Bowling Green replacement class poll August 22, 2022 11:52PM
Assuming 1) Light Unlimiteds get axed, and 2) BG keeps the current 5-5-5-5-6 class format for the 5 sessions, what would you propose as a replacement class?

* RN/PN modified
* Light Pro
* Limited Pro
* PS Diesel FWD
* Limited PS DieselFWD
* Hot Farm
* Classic SS
* Light Limited SS
* Super Modified FWD
* PS Semi

If the Blue Shirts could select one class from this list, which one would you prefer? I won't be negative about any specific class, but possible advantages of each include:

Mods - already keeps same format as current but would get a good (not overwhelming) amount of hooks, likely 20-25

Light Pros - popular in R2, would also draw entries from R3 and Carolinas. If added as a GN classic 2023, would be obvious choice.

Limited Pros- Decent # of vehicles in R2, but lots in R3 and Outlaws. Would draw R3 vehicles and a few Mid South tractors.

PS Diesel FWD- Not ran much in NTPA other than Sandwich, IL, but the SS Diesel FWD class is popular with fans. This would give another class that would give another chance to see trucks similar to that. Would draw from OH/PA, IL and R3, and depending on PPL Silver Series 2023 schedule, may get those also.

Limited PS Diesel FWD- Popular in R2, there are 3.0 trucks in many places. Would have no problem getting entries.

Hot Farm - growing class in R2. IPL and PPL Midwest have good classes. Would also draw from other areas as pay per hook who fit rules. Narrower tires would be something different at BG.

Classic SS- Pretty much exclusively Ohio class, but has decent entries with older sheet metal.

Light Limited SS - Very popular now. KY, WI, MI, IN, OH and now R1 area in NY and PA all have the class. Would drawmix of Diesel and alky, modern sheet metal and 460/560s, Oliver's, and even old CK tractors.

Super Mod FWD - Was ran at BG up to 20 or so years ago. Mostly Ohio, may get a few Mid South trucks. Likely 15-20 entries.

PS Semi - Another popular class. Since most Super Semis are now single charger, may be mostly same entries as Super Semi Class but would be a hit with fans if the single charger trucks could hold together for 4 passes with possible pulloffs.

RWYB FWD- Lastly, not currently offered by NTPA, but they could adapt it from Full Pull Productions. Gist is you have SMFWD, mountain motor FWD (larger than 650 could run), SSD FWD, PSDFWD all in the same class with weight breaks. Even "regular" 650 FWD and Limited Pro Diesel FWD and ( in FPP) a nitrous truck are legal.
NTPA could adapt as needed (since 650 FWD and SSD FWD already have classes at BG, maybe those combos could be excluded). This is a very popular class, and would draw trucks that do not have a home. Would allow fans to see different combos run against each other.

DISCLAIMER- It would be nice if people responded with their choice of class without disparaging classes you don't prefer.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/23/2022 05:52AM by The Original Michael.

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 23, 2022 12:08AM
hot farm or light pro. 20.8s would be interesting and easier to tell the difference other than another 24.5 class.

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 23, 2022 12:17AM
1. PS diesel trucks (Badger state 3.6 /cut tires)

2. 540 light pro ( components @ 8250) cast tractors @ 8500.

3, 9500 hot/pro farm 20.8 tires, 510/ Badger state 466

4. 9500 limted pro

5. 6250 LLSS

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 23, 2022 12:22AM
I don't see any classes being added to Bowling Green for the foreseeable future. This is a Super National pull that should be exclusively GN/CT classes.

That being said, while it would be awesome to see a bunch of LLSS competitors from around my way on the big stage in BG, my vote would be for the Light Pro Stock class.

John Murray
Two-time Pedal Pull World Champion

Let's Go Pulling, covering the sport of pulling in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Alabama.
Watch LGP on YouTube
Like LGP on Facebook

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 23, 2022 01:07AM
Light pro stock should have been added years ago! Would give me a reason to come on Thursday again.

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 23, 2022 02:09AM
Llss,gets my vote,every hooded tr class t here for the last 40 yrs has been exclusively a 466/619 based class.

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 23, 2022 04:09AM

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 24, 2022 03:33AM
Between the smaller chassis, mixed fuel, and large variety, llss makes the most sense. Yes light pros and 4.1 lim pros are awesome but the show doesn't need another 1066, mx210, and 8r class. In a perfect world i would like every class there but if we had to choose one we gotta consider llss.

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 23, 2022 04:23AM
No reason to replace the light mod class with anything. If anything BG should be about quality not quantity. The event got by without the class before it formed and would go on without it. Dont add a class unless it is a national class, no matter how good that class seems to be.

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 23, 2022 05:31AM
Light pro would get my vote.

I don't see any classes being added to BG though unless they become a Grand National class. Light pro's probably have the best chance to do that.

However, Regional Mods would be fun to watch as the class would offer variety and a good amount of competitors.

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 23, 2022 12:58PM
My vote would be for the smfwd. These guys just don't get the attention they deserve. I know it would be a smaller class but BG doesn't need another class with 50 competitors.

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 23, 2022 05:38AM
Are we forgetting BG did run SS Diesel Trucks before it was a GN class???

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 23, 2022 05:41AM
95 limited pro they are awesome to watch! speed power!

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 23, 2022 05:55AM
Logan Thomas
Are we forgetting BG did run SS Diesel Trucks before it was a GN class???

No. But mindsets (and decision makers) can change.

John Murray
Two-time Pedal Pull World Champion

Let's Go Pulling, covering the sport of pulling in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Alabama.
Watch LGP on YouTube
Like LGP on Facebook

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 23, 2022 08:24AM
In my opinion, the only 2 classes that would make sense to me are Light Pros and Regional Mods. If it were up to me...Light Pros would be there. The Thursday night session at BG has no smokers in the show...Light Pros would fill that void. Light Pros would give true color to the show at BG with old and new style JDs, IHs, Case IHs, Cases, ACs, Agcos, New Hollands, Fords, McCormicks, and Masseys(All of the brands being competitive too) would help to create the battle of the brands. I've been to shows in the past 5 years where Light Pros have outshined every class at a pull and put on the best show as a class even when GN Classes have been at the same pull. A Light Pro is easily as high of a caliber vehicle as a Super Farm and some other GN Classes in my opinion. Light Pros now pull at Tomah, Hillsboro and the NFMS...I think they would be a great addition to BG. There are a good amount of competitive Lt Pros in several states and ones from any area could win and that also creates a geographical battle of what area has the best tractors. It is different than Super Farms with the cubic inches being smaller and turbos being larger and still is different than the Pro Stocks being a lighter class so I feel like it has a place. As it has been said in previous posts, Super Stock Diesel Trucks were there before they were a Grand National class. It is about what puts on the best my suggestion would be to add Light Pros.

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 23, 2022 09:00AM
While I would certainly love to see a regional type class at BG my instinct tells me that BG leadership only wants national classes. And the one thing I really appreciate is that they are the only pull that has all the NTPA national classes. However the other problem would be the sheer numbers that Lt.PS, 4.1,or LLSS would draw. There could literally be 60 Lt.PS that show up.

Dick Morgan
Independent Pulling News

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 23, 2022 09:36AM
Make em a GN Class...I’ve thought they deserved it for years now and I think there would be a good following on a GN level and still on the Regional level too...and I think the class would get booked quite a bit too. And for your argument that there could be 60 of them there...there could and has been 60 TWDs and Super Farms...there could be 60 minis...there could be 60 pro stocks. There would be the parking and time in the pull for them to be there if scheduled right...and I really doubt over 45 would show up.

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 24, 2022 01:31PM
Who would not like the big Unlimited mods 3 nights in a row!!!!! Mods during the day, unl at night!!!!

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 24, 2022 01:57PM
Who would not like the big Unlimited mods 3 nights in a row!!!!! Mods during the day, unl at night!!!!

I would love that, but here is the problem: The unlimiteds handled one hook nicely. Everyone except Rose made the 2nd hook, and that tractor also ran the 2 GN mod classes.

However, off the top of my head, either confirmed (or possible) breakage in the 2nd class included Bauer, Purser, Criswell, Sullivan?, and maybe one or 2 more I'm forgetting. As hard as they run them, how many unlimiteds would survive for a 3rd hook? It would be great if they got 3 bites at the apple, though.

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 23, 2022 12:48PM
If the lite unl goes away, By all means replace it with another mod class!! RN would work and add more different mods to the mix , Or, Add a 3rd Unlimited hook!!! DO NOT NEED another red/green class of anything!!!

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 23, 2022 01:52PM
You must not watch much to think it will be a red/green show. That Fast Forward Ford will run and beat the best of them, Goodman’s Big Sexy Massey can win, the Howell’s New Holland is top notch and many other brands represented that can compete for a win. Regional Mods would give some diversity to the pull too but my vote is still for Light Pros.

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 23, 2022 03:18PM
Lt . pro stock by a landslide. pro stocks are the most popular and prestigious class in pulling so it would make sense to bring little brother too as they would be the 5th or 6th favorite class among fans ahead of half of the classes that are there. they are as much of a national class as many others or more so than some. so if fans would enjoy watching them more than other classes then they should be there pretty plain and simple. BG doesn't exist to give gn pullers a place to pull, it's a for profit venue thats goal is to entertain. they want to entertain as best they can to keep people coming back and this turn a profit to be sustainable and provide the best pulling in the world

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 24, 2022 01:17AM
Take a look at numbers for new truck sales vs new tractor sales.

Pro Stock diesel trucks (3.6 cut tires) could draw more new fans.


Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 24, 2022 03:45AM
No disrespect to Pro or Light Pro, both great classes, but to say Pro is the most prestigious (or even most popular)? Always thought of prestigious as the highest horsepower class. Of course the heavy mods have this hands down, but believe we are talking "ag" classes here. Pro's make good power for sure, but top shelf Pro's are not making what top shelf Heavy Super's make. Of course everyone has (and is entitled) to an opinion on what prestige means.

On topic, agree with Light Pro. It would be nice to have Light and Heavy for both Pro & Super.

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 24, 2022 08:15AM
20 years ago I thought the 10k Pro Stock Diesel tractor class was "AWESOME" . Over the years I have lost some of my excitement, because it's mostly John Deere's with 619 Big Block's & some Case-IH and a few other brands. Today I would rather watch the 540 Light Pro Stock Tractors. They run good and have more diverse brand of tractors. I would like to see 540 Light Pro become a Grand National Class someday.

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 24, 2022 08:38AM
My vote goes for the the Regional Mods. You would get 20+ in the class with a wide variety of engine combos - 2 Hemi's, 3 Chevy's, Turbines, Allison's and even a Radial Engine (From New York) is a possibility.

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 24, 2022 12:12PM
Are there 20 region mods RUNNING in the USA ??
Remember, Outlaws have Wisner, so don't count any of those.
Also, if they complain about going 100 miles to a region event, what is the chance they would go 500 or 1000 miles to BG?
I see 10 at most.
And I'm a mod fan!!

Challenge accepted August 24, 2022 01:54PM
Are there 20 region mods RUNNING in the USA ??
Remember, Outlaws have Wisner, so don't count any of those.
Also, if they complain about going 100 miles to a region event, what is the chance they would go 500 or 1000 miles to BG?
I see 10 at most.
And I'm a mod fan!!

Are there 20 RN mods in the USA? There are over 20 in just the R2 IN/MI/OH area who have hooked already in R2 or OSTPA, plus a few in Carolinas and East Coast (who did not have hooks last weekend), plus NY tractors (who did have hooks, but just as Hortons came with their SS, it's quite possible a couple would show up for an opportunity to be competitive), plus a few in Ontario, plus a few GN mods who could remove 1 engine and run with 2 x 14/71s, and a couple more (65 total).

Not one of these is an Outlaws regular, though I did include Kielmeyers who ran at Wisner this year but also ran R3, but have ran at BG several times. If they had the possibility of 2 RN hooks, add engine #3 and have 2 more mod hooks, they may come.

Most of the IN/OH/MI tractors would likely show up; the majority from NY and mid-Atlantic would not, but some would. Since UPOC and East Coast mods don't run that weekend, I'd bet Brookhart and a few others would show. Wayson came anyway in Light unlimited and I bet he would also in a RN mod class. (Side note- one tractor I'd live to see is Randy Davis' mod from Virginia).

So, even factoring in a few R2 being broke/waiting on parts, and some of the GN tractors may keep their 3 on and skip running a PN/RN class,, I would still foresee getting a solid 20-25 entries for a BG PN/RN mod class (if lucky, maybe a few more) and having almost guaranteed allisons and turbines in addition to the v8s. I would hope for Tedder and Jostock x 2, if those tractors survived, they would add #4 and run the GN mod class.Those have ran in RN this summer and BG was their only 4-engine hook (minus Bob who was broke), but if given a chance to run 2 RN and add #4 to run 2 more times, if the equipment survived, they could do it if they chose.

Also, as Sno Farmer mentioned in another thread, some of these guys may also run the GN mod class, helping those numbers.

1) Feiss
2) Feiss
3) Deane
4) Tedder
5) Krider
6) Schoenemann (Froggy)
7) Schoenemann (Nite Train)
8) B Jostock
9) L Jostock
10) Judy
11) Barga (Judge)
12) Barga (Jury)
13) Soisson
14) Ken Miller
15) Harper
16) Schmiesing
17) Writsel
18) Berry
19) Korporal
20) McMillen (Second Chance)
21) McCloskey (see entry list @ Hudsonville 8/24)
In addition, pullers not from R2 who have hook in a R2 event in 2022
22) T. Owens (Springfield, OH)
23) Boxler/Durfee (Langford)
Pullers from R3 how hook RN this year, all of whom have pulled @ BG
24) D. Christensen
25) Revier
26) C Kielmeyer (both Kielmeyer tractors ran @ Wisner this year)
27) J Kielmeyer
Carolinas/East Coast RN mods
28) R Davis
29) B Adkins
30) Flood
31) Brookhart (Ran @ Ft Recovery in 2021)
32) P Jones
33) Wayson
34) McKenzie
35) Hansen
36) Daku
37) Rankin
38) Robinson (Fony Express)
39) Robinson (Fony Farmer)
40) Robinson (Fony Farmer II)
41) Forrester
42) Wittenbrader (Live Wire P38)
43) Brommer
New York (not previously mentioned)
(shown in Empire State points; not updated. I am aware Pike is the same weekend)
44) Everman
45) Duggan
46) Telaak
47) Bement
NYTPA not previously mentioned
48) Cole
49) Fraser
50) Angell
51) Gladdings
52) Zemcik
53) Wittenbrader (Bear Express)
*54) Wittenbrader (has one listed as just Livewire separate from P38; not sure if he has 2 or 3 mods total)
Let's go north of the border to OTTPA (Ontario, not Outlaws)
55) Cochrane
56) Truax
57) Sisson
OSTPA mods who have not hook in NTPA
58) Conley/Smith
59) Dechant
60) L Miller (Playboy)
GN 7500 mods who would be legal by removing 1 engine
61) D Owens
62) Corzine
Waiting on parts
63) J. Gibson from KY
Waiting on healing
64) K Dick, if he still has Thumper
Hooked in 2021
65) Bergman twin allison

Edited 8 time(s). Last edit at 08/24/2022 02:22PM by The Original Michael.

Re: Challenge accepted August 25, 2022 02:33AM
Awesome job!
Thank you !
Some on your list are wishful thinking, but I can now go with 20.
You will not see 30.
But BG doesn't need a huge class.

Re: Challenge accepted August 25, 2022 03:14AM
Unfortunately DOT hassles will probably prevent most Ontario pulling vehicles from competing stateside.

Recent incidents have shown it's not worth the hassle to cross with a hauler and competition vehicle. It has become cost prohibitive.

Truly unfortunate.

Re: Challenge accepted August 26, 2022 09:52AM
Not so sure about that.....the Lacey mini team has made every R2 hook plus the winter ones in Florida this year.

Re: Challenge accepted August 26, 2022 10:41AM
Yes they are one of very few doing it. Larue was also at BG.

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 25, 2022 09:41AM
I respect that you are not a Mod fan but many of us are. I'm a huge fan of Pro Stock and being from Ohio really enjoy the Light Pro Stock Guys. A bunch of tough Runners. At the end of the day I was raised around blower motors and that's my preference. And yes there would be 20+ as "The Original Michael" states below.

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 24, 2022 12:12PM
What makes you the authority on changing classes. I agree with Murray if you don't like line-up don't go to the pull. Simple Enough.

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 25, 2022 02:45PM
The feeling is that the Lt. Unlimited class will be gone at BG, these discussions are about a class to replace it.

S'no Farmer

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 25, 2022 02:41PM
Why is there a need for a "change"?

My idea for BG sessions August 25, 2022 03:16PM
Session 1-Thursday 7:00

Session 2-Friday 12:00

Session 3-Friday 7:00

Session 4-Saturday 12:00

Session 5-Saturday 6:30

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 28, 2022 04:01AM
Nice work Chip that looks perfect!!!

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 28, 2022 05:31AM
Some on here are objecting to having a "Regional" class at BG as it is not a "National" class. Ummm, can you say Regional National? That is what NTPA calls it.
And desiginated as RN. Thus a "Regional" class is already a "National" class.

I commend Original Michael for researching and posting a great RN Mod list. The top runners in that list already campaign the GN/SN Mod circuit, be it full or part time. Thus what is left in Michael's list are many, at least in my view, Mods that are not consistent / reliable top performers. And for that reason, I would not vote for them to be at BG. And if the class is offered, I suggest it is an 'invitation' only status.

Limited Pro's are a very worthy competitive class, as are Light Pro's.
"PullMX" objects his bias against the PS class as it is too many JD 619's. But he loves the Light PS class. Well, with his bias, he should, as the class is dominated by IH and all those square, boxy 06, 56, 66, 86 IH tractors. I do not want to see more of them!
Thus, I do not vote for them to be at BG. Yes, the class is very worthwhile. I just do not want too see more boxy red ones. And I am a "tractor" guy.
I would much rather see the IPL/NTPA Hot Farms at BG. A very quality group of colorful (JD, IH, MF, Case [need blue ones, too]) tractors that compete to a high level.
Or even the LLSS with a selected invitation only qualified choosing of which tractors come compete (based on current and previous year points performance) in a perhaps 15 to 20 class offering.

However, if you want a top notch perforning and appearance class that is worth watching and has a Huge Spectator Fan Following, then following Michael's original post of selecting 1 class, I choose his offering of "Limited PS Diesel FWD- Popular in R2, there are 3.0 trucks in many places. Would have no problem getting entries."

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 28, 2022 02:31PM
Order of preference:

1) Light Pro: would actually prefer they replace the SFs as that class is dwindling as well and the Lt Pros put on a better show. (then another class could replace the Lt Unl. mods)

2) SMFWD: The blown FWDs used to run there before being replaced by the Light Supers. As folks in Ohio know, this class is a way better show than the regular FWD class, and it’s a class that should be marketed more on a national level imo.

3) Limited Pro Diesel Trucks: would opt for the 3.0 trucks here instead of the 3.6 w/ cut tires to maintain some greater distinction between them and the SS Diesel trucks. Danger here might be 60+ trucks showing up.

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 29, 2022 04:06AM
WHY DOES EVERYBODY WANT TO REPLACE SUPER FARMS!? They are not a bad class! why choose hot farm over super farm? I wouldn't mind light pros and LLSS being added cause it would be another pro stock type class, and llss is like the old 55 ss. but keep super farm!

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 29, 2022 04:33AM
I enjoy super farm too,the only gn ag chassis class left

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 29, 2022 12:36PM
Tomah winner
WHY DOES EVERYBODY WANT TO REPLACE SUPER FARMS!? They are not a bad class! why choose hot farm over super farm? I wouldn't mind light pros and LLSS being added cause it would be another pro stock type class, and llss is like the old 55 ss. but keep super farm!

I don’t completely disagree…the SF class hasn’t been bad lately since it’s thinned out a bit from so many guys bumping up to Lt/Lim pro. (probably still leftover trauma from back when we had to suffer through 70 in a class)

For me, it’s just the preference that I’d rather watch something that runs a little hotter. So on that note, I wouldn’t want to replace SF with Hot Farm or LLSS either. Same reason I prefer the SMFWD blown trucks over the regular FWDs; it’s a better show when all the vehicles can actually spin their tires at the end of a run.

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 29, 2022 12:57PM
Aren't sf and llss close in hp,and a 3000 lb weight difference.a sled setting could make them the premier many non ih-jd powered tractors were there this year,other than trailblazer and warpath

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 29, 2022 12:45PM
Never lose MFWD. The blower trucks are cool, but pulling NEEDS the only all motor class it has.


Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 30, 2022 07:57AM
Never lose MFWD. The blower trucks are cool, but pulling NEEDS the only all motor class it has.



Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll September 02, 2022 02:04PM
Tomah Winner, to clarifiy, the difference with mod classes and "TWD or Minis" is that there is more than one engine on board a single tractor. I did not think I had to spell it out, But I was wrong..........

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll September 02, 2022 06:38PM
How about a different class every year,2023 lss,2024 light pro,2025 sm4wd which I like.change it up

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 30, 2022 08:00AM
here are the classes I think should be in Bowling Green (with a few regional exceptions)
(SMFWD) - they used to have these, even though NTPA got rid of them as a class, they should have kept them at this pull
(LLSS) - basically the 5500 Super Stock class.
I also wouldn't mind Light Pro or Hot farm, but with hot farm most want 510, my area has 466. should it be 510 no intercooler, 466 intercooler?

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll August 31, 2022 01:34PM
Tomah Winner, why do you bring up these local classes?? I see them all summer long. More mod classes are whats needed, not what you like for sure!! The crowd is 80% city folk anymore and we want POWER and NOISE!!!

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll, to Tomah whiner. August 31, 2022 04:19PM
Might want to LOOK at the 2022 NTPA rule book.
Page 73.
There are rules, right there for SUPER MODIFIED FWD TRUCKS.
So, NTPA hasn't gotten rid of the class. Just no promoters buy the class.
And, looking at the proposed rules for 2013, hopefully NTPA dumps the SF class. GN, Regional, and State. Three paragraphs whining about water,,, how come no one in PS, Limited PS, Light limited PS, DSS,, NONE of them are whining about water. Go back brush pulling!

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll, to Tomah whiner. September 01, 2022 02:48AM
Rule book reader, you need to get up to speed of today's pulling environment.
We are not talking about "2013".
Nobody said that Super Modified FWD class does not exist as an NTPA class. There are so many hard feelings from Ohio pullers about NTPA, I doubt very many
would be willing to pay the exorbitant NTPA fees to have 1 or 2 hooks at BG. And I don't blame 'em. And that was proven firsthand, the last couple times they were at BG.
I just studied through proposed NTPA rules for 2023. I see no whining from anyone, including what you think are 3 offensive, whining pages from the SF class. They are
discussing real issues. Why are the other diesel classes not doing likewise? And those other diesel classes you stated, if you really think there is not at least someone in each of those classes not using the enhanced additive water, I think you are sadly mistaken. So, see, the SF class is doing all the 'dirty work' for all the diesel classes in the proposed rule updates.
There is no legitimate reason to "dump the SF class". At any given level. It is a very, very competitive class. Cannot say that about all the other classes you apparently love.

plb, Tomah winner just as entitled to list what he wants to see at BG, as you are. After all, that is the main point of this thread. And plb, if you have really read every post in this thread, you would know why posters have suggested those "local classes". It is because they are a sanctioned NTPA Regional National class, which brings a quality class of pulling to the track. And BG is committed under contract to NTPA for a certain term of years. After all, BG has always been known as National Tractor Pulling Championships. The key word is "National". And I contend they are not doing that. Otherwise, they would also stage all the Regional National classes, too.

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll, to Tomah whiner. September 01, 2022 01:02PM
Not bad mouthing the classes you like at all, I like them to! Just don`t need to see another 1066 with a different turbo at BG. Minis and Mods are where its at for me. I`m done here.

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll, to Tomah whiner. September 01, 2022 03:34AM
Rule book reader
Might want to LOOK at the 2022 NTPA rule book.
Page 73.
There are rules, right there for SUPER MODIFIED FWD TRUCKS.
So, NTPA hasn't gotten rid of the class. Just no promoters buy the class.
And, looking at the proposed rules for 2013, hopefully NTPA dumps the SF class. GN, Regional, and State. Three paragraphs whining about water,,, how come no one in PS, Limited PS, Light limited PS, DSS,, NONE of them are whining about water. Go back brush pulling!

Classes like Pro stock and Super Stock diesel, and even light and limited pro are not complaining about water, because they don't try and use water with additive. Super farm posts some of the closest competition if not the closest competition in pulling. The rules for the class are so limited each and every guy tries to find some sort of "advantage". Pullers in SF want a level playing field all over the board.

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll, to Tomah whiner. September 01, 2022 05:08AM
Rule book reader
Might want to LOOK at the 2022 NTPA rule book.
Page 73.
There are rules, right there for SUPER MODIFIED FWD TRUCKS.
So, NTPA hasn't gotten rid of the class. Just no promoters buy the class.
And, looking at the proposed rules for 2013, hopefully NTPA dumps the SF class. GN, Regional, and State. Three paragraphs whining about water,,, how come no one in PS, Limited PS, Light limited PS, DSS,, NONE of them are whining about water. Go back brush pulling!

I don't have the 2022 rule book, and last I checked they don't offer an online version.

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll, to Tomah to suggesterator September 01, 2022 05:38PM
You may want to actually READ your sister's post.
She stated NTPA dumped SM4WD.
Want to explain what you think that means, Wyatt ??
Oh, and the reason SF distances are so close? No power. The pan push down hits, the pull is over.
It IS nice the power has progressed enough that they usually spin out, and the smoke gets over the roll cage.

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll, to Tomah to suggesterator September 02, 2022 02:08AM
rule book reader, obviously you did not read your rule book very well. But perhaps your comprehension skills are greatly lacking.
Since SM4WD is still in NTPA rulebook, it doesn't matter what "your sister" stated !!! Obviously, NTPA has not dumped the class. Its more like the SM4WD pullers have dumped NTPA. In favor of their Ohio and MidSouth sanctioning as PPL member states, instead of retaining NTPA.

And SF with "no power"?! You must be of the 'new generation' of people, where you never show SSD's of the '70's & '80's. And the PS's in their first decade in the '80's. SF's have far more power & torque than those popular tractors had of that era. And speed, too !!! It is downright sickening how you people hate on the SF's. That is one quality class of fine looking tractors and perform well with a close competitive distances. Unlike a few other popular classes.

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll, to Tomah to suggesterator September 02, 2022 07:52AM
I read the rule book just fine.
Your sister said NTPA dumped the class. Obviously, they did NOT. And you even agree on that point.
Doesn't matter the pullers quit coming.
You AND your sister are WRONG.
SM4WD still an NTPA class. Deal with it.
And to your point of the old PS and DSS horsepower, from ancient times when you weren't even alive. That may be true. But those guys used those tractors in the field in the spring, took PTO stuff out. Pulled them in the summer, and put the PTO stuff back in in the fall. Then used them in the field.
Not sure we want to go back to that, but at least they could spin out with 30.5 tires, pulling a sled heavier than a tug boat.
The REAL issue with SF??
Like YOU.
That can read 3 pages of whining and not recognize it as whining.
Bless your heart.

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll September 02, 2022 01:53PM
rule book reader, you are the perfect epitome example of characterizing one of the biggest problems that pulling has. And limiting its growth. Such a know it all and selfish attitude, when you obviously do not even have a clue.
Prime example, I have been involved in tractor pulling for years even before NTPA was born. And there were plenty of those early SS's on those 30.5 tires, that certainly choked their engine.
You yourself are a great whiner!!!

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll, to Tomah to suggesterator September 02, 2022 03:42PM
The Prostocks of the 80's put on a way better show than sf now! sf aren't even close to what they did back then!

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll, to Tomah to suggesterator September 02, 2022 04:29PM
I really wouldn't say they are that far off. When competition is close it's so much better than Watchung guys get beat by 20+ ft in ps,dss or any class. SF isn't the only class of whiners. People just think because they are the most limited, that they have the most whiners. Not the case

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll September 01, 2022 05:13AM
Tomah Winner, why do you bring up these local classes?? I see them all summer long. More mod classes are what's needed, not what you like for sure!! The crowd is 80% city folk anymore and we want POWER and NOISE!!!

Well, sir, I DON'T see these classes all summer long. I have never seen an SMFWD truck class in person, so I wouldn't mind watching it at BG. also, there are LT UNL, MOD, UNL, and MINI at BG which are "modified" classes. and if you want to get more technical, TWD is a "modified" class also, so you will get your fill with blower classes.

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll September 05, 2022 12:37PM
Lim Pros are on the agenda to be approved for GN class so maybe all the guessing will be over

Re: Bowling Green replacement class poll September 06, 2022 12:20AM
How many Tee shirts, did that coast you? LOL


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