BG Friday Night Pro Stock Class August 18, 2023 02:01PM
Feels like we have been robbed of a great Pro Stock class tonight. Cannot understand the sled reset after 4-5 tractors went and none were out the gate. Only halfway through class now but leading distance of 333 and change. Let ‘em run!

Re: BG Friday Night Pro Stock Class August 18, 2023 02:38PM
my thoughts exactly, real dumb decision

Re: BG Friday Night Pro Stock Class August 18, 2023 02:59PM
the track needs to be 500 ft long with a 100 ft runoff for the spectators enjoyment so they can be amazed for what 10 - 15 -25 dollars when the engine blows up and costs 10 - 15 - 25 000 to repair, its an even numbered percentage at least

Re: BG Friday Night Pro Stock Class August 18, 2023 06:03PM
but leading distance of 333 and change. Let ‘em run!

That is letting them run. It looks like a perfect sled setting to me. No need to go any further.

Re: BG Friday Night Pro Stock Class August 19, 2023 01:56AM
Shramek got screwed ! I would say it was personal over his dad's open letter to NTPA over the winter .

Re: BG Friday Night Pro Stock Class August 19, 2023 02:13AM
It looks like 18 of them made it by 300 ft and 27 of them didnt...What happened that Sheltons didnt leave the line?

Re: BG Friday Night Pro Stock Class August 19, 2023 02:47AM
I had no issues with the reset. In the end, you had 7 tractors past 320’, nearly 8. And they do have a hook Saturday night. No sense blowing them up Friday with 15 in a pulloff fandom hurt Saturday nights show. 47 tractors - and you gotta make a decision - give them some leeway.

To this point, they’ve had a number few pulloffs with 2 or 3 in the pulloff. That’s what you wanna see. (LT mod class settings has to be outlier)

Re: BG Friday Night Pro Stock Class August 19, 2023 05:19AM
People seem to forget that in 2014 Saturday night there was 47 and 22 made the pulloff after they left it making it 69 total hooks. Supports the decision they made last night.

Re: BG Friday Night Pro Stock Class August 20, 2023 01:14PM

Totally agree. When Youngblood went 343 it made me pretty concerned that IF they built a road we'd have tons out the end. I thought it was the right call with such a big class and so many top tier tractor yet to go. Yes, it was a bitter pill to swallow for the Shramek team and yes, they made a great pass but I think if you step back and look at it with the history you mentioned it was he right call. The class winner went 338 so it's not like they backed them up to 275 or something. To me it was unfortunate but not inappropriate.

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

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Re: BG Friday Night Pro Stock Class August 19, 2023 02:59AM
I'm not going say it was the driver but if it was my tractor I would have let Colin on the seat to make sure everything was OK .

Shelton build it up to the point it was ready to make HP jumped the clutch . He came back for his second attempt and starting building it up when they noticed some kind of fluid leaking so they shut it down.

Re: BG Friday Night Pro Stock Class August 19, 2023 06:52AM
I thought the sled reset was a @#$%& call! It seems like ALL organizations, not just NTPA, let them run 350’+ ALL summer long (granted the facility allows it) and now @ the biggest tractor pull in the WORLD with arguably the most popular class in ALL of pulling you’re gona have 2/3 of the class under 300’?! Someone tell me the reasoning?! Be totally different if distances didn’t tally up to 350’+ for the pulls prior to BG!!!

Elevator elevator… August 18, 2023 03:54PM
….as an in old high school basketball terms….young blood and El Niño got the shaft.

Bad sled reset…just saying

Re: Elevator elevator… August 20, 2023 03:10AM
No different when GiterDun Deere got screwed over by Richwine when he was 10th hook in a class of 50 and they reset

Re: Elevator elevator… August 20, 2023 03:50PM
The Pros wasn't the only class that got screwed over by a sled reset. Friday's super farm class was screwed over as well.


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