Insane. Cost will continue to rise and class numbers will continue to fall. Pretty sad. I knew when super farms started here in Mn it was supposed to be a $20-25k class. I don’t have the answer but it’s sad. Like so many other things in our has taken over. Very few farm shops and backyard mechanics building and maintaining these units. I’m stubborn. I’ll never have the best, never have enough money to be the best. But I’ll continue to do one of the things I enjoy most....tractor pull!

Re: One thing many of you are missing. April 01, 2018 01:24PM
G POPPER its your fault my fault and every tractor puller thats ever hooked to a sled and its Greed and plumb stupid Spend a 100 thousand and puck up your 300 dollar check and trophy up befor you leave its not about whos the best its about whos going to spend the most monnie

Words of wisdom April 01, 2018 02:27PM
Now here's a man, gpopper, speaking words of wisdom. This is what I've been talking about in my previous posts.
Have fun and play within your means. Tractor pulling and all other things in life will come full circle eventually.
As long as we have agriculture in our country, tractor pulling will endure. It will most likely be different 50 years from now as we know it today, however it has changed greatly in the previous 50 years. Best of luck gpopper!

Re: One thing many of you are missing. April 01, 2018 11:30PM
As for young people, just have to get them into the seat. dad put me on his tractor once and I was 'hooked' local pulls should have a "try it" class where new people can drive a borrowed tractor to try it out.

Re: One thing many of you are missing. April 01, 2018 11:58PM
Why aren't young people pulling tractors? Because they are pulling diesel trucks. Ever been to a diesel truck pull? There are maybe a handful of guys over the age of 50 but most of them are younger guys 18-30. Someday they might graduate to tractors but right now the diesel trucks are the wave of the future.

Re: One thing many of you are missing. April 02, 2018 12:21AM
Correct. The other issue, and it's as much to do with NASCAR as pulling, is the pulling vehicles have jack sh... nothing to do with the current models being used for farming. The diesel trucks though, the actually are using many parts that you can easily transfer to your street vehicle. So there is that transfer of talent and desire, from the guy that owns a used up Dodge Cummins 3/4 ton to building it up to be a pulling vehicle. Can you even buy a 2wd tractor anymore?

Re: One thing many of you are missing. April 02, 2018 01:27AM
You can still buy a 2 wheel drive tractor. You can order them, just the farmers prefer the MFD tractors over the 2 wheel. They are more efficient.
Pulling is going to cost money , it's just the facts. So does everything thing else. This isn't the 80' that everyone wants the cost to be at. We do this because we love doing it, if your doing to try to make money , your not. It's a hobby, just like camping and owning and RV or a boat. As for young people getting in to it. It's hard to do. Most have college debts and most jobs don't pay to afford to own a pulling vehicle .

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/02/2018 01:55AM by David Runkle(earls dream).

Re: One thing many of you are missing. April 02, 2018 02:11AM
It's because most tractors guys are a bunch of @#$%& that don't want new people in the sport. I built a truck because of what the tractors guys said it cost to build a tractor. which is 2-3 what it actually cost. I didn't know any better so I built a truck. But I will thank them because I would never want to pull with them anyhow with all the crying. I plan to build a tractor but it will be a component to get away from all the rules and crybays there are in cast tractor class.

Re: One thing many of you are missing. April 02, 2018 12:12AM
Back when local NASCAR circle tracks were in the south they put a stop to such nonsense real quick. Implement a claim rule. You make the engine in the top 3 up for purchase by any of the class competitors for $1000. Of course, with pulling, you would have to figure out the most valuable parts of the tractor and then make them available, but the claim rule is what made NASCAR racing affordable in the 80's and 90's. Of course, the people that dumped large money didn't like the rule, got it changed, and basically started the local NASCAR destruction by doing just that.

Re: One thing many of you are missing. April 02, 2018 02:20AM
i am a 34 year old puller that runs a lite prostock. i do not come from a family with pulling history. the whole reason I built for the class is because it is one of the few classes that doesn't have many limitations. I love having the freedom to run whatever turbo I want and not having to worry about being 25 horse short of the new latest and greatest. it is more of a drivers class and who can weight their tractor right, and that's one thing money cant buy. Cookie cutter classes do not excite me where everyone has the same builders parts that are outdated every 6 months. to many politics on who gets the updates first. i say leave the class alone.

Re: One thing many of you are missing. April 02, 2018 05:07AM
Very well said right there

No accident April 02, 2018 06:00AM
This classes growth was no accident. It took off and has grown to what it is for some reason. I agree with jdhpuller, let it be, and enjoy it as it is. Definitely one of the more exciting classes to watch and compete in.
As spoken before classes will come and go, classes will be successful and some will fail, but I'm certain we will always have some form of tractor pulling for many years to come. Best regards, rw

Re: One thing many of you are missing. April 02, 2018 05:48AM
We watched a couple of 17 year olds (Wischmeier,Maize) do really well last year on a 10-Pro. Harts are fairly young too. Colin Ross in the DSS Ntpa Gn also comes to mind as fairly young also.

Re: One thing many of you are missing. April 02, 2018 08:54AM
Without trying to interject a pun here, this is old news.

The "problem" has gotten better though, I'm seeing more young folks pulling now than I did 9 years ago when I started traveling a lot of places. Kids and grandkids are pulling now, some folks that got out because of other obligations have returned. Its very cyclical.

The main constant running theme that can't be overstated is that if you want to pull, pull at a level thats within your budget. If you can run a four engine mod, go do it if you want. If you can't afford anything but a 3mph G John Deere, go do that. The overriding enjoyment I get from the sport is the friendships you make and the sportsmanship you see between competitors. Yes we have some soreheads here and there but the chirping and problems in pulling are tame compared to other motorsports. Simply put, enjoy it at a sustainable level.

Diesel trucks are hot with young folks who want to go down the track and thats the hot trend ever since the diesel truck craze started in earnest in the early 2000's. We all have our favorite classes but it takes all kinds to make a it tractors or trucks.

I think all this talk of sustaining and growing what we have is helpful and constructive. We may not agree on how to sustain and grow but if we keep our focus on the mutual desired outcome of things, it will all work out eventually.

Bryan Lively -


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Re: One thing many of you are missing. April 04, 2018 02:10AM
I can't believe truck pullers are much different than tractor pullers,you all are still human people,--- we all bitch,piss an moan,want what we want,qualities that came with free will,given BY The Risen Savior,celebrated just days ago.Truck pulling is very new,competitive and fun,just wait till some that are not top notch want the same as tractor guys and gals,-- yes many ladies in the sport.(good job ) !!!!! We all are not "ENTITLED TO WIN". There ARE WINNERS,LOSERS,WHINERS,AND COMPLAINERS IN EVERY ASPECT OF LIFE,our hobbies should not be defined as such. I have found over many fun years,many places travelled to,enjoyed,and shared friendships,competion and more,helping,growing,learning and being defeated,-- that sometimes written rules are not followed per say. That is where the fun comes in,FUN,enjoy and beat the guy with more in his paint job than in my whole tractor,more in his or hers pit unit,more in the TEAM effort than in my hauler,trailer and pocket book. I have spent thousands of $ to go to vactions,pulls,trips,places,reunions,family and ect,because I enjoyed the time,anticipated satisfaction,renewal,friendship and more,not to make money,beat someone up,but to live and let live,enjoy the sun on my back,rain and bugs in my face,dirt down my shorts,I have won,lost,enjoyed and sometimes complained,bitched and worried,but still did the main course,over and over,had fun,pursued my dreams,goals and worked second jobs to pay the price of choices.,free will.--Life as a farm boy,puller and competititor.May the sun rise,-- set and continue,play hard,work hard,enjoy all that life offers,seek peacefulness,friendships,hobbies,health and wealth we all have,-- big or small,accepting what we have makes it much more. Time passes fast,health and wealth deminish, Faith is hard sometimes,Glory can be hard to grasp,but our choices define who we are and what we value. I AM PREPARING THIS VERY NEXT MOMENT TO ATTEND A PULLING EVENT OF MY CHOOSING THIS WEEKEND !!!!!! Enjoy and stay safe everyone.

Re: One thing many of you are missing. April 04, 2018 02:19AM
Well said. Darin

Re: One thing many of you are missing. April 04, 2018 02:47AM
So not all younger guys are stuck to their phones... There is a 50/50 split in my area as far as older(55+) guys to younger (20-35) in all levels weather its antique up through the hot farm and state level area. I have been pulling since I was 7 years old starting out antique and there is plenty more people my age and younger pulling. Most of us will never pull in any NTPA or PPL level classes but we pull where we can afford to play. In fact it blows my mind that any kid or any person would ever pass up a ride no matter what level of pulling it is from antique to pro-stock.. I would agree that the NTPA and PPL classes at almost any level are almost impossible for guys who are of working age to either afford or be able to miss enough work to run the schedule.

Re: One thing many of you are missing. April 04, 2018 09:44AM
It is very difficult for 18-25 year-olds to have a pulling tractor because money buys you into most of the upper classes. From what I've seen and know having a pulling tractor is the most expensive hobby a person could have and unless you are planning to do almost all the work yourself it ins't possible. i have a 4455 12 MPH tractor I'm building for this year and parts for that are already breaking the bank for a mostly stock tractor. the other pullers I know say it only gets worse from there if you don't get the latest and greatest if you want to make it easier to get into the community needs to make it more of a drivers game. Where the lower classes can learn and the older or more experienced pullers could give advice, rather than everyone being so secrative about eveything.

Re: One thing many of you are missing. April 04, 2018 11:16PM
For what it's worth......I have followed pulling for well over 40 years and always admired you folks that put on the show. I started pulling as a very young man when my dad put together a stock garden tractor from our dealership and pulled with the local boys. Back in the day they started pulling a stone boat down the track, that eventually transferred into the modern day weight transfer lol. Soon the boys started bolting on small and big block engines and they were called mods. As the sport continued to grow on a national level you all know what happened, bigger, better and extreme horsepower erupted and the dollars just kept on getting bigger too. Don't get me wrong us fans just loved it but it came with a price for the pullers. Every year we make the trip to Bowling Green to watch the show and marvel at the show you folks put on but always wondered how they do it? Admissions for the whole 3 day session is less than a one day Nascar ticket for christ sake and the purse is nothing compared to the bucks you have invested.
Back to the topic....Myself and my wife have dreamed of putting a tractor together for years and have said it would be an unreal cost to be able to even think of running with these guys. Finally after many years we are taking the plunge and are currently putting together a mini rod to go out and play with this year. Being 54 years old and finally achieving some disposable income to do it though we will give it a shot. I hope to get my 31 year old son in the seat at times but in no way he could finance this by himself and he works a damn good job too. We all want to go out and do well and win at times but what is the answer? Winning comes with a cost in everything, technology helps drive the costs too and every competitor is always looking for that edge. I for one was one of them local boys racing cars back in the days of the "claim" it kept costs down however limited the excitement for some fans. Being the newbie puller here I don't see things changing anytime soon and going backwards, we all will continue to scratch our heads wondering what can be done. As far as replacing the "old timers" who knows, I agree the generation coming up will be limited for many reasons. In my opinion for now we need to continue to give every effort to grow our sport, we all know how awesome it is we just need to get the interest of the people who don't.

Best wishes. April 05, 2018 03:17AM
I wish you and your family luck, prosperity, and many fun memories. Welcome to the competition!
As always be safe and enjoy the ride! rw

Re: Best wishes. April 05, 2018 06:27AM
Thanks! We have a lot to learn and will take it slowly. One thing about this sport is that is surrounded with great people!


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