Jason schulz February 05, 2021 04:39PM
Jason schulz can be a good announcer he knows tractor pulling . When he sticks to pulling knowledge he's great, but please stop the antics. The window to the wall the woo the oh oh is to much stick to pulling. The sexual references the cheech and chong all that's is annoying.

Please just announce the tractor pulling!

Re: Jason schulz February 06, 2021 08:32AM
Jason is a hell of a lot better then Dave at the NFMS

Re: Jason schulz February 06, 2021 10:24AM
Dave understands a thing call ethic's and what should not be said in public speaking. A FCC complaint can be filed on Jason and has on Announcers before. It's something you would learn in Public Speaking Courses. It has caused us to turn Volume OFF on Live Stream.

Re: Jason schulz February 06, 2021 11:06AM
everyone is so darned sensitive and political correct, -grow a pair and shut up, fairy tale land is gone,we have already lost most freedoms and speech is one going fast.

Re: Jason schulz February 06, 2021 11:26AM
Xxx looks like you are the one that's a little sensitive. You sure want to tell everyone else how to think, talk and act. Chill there buddy boy. If he doesn't like him what's wrong with that. Unlike yourself that everyone loves he just isn't as nice as you.

Re: Jason schulz February 06, 2021 11:28AM
Doesn't seem to matter what you do, there is always a whiner/expert/saint that is not happy. Social media has made it such that it's becoming "accepted" that if you whine/complain publicly, you will get your own way. We are (have) been raising a whole generation like this, gonna be something else in the near future.

Re: Jason schulz February 06, 2021 11:43AM
I really hate how soft the country is becoming

Re: Jason schulz February 09, 2021 11:30PM
While we’re bringing up your “fairy land”, you say that we’ve already lost “most freedoms”. Specifically what freedoms have we lost?

Re: Jason schulz February 06, 2021 11:32AM
Maybe y’all should have pulled those masks up over your ears to filter out the impurities. Oh, wait.... no one was wearing a mask.

Re: Jason schulz February 06, 2021 12:19PM
some are not nice people, mouthy and mean, oh my my feelings are hurt, i'm going to stomp my little girly feet now.

Re: Jason schulz February 06, 2021 01:18PM
Jason does a great job of promoting our sport. Yes hes a little crazy. But he does more for the sport than most give him credit for. Keep it up Jason. The show that all of the crew are running is next to flawless. Thanks to all

Re: Jason schulz February 07, 2021 01:23AM
democrats ruin everything,............

now even an announcer who has given more time to promoting the sport than anyone on this thread,...is attacked for free speech.

Re: Jason schulz February 06, 2021 02:30PM
So what the heck does everyone else want to whine about? Geez get a grip!!!

Re: Jason schulz February 06, 2021 11:27PM
Seems like this is the same thing we heard about from a year ago and maybe even two years ago. I support good announcing that is knowledgeable and somewhat entertaining. I don't support locker room talk only in a locker room. This would never fly in Louisville. All you supporters of this are the same people who support more and more things on regular television that would have been censored 40 years ago. If you were doing Jason's job and your Grandma was sitting beside you, it would never come out of your mouth. Neither would it if Jason's Grandma had been sitting next to him. Nothing good for the sport comes from this kind of talk.

Re: Jason schulz February 06, 2021 11:33PM
Grandpa your exactly right, shouldn't be said, Butch or Miles never talked that way and their two of the best.

Re: Jason schulz February 07, 2021 01:05AM
Man -- you people are funny, so and so never talked that way, he never she never, we are all different for golly sakes, I don't like how stupid and aggressive many drivers are on the streets and highways are, but don't stop driving and road rage em all, just deal with it.the world is full of poor choices and bad things all over, sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never harm me, words we were taught yrs ago, Live and Let Live, was told to me also.

Re: Jason schulz February 07, 2021 04:51AM
I give Jason a thumbs up and thought he done a great job.i have not one complaint or no criticism of any of the sessions.thanks jason.

Re: Jason schulz February 07, 2021 07:02AM
I wasn't complaint about jason schulz ability to promote pulling he does well. He is a good announcer when he sticks to pulling. All theese stupid sounds he makes and the "oooyea " that's uncalled for. I have kids watching and the last thing I need them doing is copying his sexual bullshit sounds. And I'm not a democrat just puller who likes pulling info instead of stupid sounds during a pull. The guy Saturday was awesome the dhd guy. He was talking about engine locations and rules educating the fans.

Re: Jason schulz February 07, 2021 12:30PM
Jason does a fine job, end of story!!

Re: Jason schulz February 07, 2021 02:04PM
The "oooyea" sound didn't come from Jason...

Brent Yaron
Hooked Up Pulling Productions

Re: Jason schulz February 08, 2021 04:32AM
Jason does one thing, entertains us! If smoke pipe or a tractor is broke down on the track, and there's a delay in the action, he kicks in to entertainment mode! Very good at it too, but I too am a "don't ever put me on speaker phone" kind of guy! lol! The people complaining about kids hearing this stuff just makes me laugh, they are listening to WAP! Thank you Klint and crew for another awesome show! Very nice facility!

Re: Jason schulz February 08, 2021 06:08AM
To add some clarity to this post...
The "wooooo" we heard all weekend and the "ooohhhh yyyeeeaaa" are direct from professional wrestlers.
Ric flair and 'macho man's randy savage.
And were heard on live tv for over 30 years.oh yea was on slim jim commercials too.

Crickets February 08, 2021 11:50AM
I will say that once you’ve been to some European pulls, the ones over here seem kinda monotone.

Re: Jason schulz February 08, 2021 03:17AM
The guy Saturday was awesome the dhd guy.

Charles is dynamite on the mic, isn't he?

Re: Jason schulz February 08, 2021 06:51AM
Eh, that guy's ok... once in a while says something intelligent.


Re: Jason schulz February 08, 2021 12:00PM
I find the thumbs down hilarious. If you click on cpr, you'll find out that the guy hating on Charles aka DHD guy is...

Charles aka DHD guy.



Re: Jason schulz February 08, 2021 01:11PM
Charles you need to be on the mike more, you announced up at Eds pull a few yrs ago in Michigan and done great.

Re: Jason schulz February 08, 2021 11:56AM
I thought Charles did an outstanding job for just stepping in. Very knowledgable.

Re: Jason schulz February 07, 2021 09:14AM
tell us who the tractor is and then END IT, STFU

Re: Jason schulz February 07, 2021 09:25AM
This aint the first time Jason has been complained about, young kids don't need to here it period ( they'll be exposed to enough ignorance soon enough ), Jason is in the loan business, i myself would never do business with him after hearing him announce cause it projects how he is, so he might ought to think how hes portraying himself to people !!!

Re: Jason schulz February 07, 2021 12:46PM
Jake please post IP address, we could all have a laugh over this!

Re: Jason schulz February 07, 2021 04:06PM
Here's an idea. To all those that complain about Jason's announcing go ask Klint if you yourself could be the announcer at his event! It's just an idea.

Another idea is that everyone should be happy that an event happened during a pandemic.

Re: Jason schulz February 08, 2021 12:02PM
Funny you mention Jason being in the mortgage business because he was one of the top mortgage lenders in the nationwide company he works for last year. Did about $45 million last year. Im sure he would gladly help anyone on here with there mortgage. But don’t think he’s looking for things to do. He closed five mortgages Friday at the pull while he was doing all his “annoying antics”.

Re: Jason schulz February 08, 2021 01:02PM
I have a very hard time believing he's closing a million dollars a week in mortgages in that area.

Re: Jason schulz February 08, 2021 02:57PM
So his company is just making up numbers about him? Seems logical...

Brent Yaron
Hooked Up Pulling Productions

Re: Jason schulz February 09, 2021 01:04AM
MLOs can get licensed nationwide. You don't think he's only closing mortgages in Richland Center do you?


Re: Jason schulz February 09, 2021 03:02AM
I give a big thumbs up,when a slight delay happened,he took a challenge of 15 pushups for a donation of 1000 or 1500 to the megan scott fund.from the bonetwister ssd group

Re: Jason schulz February 08, 2021 12:11AM
I'm sure if every announcer stuck to facts about competitors and the vehicle's people would complain. Getting off topic a little does help break up the time between classes or even hooks. But I can see by getting too far off topic could be annoying. Don't get me wrong I like all the history of the pullers and their vehicles, but if there isn't any new personalities coming in to put new perspectives on the sport I think that over time it would hurt the attendance of the fans.

Re: Jason schulz February 08, 2021 12:56AM
If you know Jason Schultz, then you know he is an intense guy. That's just his personality. And even he will tell you that sometimes his mouth moves a little faster than his brain. But I would venture to say that he does more for the sport of tractor pulling on a marketing/promoting level than maybe anyone in the country. He spends hours each day posting, responding, promoting, and just being a fan of the sport (as well as a competitor). He is very knowledgeable about most of the classes especially the 4.1 class. If he hears about a pull or anything truck and tractor pulling related, it gets posted on his page, as well as about 50 other pages. His reach is probably as big as any other in the sport. So for people to get on here and complain about him and the things he says, that's fair. But don't overlook what he does for the sport. He is trying to draw in more fans, PARTICULARLY IN THE YOUNGER SEGMENTS. So if you hear him make a comment about a "whoo" or "to the windows to the wall" know that it is directed to the younger fans to try and get them involved in the show. That kind of stuff is relatable to the younger crowds at the show. If it irritates conservative fans the wrong way...so be it. Some people just rub others the wrong way. Pulling has a problem in that we are not drawing in many younger fans like we need to in order to sustain the sport, let alone trying to grow it. Jason is just trying to do his part to help pull in new fans. I personally handed/threw out hundreds of t-shirts and koozies that Jason donated out of his own pocket to try to show fans some appreciation for coming out to the Midwest Winter Nationals. So for all of the bad that gets talked about him on here (anonymously of course) the good seems to get overshadowed. And there is a hell of a lot more good than bad like it or not.

Paul Romack

Re: Jason schulz February 08, 2021 02:28AM
You People over think this. I didn't complain about his ability to promote the sport even though u keep thinking i did. The thing i hate is listening to him make stupid sounds and sexual comments. HE is a great announcer and promoter of the sport just need to tone down the antics a bit. He was in Hutchinson Mn a few year back and at that stage he was professional and did an awesome job. JUST KEEP IT PROFESSIONAL is all i was getting at.

Re: Jason Schultz February 08, 2021 03:12AM
Like Yaron said, the "Oooooh yeah" sound wasn't Jason's doing. That came from someone he was interviewing, as far as I'm aware. We all cringed when we heard it, because we knew that it wasn't appropriate. The livestream doesn't run on a tape-delay, though, so there wasn't much that could be done about it. It's the risk you take when you're running a live show.

Re: Jason Schultz February 08, 2021 03:31AM
There were a few things Jason did that caused me to roll my eyes. But it was so very minor in the grand scheme of the weekend. What a awesome show in a awesome facility. Hats off to Klint and the hole crew!!

Re: Jason schulz February 08, 2021 03:41AM
I did not mean to make you think I didn't get your OP. I was just explaining why he does the the "whoo" and "to the window to the wall" thing. Part of being a professional is trying to get the crowd excited about what is happening during the show. Some would say that Dave Bennett does a little too much talking at times or asking "Where are all my JD or IH fans at" etc... Doesn't mean he's not professional. He is in fact one of the best. Fans want entertainment and if a comment gets thrown in to get some fan participation and or excitement going that's part of the draw. Pulling could use some excitement and that's what he is trying to bring. As mentioned the oooh yeah thing wasn't his doing but that's been beat to death already. Big difference with what Jason was doing through the weekend and that. I agree that had no place being on the microphone.

Re: Jason schulz February 08, 2021 05:44AM
If you don't want him - we'll take him in Europe any day and then he can let loose...

Floating Finish - the German Tractor Pulling Web Show and EU Live Streams: [www.youtube.com]

Re: Jason schulz February 08, 2021 06:13AM
See how one guys or gals junk is another's jem, oh my hurt butt hurt little cry babies, stay home where you can control all things, see how that works for ya. Roll the coal baby, keep on KEEPIN ONNNNNNN.

Re: Jason schulz February 08, 2021 06:42AM
Let's put it this way:
We have some things going on between the announcers and the crowd... that wouldn't fly in the US.

The only time I think we ever really had trouble, was when one driver was being announced as "the mirror ball body" - because he can only see his ---- in the mirror.
That actually went to court. Trying to prove things in court with blue and red paint were suggested, but didn't go through.

Floating Finish - the German Tractor Pulling Web Show and EU Live Streams: [www.youtube.com]

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/08/2021 06:43AM by Sascha.

Re: Jason schulz February 08, 2021 11:41AM
If Butch Krieger had been announcing someone somewhere would have found fault with what he would've said also. It take alot more than this to get rid of Schultz . Carry on my wayward son!

Re: Jason schulz February 08, 2021 02:57PM
Haters gonna hate
If Butch Krieger had been announcing someone somewhere would have found fault with what he would've said also. It take alot more than this to get rid of Schultz . Carry on my wayward son!

So true and so many won't be happy in life if they don't have anything to whine about. I really don't think that people that complain on this message board about have a CLUE what it takes to put a pull on!

Re: Jason schulz February 09, 2021 01:48AM
Eye Rolling

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/09/2021 01:50AM by overdrawnbinder.

Hey Jason, if you're reading.... February 08, 2021 12:39PM
Just wanted to thank you for taking the time to come to Gordywana and be a part of the show. My son, Brant, always asks if you will be at the pull. He can't wait to get there to say hi again. He still talks about how you brought him out of the crowd in 2020 to ask him questions on the mic about our tractor and then get him a Beer Money stocking hat. He really enjoyed being part of the show. I would imagine all the kids appreciate you taking a little time for them. We need them involved, they are the future of pulling. Keep doing what you do and we'll see you at the next 1.

Brandon Besser
From Ashes

Re: Hey Jason, if you're reading.... February 08, 2021 03:36PM
The DHD guy is definitely sketchy...I remind him of it at every opportunity. Seriously CP is a great voice and exceptional mind for the sport and motorsports in general. Guy can discuss 80's NTPA and 80's IMSA racing without missing a beat.

Jason is gonna be Jason and let him Jason all he wants, it seems most of the pull attendees like him. Good luck in replicating his efforts, he works harder than anyone in promoting the sport and trying to reach a larger audience. I don't agree with some of the stuff he says; I see it as a "me" problem not a "Jason" problem. There's an overall positive gain here that has to be recognized folks. Get ear plugs if you don't want listen in person or hit the mute button and make your own tractor and turbo noises watching the live stream.

Re: Hey Jason, if you're reading.... February 09, 2021 01:51AM
Once again everyone here is overthinking this and blowing it out of proportion. Obviously you all feel the need to attack my opinions. I never once said hes a bad promotor, I never once said he's a bad announcer. I never once said I wanted him gone. You all thought this @#$%& up. All I said is I wish hed be a little toned down and some of the stuff he says on the mic or let's other say on the mic. You all think I'm trying to hang the guy up. Settle your tempers and and quit blowing this into something more then it needs to be.

Re: Hey Jason, if you're reading.... February 09, 2021 03:25AM
Jason must be doing a lot of good to attract so much attention, great Job. An announce either makes or breaks the entertainment factor at a show, humor and some distractions are awesome, raising some eyebrows never hurt anyone.I hear a lot worse on the bus from grade school children.

Re: Hey Jason, if you're reading.... February 09, 2021 03:57AM
And that's why you hear stuff much worse on the bus because we have lowered our standards. We slowly sink into the toilet more and more every day. I understand entertainment, I also understand a time and a place for it.

Re: Hey Jason, if you're reading.... February 09, 2021 05:26AM
To Dummy, - -- just look to the politicians and our leaders if you want direction and respectful interactions with high standards and good example,with impeccable rhetoric.

Re: Hey Jason, if you're reading.... February 09, 2021 05:49AM
To Dummy, - -- just look to the politicians and our leaders if you want direction and respectful interactions with high standards and good example,with impeccable rhetoric.

We currently have no leaders,.....only politicians,..................our only leader we've had in years,... was just replaced by a politician,...........

Re: Hey Jason, if you're reading.... February 09, 2021 06:30AM
I think the previous post was meant to be very sarcastic and full of facetious rhetoric.

Re: Hey Jason, if you're reading.... February 10, 2021 12:05AM
I think the previous post was meant to be very sarcastic and full of facetious rhetoric.

You might be right,....or 9876'er is a democratSmoking

Re: Hey Jason, if you're reading.... February 10, 2021 01:20AM
No Demo - just an AMERICAN -Very unhappy that the values our countries ForeFathers promoted are no longer a priority.

Re: Hey Jason, if you're reading.... February 20, 2021 02:28PM
Yo, can we take a second and appreciate you and your lovely wife donating her tremendous set of lungs for the full weekend in addition to the tractor you brought with you, Brandon? Holy crap, her voice is AMAZEBALLS. Seriously, you guys brought a ton to the show!

Re: Hey Jason, if you're reading.... February 20, 2021 03:59PM
Thanks Ryan! We had a great time at the new venue. She's just trying to steal my spotlight, although my performance was nowhere near the quality of her's that weekend. In all seriousness, she does enjoy doing it and it sure beats the heck out of a recording. Glad we were able to be a part of the weekend. Hopefully we will see you again next year.

Re: Hey Jason, if you're reading.... February 21, 2021 11:48AM
Brandon B
She's just trying to steal my spotlight...
I hate to break it to you, but she definitely did! Grinning

Seriously, we’d love to see you guys come down our way for some Western Series or Outlaw competition this summer! It’d be great to have you join us!

Re: Hey Jason, if you're reading.... February 22, 2021 04:19PM
I've been looking at your schedule. I'm hoping to hit a couple if we can make it work. By the way, thanks for bursting my bubble.

Re: Jason schulz February 20, 2021 11:38PM
He has done a lot for the sport. He has given it more exposure than most of the major sanctioning body’s have the last 50 years. Thanks for what you do Jason. Keep it up!

Re: Jason schulz February 21, 2021 12:41AM
is the exposure working is the fanbase bigger? either hes not really doing jack and just trying to make money off the sport or the sport really sucks cause it sure aint growing. that exposure doesnt mean crap if it dont get more fans and i anint seen it yet.

Re: Jason schulz February 21, 2021 12:52AM
some people should just stick their head in a brown paper bag and hold it tight, breathe - TO LIMIT EXPOSURE.

Re: Jason schulz February 21, 2021 01:18AM
I guess bad exposure is exposure !!! Jus sayn !!!!

Re: Jason schulz February 21, 2021 11:52AM
either hes not really doing jack and just trying to make money off the sport...

Oh good, another brilliant mind who’s convinced that anybody who busts their ass to promote the sport should do it for free...

Re: Jason schulz February 21, 2021 12:10PM
I don't think they understand how much money Jason has stuck into advertising and promoting just to get to this point...

Brent Yaron
Hooked Up Pulling Productions

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/21/2021 12:10PM by Brent Yaron.

Re: Jason schulz February 27, 2021 10:43AM
Most likely not. But...since when did Keyboard Warriors ever really care about facts or any of that?

Re: Jason schulz February 28, 2021 12:11AM
Not sure what you mean by " keyboard warriors" but I hope you don't mean FANS. The people that pay their hard earned money to buy a ticket. Why do people think that they are the only ones that get to have an opinion. Just because they don't agree with you? This country was built on the right to dissent and still value that rights of others, we are losing that respect for differing opinions. Nothing bothers me more than trashing the very people that support this sport.

Dick Morgan

Independent Pulling News

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/28/2021 12:42AM by Dick Morgan.

Re: Jason schulz February 28, 2021 04:26AM
Jason is a huge supporter of this sport. He’s been involved in nearly every facet of this sport and continues to do all he can to promote every level of the sport the best he knows how. So Dick, does the trashing he’s receiving on this and other posts on this board bother you as well?

Re: Jason schulz February 28, 2021 05:07AM
Just a quick question, should everyone change an just except Jason for the way Jason apparently is an not hold him to a higher standard, cause in know for a fact that the greatest announcers that have ever held a mike in their hand has kept the class entertained WITHOUT derogatory remarks, at the biggest pulls going Bowling Green, Chapel Hill, Louisville, you never heard a word being announced that would affend anyone, alot of kids go to these pulls and they dont need to look up at dad or mom an say " what he mean by that " jus sayn, they'll be exposed to the world soon enough !!!

Re: Jason schulz February 28, 2021 05:08AM
My post was about trashing fans. Not sure that people voicing their opinions is trashing Jason. Yes Jason does a lot to promote the sport. Be it his FB page or all the other roles that he has a voice in.Just like everything else some people like his style and some people like another style of announcing. Once again my post was about mocking fans.

Dick Morgan

Independent Pulling News

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/28/2021 05:22AM by Dick Morgan.

Re: Jason schulz February 28, 2021 06:34AM
A differing opinion is a differing opinion. For instance my opinion is that a keyboard warrior is in no way shape or form limited to being a fan.


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