Does korth win with a rain out August 17, 2018 02:29PM
So does Brian win the championship at BG on a RAIN OUT????? Would be nice to see it won on the track instead of mother nature allowing him a win

Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 17, 2018 03:03PM
The answer is yes he does. Title, ring and Rotella cup money.

Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 17, 2018 06:40PM
Wish Friday would have been a rain out too!! Hootman's got no luck at all. Too bad it's only a 4 pull championship.

Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 17, 2018 11:27PM
Friday was rained out!

Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 18, 2018 02:23AM
Most of Friday was rained out. LIght supers ran.

Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 18, 2018 03:33AM
Taking nothing away from speigleberg he is driving well but it's a cookie cutter tractor of the korth blackbourne tractors. Hootman has to beat basically four tractors

Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 18, 2018 09:31AM
Yes, I have heard they actually rained out the entire session just so Korth could win.....

Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 18, 2018 12:35AM
Hootman isn't the only game in town Spiegelberg showed they
Are a true contender. The rain looks like a saving grace for some
In the standings

Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 18, 2018 01:02AM
GN LSS 2019 needs to have a lot more events since class is much healthier number wise than SSO which needs to be replaced.

Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 18, 2018 02:44AM
Light super stock hooked Thursday night. They were supposed hook again Friday night but the show was canceled. Even in the campgrounds I knew that.

Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 19, 2018 03:01AM
What are you even talking about?

Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 19, 2018 04:07AM
korth - hootman are real champions, cookie cutter tractors are followers - want-a-be champs , class filler

Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 19, 2018 04:22AM
Rain out sucks but it I see no problem with korth he is the champ, look how many followers he has ( cookie cutters) that want to be like him.

Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 19, 2018 06:23AM
What exactly is Hootman a champion of ? Korth runs both ppl and ntpa jason only runs 1
Series which at best would of been 8 hooks for the whole summer.
Give credit to determination and perseverance where it's do when korth seeks out
Competition. A lot easier to maintain 1 for 8 hooks than 3 for a pile of hooks and
A whole lot more traveling

Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 19, 2018 07:00AM
I believe anyone that builds and works on their own puller and wins at that level has it in them, anybody can buy a cookie cutter and copy the champ, so to me that's not a true champ !

Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 19, 2018 07:27AM
What ?
I believe anyone that builds and works on their own puller and wins at that level has it in them, anybody can buy a cookie cutter and copy the champ, so to me that's not a true champ !
Anybody can do it yet no one does?

Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 19, 2018 07:46AM
Ok I will finish, only a few are dumb anough to pay quarter million to have a cookie cutter, no brains no headache, every class needs a little filler lol

Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 19, 2018 08:05AM
What ?
Ok I will finish, only a few are dumb anough to pay quarter million to have a cookie cutter, no brains no headache, every class needs a little filler lol

The class would be a lot better if all these anybodys you mention, would step up,

Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 19, 2018 10:36AM
To all the peeps talking cookie cutter tractors and saying Korth isnt a real champion please post of a picture of your pulling tractor. Until you do post your puller please put your vast knowledge and experience gained at pulls and run up to the concession stand and get me a Diet Pepsi and a bag of Skittles.

Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 19, 2018 10:47AM
Why would you drink diet pepsi and then eat skittles that has all that sugar in them. Why not drink milk and eat carrot sticks. Your nutritous snack makes as much sense as this thread does. But it is entertaining

Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 19, 2018 02:06PM
Sounds like someones jealous of SPIEGEILBERGS you dont have to no how to change spark plugs if if you have the cash its all a money game doesnt matter if you can do a bunch yourself spending late nights in the shop or pay someone why not try to cookie cut after the best

Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 20, 2018 02:16AM
This thread is a perfect example of some people never being happy. Last week we had the thread with people complaining because a tractor was home built and was struggling to get it to make a good run. This week its complaints because a guy paid the money to have a winner built. Its gotta be one way or the other people.

Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 20, 2018 02:45PM
Korth is a Driver hands down. Not his tractors he drives them with intention to put all 3 out front. Let it go season over.

Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 21, 2018 01:22AM
And anyone who thinks Koran isn’t a great driver is blind.......He has a 2 or three wins over terry’s v-8’s this year with a six cylinder. He is just like Terry, he knows what he is doing.

Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 21, 2018 03:48AM
Korth is a good driver not great. He has 3 chances every hook. The best drivers in the class are Kevin Lynn, Jason Hootman, and Larry Phillips. John Srickland is very good for a guy that just started pulling in the class .

Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 21, 2018 04:19AM
If korth is only a good driver,then why do all the ones you say are great emulate what only a good korth does ?

Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 21, 2018 05:04AM
Being the only team in the class that can torpedo a power plant on Saturday and be up and running by Wednesday also helps win championships. I do think it's a stretch to base Korth's driving prowess on the heavy 6 cylinder. Pretty sure that rig is close to the others in terms of HP and is also on a new chassis that is probably superior to the other 2 heavies they run.

Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 21, 2018 05:07AM
my option
Korth is a good driver not great. He has 3 chances every hook. The best drivers in the class are Kevin Lynn, Jason Hootman, and Larry Phillips. John Srickland is very good for a guy that just started pulling in the class .

You bring up something that I discussed with my father after Bowling Green was over--whether hook order might play into Brian's success. So, since I'm waiting on dirt to dry out (and I wanted to take a break from looking at a billion photos...) I decided to look at the finishes that Korth had this year.

Three times that Korth won (out of four total wins--all with Considered), he was on the last tractor of the three in the stable. Saturday night of Brandenburg was the only time Considered won without being the last hook of the team--being the middle tractor.

Four hooks of the six for the season, the third tractor to pull had the best finish--all of these being Considered, except for the Sunday of Langford, where Deadly had the best finish of the three tractors.

Only once did the last tractor of the group to hook finish the worst, which was Deadly Force on Saturday night in Brandenburg.

Now, looking at the first of the tractors to hook...
Half the time the given tractor would finish in the middle of the other two, while the other half of the time, it would finish the worst of the three. These instances being Considered (first night of Brandenburg) and Excessive both sessions of Langford.

John Murray
Two-time Pedal Pull World Champion

Let's Go Pulling, covering the sport of pulling in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Alabama.
Watch LGP on YouTube
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Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 21, 2018 06:56AM
Wake up !! Don't you think that 3 tractors is harder ? Take a closer look 3 different set-ups , If he had one he would do better

Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 21, 2018 07:37AM
Wake up !! Don't you think that 3 tractors is harder ? Take a closer look 3 different set-ups , If he had one he would do better
Dear "Hello",

You might want to "Wake up !!" yourself and re-read John's post. No where in John's post did he say anything good or bad about the Chizek/Korth team. He simple stated some statistics that he thought were interesting. John didn't state whether it was better or worse to have 1, 2, or 3 tractors or whether is was harder to maintain more tractors, he simply listed some interesting figures from this season.


Thanks for the interesting info. Based on the small sample size it's kind of hard to know whether having three shots at driving in the class is an advantage or whether the "Considered" tractor is just a superior setup compared to the other two. I really wish they had a few more hooks to see what the statistics would say. From a statistical standpoint, having multiple attempts is an advantage (that's just simple math), but doe's it really make the driver better with each pass or does it just increase his odds of winning?

Would it become a liability to have too many hooks in a class? Is three attempts any better than two? Would four attempts be better than three? Or would you get to a point where you start to overthink things?

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated.

Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal.

Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 21, 2018 07:42AM
"Hello", how is it that those 3 Chizek/Korth LSS setups are different? I have always been under the impression they are (rather) identical. But I may be wrong. Educate us, please.

Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 21, 2018 08:22AM
One is 3-turbo, the other two are 4-turbo, but they're not the same 4-turbo setup.

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated.

Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal.

Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 21, 2018 08:51AM
Those guys are great drivers.But they have always sat on the the best euquipment top of the class money can buyI,raced dirt circle track for one season i drove a new car my neighbor built and first race got second in the heat and won the feature won the point the first year out and until then had never been to a race or sat in a race car and i dont watch it on TV,Long story short it wasnt my driving, His car was that far ahead of the money spent to put it there the same car won 3 years in a row with 3 different drivers

Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 21, 2018 10:02AM
Rumor has it Korth isnt pulling next year I guess time will tell on that and all this speculation of his ability. Like him or hate him he has the wins, titles and rings. Maybe more than anyone else. Jake Morgan in your knowledge any 1 person have more? If he would be losing ya'll would be talking crap because he had 3 chances and didnt win.

Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 21, 2018 10:43AM
Jake - sorry about confusion but I was commenting it all not John's - John is one of the few that used his brain lol

Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 22, 2018 04:45AM
John Murray

Korth is a good driver not great. He has 3 chances every hook. The best drivers in the class are Kevin Lynn, Jason Hootman, and Larry Phillips. John Srickland is very good for a guy that just started pulling in the class .

You bring up something that I discussed with my father after Bowling Green was over--whether hook order might play into Brian's success. So, since I'm waiting on dirt to dry out (and I wanted to take a break from looking at a billion photos...) I decided to look at the finishes that Korth had this year.

Three times that Korth won (out of four total wins--all with Considered), he was on the last tractor of the three in the stable. Saturday night of Brandenburg was the only time Considered won without being the last hook of the team--being the middle tractor.

Four hooks of the six for the season, the third tractor to pull had the best finish--all of these being Considered, except for the Sunday of Langford, where Deadly had the best finish of the three tractors.

Only once did the last tractor of the group to hook finish the worst, which was Deadly Force on Saturday night in Brandenburg.

Now, looking at the first of the tractors to hook...
Half the time the given tractor would finish in the middle of the other two, while the other half of the time, it would finish the worst of the three. These instances being Considered (first night of Brandenburg) and Excessive both sessions of Langford.
To the untrained eye, but only slightly deaf ear, i've heard Brian say that they use the results / his decision from the first tractor to adjust on the 2nd, and then the 3rd. I think he said hitch height adjustment, possible driving style too. Which does seem to be supported by the results i quoted.

Re: Does korth win with a rain out August 21, 2018 12:32PM
Larry Phillips pulled 2 & 3 tractors for a few yrs as well. 6 yrs it looks like, his highest finish appears to be 3rd in those yrs. Strickland pulled 2 a couple yrs also. Highest appears to be 3rd as well during that time. More doesnt always mean better I guess. Korth pulled 2 tractors for 6 yrs & won the GN title 5 of those yrs. 3 tractors only last 3 yrs. Mark Peissig should be mentioned for his driving & 4 GN wins in this class as well. Great driver.... Esdon, the King of Smoke. & I'm sure there are more these are just the ones that immediately come to mind .


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