international threat February 19, 2019 11:59PM
what did josh blackburn break at the farm show? he was going to win easy until it quit.

Re: international threat February 20, 2019 06:46AM
Well something in his Drive line let loose causing him to pull off his steering wheel like some people noticed

Re: international threat February 20, 2019 07:55AM
breakage most likely did not cause him to pull off wheel.

Re: international threat February 20, 2019 11:21PM
Sounded like some kind of ignition problem to me. It quit, lit back, quit then lit back. Just my .02 from the stands

Re: international threat February 21, 2019 04:11AM
Did anyone learn anything from Dave showing the piston from his dad's tractor?

Re: international threat February 21, 2019 04:29AM
Yes, that it blew up .....

Re: international threat February 21, 2019 05:24AM
Yeah must have a short stroke

Re: international threat February 22, 2019 05:00AM
LSS Puller
Yeah must have a short stroke

This is what I was wondering. Or if anyone could tell valve angles or sizing from the machining on top of the piston.

Re: international threat February 22, 2019 05:02AM
Forgot to add that from we sit we could watch him bag up the parts that came out and we didn't think he looked to happy having the piston shown on the big screen.

Re: international threat February 22, 2019 05:19AM
No one told them that they had to build such big volital engines they need reasonable cubic inch and other limitations to make this class live and continue. This is why you only have a small group of elitest competitors and # keep falling. every class that will survive and prosper has to have reasonable guidelines

Re: international threat February 22, 2019 05:54AM
They are 650ci just like everyone else.

Re: international threat February 22, 2019 07:44AM
How are lose limitations working for you so far are getting more tractors in the class

Re: international threat February 22, 2019 09:08AM
Why does every class have to have 50 competitors in it? Heavy Supers ARE elite. That's why I travel to see them. And just how many new tractors do you think NTPA will get in the class with their new rules?

Re: international threat February 22, 2019 04:16PM
If the class is in such great shape why is there a bunch of people talking about recombining the two classes

Re: international threat February 23, 2019 12:14AM
Fuzz you are correct sir. Heard there could be a proposal to limit CI to 505, push rod motors only. What are the thoughts.

Re: international threat February 23, 2019 01:06AM
That class already exists. Called LSS. Allow them the same weight as SSD and have the 2 fuels go at in head to head in GN competition. Would it be fairly even results?

Re: international threat February 23, 2019 01:57AM
It’s a UNLIMITED CLASS. why would you put a cubic inch limit on it? The ntpa class may be dieing but ppl seems to be doing pretty good. Plus ntpa just came up with that assinine rule about no 903. That was prolly the dumbest thing they could do for that class cause now you took both of terry out both of Jeff’s and the ones that are being built as we speak. Which is fine cause I’m sure ppl is lovin’ it cause it’ll help them out.

Re: international threat February 23, 2019 02:04AM
You do realize the super stock open is limited to 650ci right?

Re: international threat February 23, 2019 02:16AM
On a more positive note; Now that NTPA has outlawed the 903 cummins, maybe we will see if those tractors [903 cummins] really were causing low #'s in the class. Let's watch and see how this all plays out. Might be good or might be Open Super's nightmare. I still enjoy watching the Open Super Stock tractors.

Re: international threat February 23, 2019 03:03AM
From the dyno numbers I hear the alcohol ss do not make more power any more and diesel ss have way more torque

Re: international threat February 23, 2019 02:07AM
These Combo. class have always had problems. Always seems the pullers are at a disagreement and want a handicap of some kind. It's hard to have a level playing field with the vast amount of changing technology. The Open Alcohol Super Stocks make a lot of HP and are fun to watch and drive for that matter. Too bad more tractors aren't being built.

Think February 23, 2019 02:55AM
I agree with John. While you can certainly allow different types of tractors pull in the same class. It is rarely an even playing field. Whether you pull naturally aspirated tractors or turbocharged, the gassers always make more power when running equal cubic inch, turbo size, or naturally aspirated. It's just the nature of the beast. Can't change physics. I think sometimes we get too worried or caught up in arguing this and that in regards to rules and regulations and this class and that class. I struggle to understand why we cant just be happy with whatever classes the NTPA, PPL, OUTLAWS, or whatever organization may have. Just go spectate, compete or whatever Involvement or capacity you choose to be involved or not be involved, and enjoy the show and comaradery with fellow fans and or competitors. If one chooses to not be involved that's ok too. As I've said before, I've seen many classes, and organizations or groups come and go over the years, and guess what?... Yep we still have tractor pulls all over the country and in other parts of the world! As long as we have people willing to compete and fans willing to come and support us, we will have tractor pulls. Again if you don't like what a group or organization is doing don't be a part of it. Go start something that you do like. Who knows, maybe others will follow and it turn into a really good thing. This my friends is what has kept our sport in general alive and still going strong all across the globe. I ask and challenge each person reading this to stop and think,...... how we each can make a positive contribution to our sport. How can I personally, attract new competition and fans alike to join
in this very large family of pullers and fans alike. Thanks for reading and supporting our sport that we all enjoy so much. Wishing you all a Blessed and prosperous year enjoying and participating as fans and competitors. Best Regards, rw

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/23/2019 02:56AM by RW IH 1568.

Re: Think February 23, 2019 03:14AM
no such thing as equal in any class,always someone to dominate for a season or two,or a reason or three,money makes it unequal,dedication,time and resources make it unequal,always will be someone with more craving to out spend,out test,go over board and over achieve that others,even in the same class with same cubic inch,turbo,fuel and such,someone finds a way to dominate.Always has,always will be that way.No level playing fields,just rules to motivate and strenghten those that prioritize and compete at the highest level they know how.

Re: international threat February 23, 2019 03:14AM
they already have the class you propose. Its called LSS. Diesel and alcohol are both allowed to run.

Re: international threat February 23, 2019 03:31AM
lss, I'm not sure if you were replying to my post? If so, I have not proposed any classes. However I am glad for your class. I hope it all works out to be a success! This is what I was talking about. Someone trying something different for a change. Again this is what has kept our sport going over the years.
To Joey, this is what they call competition. Unfortunately this occurs all the way from Little League Baseball all the way up to the highest level of sports and competition we know in existence. Money is always involved no matter what level of competition we compete at. Sad but true.

Re: international threat February 23, 2019 03:15AM
That class already exists. Called LSS. Allow them the same weight as SSD and have the 2 fuels go at in head to head in GN competition. Would it be fairly even results?

they already have the class you propose. Its called LSS. Diesel and alcohol are both allowed to run

Re: international threat February 23, 2019 04:29AM
I was responding to those that want an even,level playing field,no such thing,that's why people accept participation trophys now.I have won many placks and awards,some for second,third,only ones that matter are First place,blue ribbon,Top Dog and so on. Just saying,was at a big pull,50 dollar entry,local guys said that they had money for third place,My Reply Was That I Didn't Come For Third,I placed second.

Re: international threat February 23, 2019 11:14AM
If you ran some of the top LSS against some of the top DSS you might be surprised how close they would be. Considering there all 505ci. Some of the best LSS are awefully wicked, and so are some of the diessls

Re: international threat February 23, 2019 11:36AM
Are you trying to say DSS tractors are all 505 cubic inch just like the LSS tractors ? Think again .


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