Dubuque Iowa pull July 01, 2022 10:16PM
What happened with the Dubuque pull June 3&4. See no results from it. Was it cancelled or what.

Re: Dubuque Iowa pull July 02, 2022 03:13AM
Who had it sanctioned?

Re: Dubuque Iowa pull July 02, 2022 03:39PM
It was un-sanctioned, and canceled.

Re: Dubuque Iowa pull July 05, 2022 09:11AM
That whole thing was just wierd. At first it was advertised as an Outlaw Pull. I talked with the Outlaw organization and they corrected that and told the promoter to change that. Then they were talking about big payouts, and that didn't happen. I found 2 different flyers for it that advertised different classes. They were posting pics on Facebook of competitors that were coming, and I don't know if they did. Some pullers did show up on Friday night and I was told they ended up having a test and tune. If you go to the Top Alcohol Pulling, Facebook page and type Dubuque in the search bar, everything comes up. They talk about only 21 vehicles showing up. They talk about the promoter leaving with the money. There are posts about the payouts. Again, this whole thing was just wierd.

Re: Dubuque Iowa pull July 05, 2022 10:41AM
So who was the promoter.

Re: Dubuque Iowa pull July 05, 2022 01:54PM
The flyer said American Motorsports Promotions

Re: Dubuque Iowa pull July 07, 2022 12:29AM
Found the flier. Googled the contact number. It comes back to. Ron Stone. This is the same guy who works for Outlaws and I believe is involved in the KC pull. So was he the promotor that cancelled or what. And I wonder that if the promotor took the money did the pullers actually get their money back. My plans are to attend Concord and Rock Valley this weekend. I’ll see what I can find out myself.

Re: Dubuque Iowa pull July 07, 2022 01:27AM
Ron was not the promoter. It was someone from Dubuque. Like Ed said, there were two different posters going around.

Brent Yaron
Hooked Up Pulling Productions

Re: Dubuque Iowa pull July 08, 2022 12:51AM
Pretty sure promoter is from Davenport/Moline area.


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