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So now the WPI solution is to place all the liability on the builders? Good luck with that! So a woman died this past summer, that indeed is a tragedy for the sport as a whole. Why was no criminal investigation done? If for a moment the rumors are true, that they were not installed correctly. If that is true wouldn’t her death then qualify as negligent homicide? The different design options
Pulling Forum
Well if you have to order parts due to rule changes you want to get your name in line. You clearly aren’t a puller or you would understand this. A lot of parts just aren’t sitting on the shelf ready to ship. So for instance if they outlawed aluminum clutch cans and however many it affects have to order new ones that is a big deal. If they went with the billet caves on turbos guys have to get
Pulling Forum
No they don’t volunteer Todd, yes on the divisional committees but the NTPA board is voted on. I’ve sat in on enough meetings over the last 20 years to know they don’t allow new blood on. I’ve seen very good friends try to get on only to be black balled. To allow components is not to outlaw cast although I think some very serious questions need answered on what specs are going to be on removin
Pulling Forum
That failure analysis should be done before we make knee jerk reactions? That makes way to much sense and goes against the grain of how pulling has always done things. Looking those rule proposals over I just shake my head. All this garbage knee jerk reactions. I think it’s sad the lady in Pennsylvania died, but; was a failure analysis done on that turbo? Did the competitor have the cross bo
Pulling Forum
If the clutch cam is SFI certified then it is strong enough to hold the explosion.
Pulling Forum
Until pullers come together and say we are done pulling for pennies what incentive is there to change? The biggest problem in pulling is the pullers themselves. They have way more power than they know but won’t come together and stick together on much of anything. Everyone is worried about their own class and not the sport as a whole.
Pulling Forum
The only difference between the two at this point is the crank. In earlier years the 8.3 had a flat tappet cam the 8.9 had roller lifters. Don’t go with the earlier 8.9 as the roller lifters are smaller in diameter and the retaining pins are cast into the block not removable like the newer 8.9’s.
4945772 is the part number for the 8.9
4936028 is the part number for the ISC aka 8.3
They are
Pulling Forum
The rules allowed for technology newer than 1970. What do you mean by that you may ask? Why do we not allow 24 valve technology? I believe at this point all makes of tractors offer a 24 valve head option. Let me also clarify that I believe it should be OEM only 24 valve heads and not recast, billet, aftermarket. Then the issue of chassis, the rules don’t allow for newer rear end designs. As
Pulling Forum
No they weren’t running the block the tractor came with! That’s why I find the purist argument amusing personally. The most popular John Deere rear ends in use are 4010 and 4020, tell me what years either of those tractors came with an engine bigger than a 404. Show me the notice given by Deere that the 8.1 or big block Deere were factory replacements to a 6.2 or 6.6 Deere motor. I don’t giv
Pulling Forum
The problem is the business model being used is antiquated. All the sanctioning bodies rely on promoters and make some of their money off sanctioning fees. As sanctioning bodies more discretion needs to be used in who gets to have a pull. I whole heartedly believe less is more. Not every county fair that wants a pull should get to have one. The standards need to be raised as to where sanctio
Pulling Forum
I'm purists but I enjoy seeing folks using different colors and different brands.
It's time to admit to yourself that you're not a purist. IT's OK... but be honest with yourself. If you saw someone say they weren't gay, but they do like watching dudes hook up... you'd laugh at that comment. That's exactly what your comment looks like to a bra
Pulling Forum
I can’t think of a better way to grow the sport. If a fan actively participates in the game they get a chance to live out a dream. If that doesn’t draw people in I don’t know what will. People spend all kinds of money trying to win Powerball and MegaMillions. THIS IS FREE! Genius marketing and god bless the team willing to put their vehicle on the line for a fan experience. Thousands of peo
Pulling Forum
They are allowed to run billet blocks that no one else in the class has been given and I’m pretty sure billet heads too. So it’s a matter of time before PPL allows everyone in the class the same thing or it will be Meese 2.0 where only one team gets and it drives everybody else away.
Pulling Forum
The Workhorse series of tractors, otherwise known as the transition from Field Boss to Workhorse. The 2-1 series was done away with and it became the 100 series ranging from 100 to 195 models. 100-145 models had the 5.9, 160-195 had the 8.3.
Pulling Forum
I was a very vocal doubter at first. I then took the time to call Chase and he spent a fair amount of time on the phone with me, answered questions, listened to my point of view. Here is the thing, everyone is wanting answers right now. I fell into the one pitfall I absolutely despise in this sport, became hypocritical and started to come down pretty hard on somebody putting a ton of their tim
Pulling Forum
Has anyone in the states ran these? Good, bad? Advantages disadvantages?
Pulling Forum
I think tractor pulling on a Grand National level can be divided into three historical eras. I would call these: First Age; Golden Age; and Modern Age. Here is how I am going to classify them.
I think the easiest way to look at each of them is by standard safety gear. This would be a reflection of how powerful the vehicles were.
1. First Age. This is the "open-faced-helmet and bl
Pulling Forum
Would love to see it run our open super class! I agree with Green Monster as well!
Pulling Forum
Started watching today’s session at 5:00am state side. It did not disappoint! That crowd was HUGE. What I loved the most was the variety. Variety of engine combos in the mod class and variety of color in the tractor classes. It reminded me of what pulling used to be like here in its hey day. Now our classes are all cookie cutter. Great show, will be subscribing to watch more in the future!
Pulling Forum
So I see this as a chance for sponsorship. Team up with Pilot, Flying J, whoever as the official truck stop of the NTPA. Competitors get so much off per gallon. Sanctioning body gets to put a poster of all national events in all the truck stops and national schedules at the register. Now said truck stop has the pullers stopping in for fuel, fans stopping in for fuel and snacks for hungry kids
Pulling Forum
WPI sets the purses. If you look at the 1985 Tomah poster that 110,000 was paid out to 16 classes over 5 sessions. In 2023 there will be 28 classes over 5 sessions. A season pass is $115, each session $25 or $45 for the day. A large part of why purses weren’t increased goes directly to the leadership of David P. He believed and as recently as his interview on Let’s Grow Pulling that pullers
Pulling Forum
The 1983 Indy Super Pull was $9 a session and had $117,000 purse for 12 classes over 5 sessions. That averages to 9750 a class. Todays advertised purses may be more due to the fact there are 13 GN classes. I’ll share the photo with Dick so he can post flyer for 1983.
Pulling Forum
You are correct in your math. Pullers have always accepted this is not NHRA or nascar, but the price of a pulling vehicle has gone up exponentially and the purses have regressed. This is why pulling needs a players association/union of some type. Historically pullers never stick together, always worried about their tractor and have failed to see the bigger picture, greater good.
Pulling Forum
Can you attach the pictures? It’s not allowing me. In 1978 the purse for NTPA GN was $5,000. If you fast forward to 2023 and this is just light supers. Purse for a 2 day event is $4600, single day event is $7,000 and Super National (Tomah and BG) are $6,100 a day. If purses had kept up with inflation which averaged 3.46% a year between 1978 and 2023 purses would be in excess of $23,0000 a cl
Pulling Forum
I have long argued that pullers need to unionize. Much like there is an NFLPA, mlb, nba etc pullers need to come together and make some demands. That leads to a previous point though that they are their own worst enemy. So what are some things that could change or be fought for. For most purse would be at the top of that list. Other things would include pit access and hauler parking. Some e
Pulling Forum
Very well stated Michael. If we want to be taken seriously as professionals we need to present ourselves as professionals at all times. You never know who might be watching. For the sake of conversation maybe a guy has a business relationship that could lead to a sponsorship and after watching that opts out and has no interest in pulling because of how they were introduced to it. The old sayi
Pulling Forum
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