Recession July 28, 2022 02:07AM
Biden and the White House trying to change the definition of recession right in front of our face is the biggest piece of propaganda in news this week. Coming up with an alternative definition so that you don't have to admit you led our country into a recession is just utterly BS.

I majored in accounting but took several economics classes in college, only graduated 3 years ago and can tell you that the definition my liberal professors used for recession was "two consecutive quarters of negative GDP".

But we shouldn't be surprised that Liberals are changing the definition of a recession, they also changed the definition of gender and sex to fit their agenda.

It's just mind boggling to me that ~50% of our country is dumb enough to believe their propaganda.

Re: Recession July 28, 2022 05:04PM
Wasting no time Wikipedia immediately & dutifully changed the definition of recession to match the installed government's new definition & then locked the edit feature when users tried to change it back. When these people said they were going to " fundamentally change America " they were serious. Dead serious. They have their boot on America's throat & have no intention of removing it unless it is removed by the citizenry. As far as half the country being dumb enough to believe it. Your government education system has worked dillegently for many many years to insure that.

Re: Recession July 29, 2022 01:00AM
It seems that all "conspiracy theories" that have come about since March of 2020 end up turning into the reality. Some like the changing of the definition of recession prove to be true in less than a week,

This whole recession thing is straight out of the Hermann Goring propaganda machine. The white house doesn't want to be responsible for a recession so they just change the definition so they can avoid it. Mind boggling that ANYONE believes the things the left says.

Re: Recession August 02, 2022 12:07AM
Installed government, you idiot, it must be hell living in that country you shud leave and live somewhere else there are many countries better than yours, your country doesn't even offer payed maternity leave, that's what I read and you's don't care if your children get shot to death in their classroom you all probably say "dam that human murdering tool works good I gotta get me one of them" probably was said somewhere in your country. FOOLS, we are still laughing at you.

Re: Recession August 02, 2022 02:30AM
Installed government, you idiot, it must be hell living in that country you shud leave and live somewhere else there are many countries better than yours, your country doesn't even offer payed maternity leave, that's what I read and you's don't care if your children get shot to death in their classroom you all probably say "dam that human murdering tool works good I gotta get me one of them" probably was said somewhere in your country. FOOLS, we are still laughing at you.

Not sure where you're from but I take it you are from a country that thinks everything should be FREE. Healthcare, education, etc. No thank you. I'll stay right here. I've got health insurance, paid paternity leave if we decide to have kids (8 weeks), no complaints about paying to go to college. The coastal elites in our country are idiots but us out here in the "flyover states" are just fine if they'd leave us alone.

On the topic of school shootings, our government set that whole thing up in Texas. Call me a conspiracy theorist but the videos speak for themselves. My friends and I will keep our guns to protect ourselves from our corrupt government.

Re: Recession August 02, 2022 08:57AM
Pretty sure that idiot is from Canada. Probably thinks their PM Twinkletoes is doing a great job. Common sense seems to be in short supply amongst the liberal folks up there, same as here.

Re: Recession August 02, 2022 11:30AM
The water must have got to deep under the bridge and the troll had to come up for air again, maybe he’ll get sunburned and shrivel up and go away again

Re: Recession August 03, 2022 02:33PM
The water must have got to deep under the bridge and the troll had to come up for air again, maybe he’ll get sunburned and shrivel up and go away again

Either that or his grandma's basement flooded and lost the roof over his head and has no where else to call home.

Re: Recession August 06, 2022 06:22AM
The Dems are going to just pour gasoline (which is still expensive) on the inferno that is inflation when they pass this next bill - which is to address inflation Confused

What a twisted and warped country we live in these days.

Re: Recession August 06, 2022 02:49PM
Installed government, you idiot, it must be hell living in that country you shud leave and live somewhere else there are many countries better than yours, your country doesn't even offer payed maternity leave, that's what I read and you's don't care if your children get shot to death in their classroom you all probably say "dam that human murdering tool works good I gotta get me one of them" probably was said somewhere in your country. FOOLS, we are still laughing at you.

You's shud get a brain , you's shud let your mom type, you's shud finish school. Idiot

Re: Recession August 10, 2022 04:20PM
Installed government, you idiot, it must be hell living in that country you shud leave and live somewhere else there are many countries better than yours, your country doesn't even offer payed maternity leave, that's what I read and you's don't care if your children get shot to death in their classroom you all probably say "dam that human murdering tool works good I gotta get me one of them" probably was said somewhere in your country. FOOLS, we are still laughing at you.

Oh no!! Not you again. smh

Re: Recession August 15, 2022 05:03AM
This whole Recession reform bill makes absolutely no sense. Point #1, Biden said 0% inflation last month, So why do we need a Recession reform Bill ??? Point #2 If they are going to spend Billions of $$$ to hire 87,000 new IRS Agents, It will cost more money to pay the Agents wages and Government Benefits than the IRS will collect back in taxes. Sounds like Government waste to me !!! This whole Recession Reform Bill is a waste of US tax payers money !!!!

Re: Recession August 15, 2022 07:29AM
This whole Recession reform bill makes absolutely no sense. Point #1, Biden said 0% inflation last month, So why do we need a Recession reform Bill ??? Point #2 If they are going to spend Billions of $$$ to hire 87,000 new IRS Agents, It will cost more money to pay the Agents wages and Government Benefits than the IRS will collect back in taxes. Sounds like Government waste to me !!! This whole Recession Reform Bill is a waste of US tax payers money !!!!

You thought about this logically. The liberals don't want you to think about it logically. They just want you to see the title "Inflation Reduction Act" and pat them on the back for the work they've done. Which unfortunately many liberals have done because they are either too dumb to read the bill or they are actually naïve enough to think the government will help them.

Re: Recession August 15, 2022 07:31AM
The price of fuel went down enough to offset the rise in prices of everything else in July, so month over month inflation was zero. But the year over year rate was 8.5%, a figure the MSM conveniently failed to report. And which is WAY under the actual inflation rate. I can't think of anything that only costs 8.5% more than it did a year ago.

Re: Recession August 16, 2022 04:04AM
The media is focused on gas prices coming down, even though they are still $1.50-$2 higher than they were before our mentally incompetent President took office. But there hasn't been a whole lot of attention drawn to the price of food at the grocery store, or the price of anything else really. Most goods have seen an increase in price. I'm with you the real inflation number has to be much much higher than 8.5%. And Biden claiming inflation in July was 0% should be fact checked on social media and labeled as "misleading" but I'd guess that since it fits their agenda it won't be.

Re: Recession August 16, 2022 08:37AM
Could it be that Biden and Company are lowering gas prices for the up coming November election ? Then after the election, impose the New Recession / Green deal taxes on Fossil fuels ? Are we being led by a Dictatorship instead of a Democracy ? Lots of questions.

Re: Recession August 17, 2022 03:58AM
Prices are up way more than 8-10% annually.
For example at my local grocer a 12oz. package of the cheap "store brand" bacon was $1,69 around a year ago.
As of a month ago that same package was $3.99! So its more than doubled in price in a year or so, but I'll bet most peoples wages have not doubled in the last year.

Re: Recession August 22, 2022 12:17PM
Update to my previous post. The package of bacon as of 8-22-22 is now $4.59 compared to a month ago of $3.99. A year ago was $1.69.

Re: Recession August 23, 2022 07:51AM
Sounds like our Dementia Patient, I mean President, plans to announce the cancellation of $10,000 in student loans for borrowers making under $125,000 tomorrow.

Expect the price of a pack of bacon, gallon of gas, and everything else to go up more. This certainly isn't the way to bring prices down.

Re: Recession October 22, 2022 01:05PM
Update to my previous post: As of 10-22-22 the 12 oz package of bacon is still $4,59, So this price has remained steady since August.

Re: Recession November 15, 2022 03:36PM
Update to my above posts,
Today is November,15,2022
Bacon price 12 oz is now $3,59 it was 4.59 a month ago.
Still a long way from original price of $1.69

I have been following this item for a while now. The price is coming down a little.

Re: Recession April 06, 2023 12:50PM
Update to my previous posts. Todays date is April 6, 2023.
The 12 oz. package is now down to $2,99.
It started at $1,69 & got as high as $4.59.

Re: Recession August 23, 2022 12:20PM
A post from the Netherlands

Big companies make enourmous profits
Rich elite get so fast and so much richer as never before

Dutch peole suffer from high energy prices, high food prices

Government spends money on war, lies and taking freedom rights.
No help for the dutch people.

Almost all media is hiding real news.

I have no hope anymore.

Re: Recession August 24, 2022 08:34AM
Unfortunately [ Stello netherlands ] America is following in the same footsteps as the Netherlands. Not sure where America will be in 4 years !!!

Re: Recession November 17, 2022 11:46PM
When the government hands out Trillions of dollars, and that is Trillions with a capital T, inflation is inevitable. Remember, Trump started this by trying to kickstart our economy after Covid. And Biden just kept giving away more and more. When the Fed tries to control inflation by raising the interest rates to double what they were, recession is inevitable. When you get together for Thanksgiving Try to politely inform your liberal guests that the media is out of control and we need to vote for common sense conservative candidates. If they don’t listen, kick them out. Just kidding, but we do need to try to inform liberals about the true facts of our economy.


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