Western Pa Light Tough Farm June 28, 2018 03:48AM
In western Pa, a few of the clubs have started a Light Tough Farm class, with rules as follows;

1) 7000 and 8000 # classes.
2) Diesel 360 in3, rotary pump, 3LM466 turbo (5.9 Cummins 12 valve allowed), 3000 RPM Limit
3) 18.4 x 38 tire max, no cuts
4) Safety rules, wheely bars, blanket etc.

Are there clubs in the surrounding area that run similar rules?


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/28/2018 11:39AM by RCP.

Re: Western Pa Light Tough Farm June 28, 2018 06:54AM
im in wpa,wheres this run at ???

Re: Western Pa Light Tough Farm June 28, 2018 10:08AM
Northwest Pa truck and tractor pullers


Western Pa truck and tractor pullers.


There are some mistakes in the rules on the websites;

Weight classes are 7K and 8K

Hydraulics and PTO can be removed.

Stock appearing sheet metal etc.

Re: Western Pa Light Tough Farm June 28, 2018 01:08PM
I think NWPA is the only club running the Tough Farm. That is the original set of rules. I know who wrote them. I think they eventually voted to remove Hydraulics and PTO. But they were originally supposed to be present.

I think it’s NWPA only because they had some tractors that were built that didn’t really fit in Farm stock but couldn’t compete in a Hot Farm or Heavy, Big CI class. They are indeed running 7500 and 8500 at Butler. Again that was the original rule set but some places run 7000 and 8000 instead now.

Re: Western Pa Light Tough Farm June 28, 2018 02:23PM
This year Western Pa adopted the WPTTP rules for light tough farm.


Re: Western Pa Light Tough Farm June 28, 2018 02:31PM
I saw that after I read your post. I like some of the changes that were made. How many tractors are running in the class now? Do you know?

Re: Western Pa Light Tough Farm June 28, 2018 02:45PM
This is my first year, I do not know how many will show, there are rumors of 10 to 12 tractors.


Re: Western Pa Light Tough Farm June 28, 2018 02:50PM
Let’s hope they have that many. That’d be fantastic. I definitely think that the class has some potential but you have to have the machines. Good luck this season!

Re: Western Pa Light Tough Farm June 28, 2018 10:26AM
Those classes are going to run at the Big Butler Fair this Saturday morning. Pretty nice purse, hope to see tractors and spectators.

Re: Western Pa Light Tough Farm June 28, 2018 11:40AM
Butler Fair is using 7500 and 8500 weight classes

Re: Western Pa Light Tough Farm July 02, 2018 08:36AM
Are there are any other clubs running similar rules? I am trying to find more places to pull.


Re: Western Pa Light Tough Farm July 02, 2018 09:55AM
I have looked around but everyone’s is just a little different. Up here we do things different
Just look at our “hot farm” rules

Re: Western Pa Light Tough Farm July 03, 2018 04:17AM
Where is "up here"?


Re: Western Pa Light Tough Farm July 03, 2018 05:46AM
We run a class similar to that in Eastern Iowa, 7,700lbs though. Have about 10-12 tractors in it. Although a few are waiting on parts.

I attached our rules for comparison.


open | download - 2018 ECIPA 7,700LB 360 HOT STOCKS RULES.pdf (366.9 KB)

Re: Western Pa Light Tough Farm July 03, 2018 09:38AM

Re: Western Pa Light Tough Farm July 05, 2018 05:18AM
What tractors are all pulling in the class? Seems like it’s a D360 and anything you can stick a 12 valve in class. This sounds like it would be a really fun class and being in south west PA would build one. But this and along with others are unfair when it comes to fuel systems. If you have to run a OEM pump any one other then a red or Cummins will be automatically 3 steps backwards. Limits to Rosa/CAV for Deere Allis MF Oliver ect. and can’t get much over 400cc.

This is just my opinion and not telling anyone how to set up a class. If you want a good turn out and color for that class make it A pump and limit it with turbo and RPM not buy what fuel pump you have to run

Re: Western Pa Light Tough Farm July 05, 2018 07:15AM
All tractors are required to run a rotary pump, UNLESS the tractor shipped from the factory with something else.

The obvious engine choices are (IH) DT360, (Oliver, White, Massey) Perkins 354 and (almost any brand) Cummins 5.9, I am not fluent in JD or other brands to know what fits for them.


Re: Western Pa Light Tough Farm July 05, 2018 08:28AM
So I have a massy Perkins that has a CAV pump VS. a d360 and a 500 plus cc 13mm rotary is fair?

Re: Western Pa Light Tough Farm July 05, 2018 11:44AM
Tractor pulling is not fair, pick your combination and go pulling.

This is not what we call to hot to farm, in this class cubes are limited to 360.


Re: Western Pa Light Tough Farm July 05, 2018 02:31PM
I’m simply saying the only 3 things that should ever be be a limitation is rpm turbo and tires and or maybe intercooler if applys. If one color has a inline “A-P what ever” pump then they all should be able to run a inline pump. Because right now you have a 3000rpm 360ci 7000lbs stock class. Call it light Too hot to farm

Re: Western Pa Light Tough Farm July 05, 2018 10:50AM
They already have that class it’s called too hot to farm

Re: Western Pa Light Tough Farm July 05, 2018 01:01PM
I that would be a cool class that would make fun hp no matter what the color. 360, 3lm and A pump would be easy to police. That would allow all pullers to be competitive.

Re: Western Pa Light Tough Farm July 05, 2018 01:15PM
Why an A pump how many do you see for sale on here........ just go p pump they are better they last longer and you can get a used one on here pretty reasonable!

Re: Western Pa Light Tough Farm July 05, 2018 01:52PM
We went 380 cube s362 p pump 3200 rpm 6500 lbs 18.4x 38 max

Re: Western Pa Light Tough Farm July 06, 2018 12:28AM
a 336 case comes with an "a" pump,be a good combo in a 770 or 870 chassis,and easy to get to 360....

Re: Western Pa Light Tough Farm July 06, 2018 09:33AM
There you go, adding a Case to the competition would be good.


Re: Western Pa Light Tough Farm November 05, 2023 10:07PM
I resurrected this post because the class members recently voted for some major rule changes.

The requirement for rotary pumps was voted out, new rule states P7100 or smaller. The pump change was driven by lack of availability of good high volume rotary pumps, P7100 pumps are much easier to obtain and cheaper to maintain.

The turbo rules now require a Borg S200SX with no modifications. This change was to limit air flow and thus the horsepower of the tractors. Many of the tractors are already running this turbo, so there was minimal impact to the existing pullers.

Looking forward to the class in 2024.


In western Pa, a few of the clubs have started a Light Tough Farm class, with rules as follows;

1) 7000 and 8000 # classes.
2) Diesel 360 in3, rotary pump, 3LM466 turbo (5.9 Cummins 12 valve allowed), 3000 RPM Limit
3) 18.4 x 38 tire max, no cuts
4) Safety rules, wheely bars, blanket etc.

Are there clubs in the surrounding area that run similar rules?


Re: Western Pa Light Tough Farm November 06, 2023 02:52AM
I resurrected this post because the class members recently voted for some major rule changes.

The requirement for rotary pumps was voted out, new rule states P7100 or smaller. The pump change was driven by lack of availability of good high volume rotary pumps, P7100 pumps are much easier to obtain and cheaper to maintain.

The turbo rules now require a Borg S200SX with no modifications. This change was to limit air flow and thus the horsepower of the tractors. Many of the tractors are already running this turbo, so there was minimal impact to the existing pullers.

Looking forward to the class in 2024.


In western Pa, a few of the clubs have started a Light Tough Farm class, with rules as follows;

1) 7000 and 8000 # classes.
2) Diesel 360 in3, rotary pump, 3LM466 turbo (5.9 Cummins 12 valve allowed), 3000 RPM Limit
3) 18.4 x 38 tire max, no cuts
4) Safety rules, wheely bars, blanket etc.

Are there clubs in the surrounding area that run similar rules?


Hopefully cross bolts are required because a P7100 with any ammount of work will overspeed that turbo. Just looking from a safety aspect. Its a great turbo, but with a lot of fuel theyll snap the shaft

Re: Western Pa Light Tough Farm November 06, 2023 03:58AM

I resurrected this post because the class members recently voted for some major rule changes.

The requirement for rotary pumps was voted out, new rule states P7100 or smaller. The pump change was driven by lack of availability of good high volume rotary pumps, P7100 pumps are much easier to obtain and cheaper to maintain.

The turbo rules now require a Borg S200SX with no modifications. This change was to limit air flow and thus the horsepower of the tractors. Many of the tractors are already running this turbo, so there was minimal impact to the existing pullers.

Looking forward to the class in 2024.


In western Pa, a few of the clubs have started a Light Tough Farm class, with rules as follows;

1) 7000 and 8000 # classes.
2) Diesel 360 in3, rotary pump, 3LM466 turbo (5.9 Cummins 12 valve allowed), 3000 RPM Limit
3) 18.4 x 38 tire max, no cuts
4) Safety rules, wheely bars, blanket etc.

Are there clubs in the surrounding area that run similar rules?


Hopefully cross bolts are required because a P7100 with any ammount of work will overspeed that turbo. Just looking from a safety aspect. Its a great turbo, but with a lot of fuel theyll snap the shaft

That charger won't take won't take any more fuel and run run right than with what a good M100 would do.
Sounds like the group is working towards a dissolved class down the road. Now it's the pump, next will be the turbo then the cubes, then this and that because some will get the need for speed and want to change this and that until it's out of control, I stead of just jumping up a class that has higher performance already established. Good luck!

Re: Western Pa Light Tough Farm November 06, 2023 07:12AM
The rules are voted on by the members who pull in the class, so they will decide where the class goes. I for one, would vote against other enhancements..

Re: Western Pa Light Tough Farm November 06, 2023 07:10AM
Cross bolts are required on engines equipped with turbochargers.

Re: Western Pa Light Tough Farm December 07, 2023 03:56PM
How fast do these tough farm tractor pull? What kind of gear are they running

Re: Western Pa Light Tough Farm December 07, 2023 11:42PM
They run about 15 mph, not sure on gears

Re: Western Pa Light Tough Farm December 08, 2023 05:53AM
That's moving along!! I bet they are fun to watch. Are there any YouTube videos of them?

Re: Western Pa Light Tough Farm December 08, 2023 07:06AM
We enjoy it, I do not know of any YouTube channels and my video files are too large to attach in this forum.


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