RIP Rush February 17, 2021 04:21AM
A great American passed today. RIP Rush. You have giant shoes to fill.

Talent on loan from God.

Great show February 17, 2021 07:59AM
Been a daily listener for a tad over 30 yrs

Re: Great show February 17, 2021 08:41AM
I likes His voice, delivery, refreshing views,RIP. May The Lord Bless Him and All.

Re: Great show February 19, 2021 03:47AM
He is a turd of a human

Re: Great show February 19, 2021 05:50AM
Mgc if he was a turd of a human being, good lord what does that make you, jus sayn !!!

Re: Great show February 26, 2021 04:47AM
A noral thinking normal human that's how I know that turd is a turd ,ted cruz turd that dumb Cee U Next Tuesday from Georgia that thinks forest fires in Australia were started by Jewish lasers from space TURD waste of skin pathetic excuse for a human

Re: Great show February 26, 2021 07:58AM
Mgc,you might want to go back inside,I Think your mom is calling you.

Re: Great show February 28, 2021 02:40AM
He is a turd of a human
Black kettle much??? Rush single handily exposed the lying, propaganda arm of the media and was a profound influence on millions.

Trolls on the other hand are indeed insufferable turds.

Re: Great show February 28, 2021 10:46AM
LivinOrange -- syphon or sypher,either way you knew what i meant there Einstein, by the way where do you live, while your passing the time reading the dictionary, I'll casually drop by an refill my tanks , oh great mind !!!

Re: Great show February 28, 2021 11:31AM
Just look up towns that have anything above a terrible schooling system that teaches people how to read and write. You can start searching those towns and eventually you will find me, but you can cross off wherever you went to school, no need to search there obviously.

Re: Great show February 28, 2021 11:56AM
You've got to be a yankee, im from the south ( rebel flag an all ) an we say sypher or sifor, we could careless about being politically correct, go on back to the library an you an ole man webster have alot to sifon over !!!! Blahhhaaa !!!

Re: Great show February 22, 2021 06:39PM
My takeaway from the impact that Rush made is this: I think he was an articulate conservative voice, no doubt, but his greatest impact on me personally was to question your sources when it comes to information you're presented fact I question the left and the right with equal vigor because I want the truth, no matter what the truth may actually be.

I started watching the evening news as a young kid (1980ish) and, because there were no dissenting voices you could listen to on any of the Big 3 networks, you got fed a daily dose of the Cold War, the greenhouse effect, and whatever else they could fear monger about. I first heard Rush on the radio in 1991; he enlightened me to the fact that there was another side to whatever Tom Brokaw or Peter Jennings was popping off about any given day. In short, I was ticked off that I hadn't listened to him sooner, and ticked off that I was spoon fed a bunch of bat guano as a young kid.

Again, I think he was a great conservative voice and he single-handedly saved talk radio. His rise gave opportunity for sports talk to grow and flourish too, where many guys use his playbook to run their shows.

I disagreed with Rush more as I got older and became more interested in Ag. policy; he was really quite flippant at times about agriculture and that's a shame. But, there's that gift he gave me as an 18 year old, to recognize the need for a dissenting opinion, the need for the truth, whatever the truth is.

Thank you Rush for that alone, the rest is icing on the cake. Rest In Peace.

Re: RIP Rush February 17, 2021 12:12PM
I wasn't a Rush fan and I hardly ever listened to his show, but the industry lost a true pioneer. Almost all the talk radio shows I listen to owe a huge debt of gratitude to the trail blazing that Rush did in the radio world. Most of the radio content that I listen to is a direct result of his impact and I'm extremely thankful for that. His death leaves a giant hole in the conservative radio world.

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated.

Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal.

Re: RIP Rush February 17, 2021 12:37PM
i tried to call a few times but never had the time to stay on hold, listened most everyday from the truck or tractor, always informative and most of the time some fun interjected. There was a time when i wanted to be a guest host, but i might have been to conservative and confrontational but boy would that be fun. Hope that the show continues cause mike gallagher just doesn't slap me in the face like rush did.

Re: RIP Rush February 19, 2021 07:28AM
Most days I enjoyed listening to Rush and usually agreed but not always. He was very often taken out of context by the more liberal media outlets particularly when he was poking fun. He had very rye sense of humor that they just didn't get. I liked the way he could make his points with callers he disagreed with without getting nasty.

S'no Farmer

Re: RIP Rush February 27, 2021 04:13AM
Rush's death reminds me of what Mark Twain said about such people....

"I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure."

Ruthless people February 27, 2021 07:22AM
Unbelievable how many people we have in this world with so much hatred in their hearts like Mike p and mgc who delight in anothers death! I say to those people, what did Rush ever do to you? It takes a special kind of person to get joy from someones death. Very small people think like that.

Re: Ruthless people February 27, 2021 12:08PM
Maybe Morgan should just rename this page "The Trump Bootlicker's Forum". Mark Twain was a far greater Missourian than Rush was or ever will be.

Re: Ruthless people February 27, 2021 12:32PM
Typical Liberal, We talk about Rush and it becomes President Trumps fault. They can't even talk about anything without bringing Trump into the conversation. That tells me one thing! Trump was for the people and not the establishment, and the Libs just hate that! The mainstream media will still be talking about Trump for years to come. Rush was a true pioneer in talk radio. Rest in peace my friend. Thanks for helping to expose the Thugs in Washington. They gonna be running for the hills in the future. The establishments days are numbered. Until then enjoy the Rising Gas Prices and other lovely products of the Joey administration!!

Re: Ruthless people February 27, 2021 01:37PM
Typical Trumpster, all about being the victim and complaining about everything. Where are your suggestions and solutions? What policy changes should be made? If Trump was for the people and not the establishment then whybdidn he lower corporate income taxes? Why hasn't he been paying his own income taxes? Why would he cover for saudis arabian prime minister who ordered the killing of a journalist and remember the saudis at pennsicola naval air station that were daisies and tried to take the base over? What about the bounty for US soldiers that putin put on? Can you talk specifics instead of general rantings and ravings and complaining? Why can't we have a civil discussion on here? Why is it all black and white? Why are liberals all bad and conservatives all good? Isn't the answer somewhere in the middle?

Re: Ruthless people February 28, 2021 02:06AM
Mike P
Typical Trumpster, all about being the victim and complaining about everything. Where are your suggestions and solutions? What policy changes should be made? If Trump was for the people and not the establishment then whybdidn he lower corporate income taxes? Why hasn't he been paying his own income taxes? Why would he cover for saudis arabian prime minister who ordered the killing of a journalist and remember the saudis at pennsicola naval air station that were daisies and tried to take the base over? What about the bounty for US soldiers that putin put on? Can you talk specifics instead of general rantings and ravings and complaining? Why can't we have a civil discussion on here? Why is it all black and white? Why are liberals all bad and conservatives all good? Isn't the answer somewhere in the middle?

You are saying the Repubs complain?????? Who is behind cancel culture, blacklisting, and censorship???? More lies from media, Trump did pay his taxes , like all owners he paid in quarterly, at the end of the yr he owed 750.00, the IRS audits him every yr, WTH. How did he cover for the prince. are you drunk???

Another media lie, Putin did not put a bounty on our troops,zero proof. Liberals are now power drunk Commies , so the answer is far from the middle.

Re: Ruthless people February 28, 2021 02:26AM
Well, you just lost the House, the Senate, and the Presidency, so how's that working for you?

Re: Ruthless people February 28, 2021 02:35AM
Mike P
Well, you just lost the House, the Senate, and the Presidency, so how's that working for you?

And you are proud of the lying , demented Commies, seriously???? It is not not working for any one! Xidens own people want to get the launch codes from him. Hows the war on oil and the gas prices going for you.

Re: Ruthless people February 28, 2021 02:58AM
MikeP, do you and Grubby live close to each other? Both of you are very supportive of the Harris/Biden administration, your both very anti-trump -- would both of you post your addresses --- now that the CLOWNS that are running Washington that you an grubby support and Fuel prices are going up. --- I NEED A PLACE TO SYPHER FUEL and apparently you two dont mind tbe price gouging that we're all taking, id just drop by an refuel everything i got on a regular basis !!!! Jus sayn !!!!

Re: Ruthless people February 28, 2021 03:16AM
*siphon fuel. Can anyone on this forum use a dictionary, or Google or hell even Ask Jeeves, I think that dude might still be around.

Re: Ruthless people February 27, 2021 12:37PM
Apparently Mark Twain was looser too if he got "Great Pleasure " from reading ones obituary. Just saying.

Re: Ruthless people March 04, 2021 05:36AM
mike p is one of those guys who gives trump free rent in his head. let it go dude. trump trump trump trump trump is that all you can talk about? youre like a creepy stalker that always mentions trump in every comment. funny but i thought this topic was about rush. obsessed much?

Re: Ruthless people March 04, 2021 08:42AM
A cypher is a message written in a secret code.

The word we use in backwoods Kentucky is siphon, or siphoning, meaning to "draw off or convey (liquid) by means of a siphon"

The King's English doesn't get murdered here, it gets murdered and sent through a sausage grinder from time to time...

Re: Ruthless people February 28, 2021 12:44PM
I live west of madison wisconsin. I go to around 10 pulls a year and am pretty easy to find. You come and look me up sometime there Captain question mark.

Gas thieves March 01, 2021 04:08PM
Captain ?, I highly recommend keeping your "SYPHER" Hose out of Grubbys fuel tanks. I know what happens to gas thieves around here, I'm guessing its not much different in Grubbys neck of the woods! Just a friendly reminder that "SYPHERING" fuel can be hazardous to your health! Talk about ruthless people! Gas thieves are among them! Just saying. RIP Rush!

Re: Ruthless people March 02, 2021 12:34AM
Just a question, have you ever caught anyone syphering fuel, my guess probably not --- YOU OR HIM WON'T CATCH ME EITHER !!! I didn't figure GRUBBY would mind, he's a BIG SUPPORTER of the harris/biden plan !!!!

Gas thieves March 02, 2021 04:27AM
In fact I have caught gas thieves as well as others I know have caught them. You see gas thieves aren't the smartest individuals to ever exist, which makes catching them pretty easy. Again, "Syphering" gas can be very hazardous to your health and well being. But I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that Captain ? Isn't that dumb. Especially when he's been warned of the hazards of doing such acts.

Re: Gas thieves March 02, 2021 04:32AM
I am up on the hazards of syphering, lol, had lips an throat burned before, lol ( syphering out of the chainsaw to put in the weed eater ) --- but i got the grass cut !!! Jus sayn !!!



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