Local open classes June 18, 2023 12:11PM
As a local pull promoter we are thinking about making some changes and adding a 1-2 open tractor classes. I am wondering what opinions are out there about a RWYB class? Thanks in advance!

Re: Local open classes June 18, 2023 01:59PM
12,500 lbs, 20 inch hitch, 20.8 ags no front or v cuts, let her eat!!

Re: Local open classes June 18, 2023 02:45PM
Mr. Promoter guy,, (or gal),,
Are you providing the boxing gloves, or do the competitors need to bring their own?

Re: Local open classes June 18, 2023 08:30PM
Don’t know your location. But there have been some 9500 open classes must have safety items around north east Ohio . No one had boxing gloves

Re: Local open classes June 19, 2023 02:13AM
I think it would go over great! Here in KY there isn't a ton of classes like that. Depending on your location it would draw decent numbers. Around here it's mainly a class called "altered farm" and rules are 11k , 2.3 turbo, either 2800 or 3000 rpms (don't remember) no intercooler, water, and a few other rules. Usually draws about 4 tractors. I think an open class no matter your location would be a decent draw and be fun to watch for spectators.

Re: Local open classes June 19, 2023 10:27AM
I should have included I am in Illinois, I just see that there is several guys within a couple hours drive that have open class tractors already ready so I would like to be able to give them a place to run

Re: Local open classes June 19, 2023 10:52AM
I know there's several tractors in Illinois and Indiana that pull open. 12,500 seems to a popular choice. Peoria/HOI have a RWYB 13K I think coming up next month that should bring in several tractors from bordering states. During Covid they had almost 30 tractors in that class. What part of Illinois are you in?

Re: Local open classes June 19, 2023 01:54PM
Where are you from? We have an open class here near Effingham, they’re called Sigel rules because a lot of the tractors come from around there. I can get you a copy of the rules if you’re interested.

Re: Local open classes June 19, 2023 03:03PM
Please post your rules. This just might become a thing!

Re: Local open classes June 20, 2023 12:51AM
I will be the one to ruin this be saying I hate RWYB classes. You have to have a set of rules besides weight, hitch, and tires. At minimum you need additional safety items and if no additional safety equipment, a speed limit(and I hate speed limit classes). These classes always seam to get out of hand and become unsafe. A local club added one of these years back. They had a weight, hitch and tire rule. No safety requirements. They ran it a couple times with no issuses. Then someone got ahold of a good size charger and made it work. Their 1st pass made the crowd cheer. He went faster and further than everyone else by a long shot. Other competitors weren't happy, but it's RWYB. The 2nd pass resulted in the tractor on its' side and the driver fllying about 15 feet off the tractor. He's lucky he flew the opposite direction of the tractor or the tractor would have ran into him. I don't know if that club ever ran that class again. This happened at about 150'. The sled operator had no way to shut the tractor down, there were no safety rules. The tractor sat there running wide open untill some could reach up and shut it off. It's hard to set a sled to be safe and put on a good show when you have a RWYB class espically when the tractors are 10,000+ pounds. I have seen another club do it and make it work. But they had a lot a safety rules and had a general set of rules that you had to follow. The other thing that can happen is it devalues other classes. Just stay with me on this. You run a 12,000 pound RWYB class. 1st class of the night. Sled is set to stop them about 320', someone brings a tractor that probably shouldn't be in there and they go 360' at 22 mph. Crowd loves it. Next class up, 466 HotFarm. Full safety gear and all tractors built to a specific set of rules. Winning pass in that class goes 330' at 24 mph. Spectators are trying to figure why the HotFarm tractors have to have all the safety gear when the RWYB tractors went almost as fast and further. Why does the HotFarm driver have a full fire suit on while the RWYB goes is wearing a sleevless t-shirt that says "Who needs a beer, this guy". I personally have only seen one club/event pull off a good RWYB class. Give competitors a set of rules to build to. If you still want to call it RWYB, go ahead. If someone isn't willing to build to your set of rules, do you really want them there? When an organization was talking about adding a class to accomdate pullers a ProStock driver made the comment "You build to a set of rules, you don't build and see where it fits in" If you do decide to create a RWYB class, I hope it works out for you and I hope everyone is happy with it. But do it with caution. Just my 2 cents.

Re: Local open classes June 20, 2023 01:10AM
Avercusauto, I am pretty sure the Glenford group has safety rules for their open and 3000 classes. Because it appears that they all have transmission blankets and roll over equipment and the track crew appears to be unhooking cables and such at the end of the track which I assume is kill switches or something similar?

Re: Local open classes June 20, 2023 01:55AM
So far the open classes I've been to have had safety rules in place. I see no problem with people enforcing safety rules for that type of class.

Re: Local open classes June 20, 2023 01:37PM
C.I.T.P Open blower rules

-Must run stock or stock replacement cu. in. for the tractor.
-turbo limited to 2.75" inlet.
-must run factory style fuel pump.
-must run factory appearing intake.
-2800 rpm limit on IH 466 and Deere 466. Big block deere 2300 rpm.
-20.8x38 or 18.4x42 tire limit. Top cut allowed, no front cut or full cut.
-no gears over factory road gear allowed.
-no water injection or ice.
Those are the basics. I need to get the actual list

Re: Local open classes June 21, 2023 12:20AM
To everyone talking about these "open" classes that have a set of rules. Those are fine and I don't mind them. But look at 6030Puller's comment, "12,500 lbs, 20 inch hitch, 20.8 ags no front or v cuts, let her eat!!". Other guys saying 12,500 or 13,000pd classes. I would be shocked if those classes have much safety at all. And if they do, how much is enforced. Any "Open" class with a set of rules is completely different then a RWYB class.

Re: Local open classes June 21, 2023 05:21AM
These were citp rules from a couple years ago could be some changes by now. Also attached is the schedule for this year

Re: Local open classes June 21, 2023 09:28AM
Thank you


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