NTPA LSS goes to 6300 lbs????? October 13, 2023 08:29AM
Just as well call this middle weight super, not light super. Why the need for another 100 lbs? Why not go the other way and go to 6,000 lbs? Then it would require a little driving skill & track reading! The heavier the class gets, the more the higher horsepower tractors will have an advantadge.

Re: NTPA LSS goes to 6300 lbs????? October 13, 2023 08:36AM
No one can leave ANYTHING alone. They always gotta be jacking with something.

Re: NTPA LSS goes to 6300 lbs????? October 13, 2023 09:34AM
In a class that is almost exclusively IH based engines (many from the same builder), who really cares? At the NTPA GN level I am aware of 1 true JD engine in a JD (might be 2......possibly 3 like this), with a handful of New Holland's that are IH based engines and 1 true Ford engine tractor recently skinned with JD hood. Ya there's a few stragglers but let's face it this is mainly an IH block class just like SSD. It lost the ability to cheer for a brand some years ago. It's really not that exciting anymore. I fail to see how adding another 100 pounds "ruins" this class......Eye Rolling

Re: NTPA LSS goes to 6300 lbs????? October 13, 2023 09:54AM
NTPA Watcher
Just as well call this middle weight super, not light super. Why the need for another 100 lbs? Why not go the other way and go to 6,000 lbs? Then it would require a little driving skill & track reading! The heavier the class gets, the more the higher horsepower tractors will have an advantadge.

If you think that there isn't any track reading and driving involved already you dont really pay attention. Watch any of the lss guys, grand national, outlaw, or ppl. All have to handle a bucking bronco

Re: NTPA LSS goes to 6300 lbs????? October 13, 2023 12:46PM
6000 lbs sounds like the perfect number to me

Re: NTPA LSS goes to 6300 lbs????? October 13, 2023 02:13PM

Re: NTPA LSS goes to 6300 lbs????? October 14, 2023 07:46AM
I'm with LSS fan... the weight should be lowered, not raised. A 6000lb. class would be great. Lighter weight makes it more about setup and driving. Heavier weight just becomes a horsepower race. Sadly horsepower is like crack or meth for pullers, there's always been more focus on HP than there has been on setup. Don't get me wrong, HP is great but I have huge respect for those guys that nail their setup and outdrive everyone on a regular basis. Lower weight separates the wheat from the chaff.

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

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Re: NTPA LSS goes to 6300 lbs????? October 14, 2023 09:22AM
I agree with Jake on this. Less, not more weight.

Re: NTPA LSS goes to 6300 lbs????? October 14, 2023 02:21PM
In theory raising the weight lowers the emphasis on lightweight carbon fiber and titanium, but I don’t think 100# really helps that. I’d prefer to see it @ 6000# too. Mandating a lower hitch height would be more effective in combating expensive lightweight parts if that is really the goal.

Re: NTPA LSS goes to 6300 lbs????? October 14, 2023 03:29PM
Right, lower the drawbar would make a big difference, They should do the same for the mini`s.

Re: NTPA LSS goes to 6300 lbs????? October 14, 2023 11:59PM
I would love to see the class be 6000pds. However, It's not going to happen. I do always think the weight debate is funny. When someone wants to add say 100pds, they will tell you "it's only 100pds". If you ask them to drop 100pds, then it turns into, "we can't give up that much weight". I have heard guys make the argument that the hook up better with more weight. Of coarse they hook up better if they are heavier. I have always loved the LSS class and some of the reason for it is that they are hard to get hooked up and guys really have to be on their game to have a good pass.

Re: NTPA LSS goes to 6300 lbs????? October 19, 2023 04:45AM
On the ntpapull.com Tech page: 2024 new rules, as per I viewed it Thurs Oct 19 @ 12:35 PM.
Every line under the "Light Super Stock" title, in the 'copied' statement below has a 'strike line' through each of the 4 statements, meaning it apparently is being reconsidered.
Unfortunately, a Copy and Paste, does not allow the 'strike out line' to be published by pullout.com software.

Light Super Stock
Maximum weight limit increased to 6,300 lbs.
Request to increase weight made by division committee in 2022
No action taken due to SFI 47.2 Rollcage spec limited to 6,000 lbs.
SFI 47.2 Rollcage spec updated to 6,300 lbs. in July, 2023 now allows weight increase

Again, apparently the above is being reconsidered.

Re: NTPA LSS goes to 6300 lbs????? October 19, 2023 07:53AM
On the ntpapull.com Tech page: 2024 new rules, as per I viewed it Thurs Oct 19 @ 12:35 PM.
Every line under the "Light Super Stock" title, in the 'copied' statement below has a 'strike line' through each of the 4 statements, meaning it apparently is being reconsidered.
Unfortunately, a Copy and Paste, does not allow the 'strike out line' to be published by pullout.com software.

Again, apparently the above is being reconsidered.

Let me try…

Light Super Stock
Maximum weight limit increased to 6,300 lbs.
Request to increase weight made by division committee in 2022
No action taken due to SFI 47.2 Rollcage spec limited to 6,000 lbs.
SFI 47.2 Rollcage spec updated to 6,300 lbs. in July, 2023 now allows weight increase

John Murray
Two-time Pedal Pull World Champion

Let's Go Pulling, covering the sport of pulling in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Alabama.
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LSS NTPA rules October 24, 2023 12:38PM
I just looked at the NTPA tech page and the new rules for the LSS class are all "lined out". Does anyone know what's going on with the LSS rules?

Dick Morgan

Independent Pulling News

Re: LSS NTPA rules October 24, 2023 12:55PM
Dick, you are asleep at the Moderator switch!

Dick, scroll down a few threads to " Re: NTPA LSS goes to 6300 lbs?????" and read the last 2 entries.

This is not the first time over the decades that a new rule was soon being reconsidered.

Re: LSS NTPA rules October 24, 2023 11:15PM
You're right. Missed that one.Confused

Dick Morgan

Independent Pulling News


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