What is farm stock? September 05, 2022 02:34AM
Over the last couple weeks I got to pull a friend's tractor in a few "farm stock" classes and in those classes there were people doing 25mph all the way down to kids and their dads auger / yard tractor . So what is farm stock? Within 50 miles it ranges from stock rpms working ptos all the way to any size turbo as long as the crossover tube is in the factory spot(doesn't have to be factory tube). I think the terminology is wrong. Farm stock should be a farm tractor with pump turned up probably a 6 or 8 mph limit( shouldn't be going over that if it's a farm tractor). I think there should be a to hot to farm class for the guys running over factory rpms with larger than factory turbos. I think Farm stock should be for kids who wanna start pulling not people doing 20 plus mph. Right wrong in between idk. Any thoughts?

Re: What is farm stock? September 05, 2022 02:54AM
In short it's a variance in how each club/event bills a class named Farm Stock. In a given year I see everything from a bunch of local farmers fighting for county bragging rights to the road gear plus stuff under that same name.

From my perspective, and not having a dog in the fight, I like the concept of mutually used, nationally accepted rules in those grey areas between what is a Farm Stock to defining what a Hot Farm is.

But it won't happen.

Re: What is farm stock? September 05, 2022 06:04AM

Re: What is farm stock? September 06, 2022 01:22AM
There are currently 2 "farm stock" tractors advertised on the for sale section of this here site.
Both appear to be WAY modified for what "normal people" would define as farm stock.

Re: What is farm stock? September 05, 2022 10:49AM
The bad guy
Over the last couple weeks I got to pull a friend's tractor in a few "farm stock" classes and in those classes there were people doing 25mph all the way down to kids and their dads auger / yard tractor . So what is farm stock? Within 50 miles it ranges from stock rpms working ptos all the way to any size turbo as long as the crossover tube is in the factory spot(doesn't have to be factory tube). I think the terminology is wrong. Farm stock should be a farm tractor with pump turned up probably a 6 or 8 mph limit( shouldn't be going over that if it's a farm tractor). I think there should be a to hot to farm class for the guys running over factory rpms with larger than factory turbos. I think Farm stock should be for kids who wanna start pulling not people doing 20 plus mph. Right wrong in between idk. Any thoughts?

Lol.....you need to go back through all the discussions in this forum and you will see this issue regarding "farm stock" , being brought up a lot.
I've seen the term "farm stock" being used for everything "but" that. In my opinion, a true farm stock tractor means a tractor running at that models rated eng. rpm's and not putting out over 30% , 35% over the advertised HP. for that model, (most tractors came from the factory pushing more power than advertised anyway.
Trying to enforce that means your going to be dyno'ing every one of them......OR.....enforce a speed limit down around 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 mph the whole distance down the track.
I've recently got involved with a local group south of me, that's mostly into deadweight pulling where to much HP can be a disadvantage in that kind of pulling and they have some weight transfer type pulling also, where the slowest class can't go over 2 1/2 mph........(kind of defeats the purpose of turning a tractor up so's they can go 15, 20, 25 mph. Works pretty well at giving the true stock guy like me a fighting chance.
This is the group i've gotten involved with:

Like Bryan Lively stated, there's no uniform rules from "farm stock" to "farm stock" class and that will always be the case.

The issue of no uniform rules from local class to local class means just about anything goes and not having classes with really slow speed limits for the "true stock" guy, especially the younger generation that want to get involved , well , then they don't get involved. When theres no speed limit in a "stock class", then it can get pretty expensive which brings up the issue of getting new blood in the sport , which is discussed quite a bit on here.
I know deadweight pulling and transfer sled type pulling where speed is kept at 3mph, give or take, is considered boring to those who are used to flames, smoke and speed, but if your not going to dyno them, then that's what you need to do.

If I can ask, where are you from ?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/06/2022 10:37AM by JDpowershift.

Re: What is farm stock? September 05, 2022 11:27AM
Southern Minnesota

Re: What is farm stock? September 05, 2022 12:20PM
Well, can't help ya there as I live in N. central Ohio..
You might want to check out "Yesterdays Tractors" website. There's a sub forum regarding tractor pulling on there. Might be useful in finding the type of pulling I was talking about.
I go by the same forum name there, as I do here.
Send me a pm from this site sometime.

Re: What is farm stock? September 05, 2022 03:42PM
Our local FFA Alumni has done a good job with separating the true off the farm tractors and the so called "farm stock ". They added an after chore farm stock to separate these hotter running tractors. It makes it look like a confusing mess but it's really not and it works well, we are getting a good 6 to 10 farm tractors in each class where before it was only a few. And all the hotter guys still show up and put on a good pull In their after chore class. Straight off the farm is NO PRESSED STEEL unless factory equipped. And slower speed limit. After chore is allowed more rpms as well as a faster speed limit.

Re: What is farm stock? September 05, 2022 11:55PM
In my area of Southwest Ohio most straight off the farm classes are called Pure Farm. Generally they have a 3, 5, or 6 mph speed limit, working pto, 3 point arms, cast centers (no pressed steel), 2850rpm (some places 3k), no cut tires, factory style injection pump, no pusher pumps, no water or methanol etc. It works pretty well to keep an even field for the tractors that can farm all day and go pull at night.

Farm stock around us is anything from a fuel screw turned a few times to a hot farm tractor in farm tractor clothes.

Re: What is farm stock? September 06, 2022 12:12AM
I guess in Northeast Iowa farm stock is either a 8-10-12 mph pace, the 8500-12500 classes usually have throttle left to go in the pace but 12,500+ is generally an after chore tractor. I guess stock chassis, pace classes and no P-pumps unless factory equipped helps to keep the field halfway even but there’s some pretty sweet running farm stocks that run East Central Iowa Association. As long as you have tractors to run the class, then farm stock can be whatever your group decides on. This is just my observations on it. I’m sure the same conversation was had 40+ years ago when the first guy turned a screw and I’m sure it’ll happen again in 40 years when a guy pulls with 4 batteries in the electric farm stock instead of 2.

Re: What is farm stock? September 06, 2022 12:17AM

You can run over to Mabel, Saturday night, not sure if the are first of later on in the show,


Re: What is farm stock? September 06, 2022 01:00AM
The worst word in any motorsport, "stock". I understand that we have classes called Pro Stock and Super Stock, but the word stock should never be associated with a motorsport unless they are truely stock. And like stated before, a true stock class would be a nightmare to tech. And putting a mph limit on it will not stop guys from spending money. Personally, I am not a fan of mph classes eather. But I feel all of this is looking past a much bigger issue with farm stock and Run What You Brung classes. If you have an event with a farm stock class and let them do what they can, how do you set the sled for that? You have such a spread of different tractors, there isn't a setting that works for every tractor. And that is when you get guys running 20+ mph. And what is wrong with that? You are now letting a guy with no roll bar, no wheelie bars, no kill switch, no dead man throttle, and possibly weighing 1200pds, make a pass at that speed. That could end really bad. You are also devaluing other classes. When you let a stock or rwub tractor run 20+ and then have the Hot Farms run 25ish mph, it makes that Hot Farm tractors look bad. And why does that matter? Because you are taking one class that has a set of dedicated engine and safety rules, and letting any individual do the same thing without any real supervision. Imagine how bad it would be if a 1200pd farm stock tractor would break his hitch, have the driver fall off, and the tractor just go where it wants to 20mph. I know I am getting a little off topic, but it is something that I feel needs to be looked at. Further more, if someone wants to compete with a pulling vehicle, they can. There are classes for everyone. Yes you might not be making those 20+ mph passes you want to, but there is a class for you.

Re: What is farm stock? September 06, 2022 01:06AM
Out of the field runs mph, farmstock doesn't. That's the way I kind of figure it. I wish in southern MN we could get a set of "Farmstock" Rules together for open MPH. Something like Wisconsin altered Farm with out water and p pumps. Something like 505 Cubic inch Factory appearing pumps, 3000 RPM, Box S300 sxe 2.45 Turbo from fair valley sealed, no water, uncut tires only, 20.8. around 10,000 lbs, Think it would be a reasonable class to get into and run direct

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/06/2022 01:08AM by Oly.

Re: What is farm stock? September 06, 2022 03:47PM
Oly. Please think about what you are suggesting. Call fvp and price a brand new m100 pump then price a new p3000 or even a p7100. Then ask some guys who run your suggested rules how often they send their m100 back to Dennis to make sure that the pumps are in tip top shape.

Re: What is farm stock? Hey Oly September 06, 2022 05:39PM
Nothing FARM, nor STOCK about that class you are describing.

Re: What is farm stock? Hey Oly September 07, 2022 01:13AM
Call it whatever you want idc. Our class is out of the field if you wanna run "STOCK" here. Farmstock around here is open mph. Was just in Hamburg and there Farmstock had everything from a turned up 1066 to a 600 hp tractor doing 24 MPH. And I know one of the tractors there has a model 100 on and a 2.45 that's why I went with that description!! Show me one truly stock tractor in any of the stock classes!! Just trying to keep guys pulling who are already built sorry if that doesn't suit your fancy. I'm building a great plains open farm 3000 rpm tractor cause Mn group cant figure themselves out.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/07/2022 01:15AM by Oly.

Re: What is farm stock? Hey Oly September 07, 2022 09:36AM
That Minnesota group tried starting a 2.45 class cause the former president said there was 10 tractors that were going to join. So in 2019 they had a 2.45 class with the group and 1 person showed up. 2 in scott county.

Re: What is farm stock? Hey Oly September 07, 2022 05:24PM
That ain't FARM STOCK.
I shouldn't give a crap since it a brush pull deal, but you are ALL shitting yourselves by calling it farm stock.
At least it would make more sense to call it too hot to farm, but that is the most ridiculous name in all of tractor pulling.
It should be called " I built a tractor the way I wanted, then invented a class just for it so I can win"
Kinda long to print on a poster, but it would make a hell of a tag on a trophy.
And it is the most HONEST class title in brush tractor pulling.

Re: What is farm stock? Hey Oly September 08, 2022 12:57AM
I know the MN group tried starting it but some of us cant afford to put a tractor together over 5 months. They folded the class before it had a chance to grow

Re: What is farm stock? Hey Oly September 11, 2022 04:32AM
That ain't FARM STOCK.
I shouldn't give a crap since it a brush pull deal, but you are ALL shitting yourselves by calling it farm stock.
At least it would make more sense to call it too hot to farm, but that is the most ridiculous name in all of tractor pulling.
It should be called " I built a tractor the way I wanted, then invented a class just for it so I can win"
Kinda long to print on a poster, but it would make a hell of a tag on a trophy.
And it is the most HONEST class title in brush tractor pulling.

If one wants to take the HP. race out of a "stock" tractor class and not have a MPH limit, I'd say you need to put a HP limit on each weight class like I mentioned in an earlier post.
I say let those who run some form of "farm stock", have at it....it's what they want.
I know i'll get roasted here for saying such things, but "farmstock" means.....now a days, anyways, .......everything "but" that, and those who really want to pull in a class that's as close to stock as possible, need to realize this and get over it and start up a local circuit w/ classes that limit HP in each class and / or have a really slow MPH limit.
Id be really interested in such classes if enough people wanted to get involved in starting such a circuit, but never hear a peep out of anyone hear or on any other board, for that matter, that want to start up such classes or a circuit.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/11/2022 04:45AM by JDpowershift.

Re: What is farm stock? September 08, 2022 10:31PM
Not sure why the “no press steel” isn’t farm stock? It’s a factory option on pretty much all tractors from the mid 60s and up

Re: What is farm stock? September 11, 2022 03:43AM
Slow poke 1066
Not sure why the “no press steel” isn’t farm stock? It’s a factory option on pretty much all tractors from the mid 60s and up

Yep, that is so.
My 95 hp. '06 6420 Deere doesn't have the strait axel , it has the flange axel with pressed steel centers.


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