BG -WPI/Blue Shirts August 15, 2018 06:41AM
I would hope that the powers that be have used what brain power the Good Lord gave them to plan for the rain. When you have the so called largest tractor pull in the country, there should not be an excuse to cancel a class due to poor planning. If I remember correctly this has been going on for over 50 years. Seems like a plan would have been in place a long time ago to avoid cancelling a class.

Good Luck to all the pullers.

Re: BG -WPI/Blue Shirts August 15, 2018 08:19AM
Yep, they made a really big umbrella that covers both tracks. And you get to hold it.

Re: BG -WPI/Blue Shirts August 15, 2018 08:46AM
Pull hasnt even started and youre already complaining. Its pretty evident Brain Power is not your strongest quality.

Re: BG -WPI/Blue Shirts August 15, 2018 10:42AM
Remember at the 50th when it came a monsoon and they still had the pull? They've been doing it over 50 years and you're seriously asking whether they have a plan? I wish you people would stop and think before you post instead of making yourself look completely dumb.

Re: JET DRYER / turbine / diesel fuel / kerosene August 18, 2018 11:41PM
Most dark age castles would of loved the Moat that formed around the infield Friday night.
The sheriff department ordered the pull cancelled Friday night. As they had a thunderstorm watch out and the storm had a history of bad weather in Indiana. So besides the fact you couldn't get to the track. The last thing you wanted was people sitting on tall metal bleachers waiting to get struck by lighting.

Mr.Brain power bet you haven't even tried to put on a t-ball game and deal with weather. Kinda hard to seal a track as a event is going on. So get off you pile of beer cans that you feel into on Friday night and go back home.

Re: Jet dryer / Rupp Arena Truck Pull August 16, 2018 02:38AM
Forecast is some afternoon showers and per a board member I spoke with, they look forward to getting the show in tonight. That track by design can take a lot of punishment and the arsenal of equipment on campus can make the pull happen.

So I say....relax.

P.S. lotsa cool iron here, some new faces and legends returning. Looking forward to the sessions I'll attend.

BG WPI/BLUE SHIRTS August 18, 2018 04:29AM
To those who believe this thread was a grumble. Last night prove they are not prepared. Your largest national event chooses to cancel the show. A class is determined by rain out points, fans are denied the show, but thank you for your no return ticket price. That is what is called a FAILURE!! But WPI/ BLUE SHIRTS failed the tractor pulling community, which mean all, pullers, fans, first time attendees.

Re: BG WPI/BLUE SHIRTS August 18, 2018 04:36AM
What would you suggest? A helicopter to dry the track? A roof over the track? There was water standing everywhere. Covering the track doesn't even help in those situations. I'm genuinely curious to hear what you would have done to get the pull in.

Re: BG -WPI/Blue Shirts August 18, 2018 05:25AM
I am not there but even if the track is covered that doesn’t mean the pull can still happen.......if there is standing water everywhere I don’t blame them for canceling it

Re: BG -WPI/Blue Shirts August 18, 2018 07:40AM
Get head out of backside. I said do no cancel classes. Figure out and fit them in.
Covering the track. Rolling and sealing of the track help insure it happens. Do not leave excuse

Re: BG -WPI/Blue Shirts August 18, 2018 08:50AM
Could have started earlier today. Could not have a break between sessions. Whatever it takes to get the classes in should be done. With planning preparation and action to see that it happens. I have run multi million construction projects and I guarantee thinks can and do happen. NO EXCUSES, like those you wish to be mediocre.

Re: BG -WPI/Blue Shirts August 18, 2018 02:05PM
With non-refundable spectator tickets guaranteeing BG's income, I sure hope BG paid the whole purse evenly to every competitor in each rained out class.

Re: BG -WPI/Blue Shirts August 18, 2018 02:50PM
You guys have convinced me that I do not want to go to Bowling Green, drive all that way, pay motel bills, fuel bills, meals and tickets with no refunds and no rain date if the pull is rained out. Sounds similar to playing the lottery.


Re: BG -WPI/Blue Shirts August 19, 2018 01:52PM
BG has a session rain out approximately once every 10-15 or so years. It's only like playing the lottery if you just happen to win 9 out of 10 times. The weather is almost always perfect and the turnout is always great.

It's the premiere event in this motorsport. It's the biggest pull in the world, there's no other pull like it.

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated.

Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal.

Re: BG -WPI/Blue Shirts August 19, 2018 05:36PM
Hey "Brain power", as a puller, I don't want to drag my equipment thru floodwater in the pit area. The blue shirts and ntpa did a great job given the weather they were dealt. We were thankful to pull as much as we did, because I can almost guarantee that any other pull, given the amount of rain that BG got Wednesday night, Thursday and Thursday night and Friday night, would have cancelled the pull completely. So as a puller, HATS OFF to the grounds and track crew for giving us a really good track to pull on when Mother Nature allowed us to pull!

Hot Passes August 19, 2018 11:59AM
Any idea why certain pullers only got two hot passes for there help and others had more? They gave us two saying we only get two per vehicle but other trucks in our Diesel Class had more then two and they had one vehicle also. Each pulling vehicle should get four hot passes! It makes it real hard to for us pullers when you can only bring two people into the (Hot Area). It also makes no sense when they made all of us sign the insurance waiver and they give us two hot passes and rest get cold passes. This should be changed for next year


Re: Hot Passes August 19, 2018 01:04PM
Greg, welcome to reality world of BG politics. Now you have food for thought concerning attending in '19.

Re: Hot Passes August 19, 2018 01:32PM
Another thought for the Northwestern Ohio Tractor Pullers Association is we drove over 700 miles to come pull at your pull and obviously other pullers drove farther away...but its disrespectful too us pullers to spend all this money to come pull and put on a good show for the promoter and we get treated differently then the "Local Boys" got treated! All the locals around Ohio in our Diesel Pickup Class were the ones that had more then two hot passes and how is that fair to us! Does the Northwestern Ohio Tractor Pullers Association realize that maybe our driver wants to watch the track before he pulls while we keep the truck in line and get it up to the sled! Again just a thought and I hope this gets passed onto the correct people so this gets changed for next year or we wont be back

Re: Hot Passes August 19, 2018 01:45PM
Another thought for the Northwestern Ohio Tractor Pullers Association is we drove over 700 miles to come pull at your pull and obviously other pullers drove farther away...but its disrespectful too us pullers to spend all this money to come pull and put on a good show for the promoter and we get treated differently then the "Local Boys" got treated! All the locals around Ohio in our Diesel Pickup Class were the ones that had more then two hot passes and how is that fair to us! Does the Northwestern Ohio Tractor Pullers Association realize that maybe our driver wants to watch the track before he pulls while we keep the truck in line and get it up to the sled! Again just a thought and I hope this gets passed onto the correct people so this gets changed for next year or we wont be back

I am not a puller Greg, but why would come on here and say you "......hope this gets passed on to the correct people....". Did you/have you reached out to the NTPA, NOTPA, or anyone else?

Re: Hot Passes August 19, 2018 03:42PM
I pulled in the Diesel Truck Class and I am not a local guy. We were able to trade our cold passes for hot. Take a look at some of the mod teams. They had four or more crew in the hot pit. Not sure why you were denied but in the future I suggest you talk to Gregg or Larry if there are issues. It may have been a misunderstanding.

Re: Hot Passes August 20, 2018 08:03AM
regarding hot passes, hate to tell you this, but I am pretty sure it isn't going to change. I don't have the NTPA rule book in front of me, but there is limits in there also that is included in contract language when signing sanctioning agreements. So, if your local pulls allow more hot passes and is NTPA sanctioned, consider your local pulling lucky. JW

Saturday vs. Sunday finals August 20, 2018 08:50AM
If you do a casual head count on a Thursday night versus what we would see on a Sunday afternoon, the blue shirts made a good choice. Leaving for home between 8-10am on Sunday morning and getting back home by 2-4pm is a lot better option for me versus leaving at 4-5pm and getting home close to midnight.

The Sunday sessions I experienced beyond the Super Sunday were pretty subdued even with the great competition. Having the show complete on Saturday night in front of a packed energized house in itself sounds better. Pullers get the cheers they deserve, vendors and sponsors maximize their exposure, and, again, those of us who drive 6 or more hours get a shot at getting home at a reasonable hour and resting without having a horrible Monday trying to recover.

Re: Hot Passes August 20, 2018 01:06PM
how many people does it take to get a diesel truck down the track? besides the multi engine mods I would think 1 helper and the driver could pull this off.

Re: Hot Passes August 21, 2018 01:08AM
Same here, the gate folks told us the two hot passes were enough. The driver will have a fire suit on anyways so you will have 2 crew members in the hot pit area. The troll in the pit thought otherwise though and rudely told us his rules. I do agree that several other teams seemed to have plenty of hot passes too. Our first time at BG pulling so we are the new kids on the block but it seems like we should get at least 3 hot passes to be able to fire and get down the track efficiently.

Re: BG -WPI/Blue Shirts August 19, 2018 01:28PM
Whine, whine, whine.....OMFG!! It states on the tickets "No Rain Dates - No Refunds". I swear that some people would complain if they were hung with a new rope.

Hindsight being what it is, yes the blue shirts could have started the pull earlier on Friday morning and could have possibly ran another class before the rain came....but which class? The class you like or the class I want to see?? I've been going to BG for the last 10-11 years as a spectator and have nothing to say but good things. There have been years that every session was run and there were years that rain caused some classes to be cancelled. And there was a year a storm came thru, the blue shirts busted their butts, and the pull was underway a few hours later.....AND people still complained because the pull went into the wee hours.

Bryan, lots of cool iron indeed. To be able to walk around between sessions and talk to the pullers is what makes this sport great.

To 'brain power', what is your idea on how to prevent this? Maybe the blue shirts would like to know (as would I lol). Also, you said you 'run multi million construction projects' that multi millions in dollars or cents? I've been in the construction industry for 28+ years and no matter what you plan for, @#$%& happens.....and rain delays happen and time is lost. So, PLEASE volunteer your time to help the blue shirts so this won't happen again.....hahaha

Life is not fair-deal with it. If you can't, please stay home.

Re: BG -WPI/Blue Shirts August 20, 2018 04:10PM
You sir have not run many million dollar projects. Let alone plan ahead as your thoughtful BS is inline with, Be nothing, do nothing, become nothing. Again plan for the worst hope for the best and get it done. If they cannot do that, then shut it down.

Re: BG -WPI/Blue Shirts August 21, 2018 07:03AM
To Mr. Waite
You sir have not run many million dollar projects. Let alone plan ahead as your thoughtful BS is inline with, Be nothing, do nothing, become nothing. Again plan for the worst hope for the best and get it done. If they cannot do that, then shut it down.

Maybe, maybe not.....You hide behind a fake name and tell everyone how great you are but I have not seen anything resembling ideas on how NOT to have this happen. Until you can type your real name and bring thoughtful commentary, keep living in your fantasy world....

Re: BG -WPI/Blue Shirts August 21, 2018 07:11AM
I too would like to see his ideas especially on getting around the sheriff's department ordering Friday nights show cancelled.

Re: BG -WPI/Blue Shirts August 19, 2018 02:32PM
There were about 200 hooks on Saturday night alone... how do we fit more classes in? If they started earlier on Saturday and pulled ALL day with no intermission then when do the volunteers eat? There are a couple of hundred people that make the pull possible, do they get to rest and take a break? What happens to the track if we just pull on it all day? Yeah, it turns to garbage. What about all the other events that are going on in the morning, like pedal pull, drivers meetings, tech, etc... how do we do that and pull at the same time? It's just not logistically possible to just cram more pulling into a day that already has a packed schedule.

Do we have a Sunday rain date? Well Sunday attendance was always suspect when it was a regularly scheduled session, how do you think the attendance would be as a rain date? Would pullers want to stick around to run? What about staff and volunteers that use that as a travel day? What about vendors and support personnel that planned on going home? Will they stick around? Will you have to pay people an extra day on ALL the contracts for the off chance of rain?

There was a complete session canceled and parts of two others... where do we fit seven or eight classes?

Also you said, "When you have the so called largest tractor pull in the country"... um, it's not "so called", it is the largest pull in the country... largest pull in the world. If you've gone before you already know there nothing that compares. Simply griping without offering any sort of solution or constructive criticism is a complete waste of time. Try and offer solutions on how to make it work or make it better instead of just crying and whining. Here's an example:

They should have a tarp for each track. Not multiple tarps with seams, but a single lightweight tarp just like they use for major league baseball. They're lightweight and they can pull them across an entire baseball field in a matter of seconds. Surely they could do the same with a pulling track. They should have two tarps custom made that are 400(ish) feet by 100(ish) feet that could cover the entire pulling surface plus a little extra. A tarp wouldn't have made a difference on Friday night, but it would have changed things on Thursday. We started late on Thursday because they had to tear up the track and move off the mud. A tarp covered track would have meant we would have started on time and we would have probably got the entire show in before the rains came. Two one-piece tarps also seem like a lot less work than scraping off tons of mud and putting it in piles at the start and finish lines. Hindsight is always 20/20, but one piece tarps covering each track would have also made a huge difference for the rain delay on Saturday night of the 50th Anniversary event. Sure rain is very rare in BG, but two tarps are cheap insurance and since they wouldn't get used often they should last forever.

Overall I think they did a great job with the pull/track/staging/pits given the weather.

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated.

Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal.

Re: BG -WPI/Blue Shirts August 20, 2018 02:50AM
They used to have a tarp but said they had better luck just letting it rain on the track. When the ground around the track is saturated the tarp creates a greenhouse effect and sucks all the water around up through the track and when you pull the tarp off you have a big layer of slime. Tarps work good to protect in the event of a pop up shower but aren't any help when it's already wet all around.

Re: BG -WPI/Blue Shirts August 20, 2018 12:16PM
3 tracks like tomah ust to do,earlier ending times,faster sessions,possibly less rainouts,less dead time

Re: BG -WPI/Blue Shirts August 21, 2018 05:05AM
I know during the drivers meetings - we were reminded of the survey card given at entry gate for the pullers. I would suggest filling them out and getting them turned into the Blue Shirts - They want to make it better. I talked to several during the weekend, sounds like they want to get input and implement the suggestions of the us to make it a better experience for all. I think the track crew did an excellent job getting the track in shape to pull between the rain storms, I think they had 3” to 3.5” from the Friday before the pull until Saturday and over an inch on Friday evening alone. I know getting us parked with the rain was a real struggle and had areas underwater or wet all week long, but again they did a nice job with what was dealt them. Sounds like they even moved some Blue shirts off the fairgrounds to help add spaces for us to park. So overall I would say Thank you to the Blue Shirts for all they did to get us in front of the fans to showcase our sport. PS – The new bleachers are great and our seats were great – wish there were only more of them to go around.

Re: BG -WPI/Blue Shirts August 20, 2018 08:22AM
Didnt go this year because the majority of the sessions are during the week. Used to be if you came sat you could watch saturtday and sunday without having to take time off. Still dont grt moving a sunday afternoon pull to thursday. Plus I really enjoyed the prostocks getting a afternoon session hook.

After reading about things, seems like things arent as good as they used to be.

I would think that having as many sessions as possible during the weekend versus the week would be better.

Re: BG -WPI/Blue Shirts August 20, 2018 01:43PM
Things are just as good as always (better in a lot of ways), it was just a freak rainy year.

As for Thursday vs. Sunday, I 'm sorry to hear that it doesn't work for your schedule, that definitely sucks. From the pulls standpoint, the Sunday attendance was always pretty weak, as Bryan said above, this year we had very suspect weather on Thursday and the attendance still looked much much better than any of the Sundays I've seen in my 25ish years there. Personally I love being able to have Sunday as a travel day with time to get home at a reasonable hour.

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated.

Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal.

Re: BG -WPI/Blue Shirts August 20, 2018 11:59PM
I really don't understand why the this misunderstanding about a rain out at BG. Every year there are rain outs in every organization and the pullers get rain out points and the fans don't see a show. It happens every year countless times. Yet when it's the biggest pull in the world some how the management is suppose to have a rain free guarantee that the pull will go on. When it is the biggest pull in the world there is no time to run the classes that got rained out, just not enough hours in the day/night to run 400 hooks. The rain Friday night made it impossible to have a show. Sure the track could have been worked up but everything else was a lake, the pits, the hot pit area, everything was solid mud. Countless pullers during the award ceremony were telling the blue shirts how impressed they were with the condition of the track and staging area. I for one was amazed at the quality of the show with all the weather issues that the blue shirts were faced with.

Dick Morgan
Independent Pulling News

Re: BG -WPI/Blue Shirts August 21, 2018 07:42AM
Dick Morgan
I really don't understand why the this misunderstanding about a rain out at BG. Every year there are rain outs in every organization and the pullers get rain out points and the fans don't see a show. It happens every year countless times. Yet when it's the biggest pull in the world some how the management is suppose to have a rain free guarantee that the pull will go on. When it is the biggest pull in the world there is no time to run the classes that got rained out, just not enough hours in the day/night to run 400 hooks. The rain Friday night made it impossible to have a show. Sure the track could have been worked up but everything else was a lake, the pits, the hot pit area, everything was solid mud. Countless pullers during the award ceremony were telling the blue shirts how impressed they were with the condition of the track and staging area. I for one was amazed at the quality of the show with all the weather issues that the blue shirts were faced with.

I really can't understand it either. I went to the PPL-Watson Diesel pull at MIS for the 2 Saturday sessions. The second session got rained out. People were on FB running Watson into the ground like it was there fault that was rained out and then demanding a refund. It clearly states no rain date, no refund. Watson then went and said that if you kept your armband, they would honor it next year. People were still wanting a refund.......???
In my opinion, it seems like a lot of the younger generation (a lot-NOT everyone) has this mentality of "look at me, look at what I do, thats not fair, I want what they have and I shouldn't have to pay for it, etc., etc). Just look above at "brain power/to Mr. Waite-complain, complain, but not really have anything usefull to bring to the table. They will tell everyone that listens that they are smart, but ......
Anyways, BG was a good time as always and I will continue to keep going as long as I'm able to.



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