What justifies a sled reset August 12, 2023 12:29AM
What is a good reason for a sled reset? At an event this past week, there was a class of tractors where the test puller went 320'. They reset the sled because "they had the room to run". Then instead of loosening up the sled, it accidently got tightened up and the distances got shorter. The test puller is a good running tractor and made a good pass. So the sled at 320" should have been good, in my opinion. So what justifies a sled reset and who makes the call? If you were the test puller and went 320" and felt it was a good run and then find out they were resetting the sled, how would you feel? I will admit, I was not at this event. However, I have been going to this event for years and they have let guys run long distances. A couple years back, the guy who won the limited pro class stopped about 2ft from block wall. And my info is coming from a competitor in the class. He himself isn't upset about the reset, he was upset about how he drove. However, I believe the 2nd test puller was upset. Why? They were told the sled was being reset and loosing it up. They knew the original test puller went 320', so when the new test puller went around 306' they felt they really missed the setup and turned it down. They based there decision off of what they were told was happening with the sled. But all of it was incorrect information.

Re: What justifies a sled reset August 12, 2023 01:32AM
Nothing in Life is guaranteed.

Re: What justifies a sled reset August 12, 2023 02:46AM
Only 306' and wasn't happy with it? It wasn't that long ago a pull like that would have won the class or at least got him in a pulloff. They need to stop the idea that they need to pull the sled 350+ to win. 30 years ago when a puller went 350' down the track it was a pull to remember, now its nothing to see a whole class go that far.

Re: What justifies a sled reset August 12, 2023 04:06AM
It's for the most part not pulling, - fast race track draggs, -sure some have a lot of power, torque and speed, but put the hammer down, make em snort sooner, killendead, make them show some pulling abilities, not just raw speed.

Re: What justifies a sled reset August 12, 2023 06:45AM
If a strong competitor goes 320 on first hook, the sled should be left alone. Top runner goes 275, loosen it up, weaker vehicle goes 340, tighten it up. Maybe the show was in need of dragging out lmfao! The whole intending to loosen it up and then "accidentally" tightening it up, then leaving it seems way more a problem to me. Sounds like someone wanted to throw off the first or second puller.

Re: What justifies a sled reset August 12, 2023 04:28AM
There are many things that go into making that decision. Past history of how that Tractor has ran. What does the sled guy say? How many tractors are in the class? What does the promoter want? What did the event manager or head official tell everyone at the drivers meeting they were shooting for that night? How much runoff do they have per their insurance? Who else is left to pull in the class? Can you throw all of these things into a blender and a sled reset is not some thing that most officials like to do


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