Matt and Manny Ferry 2018 April 08, 2018 08:31AM
Will the Ferry mods be out this year? I remember that one of their Facebook pages showed Rotton, Mean, and Nasty with 4 engines on around mid July, but I don't believe they hooked last year. I always thought with a few hooks to get the 4-engine configuration dialed in, that could be a real threat in the unlimited. If the Ferrys do come out, best of luck this year.

Re: Matt and Manny Ferry 2018 April 08, 2018 08:49AM
Not doing much this year milk price killing us possibly we will go to Langford

Re: Matt and Manny Ferry 2018 April 08, 2018 04:06PM
I hate hear that,your tractors are a great asset to the mod classes.

It would be great to see dairy farmers be able to make a living after all of their hard work and investment.

Good luck and we hope your situation turns around soon. We'd love to see you out there on the track.

S'no Farmer

Re: Matt and Manny Ferry 2018 April 08, 2018 04:14PM
Not a farmer by any means so anyone who knows may answer this. Why are the milk prices so low in the last couple years?

Brent Yaron
Hooked Up Pulling Productions

Re: Matt and Manny Ferry 2018 April 08, 2018 09:27PM
There is too much of it!! Gonna be a tough year for bean farmers this year too if the trade with China goes bad

Re: Matt and Manny Ferry 2018 April 08, 2018 11:25PM
There is no joke there. If China cuts soybean imports from the U.S., it will create a mess of new problems in the U.S. but especially for farmers.

Re: Matt and Manny Ferry 2018 April 09, 2018 02:54AM
Our President has promised the grain farmers will be compensated through CCC and authorized Sonny Perdue (Sec. of Ag) to pursue that course. Trump already a couple months ago re-initiated subsidies for dairy producers. Obama had cut that aid.

The earth is a flush with dairy products. Especially SMP (skim milk powder) with EU contributing the most (that is a result of them getting rid of their quota production system which is what Trump adamantly wants to do to the Canadians in the current NAFTA renegotiation) followed by US with its huge SMP stockpile.

Nothing in site for US dairy economic pickup unless you listen to all the university economic 'expert' professors who can twist economic data to support whatever theory or story they have today to promote.

Yes, be nice to have Ferry Bros. out pulling this season. They are not the only dairymen questioning how much pulling they may do in 2018.

OK, back to chores here in the snow.

Re: Matt and Manny Ferry 2018 April 09, 2018 09:28AM
Ever wonder why new holland doesn't build more tractors than they can sell and when they have stockpiles of tractors burn them and sell the scrap. Something like farmers producing more milk than you need and then complain about other countries not taking thier extra products and then expecting compensation through gov programs. Why not produce what you need and get paid for it . Ford gm new holland john deere and everyone else figured it out . Why cant the dairy farmers ?

Re: Matt and Manny Ferry 2018 April 09, 2018 10:54AM
If only it were that easy, if you slow down your production to match or create a demand, there is always a bigger dairy that can easily take your place and they will, like anything else greed takes over and everyone is back to square one and there is again over production and actually in my area the smaller dairies have no where to go with their milk thanks to companies like Walmart building or buying their own farms leaving the little guys behind because the don’t produce a semi load every day.

Re: Matt and Manny Ferry 2018 April 09, 2018 11:29AM
In response to team one and not trying to be a smart ass . You Americans can send a man to the moon. You can get 3000 plus hp from a little diesel block. You can shoot the gnat off a dog's back in Iraq. You can elect a president without Russian help. But you can't figure out how to get together and put a system together that would support thousand of family farms . I never knew Americans were defeated so easily.

Re: Matt and Manny Ferry 2018 April 09, 2018 01:28PM
Please, enlighten us!

Re: Matt and Manny Ferry 2018 April 09, 2018 09:29AM
considering Canada's population is basically 1/10 of the US? tell me how destroying our system will even put a dent in your surplus? Don't forget Canada's dairy farmers do not receive any form of government subsidies! and yes I have a pull tractor but with all the extra "carbon" taxes and other costs pushed on to us by our governments? I may not be out much either?

Re: Matt and Manny Ferry 2018 April 09, 2018 03:46AM
Just curious on how many cows they milk an how many acres they farm, we just got back from "Fair Oaks Farm " and they are huge, they milk about 37,000 cows 3 times a day- about 5 to 600 an hr- very impressive,--- it would be interesting to know what businesses an how big most farms are that the the pullers an their families own an operate, best luck to everyone this year pulling an safe travels.

Re: Matt and Manny Ferry 2018 April 09, 2018 10:57PM
No easy fix for dairy. While dairy farms are selling out cow numbers stay the same and go to bigger farms. We only have a hand full of dairy farms left in our county. Two more are going out this spring but another one is doubling their herd therefore basically taking the same number of cows into production as the 2 that are going out had. One solution is to quit loaning millions of dollars for farm expansion period. That can also apply to crop farming as we over produce everything. Tecnology has added BST to the dairy industry which was never needed and GMo's to the crop industry again was it needed.

Re: Matt and Manny Ferry 2018 April 09, 2018 11:23PM
If we look back, when I was in school . You either drank milk or water. Now they have soda machines loaded with sugar drinks. Grocery stores have fake milk , almond milk, soy milk ( show me a tit on an almond or soybean). The dairy industry has become the song by Allen Jackson's ( little man).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/09/2018 11:24PM by David Runkle(earls dream).

Re: Matt and Manny Ferry 2018 April 10, 2018 12:55AM
David Runkle(earls dream)
If we look back, when I was in school . You either drank milk or water. Now they have soda machines loaded with sugar drinks.
Good point David. Kinda reminds me of the movie Idiocracy.

Re: Matt and Manny Ferry 2018 April 10, 2018 01:40AM
We as a Society have become are own worst enemy. Thinking to improve the original product, which in some cases it is. But to get there we spend loads of money and then have to produce more to make up the cost we spent in the first place. Its no different than pulling ,we all want more to be on top

Re: Matt and Manny Ferry 2018 April 10, 2018 12:57PM
My experience in milking 30 years you go broke for six months they raise the price for three go broke for three and it starts all over again,Just like some said above people get hoggish instead we have six dairy farms left in the county they was eleven within ten miles at one time all making a living milking 40 to a 100 head no more ,Hogs on every small farm around gone Tobacco that paid for 70 percent of the farms in KY almost gone corn and soy beans in KY will be just like the rest you will have a couple thousand acres or gone.The best thing that happened to me was getting a devorce and having to sell out get a job and a new wife i feel for you guys and i will get me a cow and milk it by hand befor i buy any from Walmart

Re: Matt and Manny Ferry 2018 April 13, 2018 12:19PM
Just paid $1.59 for a gallon of milk at meijer in Marysville Ohio
I would gladly pay $4.00 as long as it was going to the farmers
There’s no way they can continue on at these prices

Re: Matt and Manny Ferry 2018 April 15, 2018 07:45AM
This response is to gonh and others who think similar to that.
If you think there is an easy solution to overproduction, then you must be a University economics processor or someone who thinks the same as they do.
Our problems start with out of touch corporate giants who think it is easier to deal with a few producers rather than many. They want everything from a chicken or beef or anything to fit in the same box, rather than 'think outside the box'. Our large packers and processors have chosen to contract with large factory farms to produce products for them rather than having a buying network that purchases from many small producers. We have went from a country of many family farms to one of fewer large corporate farms. I totally understand we need the most efficient and cost effective producers, but that is not what we are getting. The desire of our Corperate giants to deal with less producers has ruined our rural communities. We went from many family farms that could raise 14 pigs per litter, had better feed conversions, less death loss, apply the manure in more environmentally responsible ways, to mega facilities that have bad disease problems, migrant labor who don't care, terrible oder issues, waste problems that are producing a less flavor product. Other industries such as dairy, beef, or vegetables are experiencing similar issues. In many cases the processors own the so called farms and have enough of their own production that they only néed to buy from family farms at under the cost of production. They control both the supply and the demand. They have huge profit margins at the expense of the family farm. Economics professors in our universities have told us that this is the most efficient and cost-effective way to produce our food. If you wand the real facts talk to a family dairy who is producing more and healthier milk per cow on less waste. Family dairy farmers are the most dedicated people you will ever meet. They can't just take a day off when they want to. Most of them work 70 or 80 hours a week. Most of their wives and children work hard also, and on a good market year If they are lucky the annual profit could be $100,000, then many years like the last couple they make zero and spend what they made in the good years. I will be the first to admit, I made $100,000 in both 2014 and 2015, and have lost more than that in equity the last two years. I am not typing this to get sympathy from anyone. I am tired of some people lumping most "farmers" in the same category. If we don't fix this perception problem, then we will have only giant corporations left to produce food. Some of us don't want to go watch a bunch of overpaid, egotistical , spoiled players who woun't stand for our national anthem, or overpaid movie stars act out a poorly written script. We prefer to pull tractors as a hobby. We don't all have boats and campers and new $70,000 pickups. Don't preceive us farmers all the same.
Some of you perceive this site to be free. This site is not free for everyone. My guess is this site cost the Morgan's a considerable amount. Some of the same people preceive freedom as a free. Freedom is not free either. Many have paid an enormous price, and many families of fallen soldiers still pay with a life without their loved ones. My prayer to all is that we not be blinded by the misinformed, and those who wish to spread a bad agenda, but know the facts and the truth. Give thanks to God for all he gives us.


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