Cloverdale? August 24, 2022 11:25AM
Has anybody heard if Cloverdale is going to have a pull in January?

Re: Cloverdale? August 24, 2022 01:51PM
I was told it's not happening. I messaged them about 2022 and was told they lost a big sponsor and no more pull. We started attending Cloverdale and were going back every year (It was about 5.5hrs for me). Since that one ended, we started going to the Shipshewana NTPA pull. The Shipshewana pull is good and there is more to do around town. I do miss Cloverdale.

Re: Cloverdale? August 25, 2022 01:42AM
They charge an insane amount to use that facility.

Its like $50,000 for a weekend or somewhere in that ball park.


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