Leap year March 07, 2020 02:32AM
As a fairboard member and a tractor pull promoter, leap year really makes it hard to schedule events. Not many places want to have a pull on the forth of July weekend. That being said, we have had a very successful pull the last few years. We've had two sleds in the past, but we are having a hard time booking a second sled. So, do we cut classes and just run the one or keep searching for a sled? Antiques will be the classes that get cut. Our pull is July 17th in St. James, MN. We have the Vault booked. If anybody knows of a sled, please let me know. Thanks for the help, looking forward to the 2020 season!

Re: Leap year March 07, 2020 05:35AM
Just start a little earlier, go an hour longer, antiques appreciate and enjoy pulling just as do the fans to see them.

Re: Leap year March 10, 2020 02:10AM
How does 29 days in February change or affect any of the rest of the year?

Re: Leap year March 10, 2020 03:15AM
Wish I could explain it too but leap year is a scheduling nightmare. Seems like everything moves for some reason.

Re: Leap year March 10, 2020 06:49AM
The following explanation works in the Penn-Ohio area and is most likely applicable to other places as well. Most fairs and festivals base their start date on Labor Day. Many have a 'magic number' that is essentially the number of days prior to Labor Day for their starting date of the Fair. This came from the days when almost all Fairs in the east had harness racing and had to keep the dates in line. Because of Leap Year in 2020 the date of Labor Day moved FIVE days later (from September 2, 2019 to September 7, 2020. This is the absolute latest date for Labor Day (first Monday of September). This process caused some Fairs to re-think their start date and instead of moving five days later in the calendar (and keeping their normal dates), they chose to move two days back which effectively put them into the 'week before' their normal Fair dates. This wreaks havoc on getting carnivals and vendors and scheduling pulling events since their pull date is already held by another Fair that stayed in their correct week based on Labor Day.

Re: Leap year March 11, 2020 02:16AM
Exactly. Every 5th year here in MI it is a mess at Fair Convention trying to sort it all out.


Re: Leap year March 10, 2020 06:29AM
companies that would come would be the xfactor, ironman, the game over iowa sled, terminator, iron horse, track patrol, or the lawry sleds. try those companies.

Re: Leap year March 10, 2020 06:38AM
If you need a sled for antiques, surely there is a club in your area that would be willing to supply a sled.


Re: Leap year March 10, 2020 10:27AM
Rick, that makes sense. I guess if a fair decides to buck the normal way most fairs do it as you described, I guess they just have to deal with the headaches that they brought on themselves! That is the problem with many things these days, nobody wants to stick together to achieve a common goal for the good of everyone. Take for example, the shear costs of many things we do in life, take cell phones for example, there is no reason under the sun, why a cell phone should cost over 1000 dollars! The prices would come down if people stopped updating their phones every time a new one comes out. But the carriers and manufacturers send out signals to cause phones out of contract to stop working correctly, thus forcing people to upgrade. I'm not making this up. I heard Apple is in a law suit as we speak regarding this very matter. Turbos and pulling parts are no different! We are our own worst enemy! Go figure! We are a bunch of idiots! That's all. Have a good day.

Re: Leap year March 11, 2020 03:38AM
Moose all those sleds that have been mentioned have been called. All want to help but they are booked. Got another sled on the back burner, but our show really does well with two big sleds. We been kicking around the idea. Of starting with 9000 out of the field and just going into the smoke soon after. Bad thing is hobby stock antiques help make payouts better across the board. Just throwing ideas out, and curious what other promoters are doing.

Re: Leap year March 12, 2020 03:06AM
I have a sled available however that is a really long ways from PA.

Re: Leap year March 12, 2020 11:29PM
Richard if you want a tour of the country it's the perfect trip. Haha! We have had other sleds that we called, said it was to far as well. They all said they come if it was a little closer. We will find something yet.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/12/2020 11:34PM by Dillons Diesel.


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