Sand pile hits March 19, 2022 09:37AM
All the sand pile hits iv`e seen at indoor pulls this weekend I think this is getting out of hand!! Other than a sled malfunction, no one should be going over a pile of sand at the end of the track!! No reason for it, spectators are not paying for your damage.

Re: Sand pile hits March 19, 2022 02:15PM
yes and any part of the tractor touching the sand pile should be a full pull

Re: Sand pile hits March 19, 2022 03:22PM
It is a joke.
They should never get that far. Asking for injuries and breaking stuff.
I also love how people say wow what a great run. It not a great run it was a dangerous run with piss poor sled sitting.
Also Just because you fly down the track doesn't always mean you have a ton of power. Most likely it the sled sitting again

Re: Sand pile hits March 19, 2022 05:26PM
You guys obviously have never pulled indoors and have no idea what an accomplishment hitting the sand is. It's a rush like no other. Makes the crowd go wild also. As a puller myself I have only got to the pile twice but have never won indoors but its awesome and anybody that has hit the pile and broke the front end of their tractor or truck doesn't care and can't wait to go fix it and be ready for the pulloff.

Re: Sand pile hits March 20, 2022 01:06AM
I have pulled indoors a hand full of times, so I do know what I`m talking about. Had to steer around the pile as to not hit it and fill my blower/engine up with sand!!

Re: Sand pile hits March 20, 2022 01:36AM
Just some thoughts on the sand pile. In defense of the sled settings. If you have tractors that are out of the events sled operating area it's hard to know their capabilities. In the case of Keystone the sled seemed to be set correctly but the track improved greatly by the end of the class. The tractors that hit the beach were the last few of the class.
You know ahead of time if an event has a sand pile,if you don't want to hit it "sand bag"your hook. Yea right,or just don't go there.It's a crowd pleaser and my goal as a puller would be to hit the beach !

Re: Sand pile hits March 20, 2022 12:41PM
Just some thoughts on the sand pile. In defense of the sled settings. If you have tractors that are out of the events sled operating area it's hard to know their capabilities. In the case of Keystone the sled seemed to be set correctly but the track improved greatly by the end of the class. The tractors that hit the beach were the last few of the class.
You know ahead of time if an event has a sand pile,if you don't want to hit it "sand bag"your hook. Yea right,or just don't go there.It's a crowd pleaser and my goal as a puller would be to hit the beach !

This!!!! Some of these commentors obviously weren't there and just saw the video on Facebook. It wasn't a bad sled setting. At the start of the class it looked too tight. By the end of the class it was too loose. If anything the flagmen should flag them before they plow into it like they do in Louisville. I'm sure it's a rush but a lot of time these tractors tear up a lot of stuff doing it as did the one this weekend that climbed the pile.

Re: Sand pile hits March 20, 2022 02:17AM
Most indoor pulls have short tracks..What do you think is going to happen..Do you want to stop everyone at 150-180 ft..Its real simple,stay at home if you dont want to pull indoors..I sure wouldnt want to be a sled operator at an indoor pull as it has to be stressful..I could say more but wont.

Re: Sand pile hits March 20, 2022 02:46AM
Hitting the sand. No I think I will pass and stay home.
Just in case
Why would I want to fill my up to 100k engine with sand
or Break anything on the 100K chassis

Or just put that extra shock thru the drive train.

Rip oil lines off the pan.
Fill the drive belts with sand and break shafts on water, fuel or oil pump.
screw up front end suspension.

The beach I like is on the coast. Like Lewis said touch the sand is full pull

Re: Sand pile hits March 20, 2022 03:15AM
Yes but measuring into the sand pile is not rite i got 3rd place on the sand pile and had to be pulled off backwards because the wlly bars had the tires off the ground i thought the transmissio was shot

Re: Sand pile hits March 20, 2022 03:18AM
I agree with Lewis. When pull results are determined by whoever plows the sand the hardest, then no one knows who is really the winner, there is no way of knowing which tractor is the best on a given day when you have a barrier stopping the progression of the pull. Again, Louisville was a good pull over all because hardly anyone got in the sand. And a couple pullers lifted to keep from damaging their rides and got penalized in the placement because of it.

Re: Sand pile hits March 20, 2022 03:25PM
I get the excitement of the crowd when someone puts it in the sand. I really understand that a puller may not want to hit the sand. And I also understand that it could be hard for a sled operator to have that sled set perfect so no tractor hits the sand. I was in Ship this last weekend and felt they did a decent job for sled settings. A couple guys touched it, but no one slammed it.

Re: Sand pile hits March 21, 2022 06:26AM
Sleds do fail. Itsrare but when they do the results can be catastrophic.

Re: Sand pile hits March 20, 2022 04:38PM
All the sand pile hits iv`e seen at indoor pulls this weekend I think this is getting out of hand!! Other than a sled malfunction, no one should be going over a pile of sand at the end of the track!! No reason for it, spectators are not paying for your damage.

I'll agree. It's out of hand and has been for a long time. The last time I pulled at the NFMS 21 years ago, Duane Hook and I had a conversation about it. He told me then, "man this is getting dangerous here."

Easy, common-sense solution March 21, 2022 03:01AM
One easy solution is to set the full pull mark back like Louisville used to do. There are videos of Lville from the 1970s and 80s that show exactly that.

If a full pull places the tires in the sand, set the mark 10-20 feet back. Problem solved except for either sled malfunction or monster run with too much ground speed.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/21/2022 03:02AM by The Original Michael.

Re: Easy, common-sense solution March 21, 2022 03:14AM
The last above post is perfect common sense, but we don't have any of that any more, just no consequence nonsense thinking.

Re: Easy, common-sense solution March 21, 2022 04:46AM
Another way to stop some of it would be to dq them for not paying attention to the flagman and red lights.

Re: Easy, common-sense solution March 21, 2022 01:13PM
how about maybe covering sand pile w/ tarp. might keep sand out of engines

Re: Easy, common-sense solution March 22, 2022 01:56AM
I saw that at the 2009 Hoosier invitational. It also helped that Cloverdale is a 300' indoor track.

Re: Easy, common-sense solution March 24, 2022 02:04PM
The Original Michael
One easy solution is to set the full pull mark back like Louisville used to do. There are videos of Lville from the 1970s and 80s that show exactly that.

If a full pull places the tires in the sand, set the mark 10-20 feet back. Problem solved except for either sled malfunction or monster run with too much ground speed.

I agree with that 200+%. What happens though when that mark is set back and all the pullers in the class make it to that mark and don't want to come back for a pulloff? And it doesn't matter if it's an indoor or outdoor pull. I have seen it happen at both.

Re: Sand pile hits March 24, 2022 03:04PM
Biggest issue I see with the sandpile is when the flag man waves you and you shut down with your front tires in the sand, then the next couple guys that he waves do not shut down, and go further and there is not a pull off. He just rewarded the guy who disobeyed the flag man with the win and penalized the person who shut down


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