11:16:24am, Tuesday, February 18, 2025
How to bring in new fans to the sport!
Moderator Registered: 03/25/2008 Posts: 1,604 |
I know that there is always an effort to bring in new fans to the sport . Some of the things that work well is the visual aspect of the vehicles. Seeing a 4/5 engine mod or a TWD with amazing graphics is always a fan favorite. And mini's, PS, Diesel FWD are some of fans favorites. The raw HP is like no other motorsport. However some of the show can be slow and difficult to understand. SO what works and what needs refining? Dick Morgan www.PULLOFF.com Independent Pulling News |
Re: How to bring in new fans to the sport!
Registered: 08/16/2021 Posts: 366 |
I think tractor pulls need to be turned into more of an event for all ages. Look at how many thousands of people go to a pumpkin patch just to take a picture. We need something that draws people in that wouldn't otherwise be there. One idea I've got is take a look at Europe and how they do it. Sasha might have some great ideas for us. The second thought of mine is lets have a kids play land or an organized event between pullers and kids that draws kids and their parents in for a short demonstration or something and gets them to stick around to see what a tractor pull is about. With that being said while I love events like BG and NFMS I think one issue is that pulls take too long. NFMS is the perfect length show in my opinion. People's attention spans are getting smaller and smaller. |
Re: How to bring in new fans to the sport!
Registered: 02/23/2012 Posts: 571 |
Use the Enderle for an example
I know there are many,many people there that don’t go to any other pulls all year other than it, and that’s because I live here so I I can see it. That pull is promoted more than most and the fact that the haulers are there early and most vehicles are on display Friday evening and it is a more laid back atmosphere If you are going to put on a big time pull then it needs to be run professionally and I still say a good sound system is still most important, if it’s your first time and all you hear is a garbled mess so you have no idea what is going on you might not come back Another thing at the Enderle is the RC pullers, a buddy of mine puts that on and I’ve heard many kids in the bleachers talk about that so that gets their attention Pedal pull’s also help out |
Re: How to bring in new fans to the sport!
Registered: 03/27/2008 Posts: 1,171 |
To sum it up:
Free Live Streams on YouTube! We've started doing this this year and MAN OH MAN do those generate interest. YouTube works in our favor when done right. (Commentary on the stream, catering also to newbies). We have our hardcore followers who will watch a decent event live on YT from the very first minute. YT checks how many people are watching longer than the first 30 seconds and how long they watch it - and if you do well in these two parameters, it starts to push the stream to other people BIG TIME. Our die-hard fans secure that. We've tried this the first few times this year and got about 15,000 to 25,000 viewers live, checking in. Having one managing the comment section, we had a lot of questions to answer, that for sure didn't come from people who had ever seen a Tractor Pull before in their life. Having 3 times the audience, sponsor money (short clips in the stream) was much easier to obtain and production costs could more than be covered; generating revenue for the promoter. We have some promoters here, who have done this for a few years now - they, no kidding, have run out of space to put the spectators. The other thing is "behind the scenes" videos. Visit workshops, and tell stories of what happened and happens. People care for technology only that much - then they want to be "part of the family". BSing in the pits and the like. We have one team here who do regular Youtube/TicToc out of their workshop and they have gotten such a huge and young following now, that they are making several thousand dollars in selling merchandise at each pull now. Happy promoter, happy sponsors and a bunch of new fans: Floating Finish - the German Tractor Pulling Web Show and EU Live Streams: [www.youtube.com] Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 12/07/2023 04:22AM by Sascha. |
Re: How to bring in new fans to the sport!
Big Dreams
I think if someone made a multiple episode documentary about pulling but not only about pulling in general but get specific about one class like gn pro stock. Get personal with each puller, who are they, where they come from, their history, what their future holds, and drama between other pullers. People can learn so much from this, they'll go from never hearing about tractor pulling from knowing drivers and teams. Now these new fans will have pullers to cheer for and will want to see them in person or livestream an event, and they'll look at pulling like how they do when they look at NFL or Nascar. I know this will work because it worked for me. I watched the Formula 1 documentary series on Netflix, and now I know all of the driver's and everything about them, and I flew to Austin TX for the race to watch it live. It's hard for fans to get into something if they don't know who they are watching.
I was never much of a mini rod fan until recently when I started listening to the no practice podcast. Because now I feel like I personally know those mini rod pullers.. even though they don't know me. But I now have someone to cheer for in that class. And they teach fans what goes on in the mini rod pulling world. I hope they continue that and keep it mostly mini rod based. Also I think it's important that we promote more practical classes. Show fans that there are classes for people who don't want to spend over 100k on a pulling vehicle. Get people out to their local county fair pull to give it a try for themselves. There's classes out there for everyones budget. |
Re: How to bring in new fans to the sport!
Registered: 08/16/2021 Posts: 366 |
I 1000% agree with the documentary idea. Also agree that the No Practice Podcast is a great thing for the sport. I think the Behind the Hook mini documentaries was a good start but not quite in depth enough. There was a recent Full Pull interview with Kevin Masterson that really go my attention. If combined with some sort of documentary would have made for an even better marketing piece. |
Re: How to bring in new fans to the sport!
lewis c
If pulling is going to survive the local farm classes is going to have to be brought back. The big 80s crowds was not necessarily because of Joe blow from New York or Lewis Conner from Jamestown KY. It was because of neighbors against neighbors say what you want half or better pulling got there interest from there local county fair. Hundreds people here at home could care less if Armed and Dangerous was going to pull tonight at the Russel County Fair. But would go to see their friends and locals. And stay and get excited when the big boys come out. County fairs and pulling is on its way out, watch tic toc and stay home. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/28/2023 03:08AM by Dick Morgan. |
Re: How to bring in new fans to the sport!
Registered: 11/27/2023 Posts: 3 |
This past year we started documenting all our pulls and I've been editing them and putting them on our YouTube channel. I would love to see more pullers do this. I think that alone would help grow the sport. It does take a lot of work and my whole family helps film during the pull, but it's been a great way for all of us to be involved in the sport and they proudly tell all their friends that they have a YouTube channel. |
Re: How to bring in new fans to the sport!
Registered: 03/18/2019 Posts: 11 |
Nasty Norwegian I believe you are correct that more pullers having a YouTube Channel would help the sport grow. You should give everyone your Channel name. You can check out our channel at Just Send It Pulling on YouTube. Most of the time there is only a couple of us, so it can be hard to get all the shots, but we try our best. |
Re: How to bring in new fans to the sport!
Registered: 08/16/2021 Posts: 366 |
Hadn't seen your page before! Found it this morning and watched a couple videos, very well done! You found a new fan for your tractor, and a new subscriber to your channel! Great work and good luck in the future! See you in Louisville |
Re: How to bring in new fans to the sport!
Registered: 03/18/2019 Posts: 11 |
Thanks you BrandonA. Each year I'm trying to make the videos better.
We are waiting to see who get invited to Louisville, but if we get invited we will be there. |
Re: How to bring in new fans to the sport!
Registered: 11/27/2023 Posts: 3 |
Here is a look at what we are doing. Nasty Norwegian Pulling Team |
Re: How to bring in new fans to the sport!
make a reality tv show out of it, puller have plenty of drama to follow it would be huge success |
To Plastic Money
Moderator Registered: 03/25/2008 Posts: 1,604 |
Could you please put up a link to your site. Thanks Dick Morgan www.PULLOFF.com Independent Pulling News |
Re: To Plastic Money
Registered: 03/18/2019 Posts: 11 |
You can find our YouTube Channel at:
[www.youtube.com] |
Re: To Plastic Money
Re: To Plastic Money
Tomah winner
Tractor Pulling Documentary
Here is a link to an old documentary I think the ATPA pullers made. I haven't watched all of it, but it seems to be educational and interesting to watch. Is this what you guys are saying? |
Re: How to bring in new fans to the sport!
Registered: 02/19/2010 Posts: 671 |
How to bring in new fans? You have to identify age groups (here’s my take).
• 7 & Under – get in free (at a lot of pulls) o This group only go if their parents (friends, uncles, or other family) are interested. So, how to target this group - balloon jumps, kids events (pedal tractor pull – or battery powered toy pull). • 8-14 (maybe 15) - non drivers and get taken by parents. o Best potential are rural kids that are familiar with tractors. In today’s world unban kids are into iPhone, gaming, virtual reality but not pulling/racing. How do you target this group? Promoters have to go to the schools with pulling equipment on display. Let the kids touch and sit in the vehicles and give free tickets to all the kids at the school(s). Graves County (KY) does this and has around 4,000 for a state level pull (not all paying but they do buy concessions). o I think the pull needs cool looking vehicles, turbines that start up with a flame shot (as a kid I liked the mods that had flames out the pipes after a good run). Cool graphics, different from normal truck shapes (C Cab comes to mind), tractors of different colors (I'm a moline fan). o T-Shirts and Posters are good as well. You want something that these kids will remember and create a desire for them to want to come back next year (or to the next pull). • 15-22 – have the ability (or have friends) to get to the pulls. o Rural kids will identify with street diesel trucks (even the Pro Stock Diesel Trucks). Run a local “run what you brung class”. This is an insurance nightmare but will typically bring in fans. We have a couple of pulls that will get 20 street trucks and a few hundred friends and family to watch. • 23-35 – probably not married and looking for a fun night. o You’re starting to get into the money spenders here. Some are looking for a party crowd. Beer, music, and women! We had a pull at the “Full Throttle S’loonshine Distillery” owned by Michael Ballard. He has a bar in Sturgis but the distillery is in West TN. I always thought it would be cool to have a band stand at the finish end of the track. Have his “flaunt” girls give trophies and shine to the winners. After the pull then have a Jackyl concert. o Not all are in the party crowd, so you’ll need good food, t-shirts, and restrooms. • 36 & over – more mature and have the most money to spend (and might be coupled with the first 2 groups – have kids). o How to appeal and grow this crowd? This group is probably not into the “party crowd” (I don’t care for the loud music between runs at pulls but I’m old). You can have the music if you have a good announcer that can incorporate the music (not use it to fill dead air). 2023 Ardmore, TN was one of the most fun pulls that I went to – great announcing, music, and skits. Added to good announcers would be a distance board and maybe even a video board for replays. Again, you have to make a connection with the fan(s) and make them want to come back. The pull itself (a little rushed on this group). First off you must understand that a tractor pull is a show. Go to a monster truck event and you will see a 2-hour show where the action is pretty much nonstop. • Advertise, advertise, advertise – radio, signage, Facebook, Facebook ads, Instagram, Pull-Off page. TV if you can afford it. • Open Pits. • Start on time. • Good track • Seasoned track crew (scraper, packer, flag men, etc) • Good announcers are a must. They need to be able to entertain the crowd, explain what’s happening, and know information about the drivers. • A pull should not last more than 3-4 hours. • Good restrooms – Tanner, AL used to have a committee for everything (including a toilet paper committee). • Good food – Concessions may not make a pull, but bad concessions will be a reason not to come back. A great pork chop sandwich is always a good thing (Crittenden County Fair (KY). • There should be a 3-minute timer for track crews. I know it’s not always easy but that should be the goal – 3 minutes between hooks. Slow shows are bad for the fans (especially first-time fans). Why would you come back if there 7-10 minutes between hooks and the pull lasted past midnight? • Wild Wrecks & Rides – I’m not a proponent of this but it does make for some excitement. Fans (new and old) want/like to see wheel standing runs (not necessarily wrecks). Pullers & Promoters Self Promote, Self Promote, Self Promote!!!! Advertise! Advertise! Advertise! Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/29/2023 02:29AM by ccarlisle. |
Re: How to bring in new fans to the sport!
lewis c
OK make more utube channels everybody start a website put videos every were ,Yes you may draw more interest but non paying interest i can watch pulling 24 hours a day at home for free ,Free is not going to keep pulling going several county fairs are folding up every year county fairs are the heart of pulling without them pulling,s nothing |
Re: How to bring in new fans to the sport!
lewis c
Sorry but ccarlisle you are dead on to what needs to happen and should have been hapining just add a couple local tractor classes with that local truck class to get another couple hundred in the stand |
Re: How to bring in new fans to the sport!
Moderator Registered: 02/21/2012 Posts: 804 |
I don’t understand this argument. I really don’t. I can watch videos on YouTube until my heart’s content, sure. Even events from when my age was in the single digits and I used to read road signs to keep my father awake on the way home. But the growl of a V8 Perkins, the cologne produced by diesel fuel, and the chest shaking vibrations from a four-engine modified thirty feet away don’t translate through a phone / computer screen. Video is the best marketing tool that this sport has, period. I don’t understand why some folks are so dead-set against it. County fairs aren’t folding because of a few videos on the internet. Let’s get real. The cost of living going up and the amount of disposable income for families going down play a much bigger part of the equation. A family of four paying $15 a head at a rinky dink county fair that barely draws 25 hooks isn’t a worthwhile investment for most folks — especially when they haven’t even factored in the gas to get there or the concessions they’ll partake when they get there. John Murray Two-time Pedal Pull World Champion Let's Go Pulling, covering the sport of pulling in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Alabama. Watch LGP on YouTube Like LGP on Facebook |
Re: How to bring in new fans to the sport!
Reality show!!!! Look at street outlaws!!!! |
Re: How to bring in new fans to the sport!
Registered: 12/02/2023 Posts: 1 |
Like others have said a distance and speed board would be nice. I'd also like to touch on track crew. Without them there's no pull but can we try for a little uniformity. I have seen many pulls where no one is on the same page. It looks rough. It's a tech world so lets use it. No need for being bombarded by updates every 15 minutes but how about sending out a media message with more details on the pull. A bit of details on parking, cost, hook order, and if there's weather involved and it's going to be close call updates. I've heard many different times people saying they had no idea where they were going to park , if the pull was even happening etc. We got to do a better job of informing people if we want them in the stands. |
Re: How to bring in new fans to the sport!
Registered: 04/04/2008 Posts: 1,616 |
To the tech idea,my new d.i.l will be attending with us,she hasn't been to many fairgrounds.id think most could benefit from a fairgrounds map of the building location.esp for a trip to a new venue.i know when we had some new guys go to bg with us they would have benefited by it.i know for most of us getting around isn't a big deal,but for a newbie,it was much easier for them to tell us what thier near and we go get them |
Re: How to bring in new fans to the sport!
Registered: 09/10/2018 Posts: 127 |
You can't not sell this sport to the masses on competition! It simply is to boring for the average citizen. Folks fail to understand that tractor pulling is motorsports entertainment!! Nothing more nothing less!!! Folks need to step out of the 1970s and realize this is 2023! Spectors/fans/ potential fans want excitement,.controversy, drama and personalities!!! Pulling is full of personalities and promoters/ organizations should take advantage of them! Not only pullers but fans as well should be building rivalries amongst competitors! If a competitor has a beef with another competitor then don't be shy about it! Put your beef on blast! Let the fans know about it and let the fans take sides! Talk some trash and inturn the fans will talk trash amongst other fans thus getting the attention of folks whom never been to a pull! Social media is not the devil. It's a great tool to engage fans and potential fans if you use it! The old mindset that has plagued this sport has run its course! It's time for drastic changes and it's starts with us using our mouths and stirring a little @#$%&! |
Re: How to bring in new fans to the sport!
been around
I totally disagree! What you are proposing is what is totally wrong with today's society - viper eats viper!! Total lack of respect out there today.
And this board's posters even completely accuses and mis-labels someone when the poster absolutely has no clue who the person really is. After dealing with too many a-holes daily out in life, I come home, turn on tv and it is filled with predominantly a-hole programs. Why do I want to watch them after having dealt with it during the day? I want something refreshing, that I can laugh at or educational. Nothing wrong with pulling being a relaxed family and competitor fun time. Pulling will never reach "the masses". Pulling is a niche motorsport, for predominantly farmers who represents 2% of the population. The biggest % of the population do not even recognize what a tractor is. (And most are [completely] ignorant about food production. I have spent my whole long career in ag sales/consulting, within and outside the ag industry.) The biggest problem in pulling is we need announcers that know their 'pulling stuff' and can easily relate it to the spectators. We have very few announcers that fit that qualification. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/07/2023 01:31PM by Wayne Girbach. |
Re: How to bring in new fans to the sport!
Moderator Registered: 03/25/2008 Posts: 1,604 |
been around: I could not agree with you more. Certainly there is room for entertainment during the pull, however turning pulling into just another reality show is NOT what the sport needs. Pulling is a legitimate motorsport. The competitors are pulling to win the event and also to win a championship. Pulling does not need to be the WWE Dick Morgan www.PULLOFF.com Independent Pulling News |
Re: How to bring in new fans to the sport!
Registered: 09/10/2018 Posts: 127 |
Yeah your right. Pulling doesn't need folks running their mouths. It just won't work! I mean it didn't work for John Force and NHRA nor has it worked for Donald long. Didn't work for Stevie fast or Lyle Barnett either even thou they have thee hottest podcast in motorsports! Yeah pulling fans don't want that excitement! Please forgive me |
Re: How to bring in new fans to the sport!
Moderator Registered: 03/25/2008 Posts: 1,604 |
Now Andy don't get all offended. It's just a differing opinion. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/05/2023 07:36AM by Dick Morgan. |
Re: How to bring in new fans to the sport!
Registered: 09/10/2018 Posts: 127 |
Not offended in the least! Just pointing out facts! All good here Dick |
Re: How to bring in new fans to the sport!
I believe that these governing bodies like PPL and NTPA and the rest of them need to make it easier to get into pulling AND move between the bodies. All the classes shared by them have small differences making it hard to move between them so that pullers can go to more pulls and there be more class availability. The classes seem to be scattered and inconsistent and most of the local pulls. Also, there needs to be more pulls in the southeast area of the US. The closest one to me is an hour away and it only happens twice a year and it draws in a massive crowd. Other than that, the next closest one that does regular pulls is 4 hours away. Not only does it make it harder for fans to attend, but it makes it harder for new pullers to enter the sport because they’re never guaranteed a hook at these pulls because of the inconsistency with classes. A friend of mines dad had a super farm tractor but sold it last year due to there never being anything local to do. Everything was at a minimum out of state and was usually under a different governing body whos rules were slightly different to where he couldn’t hook anyways. They need to take a good look into pulling new competitors in. I’d love to build a tractor, but the only thing around here worth getting into are gas trucks. 2.6 isn’t even decent because there is only a handful of competitors. Raise up the prize money too for these local pulls |
Re: How to bring in new fans to the sport!
Moderator Registered: 03/25/2008 Posts: 1,604 |
Just wondering what classes have different rules that does not allow pullers from going between organizations? I know SF is one and PPL does not allow buckets in the TWD class. |
Re: How to bring in new fans to the sport!
Posts: 1,226 |
PPL allows buckets. Just have to run 200 pounds lighter than a full body truck. Brent Yaron Hooked Up Pulling Productions hookeduppullingproductions@gmail.com |
Re: How to bring in new fans to the sport!
Mods up until this last year. Now minis with the chassis changes. Light pro or limited pro (I can never remember which is which) with being component. Outlaws being a 5.0 prostock, if I remember there super farm is different from both NTPA and PPL. |
Re: How to bring in new fans to the sport!
I think Semis were too up until a couple years ago when PPL allowed the multiple charger trucks in. |
Re: How to bring in new fans to the sport!
Tomah winner
Is that just for Champion's tour? I think OSTPA still limits them to one charger, A.K.A "Pro Stock" Semi |
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