I've Found the Problem June 06, 2022 12:53AM
The problems with our sport have been discussed on this site many times.

However this weekend I saw first hand one of the many problems, confirmed by a fan who is likely less into the sport than the people on this thread.

The Simons posted a picture of their Loud and Light newly built Light Super Stock. (Looks great by the way). A fan on the post commented "What's the difference between this one and Loud and Heavy?"

Extremely innocent question, I won't knock the person for asking.

Everyone on this page could give a detailed description of the differences between a light super and a pro stock. But this question raises some serious red flags about the problems in our sport. The average person who comes to a pull for the first time has NO CLUE what they are actually watching.

How do we improve this? I'd say it starts with the announcers breaking down what the class is that's pulling and helping to differentiate between other classes, which most already do so kudos to all the announcers out there. But clearly we've failed somewhere. Thoughts?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/06/2022 03:57AM by BrandonA.

Re: I've Found the Problem June 06, 2022 02:08AM
Most folks are just going, to get away from the daily grind (like going to a movie).

I can't tell you how many time'sI have told folks including sponcers just wait for the next class, they got way more power than this one.

Only to have the sled,stop them 30 feet short of a (little class) they look at you like, what kind of BS is this.

Most don't know the diffrence, nor do they care.

Just watch the crowd sometime, noise-cell phone-noise-cell phone-noise-drink/eat-cell phone.

Re: I've Found the Problem June 06, 2022 02:48AM
I think it's a time issue..
Every other motorsport has a relation to time related to distance..lap times in circle tracks and road courses,and times in drags..that's where pulling lacks.
Every pull should have a board showing the mph and distance.sure would make it more interesting

Re: I've Found the Problem June 06, 2022 03:28AM
SF down 250 foot track.
LPS - LSS - TWD - FWD- Minis 300 foot track
PS - DSS - USS - MODS 350 foot track
UNL - SEMI 400 foot track

and set the sled accordingly.

To set the sled so every class goes 320 + feet is an artificial way of leveling the power of each category and defies the purpose of having low HP and high HP classes.

F1's go faster around the course than Formula Ford cars
Cup cars go faster around the track than ARCA cars
Top fuels get there faster that Super Comp
Why do SF pull as far as PS do?...

Re: I've Found the Problem June 06, 2022 03:47AM
I have written about this several times. The problem is that it basically all looks the same going down the track. A SF goes 31 and a PS goes 35 and they both go 320 feet. It's all the same. A 4/5 engine mod makes 10,000 plus HP and IT Doesn't translate into farther distance and about the same speed. While I realize the readers of this page, or fans of the sport can tell the difference most average fans can't tell the difference. And on a side note the Loud and Light is a aLSS, not a LLSS.

Dick Morgan

Independent Pulling News

Re: I've Found the Problem June 06, 2022 03:57AM
Loud & Light also has a new owner and probably won't be called that anymore.

Brent Yaron
Hooked Up Pulling Productions

Re: I've Found the Problem June 06, 2022 04:00AM
You guys are all hitting on my main point.

Your average Joe in the stands can't tell the difference between a pro stock and a super farm or a Mod and an Unlimited.

I'm not sure how we go about changing that but I don't think showing speed will make a difference as said in this post the MPH of a pull between these classes only varies ever so slightly. Not enough to make a difference to your average fan.

The European tractor pulling experience seems to make things into more of an event that is fun for people of all ages, and varying levels of fandom. Heck just play some music between pulls or something

Re: I've Found the Problem June 06, 2022 04:06AM
Playing music = zero promotion due to licensing issues. Livestreams, Bookface, YouTube all will kill it for that.


Re: I've Found the Problem June 06, 2022 11:59AM
There are two main types of fans at a tractor pull. The local looking for a good time in their hometown and people that like tractor pulling. The local doesn’t really care about the pull, just the party. The people that like pulling know what the classes are and do care about things like cross dressers, who won, etc. There aren’t too many people that go to BG or Louisville that don’t know what the classes are. Most folks at a local brush pull don’t.

Re: I've Found the Problem June 06, 2022 11:43AM
Way, way, way, too many classes and sets of rules across the country. the entire sport needs condensed down to fewer classes with national rules. This will never happen though, to many people scared of getting out of there own sandbox.

Re: I've Found the Problem June 06, 2022 03:54AM
The problem is simple and has been discussed multiple times on here. Tractor pulling is 90% boring. There is a 15 second run and then a 3 minute wait.

There needs to be more enthusiasm or something with announcers. I personally enjoy hearing the details about the tractor and puller, but your average fan could probably not care less.

I think the Europeans have it figured out. Every time I see a pull on Facebook the announcer is fired up, the crowd is fired up, it just looks so much more exciting.

Don’t get me wrong I love tractor pulling, but if I had not grown up actually pulling, I’m not sure it is something I would want to spectate all too often.

Re: I've Found the Problem June 06, 2022 05:13AM
Put a force (strain) gauge on a link in the chain and you would be able to measure the amount of pounds force between each class. Post that number on a big screen so everyone could see it. To make it really cool, you could plot the force by distance. I would not only be an indicator of the pulling load, but of the track condition.

Re: I've Found the Problem June 06, 2022 07:18AM
Every promoter wants bigs numbers and as many classes as possible. For me, I want to see quality over quantity. We are over saturated in events and some classes, vehicles. The Europeans can get away with more "show" tactics because they are not under the gun to keep the show moving. I believe pulling is setup more like bull riding. They are a max 8 sec per ride or shorter, but have figured out how to fill that time. I'm not suggesting we need a rodeo clown to fill time, but something needs to make the sport more interactive with the fans. This all takes money. I believe the Champions Tour/Grand National should ONLY feature the top pulling vehicle at the top events. Those vehicles ONLY should pull at those events. There is no separation between the levels of pulling. Why would anyone want to attend the National events if I can go to my county fair and see just as good or very close in there minds vehicles for a cheaper ticket. I like the European system of having to "qualifiy" to be on there Grand National circuit and if you finish last, you have to pull down a series. The pace of a pull also does not allow for a proper winner circle interview. How are people suppose to make a connection to the Pullers if they are not out speaking. That brings another issue, many Pullers are "microphone" shy. Many are the most humble people around, but I think it's ok to show some excitement for taking the win . I love watching the reaction of NHRA drivers receiving a Wally, pulling needs more of that. I also believe pulling fans tend to be on the cheap side. The value of the national level ticket is all over the map. I believe it is undervalued. I understand that pulling tries to make it family affordable, but we have to do a better job explaining this not your typical farm pull at the county fair. PPL has a great opportunity of MAVTv at it's disposal, to put together a weekly pulling show. Getting drivers to come on, do interviews, talk about their vehicles, upcoming schedule... Etc These are just a few things I have thought about the past several seasons

Re: I've Found the Problem June 06, 2022 07:46AM
I don't agree that national level pullers should not be pulling at any local/state events. When or more precisely if a national puller shows up at a local event that does nothing but let the fans know that, 1: the fan will hopefully want to see this level of vehicle on a bigger stage, 2: the fans will share with friends and coworkers the amazing level of national pulling. 3: this helps promoters and national pullers cover expenses, 4: and finally the local puller will actually get an opportunity to hook against the best of the best. To take your logic to the next step I guess state/local pullers should not be allowed to hook at a GN or CT event. Nothing will kill pulling faster then outlawing any puller who fit the local/state rules from hooking at any events. We all act like there is huge pool of national, regional, state,local pullers to draw from, there isn't.

Dick Morgan

Independent Pulling News

Re: I've Found the Problem June 06, 2022 08:15AM

1. Shows need to be with 3hrs. A class only needs 10-15 max. I want to see those Pullers, minus the breakage put on the best possible class, not half of a class of 20. Then be able to a proper winner circle for the top drivers, then be able to move on to the next class. We need to start thinking what is the best show possible, making the competition on the track the best possible to wow them to come back for more. If half the crowd is gone before the show is over, what has the sport gained? Like mentioned above, majority of people have no clue what they are looking at besides they know it's a tractor. They probably don't care if it's 466, 540, or 680. There are so many classes that people have to follow, but look very identical. People who follow racing have a pretty good understanding when they see a racecar they know that's NASCAR, or a local track guy. Line up 10 Pro Stocks from across the country and have a person tell if they pull Badger State or PPL Champions Tour. I want to see more separation between the levels. I want the national level events be able to bring vehicles that someone cannot see at every county fair around them.

Re: I've Found the Problem June 06, 2022 09:15AM
The most exciting thing in the tractor classes in the last 20 years has been when carlton cope won the ps points title,and when he was making winning hooks..that's because he had a real mf engine under the correct brand and model sheetmetal..he solved the problem all by himself.people were cheering for him in the stands and he drew people all by himself..when pulling got away from that a lot of fans left

Re: I've Found the Problem June 06, 2022 10:58AM
Another recent one was when the Ross family jumped in the OSS/UnlSS class with their DSS Triple Bypass.

Dick Morgan

Independent Pulling News

Re: I've Found the Problem June 06, 2022 11:06AM
The most exciting thing in the tractor classes in the last 20 years has been when carlton cope won the ps points title,and when he was making winning hooks..that's because he had a real mf engine under the correct brand and model sheetmetal..he solved the problem all by himself.people were cheering for him in the stands and he drew people all by himself..when pulling got away from that a lot of fans left

Most accurate statement in awhile

Re: I've Found the Problem June 06, 2022 11:33AM
It proves the point that no one really cares about the cross dressers. In fact it's really been counterproductive.

Dick Morgan

Independent Pulling News

Re: I've Found the Problem June 06, 2022 01:02PM
The main issue I see with the mods and unlimited from a fan perspective is the lack of variety. Everything looks similar or the same. Different paint schemes but that is about it. Back in the heyday of pulling there was a tremendous variety of pulling vehicles and powerplants. Very easy to root for something or someone from a being different standpoint. I don't agree with we have gone cookie cutter because of safety. There are ways to make different varieties of vehicles and powerplants safe. Make rules to allow the variety to run evenly during the show and fans will appreciate it and the mods will become popular again. I get tired of hearing about let's see what can produce the most power and make the rules to accommodate that.

I think this philosophy would also help all the other classes of pulling as well.

Re: I've Found the Problem June 06, 2022 01:15PM
Europeans dont have nothing now we didnt have 40 years ago all of our classes has become nothing but a bunch of cookie cutters every class .its new a growing there ours peaked out 20 years ago.

Re: I've Found the Problem June 06, 2022 01:03PM
I agree that there are way too many classes and most look alike going down the track. Like said depends on sled settings. I've been pulling and a fan since the 70's and until about 5 years ago I knew every class, local, state and national but not anymore. I have a cheat sheet now. Fans that know me and set with me ask what's the difference between each class because all the smokers look alike. The easiest reply I had last weekend at Middle Creek was the enhanced farm class was the only one with just a roll bar vs. a cage. All the classes pulled about the same distance.
This also makes me wonder why someone would spend a Million on a tractor when a fancy good running $100,000 one is liked just as much by the fans. But that's just my thought.
The announcer makes the pull interesting if he knows and shares what each class is before they start the class. Some know certain classes better than others. A lively announcer is fun for all fans.

Re: I've Found the Problem June 06, 2022 12:57PM
Ryan, I do agree with a lot of what you are saying. I have only ever announced 1 event a copule of times. But every time, I get there early and go talk to the drivers. I ask them about their tractor, what have they accomplished, things like that. When the class starts, I try to talk about the tractors and what they are. Last year, I brought the winners into the announcers booth and did a real short interview. And to clarify, I am not saying I am actually any good as an announcer. But last years, pullers thanked me for trying. They thought it was nice to see an announcer get info to talk about at the event.

Re: I've Found the Problem June 06, 2022 02:31PM
As one who announces 10-12 local events a summer, my comments come from hearing those in the stands asking, what class is this, whats the difference, etc etc.

I try to make sure each class gets its due, what's a "466 Hot Farm" vs a 12.5 Hobby Farm vs a 640 Profarm...why? because I sat in the stands and heard the people asking and I'd try to fill them in and finally someone told me, you should announce. So I started and now its becoming a regular gig. I'm there anyway with the team I support so why not. I also go out of my way to mention each events promotors/sponsors as well as tractors sponsors if they have any and try to toss in what they do, farmer, excavator, welder, and so on. Anything to give someone who might be a 1st timers reason to pay more attention, and to fill the time between hooks as best I can.

As far as the Euro Hype, I'm not sure that level of hype would really go over here in the states. My opinion is this sports "regular fans" already know what's going on and hopefully any added bits of info I can toss out there for someone who went along with a friend for a first time will want to go again. Plus we all know this sport isn't cheap, is not easy to be competitive and takes a lot of long hours in the shop, no matter who you are hearing your name or hearing your sponsor/supporters mentioned does mean something to them. Does it bring in new blood, maybe, I hope it does but we all know this sport is definitely not about the prize money....LOL



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